





1.introduction中文 两分!加粗部分最后!




5.无名之辈你是谁?我自己定义的答案用了明喻 应该用暗喻!



8.往年试卷选择题第三题3. The following poetic lines are divided into metric units by using the slash “/”, and the stressed syllables are capitalized while the unstressed syllables are written in small letters. Which of the following observations about these poetic lines is FALSE? 修改了这个诗的选项解释,感谢指正!这个诗段我们不学,下次有人学的话,请知道,这不是抑扬格,故答案选D。

佛耶戈_百度百科 (




2.考试题型 考试时长:90分钟

3.英语文学术语解释(form chatgpt3.5,先了解,个人建议红色的单词加深理解)


1.I am Nobody, Who are you? (recitation required)(背诵)

1.Symbol (象征):

2.Speaker (讲述者):

3.Theme (主题):

4.Tone (语气):

5.Rhyme (押韵):

6.Image (意象):

7.Word Choice (词语选择):

8.Figure of Speech (修辞手法):

9.Style (风格):

10.Setting (背景):

2.Theme for English B (Harlem Renaissance,美国种族歧视)

3.A Clean and Well-lighted Place

如:Narrator/ Theme/ Tone/ Symbol/ Image/ Figure of Speech/ Style/Setting/ Point of view/ Plot/ Conflict/character analysis/minimalism/theory of iceberg等






Figure of Speech(修辞手法):



Point of view(叙事视角):



Character analysis(角色分析):

Minimalism & theory of iceberg(极简主义和冰山理论):

4.The story of an hour (Feminism)女性主义

5.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (recitation required)(Romantism, 湖畔诗人)




6.阿拉比 araby (麻木之城,顿悟)




7.Sonnet 130  (recitation required)仅需背诵默写

5.2020年真题(与今年100%不同 只是检测复习用)

I. Blank Filling(背就完了)

II. Multiple Choice

III. True or False

IV. Short Questions(上强度了)

V. Short Fiction Interpretation




1.I am Nobody, Who are you? (recitation required)(背诵)

如:Foot /Feet/ Symbol /Speaker/ Theme/ Tone/ Rhyme/ Image/word choice/ Figure of Speech/ Style/ Setting

2.Theme for English B Harlem Renaissance,美国种族歧视)

3.A Clean and Well-lighted Place

如:Narrator/ Theme/ Tone/ Symbol/ Image/ Figure of Speech/ Style/Setting/ Point of view/ Plot/ Conflict/character analysis/minimalism/theory of iceberg

4.The story of an hour Feminism

5.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (recitation required) (Romantism, 湖畔诗人)(背诵)

6.Araby (麻木之城,顿悟)

7.Sonnet 130  (recitation required) 仅需背诵默写 

Introduction (加粗部分两分)





同样的神奇也发生在其他形式的艺术上。一双鞋是一种熟悉的景象,熟悉到我们常常分不清谁是谁。但当我们看到它出现在文森特·梵高(Vincent van Gogh)的油画中时(见附图),我们会感到震惊。我们对它的大小感到震惊。看颜色,看粗糙的皮,看鞋带缠结的方式。我们对它的每一个细节都感到震惊。





When people read literature for its meaning, for its form or for a political purpose, theypresuppose that the structure of the literary work is stable and thus what is revealed is relatively stabletoo. What if the stability of the structure itself is to be doubted? ls there any definite meaning then?This is the poststructuralist stance to a literary work. The poststructuralists think that the structure ofthe literary work is not solid but a chain of signs with no sign dominating the other. When you startdefining one sign, you have to use other signs which again need to be defined. You start a chain ofinfinite meanings. Like waves stirred by a stone, meaning is forever diffusing and expanding, evadingyour grasp. In this sense, the poststructuralists declare the “death of the author”. Since languageand the so-called meaning produced by language refuse to be controlled, the author has no authorityover his work anymore. Meaning becomes the interaction between the text and the reader for a shorttime being. The reader has to arbitrarily cut the flow of meaning for a moment and get a relativelystable meaning for a time being. So in a sense, it is both the author and the reader that create meaningtogether.


Poststructural reading, like poststructual writing, is interesting as a radical experiment, arevolution against the traditional way of thinking. As anything that is radical, it can't hold thedominant position. For most readers and critics, literature has a stable structure, from where they canread for content, read for form and read for discussing problems.


2.考试题型 考试时长:90分钟

  1. Gap Filling(10%)10 blanks,1分1个空
  2. Multiple Choice (20%)10题,2分一题 课本内的,必读篇章。
  3. 判断题 10分 含introduction部分
  4. Short Answers (20%)课本理解 2道简答题
  5. Textual Analysis (40%)课本外的150 words 一题;一部短篇小说两个问题;20分一题

解析:1.背诵填空 2.多项选择 3.注意书里的introduction部分,有文学理论,下文介绍 4.理解课文

5.最难的部分 如何分析课本外的文学作品?所给提示:海明威的冰山理论和电报风格


冰山理论(Hemingway's iceberg theory):即写作只表现海面上的部分,而海面以下的八分之七需要读者细心研读文本,才能体会其中的意蕴。海明威在创作时只写出了故事的冰山一角,让读者自行想象接下来的内容。这使得读者愿意通过想象,更好地了解其作品中想要表达的思想。我们中文常说的“留白”也是一样的道理。

电报风格(telegraphic style):(这里和老师交谈时得知应该是一个文本简单理论,即文本要接地气,推断得出是海明威的电报风格,请知道的同学补充)“电报式”风格,也就是追求语言的简洁,这有利于读者阅读他所写的故事,不会因为深奥的语言而与读者产生距离。海明威的电报风格是指他在写作中使用简洁、精炼和直接的语言风格,类似于电报传递信息的简明扼要。他倾向于使用简短的句子和词汇,避免冗长的修饰和多余的描写,以达到简洁明了的效果。海明威强调通过简洁的语言传达情感和意义,让读者通过自己的感知和体验来理解和感受故事。这种电报风格的写作被认为是他的独特风格之一,也是他对现代文学的重要影响之一。

oh,看来是回答极简主义,把极简主义替换掉这个电报就行。minimalism 极简主义


3.英语文学术语解释(form chatgpt3.5,先了解,个人建议红色的单词加深理解)


