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1.1 Array

1.1.1 members
 // #### constructors ####

 // default constructor


 // constructor 1

 array(int in_dim_0, int in_dim_1=1, int in_dim_2=1, int in_dim_3=1);

 // copy constructor

 array(const array<T>& in_array);

 // assignment

 array<T>& operator=(const array<T>& in_array);


int dim_0;
int dim_1;
int dim_2;
int dim_3;

T* cpu_data;
T* gpu_data;

int cpu_flag;
int gpu_flag;
1.1.2 methods
// setup

void setup(int in_dim_0, int in_dim_1=1, int in_dim_2=1, int in_dim_3=1);

// access/set 1d

T& operator() (int in_pos_0);    //reload operator ()

// access/set 2d

T& operator() (int in_pos_0, int in_pos_1);

// access/set 3d

T& operator() (int in_pos_0, int in_pos_1, int in_pos_2);

// access/set 4d

T& operator() (int in_pos_0, int in_pos_1, int in_pos_2, int in_pos_3);

// return pointer

T* get_ptr_cpu(void);
T* get_ptr_gpu(void);

// return pointer

T* get_ptr_cpu(int in_pos_0, int in_pos_1=0, int in_pos_2=0, int in_pos_3=0);
T* get_ptr_gpu(int in_pos_0, int in_pos_1=0, int in_pos_2=0, int in_pos_3=0);

// return dimension

int get_dim(int in_dim);

// method to get maximum value of array

T get_max(void);

// method to get minimum value of array

T get_min(void);

// print

void print(void);

// move data from cpu to gpu

void mv_cpu_gpu(void);

// copy data from cpu to gpu

void cp_cpu_gpu(void);

// move data from gpu to cpu

void mv_gpu_cpu(void);

// copy data from gpu to cpu

void cp_gpu_cpu(void);

// remove data from cpu

void rm_cpu(void);

/*! Initialize array to zero - Valid for numeric data types (int, float, double) */
void initialize_to_zero();

/*! Initialize array to given value */
void initialize_to_value(const T val);

1.2 Mesh

1.2.1 members
 /** Basic parameters of mesh */
//unsigned long
int n_eles, n_verts, n_dims, n_verts_global, n_cells_global;
int iter;

/** arrays which define the basic mesh geometry */
array<double> xv_0;//, xv;
array< array<double> > xv;
array<int> c2v,c2n_v,ctype,bctype_c,ic2icg,iv2ivg,ic2loc_c,
array<array<int> > v2e;

/** #### Boundary information #### */

int n_bnds, n_faces;
array<int> nBndPts;
array<int> v2bc;

/** vertex id = boundpts(bc_id)(ivert) */
array<array<int> > boundPts;

/** Store motion flag for each boundary
   (currently 0=fixed, 1=moving, -1=volume) */
array<int> bound_flags;

/** HiFiLES 'bcflag' for each boundary */
array<int> bc_list;

/** replacing get_bc_name() from geometry.cpp */
map<string,int> bc_name;

/** inverse of bc_name */
map<int,string> bc_flag;

// nBndPts.setup(n_bnds); boundPts.setup(nBnds,nPtsPerBnd);

array<double> vel_old,vel_new, xv_new;

array< array<double> > grid_vel;
1.2.2 methods
  // #### constructors ####

  /** default constructor */

  /** default destructor */

  // #### methods ####

  /** Mesh motion wrapper */
  void move(int _iter, int in_rk_step, solution *FlowSol);

  /** peform prescribed mesh motion using linear elasticity method */
  void deform(solution* FlowSol);

  /** peform prescribed mesh motion using rigid translation/rotation */
  void rigid_move(solution *FlowSol);

  /** Perturb the mesh points (test case for freestream preservation) */
  void perturb(solution *FlowSol);

  /** update grid velocity & apply to eles */
  void set_grid_velocity(solution *FlowSol, double dt);

  /** update the mesh: re-set spts, transforms, etc. */
  void update(solution *FlowSol);

  /** setup information for boundary motion */
  //void setup_boundaries(array<int> bctype);

  /** write out mesh to file */
  void write_mesh(int mesh_type, double sim_time);

  /** write out mesh in Gambit .neu format */
  void write_mesh_gambit(double sim_time);

  /** write out mesh in Gmsh .msh format */
  void write_mesh_gmsh(double sim_time);

  void setup(solution *in_FlowSol, array<double> &in_xv, array<int> &in_c2v, array<int> &in_c2n_v, array<int> &in_iv2ivg, array<int> &in_ctype);

  bool start;
  array<double> xv_nm1, xv_nm2, xv_nm3;//, xv_new, vel_old, vel_new;

  /** Global stiffness matrix for linear elasticity solution */
  CSysMatrix StiffnessMatrix;
  CSysVector LinSysRes;
  CSysVector LinSysSol;

  /// Copy of the pointer to the Flow Solution structure
  struct solution *FlowSol;

  /** global stiffness psuedo-matrix for linear-elasticity mesh motion */
  array<array<double> > stiff_mat;

  unsigned long LinSolIters;
  int failedIts;
  double min_vol, min_length, solver_tolerance;
  double time, rk_time;
  int rk_step;

  // Coefficients for LS-RK45 time-stepping
  array<double> RK_a, RK_b, RK_c;

  /** create individual-element stiffness matrix - triangles */
  bool set_2D_StiffMat_ele_tri(array<double> &stiffMat_ele,int ele_id);

  /** create individual-element stiffness matrix - quadrilaterals */
  bool set_2D_StiffMat_ele_quad(array<double> &stiffMat_ele,int ele_id);

  /** create individual-element stiffness matrix - tetrahedrons */
  //bool set_2D_StiffMat_ele_tet(array<double> &stiffMat_ele,int ele_id, solution *FlowSol);

  /** create individual-element stiffness matrix - hexahedrons */
  //bool set_2D_StiffMat_ele_hex(array<double> &stiffMat_ele,int ele_id, solution *FlowSol);

