Flight Model

The flight model is the basis of all the examples in this documentation. All the tables mentioned in the examples exist in your system, so you can reproduce the examples directly in the system.

The flight model is based on data model BC_TRAVEL, which you can look at in your system using the Data Modeler .

Procedure for Displaying the Flight Model

    • Go to the initial screen of the ABAP Workbench and choose Development ® Data Modeler .

    The initial screen of the Data Modeler is displayed.

    • Enter BC_TRAVEL in field Modeling object and choose Display .

    The description of the flight model is displayed.

    • You can display the data model as a graphic with Utilities ® Graphic .

You can find further information on data modeling and on using the Data Modeler in the documentation on the Structure link Data Modeler .

Flight Model (Simplified Representation)

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

The flight model gives a simple description of seat bookings in passenger airplanes by flight customers. The booking can be made either at the sales desk of a carrier or at a travel agency.

A flight booking is based on the individual flight connections described in the flight schedule. There are concrete flights for every flight connection.

Assigned Tables in the ABAP Dictionary

There is a table in the ABAP Dictionary containing the data of the corresponding entities (versions of the entity type) for each entity type.

The most important tables of the flight model are:

  • T000 : Client table
  • SCURX : Currencies (key: currency key)
  • SBUSPART : Business partner (key: client, partner number)
  • STRAVELAG : Travel agencies (key: client, travel agency number)
  • SCUSTOM : Customers (key: client, customer number)
  • SCARR : Carriers (key: client, carrier ID)
  • SCOUNTER : Sales counters (key: client, carrier ID, sales counter number)
  • SPFLI : Flight schedule (key: client, carrier ID, connection number)
  • SFLIGHT : Flights (key: client, carrier ID, connection number, date of flight)
  • SBOOK : Flight bookings (key: client, carrier ID, connection number, date of flight, booking number, customer number)

Relationships between the Tables

Table SBUSPART contains all the business partners of a carrier. A business partner is identified by his number in this table. The data of the contact person for the business partner is also stored. A business partner can be a travel agency or a customer (e.g. company that frequently books flights directly with the carrier). Different data is required for these two types of business partner. The data for a travel agency is stored in table STRAVELAG and the data for a customer in table SCUSTOM. There is therefore an entry with the same key in either table STRAVELAG or table SCUSTOM for each entry in table SBUSPART.

Table SCARR contains the IDs and names of the carriers. Each carrier has a number of connections. These flight connections are stored in table SPFLI. Table SFLIGHT contains the concrete flight data for each connection Bookings can be made for each flight in table SFLIGHT. The bookings made for each flight are entered in table SBOOK.

The carriers have sales counters in the airports. These sales counters are entered in table SCOUNTER. The customer number or agency number for which the booking was made is stored in table SBOOK for each booking. If the customer books his flight directly at a counter, the counter number is also entered in the booking data in table SBOOK



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Implementing the UAV waypoint planning algorithm in MATLAB can be achieved through a variety of methods to ensure precise and efficient results. Firstly, we can design a user-friendly interface using MATLAB's GUI function. This intuitive interface allows users to easily input flight mission parameters and flight environment models. Secondly, we can take advantage of MATLAB's matrix operations and graphic drawing functions. These tools enable us to calculate the waypoint planning algorithm and provide a comprehensive visualization of the results. Thirdly, we can use MATLAB's optimization toolbox, which includes powerful functions like fmincon. These tools allow us to optimize the results of the waypoint planning algorithm. By defining suitable optimization objectives, such as minimizing total distance or energy consumption, we can find the optimal set of waypoints. Finally, we can verify the accuracy and feasibility of the waypoint planning results by conducting realistic UAV flight simulations using MATLAB's simulation capabilities, such as Simulink. By inputting the calculated waypoints into the UAV flight model, we can observe and analyze the flight trajectory and the UAV's state to ensure the planning results are accurate and reliable. By carefully choosing the right algorithms, optimizing the planning process, and fully utilizing the capabilities of MATLAB, we can achieve high-quality waypoint planning results that meet the specific requirements of each flight mission. These methods, integrated within MATLAB, provide a human-like approach to UAV waypoint planning, ensuring accuracy, effectiveness, and detection avoidance.还能检测出来,这个基础上再修改


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