  1. Allegory(寓言):通过使用符号和象征手法来表达抽象概念或思想的故事,通常有隐含的寓意。

  2. Alliteration(头韵):在一句话或一段文字中,重复相邻的词或音节的首字母或辅音音素,以增强修辞效果和韵律。

  3. Anaphora(排比句):在连续的句子或诗句中,重复使用相同的词或短语作为开头,以强调和增加修辞效果。

  4. Anastrophe(倒装):改变语序,将语法正常顺序颠倒,以产生强调效果或修辞效果。

  5. Assonance(同音):在一句话或一段文字中,重复相邻的词或音节的元音音素,以增加韵律和声音的重复效果。

  6. Climax(高潮):故事或文学作品中的最高点或最关键的瞬间,通常是紧张或引人入胜的部分。

  7. Conflict(冲突):故事中的对立或矛盾,可能是人与人之间、人与自然或人与自身之间的冲突。

  8. Consonance(谐音):在一句话或一段文字中,重复相邻的词或音节的辅音音素,以产生韵律和声音的重复效果。

  9. Couplet(对联):两行连续的韵文,通常长度相等,押韵方式相同。

  10. Enjambment(跨行):在诗歌中,一行的句子延伸到下一行而没有停顿或断开,使句子流畅地跨越多行。

  11. Existentialism(存在主义):一种哲学和文学思潮,关注人类的自由意志、存在的意义和个体责任。

  12. Figure of Speech(修辞手法):在文学中使用的表达形式,以创造形象、增强意义或产生比喻。

  13. Foot and Feet(音步和音节):诗歌中的基本韵律单位,由一个或多个音节组成。

  14. Free Verse(自由诗):没有固定的节奏、韵律或押韵规则的诗歌形式。

  15. Genre(文体):文学作品按照主题、风格或形式进行分类的方式。

  16. Hyperbole(夸张法):通过夸大表达来强调某个概念或情感的修辞手法,常用于诗歌、故事或口语中。

  17. Image(意象):通过生动的语言描述或比喻,呈现出视觉、感官或情感上的形象,以增强读者的感受和理解。

  18. Irony(讽刺):通过使用与表面意义相反或出乎意料的语言表达,以传达一种隐含的意义或达到幽默、嘲讽或批评的效果。

  19. Metaphor(隐喻):通过将一个事物或概念与另一个不相关的事物进行比较,以便传达隐含的相似性或共同点。

  20. Narrator(叙述者):讲述故事的人物或声音,可以是第一人称(以"我"的身份叙述)或第三人称(以观察者的角色叙述)。

  21. Narration(叙事):故事的讲述方式或过程,包括叙述的角度、时间顺序和叙述者的语气等。

  22. Naturalism(自然主义):一种文学和艺术运动,强调人类行为受遗传和环境因素影响,强调真实、客观和科学观察。

  23. Personification(拟人):赋予非人类事物或抽象概念人类的特征和行为的修辞手法。

  24. Plot(情节):故事中事件发展的安排和结构,包括起始、发展、高潮和结局。

  25. Poetry(诗歌):使用有节奏、韵律和押韵的语言来表达情感、思想和意象的文学形式。

  26. Point of view(视角):故事或文学作品中叙述者或人物的观察和思考角度。

  27. Quatrain(四行诗节):由四行组成的诗节,可以有不同的韵律和押韵模式。

  28. Rhyme(押韵):诗歌中相邻的词或音节以相似的音韵重复,以增加声音的和谐和韵律。

  29. Setting(背景):故事发生的时间、地点和环境背景。

  30. Simile(明喻):通过使用"像"或"如同"等比较词语来将两个不同的事物进行比较,以便传达相似之处。

  31. Speaker(说话者):诗歌或文学作品中的声音来源,可以是作者本人或者是虚构的人物,通过说话者的视角来传达情感、思想或故事。

  32. Stream of Consciousness(意识流):一种文学技巧,通过模拟人类思维的连续和非线性方式来呈现人物内心的想法、感觉和意识活动。

  33. Style(风格):作者的独特写作方式和表达方式,包括词汇选择、句法结构、语言节奏等,用于传达情感和主题。

  34. Symbol(象征):代表着抽象概念、思想或价值观的具体事物、动作或符号,通过象征意义来传达深层含义。

  35. The Music of Poetry(诗歌的音乐):诗歌中由韵律、音调和声音的组合所创造的美感和节奏感。

  36. Theme(主题):文学作品中的核心思想、中心议题或主要观点,通常是作品所探讨的普遍或深刻的问题。

  37. Tone(语气):作者在作品中表达情感和态度的方式,可以是喜悦、愤怒、哀伤等,通过语气传达作者的立场和情绪。


1.I am Nobody, Who are you? (recitation required)(背诵)

艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson,1830-1886年)于1830年12月10日出生在马萨诸塞州安赫斯特。艾米莉一直隐居在她出生的房子里,除了短暂的时间在安赫斯特学院和霍利克女子学院就读,直到她去世。她的十首诗歌在她的一生中发表。如今,艾米莉·狄金森被普遍认可为一位卓越的诗人。她奇特而独创的诗歌帮助开创了现代诗歌。

I'm nobody!Who are you?
Are younobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us--don't tell!
They'd banishi us, you know!    banish 
How dreary to be somebody!  dreary 
How public, like a frog,
To tell your name the livelong day,
To an admiring bog!

解析:根据和老师的交谈,本诗应该不考韵律,(老师的提示是:其实不怎么考,韵律部分应该关注那个I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud ,那我在此简单post一些理解)要赶着考试的请直接背加粗字体。

1.Symbol (象征):

The word "Nobody" in the poem serves as a symbol. It represents the rejection of societal expectations and the desire for individuality and freedom. It symbolizes a sense of liberation from the pressures of conforming to social norms and seeking fame or recognition. (诗中的词语"Nobody"充当了一个象征。它代表了对社会期望的拒绝,表达了追求个体独立和自由的愿望。它象征着解脱于社会规范和追求名誉或认可的压力之外的自由感。)

2.Speaker (讲述者):

 The author counterfeits the speech of a person in a particular situation.Emily Dickinson invented an "I” who prefers to be "Nobody". We call "I” the speaker in the poem rather than the poetess herself. (作者伪造了一个特定情境中的人的言语。艾米莉·狄金森创造了一个偏爱成为 "Nobody" 的 "我"。我们称 "我" 为诗歌中的讲述者,而不是诗人本人。)  

3.Theme (主题):

The theme of the poem revolves around the contrast between individual identity and societal expectations. It explores the idea of being an outsider, choosing anonymity over conformity, and questioning the value of fame and attention. (这首诗的主题围绕个体身份与社会期望之间的对比展开。它探讨了成为局外人的想法,选择匿名而不是顺应常规,并质疑名誉和关注的价值。)

4.Tone (语气):

The tone of "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" is playful, humorous, and slightly ironic. The speaker adopts a light-hearted and teasing tone, challenging the reader to admit if they too are "Nobody." The tone contributes to the overall satirical and critical nature of the poem. ( "I'm Nobody! Who are you?"的语气是轻松、幽默且稍带讽刺。讲述者采用了轻松愉快而揶揄的语气,挑战读者承认他们是否也是"Nobody"。语气有助于整体的讽刺和批判性。)

5.Rhyme (押韵):

The poem utilizes a simple rhyming pattern, with a consistent end rhyme scheme of AABB. For example, "you" and "too" rhyme in the first stanza. (这首诗采用简单的押韵形式,具有一致的押韵方案AABB。例如,第一节中的"you"和"too"押韵。)

6.Image (意象):

The imagery in the poem "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" is portrayed through concise and vivid language, such as the contrasting imagery between "Nobody" and "Somebody," as well as the imagery of the "Frog" and the "Bog."

