告诉你物联网在农业中无处不在,相连的牛的故事 - 以及其他相关的事物

The Internet of Agriculture农业互联网

There are many new initiatives to make agriculture smart. These include the work of the Climate-Smart Approach (CSA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the commercial drivers pushing the farming landscape to evolve from the historical micro-farms run by families to large scale macro-farming operations, precision and urban faming. Innovation in farming technology in the late 19th century gave us tractors and harvesters while today much new innovation is focused on the IoT of which the common denominator is data, data and more data.

The smart factor however is not simply about the data, it is about the insight that can be gained from the data, and how, when this insight is combined with context or situation awareness, it can drive both local actions and enable intelligent business decisions that are relevant at that specific time. Farming will not need to be dependent upon a rain man, traditional methods and the fluctuations of climate to be more efficient.

A key challenge for using the IoT in agriculture is connectivity, getting the data from sensors deployed in the field as cost effectively as possible. Traditional communications network infrastructure is focused on people and converge is predominantly centred around them and does not extend far into rural areas in many countries as the cost model doesn’t work for the mobile network operators (MNOs) or fixed line providers. A flexible, long range option that offers different deployment models and a very low connectivity cost per sensor is essential. The sensors themselves also need to be very low power or even disposable because a truck roll to change or charge batteries invalidates any business model due to the cost sensitivities in some applications.

LoRaWAN low power wide area networks (LPWAN) are being used in several continents to get data from the field across many application verticals because of the technology’s inherent low power and long range capabilities. As it is an open communications standard there are many deployment and business model options available from simple Farm Only private networks to Agriculture-as-a-Service offerings.

有许多新的举措使农业变得更加智能。其中包括气候智能方法(CSA),联合国粮食及农业组织,推动农业景观的商业驱动力从由家庭运营的历史微农场演变为大规模宏观农业活动,精确和城市家庭。 19世纪后期的农业技术创新为我们提供了拖拉机和收割机,而今天,许多新的创新集中在物联网上,其共同点是数据,数据和更多数据。
LoRaWAN低功率广域网(LPWAN)正在几个大陆使用,因为该技术固有的低功率和长距离功能,可以从许多应用垂直领域获取数据。由于这是一个开放的通信标准,因此有许多部署和业务模式选项可以从简单的Farm Only专用网络提供给Agriculture-as-a-Service产品。

The ubiquitous connected cow 无处不在的连接牛

Historically it had always been the connected fridge that epitomised the IoT or M2M in its previous guise, now it is always the connected cow, I will call her Daisy.

There are over 1,467,548,724 heads of cattle in the world according to Beef Market Central.

  • 63% of the world’s cattle are in Brazil, India and China
  • 368,469,907 are in South America and 211,764,292 in Brazil alone
  • 10% are lost or rustled annually at a cost of US$34,771,696,746
    • Based on average price per cow of US$1645
    • A loss of US$160 annually per cow

LoRaWAN low cost tags can be used to simply identify where the cows are, the livestock manager can use the LoRaWAN network to effectivity geo-fence the cows and send event driven only notifications if the cow is not within the boundary. This simple use case could offer massive savings as illustrated below.

  • The tracker, connectivity and service costs US$3 per month, US$36 per year on a threeyear contract per cow, and a basic tracker costs US$30
  • Cost per cow to track is US$36
  • All 211,764,292 cows in Brazil would cost US$7,623,514,512
  • Return on investment (ROI) in Brazil yields a US$27,148,182,234 saving annually

However, there are more complexities. LoRaWAN network infrastructure needs to be available and the cows can’t all be tagged overnight. The point is that to make IoT viable, the cost per cow needs to be significantly less than the loss and be relevant to the needs of the application.

In New Zealand the livestock market profit per animal is all publically available per farm at https://beeflambnz.com/data-tools/sheep-beeffarm- survey . With some farms only making US$100-US$200 per animal, unless there is a high risk of loss or theft, a high cost to track will leave poor Daisy lost.

