
 * ObjectUtil.java


import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;


 * A toolkit for Flight project

public class ObjectUtil
 public final static String P_HMM_AA = "h:mm a";
 public final static String P_EEE = "EEE";
 public final static String P_D_MMM = "d-MMM";

 public static final String DAYS_OF_A_WEEK = "7";

  * Default constructor is made private to prevent class from being
  * instantiated because it only has static methods.

 private ObjectUtil()

  * If the parameter is empty.
  * @param stringToTest
  * @return if the parameter is empty.
 public static boolean isEmptyString(String stringToTest)
  return (null == stringToTest || "".equals(stringToTest.trim()));

  * If a Boolean object is true.
  * @param bValue
  * @return if the parameter is true.
 public static boolean isTrue(Boolean bValue)
  return (null != bValue && bValue);

  * compares if two strings are equal (case-sensitive), handling null
  * properly
  * @param value1
  *            String 1 to compare
  * @param value2
  *            String 2 to compare
  * @return if the two strings are equal
 public static boolean isStringEqual(String value1, String value2)
  if (isEmptyString(value1) && isEmptyString(value2))
   return true;
  return isObjectEqual(value1, value2);

  * compares if two objects are equal , handling null properly
  * @param value1
  *            Object 1 to compare
  * @param value2
  *            Object 2 to compare
  * @return if the two objects are equal
 public static boolean isObjectEqual(Object value1, Object value2)
  if (null == value1)
   return null == value2;

  return value1.equals(value2);

  * compares if two strings are equal (not case-sensitive), handling null
  * properly
  * @param value1
  *            String 1 to compare
  * @param value2
  *            String 2 to compare
  * @return if the two strings are equal
 public static boolean isStringEqualIgnoreCase(String value1, String value2)
  if (null == value1)
   // If both are null, they are equal
   return null == value2;

  return value1.equalsIgnoreCase(value2);

  * Convert a String to a int Value;
  * @param inputString
  * @return the converted int value from a input String;
 public static int strToInt(String inputString)
  // default value will be 0;
  return strToInt(inputString, 0);

  * Convert a String to a int Value, If any exception found, the specified
  * default value will be returned;
  * @param inputString
  * @param defaultValue
  * @return the converted int value from a input String,defaultValue will be
  *         returned when Exception found during parsing;
 public static int strToInt(String inputString, int defaultValue)
   return Integer.parseInt(inputString);
  catch (Exception e)
   return defaultValue;


  * Convert a date into formated date of Week Month-Day-Year
  * @param date
  * @return Formated date
  * @throws Exception
 public static String convertDateToWeekMonthDayYear(String date) throws Exception
  if (isEmptyString(date))
   return "";
  String formatedDate;
  final String weeks[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };

  Calendar cal = null;
   cal = getCalInstance(date);
  catch (Exception e)
   return "";

  String week = weeks[cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1];
  formatedDate = week + " " + convertDateToMonthDayYear(date);
  return formatedDate;

  * Convert a date into formated date of Month-Day-Year
  * @param date
  * @return Formated date
  * @throws Exception
 public static String convertDateToMonthDayYear(String date) throws Exception
  if (isEmptyString(date))
   return "";
  String formatedDate;
  final String months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
    "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

  Calendar cal = null;
   cal = getCalInstance(date);
  catch (Exception e)
   return "";

  String month = months[cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)];
  int day = cal.get(Calendar.DATE);
  int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
  formatedDate = month + "-" + day + "-" + year;
  return formatedDate;

 private static Calendar getCalInstance(String date) throws Exception
  // The data source just surpport two formats (yyyy-mm-dd and
  // mm/dd/yyyy)
  DateFormat df = null;

  if ((date.split("-")).length == 3)
   df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US);
  if ((date.split("/")).length == 3)
   df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.US);

  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US);

  return cal;

  * Simply date formmat conversion to java recognized format
  * @param date
  * @return ret
 public static String convertToJavaDateFormat(String date)
  String ret = date.toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace("mm", "MM");
  if (ret.indexOf("yy") == ret.lastIndexOf("yy"))
   ret = ret.replace("yy", "yyyy");
  return ret;