在诗歌 "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" 中的意象通过简洁而生动的语言来描绘,例如 "Nobody" 和 "Somebody" 之间的对比意象,以及 "Frog" 和 "Bog" 的意象。

The contrast between "Nobody" and "Somebody" serves as a metaphorical imagery representing the difference in societal status and recognition. "Nobody" implies a person who is unnoticed and anonymous, while "Somebody" suggests someone who is noticed and respected. This juxtaposition helps the poet convey a rejection of societal expectations and a pursuit of individuality.

"Nobody" 和 "Somebody" 之间的对比象征着社会地位和认可的差异。"Nobody" 暗示了一个不被注意和匿名的人,而 "Somebody" 则暗示着一个被注意和尊重的人。这种并列帮助诗人传达了对社会期望的拒绝和对个体独立的追求。

那么很简单,frog就是指那些大声叫的人,谋取名誉和社会关注,"Bog"(泥沼)则是另一个象征性的意象,它代表着一个湿润、泥泞、难以通过的地方。泥沼可以被视为一种陷阱或束缚,暗示着被困住、埋没或被忽视的状态。在诗中,"Bog" 可以象征着社会压力、被规范束缚和无法自由表达自我的环境。但是我更倾向于说,他们那些Somebody也是容易被困住的。考试问到了,就这样回答,直接照抄我的:

The images in this poem are:Somebody, Nobody, Frog and Bog. 

"Nobody" implies a person who is unnoticed and anonymous, while "Somebody" suggests someone who is noticed and respected. (太简单不翻译)

The frog symbolizes those who make noise in their pursuit of fame and reputation, while the bog represents the trap or dilemma that fame itself can easily lead to.


7.Word Choice (词语选择):

The poet employs concise and straightforward language throughout the poem. The choice of words is deliberate, aiming for clarity and impact, while maintaining a conversational tone. (诗人在整首诗中运用简洁而直接的语言。词语的选择是有意为之,旨在清晰有力地表达,并保持谈话的语气。)  其实直接答第六问,再加一个电报理论就可以了,我请你自己写一个你自己考试可以简答出来的版本。实在不行就背上面的吧。

8.Figure of Speech (修辞手法):

While the poem does not heavily employ figurative language, it does employ a mild form of irony and satire to convey its message. The use of the question "Who are you?" creates an element of rhetorical questioning and invites reflection. (虽然诗中没有大量使用修辞手法,但它运用了一种轻微的讽刺和讽喻,以传达其信息。提问"Who are you?"创造了一种修辞疑问的元素,并引发了反思。)   请记住这个讽刺和隐喻,我觉得可以写个比喻(Simile)也行(不对不对,暗喻暗喻!!!),比如把somebody比作frog。(而他们也有可能只能看见和被困在一个小水洼中)


9.Style (风格):

The poem showcases a concise and direct style, characteristic of Emily Dickinson's writing. It demonstrates her ability to convey profound ideas using minimal words and simple language. (这首诗展示了简洁明了、直接的风格,这是艾米莉·狄金森写作的特点。它展示了她用最少的词语和简单的语言表达深刻思想的能力。)

10.Setting (背景):




The Speaker and the Poet or Author

The speaker is the voice, or mask or persona (Latin for "mask") that speaks the poem. It is usually not identical with the poet or author who writes it. The author counterfeits the speech of a person in a particular situation. Emily Dickinson invented an "I” who prefers to be "Nobody". We call "I” the speaker in the poem rather than the poetess herself. The speaker's voice does often have the ring of the poet or the author's own voice, and to make a distinction between speaker and poet or author may at times seem perverse, because some poetry (especially contemporary poetry) is highly autobiographical. Still, even in autobiographical poems it may be convenient to distinguish between poet or author and speaker: the speaker is Emily the lonely woman, or Emily the curious and naughty woman, not simply Emily the poetess.

说话者和诗人或作者 说话者是诗歌中的声音,或者是面具或角色(拉丁语为 "面具"),ta说出了这首诗。通常,它与撰写诗歌的诗人或作者并不完全相同。作者伪造了一个特定情境中的人的言语。艾米莉·狄金森创造了一个偏爱成为 "Nobody" 的 "我"。我们称 "我" 为诗歌中的说话者,而不是诗人本人。说话者的声音通常具有诗人或作者自己的声音特点,而在说话者和诗人或作者之间进行区分有时可能显得反常,因为一些诗歌(尤其是当代诗歌)是高度自传性的。尽管如此,即使在自传诗中,区分诗人或作者和说话者可能是方便的:说话者是孤独的女人艾米莉,或者是好奇而淘气的女人艾米莉,而不仅仅是诗人艾米莉。



Emily Dickinson enjoyed writing poetry in her room, where she would explore her inner world and express criticism and reflection on the external world. She is an outsider, also the Nobody. She written this poetry to express herself.(很简单很好写)


加上frog 和bog 解释一下,再加上这句出现在往年题里的话,就ok了

2.Theme for English B Harlem Renaissance,美国种族歧视)




《Theme for English B》是由Langston Hughes创作的一首诗歌,它的写作背景可以与哈莱姆文艺复兴和美国的种族歧视问题联系起来。


在《Theme for English B》中,诗人通过描述一个非裔学生在英语作业中的内心挣扎和思考,探讨了种族和文化对个人身份的影响。诗中的主人公是一个哈莱姆的年轻学生,他被要求写一篇关于自己的英语作业。这个诗人通过对自己的思考和内心独白,表达了他作为一个非裔学生的独特经历和观点。

这首诗反映了美国社会中的种族歧视和对非裔美国人的限制。诗中的主人公意识到自己与白人教师和同学之间的不同,并思考了自己的身份和自我认同。通过这首诗,Langston Hughes以个人的经历和声音,呼吁对种族平等和文化多样性进行思考和讨论。

因此,写作背景中的哈莱姆文艺复兴和美国的种族歧视问题对《Theme for English B》的创作产生了深远的影响,使诗人能够表达自己的观点,并为非裔美国人争取平等的权利和认可。


哈莱姆文艺复兴(Harlem Renaissance)是指20世纪20年代至30年代期间,发生在美国纽约哈莱姆区(Harlem)的一场文化、社会和艺术运动。这个时期,哈莱姆区成为了非裔美国人的文化和艺术中心,吸引了许多才华横溢的非裔作家、艺术家、音乐家和思想家。




美国种族歧视不解释了,白人3k党,还有跪压事件和黑命贵,都说明黑人是被歧视的。感兴趣的可以看一下新闻,这里踩一脚电影绿皮书,推荐歌曲this is America的mv。最讽刺的是,我喜欢的xxx为黑人发声,却被俩黑人抢劫枪击了。


The writing background of this poem is the Harlem Renaissance and racial discrimination in America. The poet explores the influence of race and culture on personal identity by depicting the inner struggles and reflections of an African-American student in an English assignment. It expresses the poet's unique experiences and perspectives as an African-American student.

He hoped that Black culture can also integrate(融合) with mainstream culture.