     * transfrom single-element stiffness matrix to nodal contributions in order to
     * add to global stiffness matrix
  void add_StiffMat_EleTri(array<double> StiffMatrix_Elem, int id_pt_0,
                           int id_pt_1, int id_pt_2);

  void add_StiffMat_EleQuad(array<double> StiffMatrix_Elem, int id_pt_0,
                            int id_pt_1, int id_pt_2, int id_pt_3);

  /** Set given/known displacements of vertices on moving boundaries in linear system */
  void set_boundary_displacements(solution *FlowSol);

  /** meant to check for any inverted cells (I think) and return minimum volume */
  double check_grid(solution *FlowSol);

  /** transfer solution from LinSysSol to xv_new */
  void update_grid_coords(void);

  /** find minimum length in mesh */
  void set_min_length(void);

  /* --- Linear-Elasticy Mesh Deformation Routines Taken from SU^2, 3/26/2014 ---
   * This version here has been stripped down to the bare essentials needed for HiFiLES
   * For more details (and additional awesome features), see su2.stanford.edu */

  /* These functions will (eventually) be replaced with pre-existing HiFiLES functions, but
   * for now, a HUGE THANKS to the SU^2 dev team for making this practically plug & play! */

   * \brief Add the stiffness matrix for a 2-D triangular element to the global stiffness matrix for the entire mesh (node-based).
   * \param[in] StiffMatrix_Elem - Element stiffness matrix to be filled.
   * \param[in] PointCornders - Element vertex ID's
  void add_FEA_stiffMat(array<double> &stiffMat_ele, array<int> &PointCorners);

   * \brief Build the stiffness matrix for a 3-D hexahedron element. The result will be placed in StiffMatrix_Elem.
   * \param[in] geometry - Geometrical definition of the problem.
   * \param[in] StiffMatrix_Elem - Element stiffness matrix to be filled.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Index value for Node 1 of the current hexahedron.
  void set_stiffmat_ele_3d(array<double> &stiffMat_ele, int ic, double scale);

   * \brief Build the stiffness matrix for a 3-D hexahedron element. The result will be placed in StiffMatrix_Elem.
   * \param[in] geometry - Geometrical definition of the problem.
   * \param[in] StiffMatrix_Elem - Element stiffness matrix to be filled.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Index value for Node 1 of the current hexahedron.
  void set_stiffmat_ele_2d(array<double> &stiffMat_ele, int ic, double scale);

   * \brief Shape functions and derivative of the shape functions
   * \param[in] Xi - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Eta - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Mu - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Coordiantes of the corners.
   * \param[in] shp[8][4] - Shape function information
  double ShapeFunc_Hexa(double Xi, double Eta, double Mu, double CoordCorners[8][3], double DShapeFunction[8][4]);

   * \brief Shape functions and derivative of the shape functions
   * \param[in] Xi - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Eta - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Mu - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Coordiantes of the corners.
   * \param[in] shp[8][4] - Shape function information
  double ShapeFunc_Tetra(double Xi, double Eta, double Mu, double CoordCorners[8][3], double DShapeFunction[8][4]);

   * \brief Shape functions and derivative of the shape functions
   * \param[in] Xi - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Eta - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Mu - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Coordiantes of the corners.
   * \param[in] shp[8][4] - Shape function information
  double ShapeFunc_Pyram(double Xi, double Eta, double Mu, double CoordCorners[8][3], double DShapeFunction[8][4]);

   * \brief Shape functions and derivative of the shape functions
   * \param[in] Xi - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Eta - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Mu - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Coordiantes of the corners.
   * \param[in] shp[8][4] - Shape function information
  double ShapeFunc_Wedge(double Xi, double Eta, double Mu, double CoordCorners[8][3], double DShapeFunction[8][4]);

   * \brief Shape functions and derivative of the shape functions
   * \param[in] Xi - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Eta - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Mu - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Coordiantes of the corners.
   * \param[in] shp[8][4] - Shape function information
  double ShapeFunc_Triangle(double Xi, double Eta, double CoordCorners[8][3], double DShapeFunction[8][4]);

   * \brief Shape functions and derivative of the shape functions
   * \param[in] Xi - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Eta - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] Mu - Local coordinates.
   * \param[in] CoordCorners[8][3] - Coordiantes of the corners.
   * \param[in] shp[8][4] - Shape function information
  double ShapeFunc_Rectangle(double Xi, double Eta, double CoordCorners[8][3], double DShapeFunction[8][4]);

1.3 solution

#pragma once //这是一个预编译命令,因为这个头文件要被很多源文件include,所以只加载一次

#include "array.h"  //array 主要定义了数组和向量,因为要用到各个各样,不同长度和维度的向量,这里提供了一个模板
#include <string>
#include "input.h"  //定义了input类,这个主要用于输入,就是获得各种配置参量和网格文件
#include "eles.h"   //这个类主要是用于计算Res项,它中定义了各种计算的函数。
#include "eles_tris.h"  //这个类是eles的派生类,主要处理三角形
#include "eles_quads.h" //这个类是eles的派生类,主要处理四边形
#include "eles_hexas.h" //这个类是eles的派生类,主要处理六面体
#include "eles_tets.h"  //这个类是eles的派生类,主要处理四面体
#include "eles_pris.h"  //这个类是eles的派生类,主要处理棱柱
#include "int_inters.h" //int_inters类是inters类的一个派生类,主要处理interface的东西
#include "bdy_inters.h" //bdy_inters类是inters类的一个派生类,主要处理boundary的东西