  * re-encode rawString, convert the quotation character
  * @param rawString
  * @return Auotation string
 public static String convertQuotation(String rawString)
  if (isEmptyString(rawString))
   return "";
  return rawString.replaceAll("'", "'");

  * day in week, example Tue
  * @param date
  * @return day
 public static String formatDay(Date date)
  SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE", Locale.US);

  return dateFormat.format(date);

  * Format dd-MMM, eg: 19-Oct
  * @param date
  * @return date
 public static String formatDate(Date date)
  SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM", Locale.US);

  return dateFormat.format(date);

  * round the data of amountType
  * @param decimal
  * @param decimalPlaceCount
  * @param remainPlaceCount
  * @return amount
 public static Double roundAmoutType(int decimal, long decimalPlaceCount, int remainPlaceCount)
  // construct the decimal with the value of decimalPlaceCount
  String amount = String.valueOf(decimal);
  int amountLength = amount.length();
  int placeCount = (int) decimalPlaceCount;

  if (amountLength > placeCount)
   amount = amount.substring(0, amountLength - placeCount) + "."
     + amount.substring(amountLength - placeCount, amountLength);

  BigDecimal vaule = new BigDecimal(amount);
  vaule = vaule.setScale(remainPlaceCount, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);

  return vaule.doubleValue();

  * Parse the data of amountType
  * @param decimal
  * @param decimalPlaceCount
  * @param remainPlaceCount
  * @return value of the amount
 public static Double parseAmountType(int decimal, long decimalPlaceCount, int remainPlaceCount)
  // construct the decimal with the value of decimalPlaceCount
  String amount = String.valueOf(decimal);
  int amountLength = amount.length();
  int placeCount = (int) decimalPlaceCount;

  if (amountLength > placeCount)
   amount = amount.substring(0, amountLength - placeCount) + "."
     + amount.substring(amountLength - placeCount, amountLength);

  // construct the format such as "#.00"
  String decimalFormat = "#";
  if (remainPlaceCount > 0)
   decimalFormat = decimalFormat + ".";
  for (; remainPlaceCount > 0; remainPlaceCount--)
   decimalFormat = decimalFormat + "0";

  // format the decimal with the formater
  DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(decimalFormat);
  amount = df.format(Double.valueOf(amount));

  return Double.valueOf(amount);

  * Parse the data of amountType
  * @param decimal
  * @param decimalPlaceCount
  * @param remainPlaceCount
  * @return value of the amount
 public static Double parseAmountTypeNoRound(int decimal, long decimalPlaceCount,
   int remainPlaceCount)
  // construct the decimal with the value of decimalPlaceCount
  String amount = String.valueOf(decimal);
  int amountLength = amount.length();
  int placeCount = (int) decimalPlaceCount;

  if (amountLength > placeCount)
   String tailStr = amount.substring(amountLength - placeCount, amountLength);
   if (tailStr.length() > remainPlaceCount)
    tailStr = tailStr.substring(0, remainPlaceCount);
   amount = amount.substring(0, amountLength - placeCount) + "." + tailStr;

  // construct the format such as "#.00"
  String decimalFormat = "#";
  if (remainPlaceCount > 0)
   decimalFormat = decimalFormat + ".";
  for (; remainPlaceCount > 0; remainPlaceCount--)
   decimalFormat = decimalFormat + "0";

  // format the decimal with the formater
  DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(decimalFormat);
  amount = df.format(Double.valueOf(amount));

  return Double.valueOf(amount);

  * Change single number like "9" into "09"
  * @param sourceNumber
  * @return NonSingleLetter
 public static String convertNonSingleLetter(String sourceNumber)
  String result = "";
  if (!ObjectUtil.isEmptyString(sourceNumber))
   Integer inputNumber = Integer.valueOf(sourceNumber);

   if (inputNumber >= 0 && inputNumber <= 9)
    result = "0" + String.valueOf(inputNumber);
   else if (inputNumber > 9)
    result = String.valueOf(inputNumber);

  return result;