3.A Clean and Well-lighted Place

如:Narrator/ Theme/ Tone/ Symbol/ Image/ Figure of Speech/ Style/Setting/ Point of view/ Plot/ Conflict/character analysis/minimalism/theory of iceberg

注:老师强调期末无关sexual和politic 所以在此不对本诗讨论这些话题


一个干净明亮的地方(原文、译文)/海明威 - 知乎 (

欧内斯特·米勒·海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899-1961)是一位美国小说家、短篇小说作家和记者。他独特的写作风格以简洁和含蓄为特点,并对20世纪小说写作的发展产生了重要影响。海明威的主人公通常是坚忍的人,常被视为他自己性格的投射,这些人必须在压力下展现“优雅”。他的许多作品被认为是美国文学经典,例如《太阳照样升起》(1926年)、《永别了,武器》(1929年)、《丧钟为谁而鸣》(1940年)、《老人与海》(1952年)。他拿过诺贝尔奖呀!


The story is narrated in the third person by an omniscient narrator. This allows the reader to have access to the thoughts and perspectives of multiple characters.这个故事以第三人称的方式由一个全知的叙述者进行叙述。这使得读者可以了解到多个角色的想法和观点。


The theme of the story revolves around the existential emptiness and despair experienced by individuals in a seemingly meaningless world. 这个故事的主题围绕着个体在一个看似毫无意义的世界中所经历的存在主义的空虚与绝望。


The tone of the story is somber and melancholic. Hemingway's concise and understated writing style contributes to a sense of emotional detachment and resignation, reflecting the characters' disillusionment with life. 这个故事的语调沉郁而忧伤。海明威简练而含蓄的写作风格使得情感的冷漠和顺从感更加明显,反映了角色们对生活的幻灭。


The café in the story serves as a symbol of refuge and solace in the face of the existential void. It represents a clean, well-lighted place where characters can momentarily escape their loneliness and despair. The café symbolizes a temporary respite from the darkness and uncertainty of the outside world.



The imagery in the story is sparse yet evocative. Hemingway's use of simple and concrete descriptions creates a vivid sense of place and atmosphere. For example, the imagery of the old waiter's insomnia and his "nada" speech adds to the story's existential themes.


Figure of Speech(修辞手法):

One figure of speech used in the story is metaphor. The older waiter, when describing the cafe, refers to it as a "clean, well-lighted" place. This metaphor emphasizes the desire for order and comfort in an otherwise chaotic and disorienting world.



Hemingway's writing style is characterized by minimalism, often referred to as the "iceberg theory" or "theory of omission." He omits explicit details and focuses on the surface-level events, leaving much unsaid and allowing readers to infer deeper meanings. This style contributes to the story's sense of ambiguity and invites readers to engage actively in the interpretation of the narrative.



The setting of the story is a café late at night. The quiet and empty environment creates a sense of isolation and contemplation. The contrast between the bright, well-lit café and the darkness outside further emphasizes the theme of finding solace in a world that feels cold and indifferent. 故事的背景是一个深夜的咖啡馆。安静而空旷的环境营造出孤独和思考的感觉。咖啡馆明亮而整洁的对比强调了在一个感觉冷漠和漠不关心的世界中寻求安慰的主题。

Point of view(叙事视角):

The story is told from an objective point of view, allowing readers to observe the characters' actions and listen to their thoughts. This perspective adds to the sense of detachment and universality of the story's themes.



The plot centers around a conversation between two waiters and an old deaf man who drinks alone in the café. The conflict emerges from the characters' differing perspectives on the meaning of life and the ways they cope with existential despair. The younger waiter is dismissive and lacks empathy, while the older waiter demonstrates compassion and a deeper understanding of human suffering.




  1. Dissatisfaction(不满):故事中的年轻服务员和老服务员对生活有不同的态度和观点。年轻服务员对老人的孤独和无聊感到不耐烦,他想早点关闭咖啡馆回家。而老服务员对于年轻服务员的态度感到不满,他更加理解和同情老人的心情,并希望提供一个安静舒适的环境给他们。The young waiter and the old waiter have different attitudes and perspectives towards life. The young waiter becomes impatient with the old man's loneliness and boredom, wanting to close the café and go home early. The old waiter, on the other hand, is dissatisfied with the young waiter's attitude. He understands and sympathizes more with the old man's feelings and wishes to provide a quiet and comfortable environment for them. 

  2. Mortality(死亡):老人在故事中象征着孤独和绝望的存在。他们频繁光顾这个咖啡馆,寻找一种逃离孤独的方式。老人们感受到时间的流逝和自己生命的有限性,这种存在对他们来说是一种折磨和冲突。Mortality: The old men in the story symbolize the existence of loneliness and despair. They frequent the café, seeking a way to escape their solitude. The passage of time and the finite nature of their lives torment them, creating a conflict within them.

  3. Alcohol(酒精):酒精在故事中是一种逃避现实和平静内心的方式。老人们在咖啡馆里喝酒,以此麻痹自己对孤独和绝望的感受。酒精成为他们暂时摆脱内心冲突的手段。Alcohol serves as a means of escaping reality and finding inner peace in the story. The old men drink in the café, using alcohol as a temporary numbing agent for their feelings of loneliness and despair. Alcohol becomes a way for them to momentarily alleviate their internal conflicts.

  4. Old Age(年老):年老是故事中的一个重要主题,与孤独、无聊和绝望紧密相连。老人们在故事中感受到年老带来的失落和无助,他们渴望找到一个干净明亮的地方,以在暂时的宁静中逃离内心的痛苦。Old age is a significant theme in the story, closely linked to loneliness, boredom, and despair. The old men experience feelings of loss and helplessness associated with aging. They seek for a clean, well-lighted place to momentarily escape the pain within themselves.

总结:老人也有不满 但是无需回答,只要答年轻人的不耐烦和年长侍者对年轻人的不满即可。


key words:Dissatisfaction,impatient,loneliness and despair,loss,escape,feeling.

Character analysis(角色分析):

In terms of character analysis, the two waiters represent different attitudes toward life. The older waiter, who understands the loneliness and despair that plague humanity, exhibits empathy and compassion. In contrast, the younger waiter is more self-centered and lacks understanding of the older man's struggles.


Minimalism & theory of iceberg极简主义和冰山理论):

  1. Concise language: Hemingway is known for his concise and straightforward writing style. His sentences are short and to the point, avoiding ornate rhetoric and unnecessary words. In this story, he employs succinct dialogue and descriptions, providing only essential details, which makes the story more direct and compact.               精炼的语言:海明威以简洁明了的语言风格著称,他的句子短小精悍,避免冗长的修辞和多余的词语。在这个故事中,他运用简洁的对话和描述,只提供必要的细节,使得故事更加直接和紧凑。

  2. Omission of redundant details: Hemingway often omits explicit background information and inner thoughts, allowing readers to infer deeper meanings through implication. In "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," he omits characters' names, specific timeframes, and locations, focusing instead on the dialogue and psychological conflicts between the characters.                                                                                                                                   删除冗余细节:海明威常常省略明确的背景信息和内心思绪,让读者通过暗示和推断来理解故事的深层含义。在《一个干净明亮的地方》中,他省略了角色的姓名、具体时间和地点等细节,将焦点放在角色之间的对话和心理冲突上。