#ifdef _MPI
#include "mpi.h"
#include "mpi_inters.h"

class int_inters; /*!< Forwards declaration */
class bdy_inters; /*!< Forwards declaration */
class mpi_inters; /*!< Forwards declaration */

struct solution {

int viscous;
double time;
double ene_hist;
double grad_ene_hist;

array<int> num_f_per_c;

int n_ele_types;
int n_dims;

int num_eles;
int num_verts;
int num_edges;
int num_inters;
int num_cells_global;

int n_steps;
int adv_type;
int plot_freq;
int restart_dump_freq;
int ini_iter;

int write_type;

array<eles*> mesh_eles;
eles_quads mesh_eles_quads;
eles_tris mesh_eles_tris;
eles_hexas mesh_eles_hexas;
eles_tets mesh_eles_tets;
eles_pris mesh_eles_pris;

int n_int_inter_types;
int n_bdy_inter_types;

array<int_inters> mesh_int_inters;
array<bdy_inters> mesh_bdy_inters;

int rank;

/*! No-slip wall flux point coordinates for wall models. */

array< array<double> > loc_noslip_bdy;

/*! Diagnostic output quantities. */

array<double> body_force;
array<double> inv_force;
array<double> vis_force;
array<double> norm_residual;
array<double> integral_quantities;
double coeff_lift;
double coeff_drag;

/*! Plotting resolution. */

int p_res;

#ifdef _MPI

int nproc;

int n_mpi_inter_types;
array<mpi_inters> mesh_mpi_inters;
array<int> error_states;

int n_mpi_inters;

/*! No-slip wall flux point coordinates for wall models. */

array< array<double> > loc_noslip_bdy_global;



1.4 eles

1.4.1 members
// #### members ####

/// flag to avoid re-setting-up transform arrays
bool first_time;

/*! mesh motion flag */
int motion;

/*! viscous flag */
int viscous;

/*! LES flag */
int LES;

/*! SGS model */
int sgs_model;

/*! LES filter flag */
int filter;

/*! near-wall model */
int wall_model;

/*! number of elements */
int n_eles;

/*! number of elements that have a boundary face*/
int n_bdy_eles;

/*!  number of dimensions */
int n_dims;

/*!  number of prognostic fields */
int n_fields;

/*!  number of diagnostic fields */
int n_diagnostic_fields;

/*!  number of time averaged diagnostic fields */
int n_average_fields;

/*! order of solution polynomials */
int order;

/*! order of interface cubature rule */
int inters_cub_order;

/*! order of interface cubature rule */
int volume_cub_order;

/*! order of solution polynomials in restart file*/
int order_rest;

/*! number of solution points per element */
int n_upts_per_ele;

/*! number of solution points per element */
int n_upts_per_ele_rest;

/*! number of flux points per element */
int n_fpts_per_ele;

/*! number of vertices per element */
int n_verts_per_ele;

array<int> connectivity_plot;

/*! plotting resolution */
int p_res;

/*! solution point type */
int upts_type;

/*! flux point type */
int fpts_type;

/*! number of plot points per element */
int n_ppts_per_ele;

/*! number of plot elements per element */
int n_peles_per_ele;

/*! Global cell number of element */
array<int> ele2global_ele;

/*! Global cell number of element */
array<int> bdy_ele2ele;

/*! Boundary condition type of faces */
array<int> bctype;

/*! number of shape points per element */
array<int> n_spts_per_ele;

/*! transformed normal at flux points */
array<double> tnorm_fpts;

/*! transformed normal at flux points */
array< array<double> > tnorm_inters_cubpts;

/*! location of solution points in standard element */
array<double> loc_upts;

/*! location of solution points in standard element */
array<double> loc_upts_rest;

/*! location of flux points in standard element */
array<double> tloc_fpts;

/*! location of interface cubature points in standard element */
array< array<double> > loc_inters_cubpts;

/*! weight of interface cubature points in standard element */
array< array<double> > weight_inters_cubpts;

/*! location of volume cubature points in standard element */
array<double> loc_volume_cubpts;

/*! weight of cubature points in standard element */
array<double> weight_volume_cubpts;

/*! transformed normal at cubature points */
array< array<double> > tnorm_cubpts;

/*! location of plot points in standard element */
array<double> loc_ppts;

/*! location of shape points in standard element (simplex elements only)*/
array<double> loc_spts;

/*! number of interfaces per element */
int n_inters_per_ele;

/*! number of flux points per interface */
array<int> n_fpts_per_inter;

/*! number of cubature points per interface */
array<int> n_cubpts_per_inter;

/*! number of cubature points per interface */
int n_cubpts_per_ele;

/*! element type (0=>quad,1=>tri,2=>tet,3=>pri,4=>hex) */
int ele_type;

/*! order of polynomials defining shapes */
int s_order;

/*! maximum number of shape points used by any element */
int max_n_spts_per_ele;

/*! position of shape points (mesh vertices) in static-physical domain */
array<double> shape;

/*! position of shape points (mesh vertices) in dynamic-physical domain */
array<double> shape_dyn;

Description: Mesh velocity at shape points \n
indexing: (in_ele)(in_spt, in_dim) \n
array<double> vel_spts;

Description: Mesh velocity at flux points (interpolated using shape basis funcs) \n
indexing: (in_dim, in_fpt, in_ele) \n
array<double> grid_vel_upts, grid_vel_fpts, vel_ppts;

/*! nodal shape basis contributions at flux points */
array<double> nodal_s_basis_fpts;

/*! nodal shape basis contributions at solution points */
array<double> nodal_s_basis_upts;

/*! nodal shape basis contributions at output plot points */
array<double> nodal_s_basis_ppts;

/*! nodal shape basis contributions at output plot points */
array<double> nodal_s_basis_vol_cubpts;

/*! nodal shape basis contributions at output plot points */
array<array<double> > nodal_s_basis_inters_cubpts;

/*! nodal shape basis derivative contributions at flux points */
array<double> d_nodal_s_basis_fpts;

/*! nodal shape basis derivative contributions at solution points */
array<double> d_nodal_s_basis_upts;