但是,更复杂。 LoRaWAN网络基础设施需要可用,并且奶牛不能全部标记过夜。关键是,要使物联网可行,每头牛的成本需要远远低于损失,并与应用需求相关。

在新西兰,每个动物的牲畜市场利润都在https://beeflambnz.com/data-tools/sheep-beeffarm- survey的每个农场公开提供。有些农场每只动物只赚100至200美元,除非有很高的损失或盗窃风险,追踪的高昂费用将会使名流丢失

There are many other ways IoT can significantly help with livestock management, there are sensors that can detect when Daisy is ready for a visit from the bull, real world trials have already demonstrated that temperature and pedometer devices can detect estrus in cows more efficiently. The average insemination success has been improved to 1.58 attempts from 2.0-2.5 attempts and the average calving interval was shortened to 354 days from 402 days and the female cattle birth ratio increased. As a result, an increase of US$645 per head per year is predicted and production milk yield increased. Sensors can also detect when Daisy is about the give birth, traditionally famers would carefully watch the pregnant animals now they can be remotely alerted, the cost of losing a cow and a calf during the calving process can cost a farmer in excess of US$2,000, depending on value of the cow.


Other connected things其他连接的东西

Water and fertiliser are two crucial ingredients for crop growth, too much or too little can have a derogatory effect on the quality of the yield, potatoes and cotton are sensitive to over watering but strawberries and tomatoes are water hungry. Intelligent IoT irrigation systems offer the ability to monitor and adapt and can provide guidance at a glance.

Sensors measure soil conductivity which can tell you how much moisture and fertiliser is in the topsoil, if the sensors are distributed through the fields or greenhouses the right time to irrigate can be determined saving both water and energy. LoRaWAN IoT devices are delivering a 20-30% yield improvement in vineyards in Italy and are enabling the reduction of fertilisers and chemicals Palm oil plantations have an issue with the heavy tree canopies where wireless signals struggle to penetrate but LoRaWAN sensors have successful been put to the test for irrigation, for pest control using simple traps that only let the relevant pests in, send alerts when the sensor weighs a certain level – indicating a specific number of pests. The palms can then be treated to ensure a major infestation does not occur. Sensors are also being used to notify of potential fires in the plantations which can be a serious risk.

The insights that the operational data from all of these sensors contains can be further utilised globally, the type of soil will have characteristics as to how it reacts to water, the amount of fertiliser needed to maximise yield will vary with climate and crop variety and infestation will be dependent upon a multitude of criteria. If all of this data was centralised, categorised and available it would offer famers the opportunity to determine what type of crop they should plant for maximum yield in any given country taking into account climate and soil conditions.

Many large scale trials are now underway across the world and within the next few years we will see this happening more and more, convincing farmers to use technology for smart agriculture will be key as they need to invest now and wait for an entire season to see if the technology delivered the ROI. If the cost of ownership is low enough, the end-to-end system is simple enough and the farmer is able to roll out in stages it will become mainstream.

Everynet has been involved with the deployment of smart agriculture in many countries and is now focusing on Latin America and the Asia Pacific regions with Everything Everywhere, a LoRaWAN business model that enables low cost wholesale connectivity to meet the cost demands required by farmers. With the EveryTHINGZ partner programme, simple end-to-end solutions for the farmers including the sensors and the applications can be provided by third parties, offering maximum choice and simple interoperability straight out of the box.

Smart agriculture is just beginning, cold chain monitoring, food waste optimisation and the power of big data that will turn precision farming into predictive farming and give financial institutions and governments the ability to monitor production versus consumption on a global scale. These will all be crucial in ensuring that we can produce enough food for the world. For now, proving that the business models work in large scale deployments and that they deliver the efficiencies and cost saving required to make connected Daisy really ubiquitous is a leap in the right direction.


传感器测量土壤电导率,可以告诉您土壤中有多少水分和肥料,如果传感器通过田间或温室分布,则可以确定正确的灌溉时间,从而节约水和能源。 LoRaWAN物联网设备在意大利的葡萄园提高产量20-30%,并减少化肥和化学品棕榈油种植园在无线信号难以穿透的重型树冠上存在问题,但LoRaWAN传感器已成功投入使用灌溉测试,使用简单的陷阱进行害虫防治,只允许相关害虫进入,当传感器重量达到一定水平时发出警报 - 表明有特定数量的有害生物。然后可以治疗手掌以确保不会发生重大的感染。传感器也被用于通知种植园中可能造成严重风险的潜在火灾。



Everynet一直在许多国家参与智能农业的部署,现在正集中力量在拉丁美洲和亚太地区推出Everything Everywhere,这是一种LoRaWAN商业模式,可实现低成本的批发连接,以满足农民所需的成本需求。利用EveryTHINGZ合作伙伴计划,第三方可以为农民提供简单的端到端解决方案,包括传感器和应用,从而提供最佳选择和简单的互操作性。






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