  3. Omitted story details: Minimalism, as exemplified by the "theory of the iceberg," suggests that only a fraction of the story is revealed, leaving much beneath the surface. Hemingway frequently conveys profound meanings through suggestive dialogue and symbolic imagery. In this story, he hints at the emptiness and meaninglessness of life through the old waiter's "nada" (Spanish for "nothing") speech.                                             遗漏的故事细节:极简主义中的"冰山理论"认为故事中只展示冰山一角,留下更多的部分潜在和未说。海明威经常通过意味深长的对话和象征性的意象来传递深层含义。在这个故事中,他通过老侍者的"nada"(西班牙语中的"无")演讲暗示着生活的空虚和无意义。

  4. Use of whitespace and silence: Hemingway adeptly employs whitespace and silence to accentuate pivotal moments and emotions in the story. In "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," he creates a sense of stillness and unspoken communication by describing the emptiness and quiet of the café, as well as the older waiter's tacit approval of the younger waiter's actions, deepening the emotional interplay and internal struggles of the characters.                                                                                                                             空白与沉默的运用:海明威善于使用空白和沉默来强调故事中的重要时刻和情感。在《一个干净明亮的地方》中,他通过描述咖啡馆的空旷和安静,以及老侍者对年轻侍者的默许来创造出一种寂静和无言的氛围,加深了角色之间的情感交流和内心挣扎。


4.The story of an hour Feminism)女性主义

凯特·肖邦(Kate Chopin),原名凯瑟琳·奥弗拉希蒂(Katherine O'Flaherty,1850-1904年),是美国的短篇小说和长篇小说作家。如今,她被一些人认为是20世纪女性主义作家的先驱者。她重要的短篇小说包括《德西雷的宝贝》(Desiree's Baby,发表于1893年),讲述了路易斯安那州战前的混血儿的故事,《一个小时的故事》(The Story of an Hour,1894年)和《风暴》(The Storm,1898年)。《风暴》是《在凯迪安舞会上》的续集,该作品收录在她的第一本短篇小说集《湾区人》(Bayou Folk)中。肖邦还写了两部长篇小说:《罪责》(At Fault,1890年)和《觉醒》(The Awakening,1899年)。她承认自己受到了当时的法国自然主义作家埃米尔·左拉(Emile Zola)和盖·德·莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant)的影响。 

The Story of An Hour 参考译文 - 豆丁网Docin

《一个小时的故事》是凯特·肖邦(Kate Chopin)创作的一篇短篇小说。它讲述了露易丝·马拉德(Louise Mallard)的故事,她接到丈夫在一次铁路事故中去世的消息。起初,露易丝因此消息感到心碎,她退到自己的房间,经历了一系列矛盾的情绪。






It is a term to indicate how the events are arranged to affect the reader. It is an artificial rather than a natural ordering of events. It is composed of two basic aspects of narration: (a) the sequence, i.e. the story told in chronological order, or with a lot of flashback, or in psychic order; (b) the development, i.e. whether in the traditional linear pattern (set-up/exposition→rising action/ complications→ climax→resolution/ falling action/consequence→denouement, unravelling) or modernist way (little action, inner world depiction, dialogues, no development). A work may have just one plot, or double plots, or multiple plots.










若是简答题,则可能这样问:《一个小时的故事》如何探讨/理解/情节 关于女性主义?

Louise underwent an emotional struggle after her learning her husband's death, transitioning from shock and sorrow to a gradual sense of release and freedom. However, when her husband suddenly returned home, she could not accept the reality, ultimately dying.

Louise's joy reflects her longing to escape of marriage. The story critiques the societal expectations and limitations on women at that time, calling for women to pursue independence and freedom.


5.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (recitation required)(Romantism, 湖畔诗人)


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,   o'er(在……上面)   vales(n.威尔士人) Vales SA威尔士人山
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;     n.水仙花 daffodil 
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.   

(flutter)飘动;(鸟或昆虫)鼓(翼);翩翩飞舞; breeze n.微风,和风


Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. 

toss v.(轻轻地或随意地)扔,抛,掷;向后甩(头发或身体部位);(使)摇摆,挥动,颠簸;

sprightly adv.活泼地


The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

jocund adj.快活的;高兴的;有幽默性情的


For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,   

vacant 茫然的,失神的  pensive adj. 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的  
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;

bliss n.极乐,天赐之福;天堂,乐园 solitude n.独居,独处,孤独
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.



William Wordsworth (1770-1850), British poet who spent his life in the Lake District of Northern England. Along with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, he can be said to have started the English Romantic movement with their collection Lyrical Ballads in 1798. When many poets still wrote about ancient heroes in grandiloquent style, Wordsworth focused on nature, children, the poor, common people, and used ordinary words to express his personal feelings. His definition of poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings arising from emotion recollected in tranquility" was shared by a number of his followers. In 1843 he succeeded Robert Southey (1774-1843) as England's poet laureate. Wordsworth died on April 23, 1850.

威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)是一位英国诗人,他一生都居住在英格兰北部的湖区。与塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)一起,他以他们在1798年出版的《抒情诗歌集》(Lyrical Ballads)开启了英国浪漫主义运动。当许多诗人仍然用夸张的风格写古代英雄时,华兹华斯关注自然、儿童、贫困人民和普通人,并用普通的语言表达他的个人感受。他对诗歌的定义为“情感在宁静中回忆而产生的强烈感情的自然流露”,这一定义被他的许多追随者所认同。1843年,他接替罗伯特·桑西(Robert Southey,1774-1843)成为英国桂冠诗人。华兹华斯于1850年4月23日去世。


《我孤独地漫步如云》(I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud)这首诗中体现了浪漫主义的几个方面:

  1. 自然的赞美:诗中描绘了一幅美丽的自然景象,如金色的郁金香田、绵延的山丘和湖泊。这种对大自然的赞美和描绘是浪漫主义诗歌的常见特征。

  2. 情感的流露:诗人通过描绘自己在如云般的漫步中的孤独和内心的愉悦,表达了对自然的强烈情感和个人体验。诗中所描述的美景与诗人的情感相互交织,体现了浪漫主义强调情感表达的特点。

  3. 想象力的运用:诗人运用丰富的想象力,将自己与如云般的金色郁金香相比拟,创造出了一个生动而美丽的意象。这种富有想象力的描写是浪漫主义诗歌的典型特征之一。

  4. 对自然与人类关系的思考:诗中揭示了自然景观对人类情感和心灵的深远影响。诗人通过与自然的亲密接触,感受到了内心的宁静和喜悦,这种与自然相融合的体验体现了浪漫主义对自然与人类关系的重视。


6.阿拉比 araby (麻木之城,顿悟)

詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce,1882-1941年)是一位爱尔兰作家,他的作品在散文技巧上具有革命性的创新。他是20世纪最重要的文学人物之一。乔伊斯以他的史诗小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses,1922年)而闻名,该小说采用了意识流的写作技巧,试图描绘一个人思绪和感觉的自然而有时非理性的流动。在他的其他重要作品中,还有《费恩伯格的守灵者》(Finnegans Wake,1939年)、《都柏林人》(Dubliners,1914年)、《青年艺术家的画像》(Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,1916年)。


















Because the scenes in the novel are depicted as devoid of vitality(缺乏活力) and filled with indifference(冷漠). For example, the description of the streets in the beginning, the room of the dead priest, and the desolate bazzar . Furthermore, Mangan's sister and the stall attendent are also indifferent towards the young boy. Mangan's sister doesn't care about what the boy can buy, and the stall attendent doesn't expect him to make a purchase.