/*! nodal shape basis contributions at output plot points */
array<double> d_nodal_s_basis_vol_cubpts;

/*! nodal shape basis contributions at output plot points */
array<array<double> > d_nodal_s_basis_inters_cubpts;

/*! temporary solution storage at a single solution point */
array<double> temp_u;

/*! temporary grid velocity storage at a single solution point */
array<double> temp_v;

/*! temporary grid velocity storage at a single solution point (transformed to static frame) */
array<double> temp_v_ref;

/*! temporary flux storage for GCL at a single solution point (transformed to static frame) */
array<double> temp_f_GCL;

/*! temporary flux storage for GCL at a single solution point (transformed to static frame) */
array<double> temp_f_ref_GCL;

/*! constansts for RK time-stepping */
array<double> RK_a, RK_b, RK_c;

/*! temporary solution gradient storage */
array<double> temp_grad_u;

/*! Matrix of filter weights at solution points */
array<double> filter_upts;

/*! extra arrays for similarity model: Leonard tensors, velocity/energy products */
array<double> Lu, Le, uu, ue;

/*! temporary flux storage */
array<double> temp_f;

/*! temporary flux storage */
array<double> temp_f_ref;

/*! temporary subgrid-scale flux storage */
array<double> temp_sgsf;

/*! temporary subgrid-scale flux storage for dynamic->static transformation */
array<double> temp_sgsf_ref;

/*! storage for distance of solution points to nearest no-slip boundary */
array<double> wall_distance;
array<double> wall_distance_mag;

array<double> twall;

/*! number of storage levels for time-integration scheme */
int n_adv_levels;

/*! determinant of Jacobian (transformation matrix) at solution points
*  (J = |G|) */
   array<double> detjac_upts;

/*! determinant of Jacobian (transformation matrix) at flux points
*  (J = |G|) */
   array<double> detjac_fpts;

/*! determinant of jacobian at volume cubature points. TODO: what is this really? */
array< array<double> > vol_detjac_inters_cubpts;

/*! determinant of volume jacobian at cubature points. TODO: what is this really? */
array< array<double> > vol_detjac_vol_cubpts;

/*! Full vector-transform matrix from static physical->computational frame, at solution points
*  [Determinant of Jacobian times inverse of Jacobian] [J*G^-1] */
array<double> JGinv_upts;

/*! Full vector-transform matrix from static physical->computational frame, at flux points
*  [Determinant of Jacobian times inverse of Jacobian] [J*G^-1] */
array<double> JGinv_fpts;

/*! Magnitude of transformed face-area normal vector from computational -> static-physical frame
*  [magntiude of (normal dot inverse static transformation matrix)] [ |J*(G^-1)*(n*dA)| ] */
array<double> tdA_fpts;

/*! determinant of interface jacobian at flux points */
array< array<double> > inter_detjac_inters_cubpts;

/*! normal at flux points*/
array<double> norm_fpts;

/*! static-physical coordinates at flux points*/
array<double> pos_fpts;

/*! static-physical coordinates at solution points*/
array<double> pos_upts;

/*! normal at interface cubature points*/
array< array<double> > norm_inters_cubpts;

/*! determinant of dynamic jacobian at solution points ( |G| ) */
array<double> J_dyn_upts;

/*! determinant of dynamic jacobian at flux points ( |G| ) */
array<double> J_dyn_fpts;

/*! Dynamic transformation matrix at solution points ( |G|*G^-1 ) */
array<double>  JGinv_dyn_upts;

/*! Dynamic->Static transformation matrix at flux points ( |G|*G^-1 ) */
array<double>  JGinv_dyn_fpts;

/*! Static->Dynamic transformation matrix at flux points ( G/|G| ) */
array<double>  JinvG_dyn_fpts;

/*! transformed gradient of determinant of dynamic jacobian at solution points */
array<double> tgrad_J_dyn_upts;

/*! transformed gradient of determinant of dynamic jacobian at flux points */
array<double> tgrad_J_dyn_fpts;

/*! normal at flux points in dynamic mesh */
array<double> norm_dyn_fpts;

/*! physical coordinates at flux points in dynamic mesh */
array<double> dyn_pos_fpts, dyn_pos_upts;

/*! magnitude of transformed face-area normal vector from static-physical -> dynamic-physical frame
*  [magntiude of (normal dot inverse dynamic transformation matrix)] [ |J*(G^-1)*(n*dA)| ] */
array<double> ndA_dyn_fpts;

description: transformed discontinuous solution at the solution points
indexing: \n
matrix mapping:
array< array<double> > disu_upts;

running time-averaged diagnostic fields at solution points
array<double> disu_average_upts;

time (in secs) until start of time average period for above diagnostic fields
double spinup_time;

filtered solution at solution points for similarity and SVV LES models
array<double> disuf_upts;

/*! position at the plot points */
array< array<double> > pos_ppts;

description: transformed discontinuous solution at the flux points \n
indexing: (in_fpt, in_field, in_ele) \n
matrix mapping: (in_fpt || in_field, in_ele)
array<double> disu_fpts;

description: transformed discontinuous flux at the solution points \n
indexing: (in_upt, in_dim, in_field, in_ele) \n
matrix mapping: (in_upt, in_dim || in_field, in_ele)
array<double> tdisf_upts;

description: subgrid-scale flux at the solution points \n
indexing: (in_upt, in_dim, in_field, in_ele) \n
matrix mapping: (in_upt, in_dim || in_field, in_ele)
array<double> sgsf_upts;

description: subgrid-scale flux at the flux points \n
indexing: (in_fpt, in_dim, in_field, in_ele) \n
matrix mapping: (in_fpt, in_dim || in_field, in_ele)
array<double> sgsf_fpts;

normal transformed discontinuous flux at the flux points
indexing: \n
matrix mapping:
array<double> norm_tdisf_fpts;

normal transformed continuous flux at the flux points
indexing: \n
matrix mapping:
array<double> norm_tconf_fpts;

divergence of transformed continuous flux at the solution points
indexing: \n
matrix mapping:
array< array<double> > div_tconf_upts;