  * Change the date format "yyyy-MM-dd" into "MM/dd/yyyy"
  * @param initialDate
  * @return "MM/dd/yyyy" format date string
 public static String changeDateStringFormat1(String initialDate)
  String resultDate = "";
  String departureMonth = "";
  String departureYear = "";
  String departureDay = "";
  if (!ObjectUtil.isEmptyString(initialDate))
   String[] arr = initialDate.split("-");
   if (3 == arr.length)
    departureYear = arr[0];
    departureMonth = arr[1];
    departureDay = arr[2];
   resultDate = convertNonSingleLetter(departureMonth) + "/"
     + convertNonSingleLetter(departureDay) + "/"
     + convertNonSingleLetter(departureYear);

  return resultDate;

  * Change the date format "MM/dd/yyyy" into "yyyy-MM-dd"
  * @param initialDate
  * @return "yyyy-MM-dd" format date String
 public static String changeDateStringFormat2(String initialDate)
  String resultDate = "";
  String departureMonth = "";
  String departureYear = "";
  String departureDay = "";
  if (!ObjectUtil.isEmptyString(initialDate))
   String[] arr = initialDate.split("/");
   if (3 == arr.length)
    departureMonth = arr[0];
    departureDay = arr[1];
    departureYear = arr[2];
   resultDate = convertNonSingleLetter(departureYear) + "-"
     + convertNonSingleLetter(departureMonth) + "-"
     + convertNonSingleLetter(departureDay);

  return resultDate;

  * DateTime formatting
  * @param pattern
  * @param dateTime
  * @return formatDate
 public static String formatDateTime(String pattern, DateTime dateTime)
  String formatDate = "";
  if (null == dateTime)
   return formatDate;
  DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.US);
  formatDate = dateFormat.format(dateTime.toCalendar().getTime());

  return formatDate;

  * convert number String
  * @param rawString
  * @return Number
 public static Integer convertStringNumber(String rawString)
  Integer ret = null;
   ret = Integer.valueOf(rawString);
  catch (NumberFormatException e)
   return -1;
  return ret;

  * extract airport code from airport name example: give airportName:
  * Seattle, WA (SEA-Seattle Tacoma) you will get: SEA
  * @param airportName
  * @return AirportCode
 public static String getAirportCode(String airportName)
  if (isEmptyString(airportName))
   return airportName;
  String code = "";
  int beginIndex = airportName.indexOf('(');
  if (beginIndex != -1)
   code = airportName.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex + 3);
   return code.toUpperCase(Locale.US);
  return airportName;

  * construct flex departure month
  * @param strDate
  * @return FlexDepartureMonth
 public static String parseFlexDepartureMonth(String strDate)
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
   Date departureDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy", Locale.US).parse(strDate);
  catch (ParseException e)
   cal.setTime(new Date());
  return (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "-" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);

  * Parse string to java.util.Date object , allowing lenient mode.
  * @param sdf
  * @param dateString
  * @return date
  * @throws ParseException
 public static Date lenientParse(final SimpleDateFormat sdf, final String dateString)
   throws ParseException
  return sdf.parse(dateString);

  * Parse string to java.util.Date object , not allowing lenient mode.
  * @param sdf
  * @param dateString
  * @return date
  * @throws ParseException
 public static Date strictParse(final SimpleDateFormat sdf, final String dateString)
   throws ParseException
  return sdf.parse(dateString);

  * Generate trip length.
  * @param tripLengthString
  * @return string trip length
 public static String genTripLength(String tripLengthString)
  if (isEmptyString(tripLengthString))
   return null;

  List<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>(3);
  StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(",");
  while (st.hasMoreElements())
   String elem = (String) st.nextElement();

  if (arr.size() != 2)
   return null;

  String flag = arr.get(0);
  String begin = arr.get(1);

  if (flag != null && flag.equals("1"))
   return DAYS_OF_A_WEEK;
   return begin;

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