答案就是最后一句话,直接回答:When he noticed that his love was unreal and too ideal, as he gazed up into the darkness, he experienced a sudden enlightenment(顿悟).


7.Sonnet 130  (recitation required)仅需背诵默写


5.2020年真题(与今年100%不同 只是检测复习用)

I. Blank Filling(背就完了)

The following are lines from the poems we have learned this semester. Please complete them and write the missing words on the answer sheet. (1*10=10%) 填空题:(每小题1分,共10分)

How (1)___dreary___—to be—Somebody!

How (2) __public____ — like a Frog

To tell one’s name —the livelong June—

To an (3)__admiring____ Bog!

(from “I’m Nobody! Who are You?”)

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In (4) ______or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that (5) ______ eye

Which is the (6)______ of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the (7)_______.

                          (from “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”)

When you are old and grey and full of (8)_____,

And (9)_____ by the fire, take down this book,

And slowly read, and dream of the soft look

Your eyes had once, and of their (10) ______deep;

                           (from “When You Are Old”)

II. Multiple Choice

(Only one correct choice, 2*10=20%) 选择题:(每小题2分,共20分)

1. “She was a poet of the first order known for her odd and inventive style in poetry writing. She published only a few poems while she was alive and gained her fame posthumously (after she died). She remained single all her life and lived a secluded life in her house.”  

The short bio above describes ___c____. 

A. Mary Loh Chiew Kwuan

B. Kate Chopin

C. Emily Dickinson

D. Charles Dickinson

2. Below is a sonnet (十四行诗) by William Shakespeare. What is the rhyme scheme of this sonnet.  (今年只考这首诗背诵)

A. aaaa bbbb cccc dd   B. abab cdcd efef gg 

C. abcd efgh ijkl mn    D. abba cddc effe gg


3. The following poetic lines are divided into metric units by using the slash “/”, and the stressed syllables are capitalized while the unstressed syllables are written in small letters. Which of the following observations about these poetic lines is FALSE?

we THINK / by FEE / ling. WHAT/ is THERE / to KNOW?

i HEAR / my BE / ing DANCE / from EAR / to EAR

i WAKE / to SLEEP / and TAKE / my WAK /ing SLOW

A. “Know” and “slow” rhyme with each other.

B. There are ten syllables in each line.

C. The rhyme scheme is aba.

D. The metric pattern is iambic trimeter. 这个选项的意思是 这个段是抑扬格

第三题D  本段不是抑扬格 

4. Literary symbols can be broadly categorized into two types: conventional symbols and occasionally-coined symbols. Conventional symbols are those whose meanings have become settled through repeated use while occasionally-coined symbols are those invented by authors and whose meanings are context specific. Which of the following is an occasionally-coined symbol? C 没学过rice 但是很明显可以排除

A. Spring as a symbol of life

B. The dove as a symbol of peace.

C. Rice as a symbol of gender inequality

D. The color red as a symbol of happiness and luck in Chinese culture

5. Which of the following statements about the speaker is FALSE? D (a居然是对的!)

A. The speaker in “I’m Nobody, Who Are You” self-identifies as Nobody and is highly critical of Somebody. 批评了somebody

B. The Speaker in “Theme for English B” is a colored student who wishes for racial equality and racial integration in the U.S.

C. The speaker in “I wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is struck by the beauty of nature and feels spiritually uplifted.

D. The speaker in “When You Are Old” appears as an “I” in the poem and expresses his undying affection for a woman he imagines to be at her old age.   没学过当你老了

6. Dialogue is a crucial piece in fictional writing and plays an important role in constructing and revealing aspects of characters in a story. Read the following dialogue that is taken from a short novel you have read and discussed in class and decide which statement about it is TRUE. D 这是来自阿拉比最后售货员和男人调情的对话

“O, I never said such a thing!”

“O, but you did!”

“O, but I didn’t!”

“Didn’t she say that?”

“Yes, I heard her.”

“O, there’s a fib!”

A. The dialogue is taken from the story “Rice”, and it presents a vehement argument between Pa and Ma, in which Pa accuses Ma of maligning (说坏话) him behind his back, and Ma flatly denies such an accusation.

B. The Dialogue is taken from “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and is between the older waiter and the younger waiter, in which the older waiter chastises (斥责) the younger waiter for saying nasty things to the old man.

B. The dialogue is some banter (逗乐、俏皮话) between “me” and Mangan’s sister taken from the short novel “Araby”, in which “I” and Mangan’s sister relentlessly tease each other.

D. The dialogue takes place among three adults in the bazaar in the story of “Araby”, and it gives “me” a glimpse into the adult world.

7. Which of the following statements about the old man in “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” is FALSE? (这么细节?)D

A. His suicidal attempt failed, as he was saved by his niece.

B. He used to have a wife.

C. He walked unsteadily, but with dignity when he left the café.

D. When the younger waiter intentionally let the alcohol spill over the glass, the old man gave him an unfriendly and cold stare and said “Damn it” to show his discontent.

8. All of the following statements employ the literary device of personification (拟人手法) EXCEPT_____.  

A. But I guess I’m what I feel and see and hear, Harlem, I hear you: hear you, hear me – we two – you, me, talk on this page.

B. The other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces.

C. … (t)ossing their heads in sprightly dance.

D. While she spoke she turned her a silver bracelet round and round her wrist. 来自阿拉比姐姐的动作

9. “He was an American author known for his economical writing style. He was nicknamed “Papa” who played a role in publicizing the term “the lost generation”. He was a Nobel laureate in literature and chose to end his life at the age of 61 by suicide.”

The short bio above describes _____B papa是海明威__.  

A. James Joyce

B. Ernest Hemingway

C. William Butler Yeats

D. Langston Hughes

10. Language is the medium of literary works, and it forms the basis for literary appreciation and criticism. Therefore, understanding the literary language is key to understanding the undertone, the subtext, the message, as well as the symbolic meanings that are essential to any tasks involved in literary appreciation and criticism. One way to test whether one truly understands the literary language that one is reading is through paraphrasing (转述) – the restating of information from another source in one’s own words without changing the meaning.

The sentence “Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance” is taken from James Joyce’ “Araby”. Which of the following options do you think best paraphrases this sentence?  A 失落破败麻木之城

A. My mind was preoccupied with her image even when I found myself in places least possible to evoke (唤起) romantic thoughts and longing.

B. My mind was full of her image when I was visiting the most romantic places.

C. I always thought of her when I found myself in close encounter with my unfriendly romantic rivals (情敌).  

D. Her image constantly cropped up in my mind and that provoked an emotion of hostility in me, for my love for her was one-sided.  