/*! delta of the transformed discontinuous solution at the flux points   */
array<double> delta_disu_fpts;

/*! gradient of discontinuous solution at solution points */
array<double> grad_disu_upts;

/*! gradient of discontinuous solution at flux points */
array<double> grad_disu_fpts;

/*! transformed discontinuous viscous flux at the solution points */
//array<double> tdisvisf_upts;

/*! normal transformed discontinuous viscous flux at the flux points */
//array<double> norm_tdisvisf_fpts;

/*! normal transformed continuous viscous flux at the flux points */
//array<double> norm_tconvisf_fpts;

/*! transformed gradient of determinant of jacobian at solution points */
array<double> tgrad_detjac_upts;

/*! source term for SA turbulence model at solution points */
array<double> src_upts;

array<double> d_nodal_s_basis;

// TODO: change naming (comments) to reflect reuse

* description: discontinuous solution for GCL at the solution points \n
* indexing: (in_upt, in_ele) \n
array< array<double> > Jbar_upts;

* description: discontinuous solution for GCL at the flux points \n
* indexing: (in_fpt, in_ele) \n
array< array<double> > Jbar_fpts;

* description: transformed discontinuous flux for GCL at the solution points \n
* indexing: (in_upt, in_dim, in_ele) \n
array<double> tdisf_GCL_upts;

* description: transformed discontinuous flux for GCL at the flux points \n
* indexing: (in_fpt, in_dim, in_ele) \n
array<double> tdisf_GCL_fpts;

* normal transformed discontinuous GCL flux at the flux points \n
* indexing: (in_fpt, in_ele) \n
array<double> norm_tdisf_GCL_fpts;

* normal transformed continuous GCL flux at the flux points \n
* indexing: (in_fpt, in_ele) \n
array<double> norm_tconf_GCL_fpts;

* divergence of transformed continuous GCL flux at the solution points
* indexing: (in_upt, in_ele) \n
array< array<double> > div_tconf_GCL_upts;

#ifdef _GPU
cusparseHandle_t handle;

/*! operator to go from transformed discontinuous solution at the solution points to transformed discontinuous solution at the flux points */
array<double> opp_0;
array<double> opp_0_data;
array<int> opp_0_cols;
array<int> opp_0_b;
array<int> opp_0_e;
int opp_0_sparse;

#ifdef _GPU
array<double> opp_0_ell_data;
array<int> opp_0_ell_indices;
int opp_0_nnz_per_row;

/*! operator to go from transformed discontinuous inviscid flux at the solution points to divergence of transformed discontinuous inviscid flux at the solution points */
array< array<double> > opp_1;
array< array<double> > opp_1_data;
array< array<int> > opp_1_cols;
array< array<int> > opp_1_b;
array< array<int> > opp_1_e;
int opp_1_sparse;
#ifdef _GPU
array< array<double> > opp_1_ell_data;
array< array<int> > opp_1_ell_indices;
array<int> opp_1_nnz_per_row;

/*! operator to go from transformed discontinuous inviscid flux at the solution points to normal transformed discontinuous inviscid flux at the flux points */
array< array<double> > opp_2;
array< array<double> > opp_2_data;
array< array<int> > opp_2_cols;
array< array<int> > opp_2_b;
array< array<int> > opp_2_e;
int opp_2_sparse;
#ifdef _GPU
array< array<double> > opp_2_ell_data;
array< array<int> > opp_2_ell_indices;
array<int> opp_2_nnz_per_row;

/*! operator to go from normal correction inviscid flux at the flux points to divergence of correction inviscid flux at the solution points*/
array<double> opp_3;
array<double> opp_3_data;
array<int> opp_3_cols;
array<int> opp_3_b;
array<int> opp_3_e;
int opp_3_sparse;
#ifdef _GPU
array<double> opp_3_ell_data;
array<int> opp_3_ell_indices;
int opp_3_nnz_per_row;

/*! operator to go from transformed solution at solution points to transformed gradient of transformed solution at solution points */
array< array<double> >  opp_4;
array< array<double> >  opp_4_data;
array< array<int> > opp_4_cols;
array< array<int> > opp_4_b;
array< array<int> > opp_4_e;
int opp_4_sparse;
#ifdef _GPU
array< array<double> > opp_4_ell_data;
array< array<int> > opp_4_ell_indices;
array< int > opp_4_nnz_per_row;

/*! operator to go from transformed solution at flux points to transformed gradient of transformed solution at solution points */
array< array<double> > opp_5;
array< array<double> > opp_5_data;
array< array<int> > opp_5_cols;
array< array<int> > opp_5_b;
array< array<int> > opp_5_e;
int opp_5_sparse;
#ifdef _GPU
array< array<double> > opp_5_ell_data;
array< array<int> > opp_5_ell_indices;
array<int> opp_5_nnz_per_row;

/*! operator to go from transformed solution at solution points to transformed gradient of transformed solution at flux points */
array<double> opp_6;
array<double> opp_6_data;
array<int> opp_6_cols;
array<int> opp_6_b;
array<int> opp_6_e;
int opp_6_sparse;
#ifdef _GPU
array<double> opp_6_ell_data;
array<int> opp_6_ell_indices;
int opp_6_nnz_per_row;

/*! operator to go from discontinuous solution at the solution points to discontinuous solution at the plot points */
array<double> opp_p;

array< array<double> > opp_inters_cubpts;
array<double> opp_volume_cubpts;

/*! operator to go from discontinuous solution at the restart points to discontinuous solution at the solutoin points */
array<double> opp_r;

/*! dimensions for blas calls */
int Arows, Acols;
int Brows, Bcols;
int Astride, Bstride, Cstride;

/*! general settings for mkl sparse blas */
char matdescra[6];