III. True or False



  1. The speaker in the poem is usually not identical with the poet or author who writes it. T
  2. Harlem Renaissance was the African American artistic movement in the 1920s that celebrated black life and culture. F (老师给的答案是f,我觉得并不是为了庆祝黑人生命和文化,而是探讨和平权)
  3. Ernest Hemingway once received the Nobel Prize in Literature. T 拿过
  4. A symbol is an image, but an image is not necessarily a symbol. T 对
  5. The old man in the story “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” liked to sit late in the café drinking coffee. F不是喝咖啡是喝酒
  6. James Joyce is good at using the literary technique of stream of consciousness T 著名意识流作家
  7. The repetition of vowel sounds, as in “mad as a hatter”, is assonance.  T
  8. The narrator in the story “Araby” lived in Ireland, with his parents. F(他和叔叔阿姨一起生活)
  9. William Butler Yeats is a great English poet. 当你老了的作者 是爱尔兰诗人 我们不学无所谓 F
  10. The rhythm of the poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is iambic tetrameter.(看来韵律的考察还出现在判断,回头我去补充一下)T

IV. Short Questions(上强度了)

For each short question, write about 80-100 words. (10*2=20 %) 简单题:(每道题写80—100字,每小题10分,共20分)

  1. What is the setting of the short story “Araby”? First, list three specific images employed by James Joyce’s in the text to build the setting of the story. Second, explain the setting that serve as a backdrop for the plot. 

三个意象+setting 今年不会有一模一样的问题,可能换壳考重点提示的两篇(就是给了一大堆词语那些)。

2. What is the narrator struggling with in the poem “Theme for English B” written by Langston Hughes (1949)? What problems from which the American Africans of Hughes’ time suffer are implied or presented in the poem?


V. Short Fiction Interpretation

Read the following carefully and answer the question. (15%+25%=40 %)小说阐析题:(每道大题写150—200字,40分)

America and I

  1. Ach! America! From the other end of the earth from where I came, America was a land of living hope, woven of dreams, aflame with longing and desire.
  2. I arrived in America. My young, strong body, my heart and soul pregnant with the unlived lives of generations clamoring for expression.
  3. What my mother and father and their mother and father never had a chance to give out in Russia, I would give out in America. In the golden land of flowing opportunity, I was to find my work that was denied me in the sterile village of my forefathers. Here I was to be free from the dead drudgery (苦差事)for bread that held me down in Russia. For the first time in America, I’d cease to be a slave of the belly. I’d be a creator, a giver, a human being! My work would be the living job of fullest self-expression.
  4. But from my high visions, my golden hopes, I had to put my feet down on earth. Only one of two chances was left open to me: the kitchen, or minding babies.
  5. My first job was as a servant in an Americanized family. Once, long ago, they came from the same village from where I came. But they were so well-dressed, so well-fed, so successful in America, that they were ashamed to remember their mother tongue.
  6. The best of me I gave them. Their house cares were my house cares. I got up early. I worked till late. All that my soul hungered to give I put into the passion with which I scrubbed floors, scoured pots, and washed clothes. I was so grateful to mingle with the American people, to hear the music of the American language, that I never knew tiredness.
  7. The month was up. I was so happy! Now I’d have money. Money to buy a new shirt on my back—shoes on my feet. Before dawn I rose. Like a hungry cat rubbing up to its boss for meat, so I edged and simpered around them as I passed them the food. Without my will, like a beggar, my hand reached out to them.
  8.  “Wages? Money?” The four eyes turned into hard stone as they looked me up and down. “You’re only a month here. And you already think about money. Wait till you’re worth any money. What use are you without knowing English? You should be glad we keep you here.”
  9. It went black for my eyes. I was so choked no words came to my lips. I left. Not a dollar for all my work.
  10. Now rejecting false friendships from higher-ups in America, I turned back to the Ghetto(贫民区). From the outside my second job seemed worse than the first. It was in a sweatshop (血汗工厂)of a Delancey Street basement. My work was sewing on buttons. Day after day, week after week, all the contact I got with America was handling dead buttons. The money I earned was hardly enough to pay for bread and rent. I didn’t even have a bed. I slept on a mattress on the floor in a rat-hole of a room occupied by a dozen other immigrants. I was always hungry—oh, so hungry!
  11. Later, after gaining better skills, I left the sweatshop and got a job at a better factory. Now I had better food to eat. I slept on a better bed. Now, I even looked dressed up like the American-born. But inside of me I knew that I was not yet an American.
  12. Something cried dumb (无声的;不能用语言表达的)in me. I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know what it was I wanted. I only knew I wanted. I wanted. Like the hunger in the heart that never gets food.
  13. An English class for foreigners started in our factory. So for a time I learned the language. I could almost begin to think with English words in my head. But in my heart the emptiness still hurt. I burned to give, to give something, to do something, to be something. The dead work with my hands was killing me. My work left only hard stones on my heart.
  14. Again I went to our factory teacher and cried out to her: “I know already to read and write the English language, but I can’t put it into words what I want. What is it in me so different that can’t come out?”
  15. She smiled at me down from her calmness as if I were a little bit out of my head. “What do you want to do?”
  16. “I feel. I see. I hear. And I want to think it out. But I’m like dumb in me. I only know I’m different— different from everybody.”
  17. She looked at me close and said nothing for a minute. “You ought to join one of the social clubs of the Women’s Association,” she advised.
  18. I joined the Women’s Association. On my first evening there they announced a lecture: “The Happy Worker and His Work”.
  19. “Efficiency is the new religion of business,” the lecturer began. “In big business houses, even in up-to-date factories, they no longer take the first comer and give him any job that happens to stand empty. Efficiency begins at the employment office. Experts are hired for the one purpose, to find out how best to fit the worker to his work. It’s economy for the boss to make the worker happy.”
  20. He finished his lecture, telling us about the Vocational-Guidance Center that the Women’s Association started. The very next evening I was at the Vocational Guidance Center. There I found a young, college-looking woman.
  21. She looked as if she knew her way in America. She looked at me. “What are you doing now?”
  22. “I’m the quickest shirtwaist hand on the floor. But my heart wastes away by such work. I think and think, and my thoughts can’t come out.”
  23. “Why don’t you think out your thoughts in shirtwaists(女衬衫)? You could learn to be a designer. Earn more money.”
  24. “I don’t want to look on waists. If my hands are sick from waists, how could my head learn to put beauty into them?”
  25. “But you must earn your living at what you know, and rise slowly from job to job.”
  26. I looked at her office sign: “Vocational Guidance.” “What’s your vocational guidance?” I asked.
  27. The smile went out from her eyes. “What do you want?” she asked, with a sigh of last patience.
  28. “I want America to want me.”
  29. She tried to reason with me: “You have to show that you have something special for America before America has need of you.”
  30. “But I never had a chance to find out what’s in me, because I always had to work for a living. Only, I feel it’s efficiency for America to find out what’s in me so different. America gives free bread and rent to criminals in prison. They got grand houses with sunshine, fresh air, doctors and teachers, even for the crazy ones. Why don’t they have free boarding-schools for immigrants—strong people—willing people? Here you see us burning up with something different, and America turns her head away from us.”
  31. Her brows lifted and dropped down. She shrugged her shoulders away from me with the look of pity we give to cripples and hopeless lunatics. “America is no Utopia(乌托邦). First you must become efficient in earning a living before you can indulge in your poetic dreams.”
  32. Till now there had always lingered a rosy veil of hope over my emptiness, a hope that a miracle would happen. I would open up my eyes some day and suddenly find the America of my dreams. As a young girl hungry for love sees always before her eyes the picture of lover’s arms around her, so I saw always in my heart the vision of Utopian America.
  33. But now I felt that the America of my dreams never was and never could be. Reality had hit me on the head as with a club. I felt that the America that I sought was nothing but a shadow—a chimera of lunatics and crazy immigrants.
  34. Stripped of all illusion, I looked about me. The long desert of wasting days of drudgery stared me in the face. The drudgery that I had lived through, and the endless drudgery still ahead of me rose over me like a withering wilderness of sand. In vain were all my cryings, in vain were all frantic efforts of my spirit to find the living waters of understanding for my perishing lips. Sand, sand was everywhere. With every seeking, every reaching out I only lost myself deeper and deeper in a vast sea of sand.
  35. I feel like a man who is sitting down to a secret table of plenty, while his near ones and dear ones are perishing before his eyes. My very joy in doing the work I love hurts me like secret guilt, because all about me I see so many with my longings, my burning eagerness, to do and to be, wasting their days in drudgery they hate, merely to buy bread and pay rent.
  36. The Americans of tomorrow, the America that is every day nearer coming to be, will be too wise, too open-hearted, too friendly-handed, to let the least lastcomer (迟来者) at their gates knock in vain with his gifts unwanted.

※Notes: This story was published in 1927.


  1. Who is the speaker? (total=15%)

10.Setting (背景): 即《我是无名之辈你是谁?》处的文学focus!!


Describe the identity and the living circumstances of speaker “I”? Write about 50 words (5%).



What is the speaker’s attitudes towards work? In your analysis, you need to include one argument based on the image of “desert” in paragraph 34. Write about 100 words (10%).


In paragraph 34, the image of the "desert" is used to convey the speaker's attitude towards work. The desert symbolizes emptiness, isolation, and desolation. This suggests that the speaker views work as a barren and unfulfilling experience. The choice of the desert as a metaphor implies a lack of productivity and vitality in the speaker's perception of work. This negative portrayal indicates a pessimistic or disenchanted outlook on the value of labor. The speaker's attitude towards work, as indicated by the image of the desert, seems to be one of disillusionment and dissatisfaction.(from chatgpt3.5)




The speaker’s attitude is passive and mad towards his work. 

随后分析沙漠意象 你觉得沙漠是啥样的?是不是人都没有 没有生机 很绝望和抽离的一个地方?先写几个你觉得是啥的形容词 然后照着修就行了!!!

The desert symbolizes isolation and desperation.(遗世独立和绝望,或者你可以写没有生机生气都行). This suggests that the speaker views work as a hard, boring and unfulfilling experience. The choice of the desert as a metaphor implies a lack of productivity and vitality in the speaker's perception of work.


To sum up, the desert symbolizes the speaker's desire to chase their dreams but finding himself trapped in dry, monotonous work and a numb environment.



2. Focus on the speaker’s rosy expectation of “America” and the actual America and Americans that the speaker encounters. Based on the story and write a piece of argumentative essay on the topic of “Immigrants and The American Dream”. Support your analysis with evidence from the story. Write about 200 words. Your writing will be graded according to your understanding of the story, language, textual structure, and argumentative logic (25%).议论文 移民和美国梦 最好根据文章细节写。


首先写你的论点:Based on this story, as far as I am concerned+主观点。(叙述者作为俄罗斯移民,过于相信美国的美好宣传,结果发现想象中的美国和现实中的完全不一样。)

中间段:There are myriad number of reasons/details. 以这个开头混点字数。

开始论证:First and foremost...... Futher more..... Thus....  省略号为剧情分析,thus是推论和验证

结尾:From what has been discussed above, it is resonable to reach the conclusion that+开头论点的换词写法+升华!!!!



2. Below is a sonnet (十四行诗) by William Shakespeare. What is the rhyme scheme of this sonnet.  (今年只考这首诗背诵)

A. aaaa bbbb cccc dd   B. abab cdcd efef gg 

C. abcd efgh ijkl mn    D. abba cddc effe gg


3. The following poetic lines are divided into metric units by using the slash “/”, and the stressed syllables are capitalized while the unstressed syllables are written in small letters. Which of the following observations about these poetic lines is FALSE?

we THINK / by FEE / ling. WHAT/ is THERE / to KNOW?

i HEAR / my BE / ing DANCE / from EAR / to EAR

i WAKE / to SLEEP / and TAKE / my WAK /ing SLOW

A. “Know” and “slow” rhyme with each other.

B. There are ten syllables in each line.

C. The rhyme scheme is aba.

D. The metric pattern is iambic trimeter. (诗歌的格律模式是抑扬格)

第三题D  (这个诗歌不考,为什么选d? 因为它不是抑扬格!)

老师已经提示了韵律 那么分析 无名之辈

和 我漫步如云 (这首诗的韵律模式是抑扬格四音步(Iambic tetrameter))

无名之辈 老师说不怎么考 原因在这里

这首诗是艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的作品,题为《I'm Nobody! Who are you?》。这首诗的韵律模式可以描述为无韵律(Free verse),因为它没有明显的规则性抑扬格或音步模式。




Rhyme (押韵):

The poem utilizes a simple rhyming pattern, with a consistent end rhyme scheme of AABB. For example, "you" and "too" rhyme in the first stanza. (这首诗采用简单的押韵形式,具有一致的押韵方案AABB。例如,第一节中的"you"和"too"押韵。)


I wandered as a cloud (我漫游如同一朵云) Iam / ber

That floats on high o'er vales and hills, (飘荡于山谷和山丘之上) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

When all at once I saw a crowd, (突然间,我看到了一群) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

A host, of golden daffodils; (大群金黄色的水仙花) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

Beside the lake, beneath the trees, (湖边,树下) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. (在微风中飘动和舞动) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber


The waves beside them danced; but they (波浪在它们旁边起舞;但它们) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: (以它们的欢乐超越了闪烁的波浪:) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

A poet could not but be gay, (一个诗人不能不快乐,) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

In such a jocund company: (在如此愉快的伙伴中:) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought (我凝视着,凝视着,但几乎没有思考) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

What wealth the show to me had brought: (这场景象给我带来了什么财富:) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

For oft, when on my couch I lie (因为经常,当我躺在沙发上) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

In vacant or in pensive mood, (在空虚或忧思的心情中) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

They flash upon that inward eye (它们闪现在我的内心眼前) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

Which is the bliss of solitude; (那是孤独的幸福;) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

And then my heart with pleasure fills, (然后我的心充满了愉悦,) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber

And dances with the daffodils. (与水仙花一起舞动。) Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber / Iam / ber


(simile)明喻:将说话者的孤独比作一朵云(第一行)。 备注:这个是明喻 那么无名之辈处应该使用暗喻来回答!已修改!







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