/*! transpose setting for mkl sparse blas */
char transa;

/*! zero for mkl sparse blas */
double zero;

/*! one for mkl sparse blas */
double one;

/*! number of fields multiplied by number of elements */
int n_fields_mul_n_eles;

/*! number of dimensions multiplied by number of solution points per element */
int n_dims_mul_n_upts_per_ele;

int rank;
int nproc;

/*! mass flux through inlet */
double mass_flux;

/*! reference element length */
array<double> h_ref;

/*! element local timestep */
array<double> dt_local;
double dt_local_new;
array<double> dt_local_mpi;

/*! Artificial Viscosity variables */
array<double> vandermonde;
array<double> inv_vandermonde;
array<double> vandermonde2D;
array<double> inv_vandermonde2D;
array<double> area_coord_upts;
array<double> area_coord_fpts;
array<double> epsilon;
array<double> epsilon_upts;
array<double> epsilon_fpts;
array<double> concentration_array;
array<double> sensor;
array<double> sigma;

array<double> min_dt_local;

/*! Global cell number of element as in the code */
 array<int> ele2global_ele_code;
1.4.2 methods
 // #### methods ####

 /*! setup */
 void setup(int in_n_eles, int in_max_s_spts_per_ele);

 /*! setup initial conditions */
 void set_ics(double& time);

 /*! read data from restart file */
 void read_restart_data(ifstream& restart_file);

 /*! write data to restart file */
 void write_restart_data(ofstream& restart_file);

 /*! write extra restart file containing x,y,z of solution points instead of solution data */
 void write_restart_mesh(ofstream& restart_file);

 /*! move all to from cpu to gpu */
 void mv_all_cpu_gpu(void);

 /*! move wall distance array to from cpu to gpu */
 void mv_wall_distance_cpu_gpu(void);

 /*! move wall distance magnitude array to from cpu to gpu */
 void mv_wall_distance_mag_cpu_gpu(void);

 /*! copy transformed discontinuous solution at solution points to cpu */
 void cp_disu_upts_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! copy transformed discontinuous solution at solution points to gpu */
 void cp_disu_upts_cpu_gpu(void);

 void cp_grad_disu_upts_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! copy determinant of jacobian at solution points to cpu */
 void cp_detjac_upts_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! copy divergence at solution points to cpu */
 void cp_div_tconf_upts_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! copy local time stepping reference length at solution points to cpu */
 void cp_h_ref_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! copy source term at solution points to cpu */
 void cp_src_upts_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! copy elemental sensor values to cpu */
 void cp_sensor_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! copy AV co-eff values at solution points to cpu */
 void cp_epsilon_upts_gpu_cpu(void);

 /*! remove transformed discontinuous solution at solution points from cpu */
 void rm_disu_upts_cpu(void);

 /*! remove determinant of jacobian at solution points from cpu */
 void rm_detjac_upts_cpu(void);

 /*! calculate the discontinuous solution at the flux points */
 void extrapolate_solution(int in_disu_upts_from);

 /*! Calculate terms for some LES models */
 void calc_sgs_terms(int in_disu_upts_from);

 /*! calculate transformed discontinuous inviscid flux at solution points */
 void evaluate_invFlux(int in_disu_upts_from);

 /*! calculate divergence of transformed discontinuous flux at solution points */
 void calculate_divergence(int in_div_tconf_upts_to);

 /*! calculate normal transformed discontinuous flux at flux points */
 void extrapolate_totalFlux(void);

 /*! calculate subgrid-scale flux at flux points */
 void evaluate_sgsFlux(void);

 /*! calculate divergence of transformed continuous flux at solution points */
 void calculate_corrected_divergence(int in_div_tconf_upts_to);

 /*! calculate uncorrected transformed gradient of the discontinuous solution at the solution points */
 void calculate_gradient(int in_disu_upts_from);

 /*! calculate corrected gradient of the discontinuous solution at solution points */
 void correct_gradient(void);

 /*! calculate corrected gradient of the discontinuous solution at flux points */
 void extrapolate_corrected_gradient(void);

 /*! calculate corrected gradient of solution at flux points */
 //void extrapolate_corrected_gradient(void);

 /*! calculate transformed discontinuous viscous flux at solution points */
 void evaluate_viscFlux(int in_disu_upts_from);

 /*! calculate divergence of transformed discontinuous viscous flux at solution points */
 //void calc_div_tdisvisf_upts(int in_div_tconinvf_upts_to);

 /*! calculate normal transformed discontinuous viscous flux at flux points */
 //void calc_norm_tdisvisf_fpts(void);

 /*! calculate divergence of transformed continuous viscous flux at solution points */
 //void calc_div_tconvisf_upts(int in_div_tconinvf_upts_to);

 /*! calculate source term for SA turbulence model at solution points */
 void calc_src_upts_SA(int in_disu_upts_from);

 /*! advance solution using a runge-kutta scheme */
 void AdvanceSolution(int in_step, int adv_type);

 /*! Calculate element local timestep */
 double calc_dt_local(int in_ele);

 /*! get number of elements */
 int get_n_eles(void);

 // get number of ppts_per_ele
 int get_n_ppts_per_ele(void);

 // get number of peles_per_ele
 int get_n_peles_per_ele(void);

 // get number of verts_per_ele
 int get_n_verts_per_ele(void);

 /*! get number of solution points per element */
 int get_n_upts_per_ele(void);

 /*! get element type */
 int get_ele_type(void);

 /*! get number of dimensions */
 int get_n_dims(void);

 /*! get number of fields */
 int get_n_fields(void);

 /*! set shape */
 void set_shape(int in_max_n_spts_per_ele);

 /*! set shape node */
 void set_shape_node(int in_spt, int in_ele, array<double>& in_pos);

 /*! Set new position of shape node in dynamic domain */
 void set_dynamic_shape_node(int in_spt, int in_ele, array<double> &in_pos);

 /*! set bc type */
 void set_bctype(int in_ele, int in_inter, int in_bctype);

 /*! set bc type */
 void set_bdy_ele2ele(void);

 /*! set number of shape points */
 void set_n_spts(int in_ele, int in_n_spts);

 /*!  set global element number */
 void set_ele2global_ele(int in_ele, int in_global_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to the transformed discontinuous solution at a flux point */
 double* get_disu_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_field, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to the normal transformed continuous flux at a flux point */
 double* get_norm_tconf_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_field, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to the determinant of the jacobian at a flux point (static->computational) */
 double* get_detjac_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to the determinant of the jacobian at a flux point (dynamic->static) */
 double* get_detjac_dyn_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_ele);

 /*! get pointer to the equivalent of 'dA' (face area) at a flux point in static physical space */
 double* get_tdA_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_ele);

 /*! get pointer to the equivalent of 'dA' (face area) at a flux point in dynamic physical space */
 double* get_ndA_dyn_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to the normal at a flux point */
 double* get_norm_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_dim, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to the normal at a flux point in dynamic space */
 double* get_norm_dyn_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_dim, int in_ele);

 /*! get a CPU pointer to the coordinates at a flux point */
 double* get_loc_fpts_ptr_cpu(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_dim, int in_ele);

 /*! get a GPU pointer to the coordinates at a flux point */
 double* get_loc_fpts_ptr_gpu(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_dim, int in_ele);

 /*! get a CPU pointer to the dynamic physical coordinates at a flux point */
 double* get_pos_dyn_fpts_ptr_cpu(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_dim, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to delta of the transformed discontinuous solution at a flux point */
 double* get_delta_disu_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_field, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to gradient of discontinuous solution at a flux point */
 double* get_grad_disu_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_dim, int in_field, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to gradient of discontinuous solution at a flux point */
 double* get_normal_disu_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_field, int in_ele, array<double> temp_loc, double temp_pos[3]);

 /*! get a pointer to the normal transformed continuous viscous flux at a flux point */
 //double* get_norm_tconvisf_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_field, int in_ele);

 /*! get a pointer to the subgrid-scale flux at a flux point */
 double* get_sgsf_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_field, int in_dim, int in_ele);

 /*! set opp_0 */
 void set_opp_0(int in_sparse);

 /*! set opp_1 */
 void set_opp_1(int in_sparse);

 /*! set opp_2 */
 void set_opp_2(int in_sparse);

 /*! set opp_3 */
 void set_opp_3(int in_sparse);

 /*! set opp_4 */
 void set_opp_4(int in_sparse);

 /*! set opp_5 */
 void set_opp_5(int in_sparse);

 /*! set opp_6 */
 void set_opp_6(int in_sparse);

 /*! set opp_p */
 void set_opp_p(void);

 /*! set opp_p */
 void set_opp_inters_cubpts(void);

 /*! set opp_p */
 void set_opp_volume_cubpts(void);

 /*! set opp_r */
 void set_opp_r(void);

 /*! calculate position of the plot points */
 void calc_pos_ppts(int in_ele, array<double>& out_pos_ppts);

 void set_rank(int in_rank);

 virtual void set_connectivity_plot()=0;

 void set_disu_upts_to_zero_other_levels(void);

 array<int> get_connectivity_plot();

 /*! calculate solution at the plot points */
 void calc_disu_ppts(int in_ele, array<double>& out_disu_ppts);

 /*! calculate gradient of solution at the plot points */
 void calc_grad_disu_ppts(int in_ele, array<double>& out_grad_disu_ppts);

 /*! calculate sensor at the plot points */
 void calc_sensor_ppts(int in_ele, array<double>& out_sensor_ppts);

 /*! calculate AV-co-efficients at the plot points */
 void calc_epsilon_ppts(int in_ele, array<double>& out_epsilon_ppts);

 /*! calculate time-averaged diagnostic fields at the plot points */
 void calc_time_average_ppts(int in_ele, array<double>& out_disu_average_ppts);

 /*! calculate diagnostic fields at the plot points */
 void calc_diagnostic_fields_ppts(int in_ele, array<double>& in_disu_ppts, array<double>& in_grad_disu_ppts, array<double>& in_sensor_ppts, array<double> &in_epsilon_ppts, array<double>& out_diag_field_ppts, double& time);

 /*! calculate position of a solution point */
 void calc_pos_upt(int in_upt, int in_ele, array<double>& out_pos);

 /*! get physical position of a flux point */
 void calc_pos_fpt(int in_fpt, int in_ele, array<double>& out_pos);

 /*! returns position of a solution point */
 double get_loc_upt(int in_upt, int in_dim);

 /*! set transforms */
 void set_transforms(void);

 /*! set transforms at the interface cubature points */
 void set_transforms_inters_cubpts(void);

 /*! set transforms at the volume cubature points */
 void set_transforms_vol_cubpts(void);

 /*! Calculate distance of solution points to no-slip wall */
 void calc_wall_distance(int n_seg_noslip_inters, int n_tri_noslip_inters, int n_quad_noslip_inters, array< array<double> > loc_noslip_bdy);

 /*! Calculate distance of solution points to no-slip wall in parallel */
 void calc_wall_distance_parallel(array<int> n_seg_noslip_inters, array<int> n_tri_noslip_inters, array<int> n_quad_noslip_inters, array< array<double> > loc_noslip_bdy_global, int nproc);

 /*! calculate position */
 void calc_pos(array<double> in_loc, int in_ele, array<double>& out_pos);

 /*! calculate derivative of position */
 void calc_d_pos(array<double> in_loc, int in_ele, array<double>& out_d_pos);

 /*! calculate derivative of position at a solution point (using pre-computed gradients) */
 void calc_d_pos_upt(int in_upt, int in_ele, array<double>& out_d_pos);

 /*! calculate derivative of position at a flux point (using pre-computed gradients) */
 void calc_d_pos_fpt(int in_fpt, int in_ele, array<double>& out_d_pos);

 // #### virtual methods ####

 virtual void setup_ele_type_specific()=0;

 /*! prototype for element reference length calculation */
 virtual double calc_h_ref_specific(int in_eles) = 0;

 virtual int read_restart_info(ifstream& restart_file)=0;

 virtual void write_restart_info(ofstream& restart_file)=0;

 /*! Compute interface jacobian determinant on face */
 virtual double compute_inter_detjac_inters_cubpts(int in_inter, array<double> d_pos)=0;

 /*! evaluate nodal basis */
 virtual double eval_nodal_basis(int in_index, array<double> in_loc)=0;

 /*! evaluate nodal basis for restart file*/
 virtual double eval_nodal_basis_restart(int in_index, array<double> in_loc)=0;

 /*! evaluate derivative of nodal basis */
 virtual double eval_d_nodal_basis(int in_index, int in_cpnt, array<double> in_loc)=0;

 virtual void fill_opp_3(array<double>& opp_3)=0;

 /*! evaluate divergence of vcjh basis */
 //virtual double eval_div_vcjh_basis(int in_index, array<double>& loc)=0;

 /*! evaluate nodal shape basis */
 virtual double eval_nodal_s_basis(int in_index, array<double> in_loc, int in_n_spts)=0;

 /*! evaluate derivative of nodal shape basis */
 virtual void eval_d_nodal_s_basis(array<double> &d_nodal_s_basis, array<double> in_loc, int in_n_spts)=0;

 /*! Calculate SGS flux */
 void calc_sgsf_upts(array<double>& temp_u, array<double>& temp_grad_u, double& detjac, int ele, int upt, array<double>& temp_sgsf);

 /*! rotate velocity components to surface*/
 array<double> calc_rotation_matrix(array<double>& norm);

 /*! calculate wall shear stress using LES wall model*/
 void calc_wall_stress(double rho, array<double>& urot, double ene, double mu, double Pr, double gamma, double y, array<double>& tau_wall, double q_wall);

 /*! Wall function calculator for Breuer-Rodi wall model */
 double wallfn_br(double yplus, double A, double B, double E, double kappa);

 /*! Calculate element volume */
 virtual double calc_ele_vol(double& detjac)=0;

 double compute_res_upts(int in_norm_type, int in_field);

 /*! calculate body forcing at solution points */
 void evaluate_body_force(int in_file_num);

 /*! Compute volume integral of diagnostic quantities */
 void CalcIntegralQuantities(int n_integral_quantities, array <double>& integral_quantities);

 /*! Compute time-average diagnostic quantities */
 void CalcTimeAverageQuantities(double& time);

 void compute_wall_forces(array<double>& inv_force, array<double>& vis_force, double& temp_cl, double& temp_cd, ofstream& coeff_file, bool write_forces);

 array<double> compute_error(int in_norm_type, double& time);

 array<double> get_pointwise_error(array<double>& sol, array<double>& grad_sol, array<double>& loc, double& time, int in_norm_type);

 /*! calculate position of a point in physical (dynamic) space from (r,s,t) coordinates*/
 void calc_pos_dyn(array<double> in_loc, int in_ele, array<double> &out_pos);

* Calculate dynamic position of solution point
* \param[in] in_upt - ID of solution point within element to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_pos_dyn_fpt(int in_fpt, int in_ele, array<double> &out_pos);

* Calculate dynamic position of flux point
* \param[in] in_upt - ID of solution point within element to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_pos_dyn_upt(int in_upt, int in_ele, array<double> &out_pos);

* Calculate dynamic position of plot point
* \param[in] in_ppt - ID of plot point within element to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_pos_dyn_ppt(int in_ppt, int in_ele, array<double> &out_pos);

* Calculate dynamic position of volume cubature point
* \param[in] in_cubpt - ID of cubature point within element to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_pos_dyn_vol_cubpt(int in_cubpt, int in_ele, array<double> &out_pos);

* Calculate dynamic position of interface cubature point
* \param[in] in_cubpt - ID of cubature point on element face to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_face - local face ID within element
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_pos_dyn_inters_cubpt(int in_cubpt, int in_face, int in_ele, array<double> &out_pos);

* Calculate derivative of dynamic position wrt reference (initial,static) position
* \param[in] in_loc - position of point in computational space
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_d_pos_dyn(array<double> in_loc, int in_ele, array<double> &out_d_pos);

* Calculate derivative of dynamic position wrt reference (initial,static) position at fpt
* \param[in] in_fpt - ID of flux point within element to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_d_pos_dyn_fpt(int in_fpt, int in_ele, array<double> &out_d_pos);

* Calculate derivative of dynamic position wrt reference (initial,static) position at upt
* \param[in] in_upt - ID of solution point within element to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_d_pos_dyn_upt(int in_upt, int in_ele, array<double> &out_d_pos);

* Calculate derivative of dynamic position wrt reference (initial,static) position at
  volume cubature point
* \param[in] in_cubpt - ID of cubature point within element to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_d_pos_dyn_vol_cubpt(int in_cubpt, int in_ele, array<double> &out_d_pos);

* Calculate derivative of dynamic position wrt reference (initial,static) position at
  volume cubature point
* \param[in] in_cubpt - ID of cubature point on face to evaluate at
* \param[in] in_face - local face ID within element
* \param[in] in_ele - local element ID
* \param[out] out_d_pos - array of size (n_dims,n_dims); (i,j) = dx_i / dX_j
void calc_d_pos_dyn_inters_cubpt(int in_cubpt, int in_face, int in_ele, array<double> &out_d_pos);

/*! pre-computing shape basis contributions at flux points for more efficient access */
void store_nodal_s_basis_fpts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis contributions at solution points for more efficient access */
void store_nodal_s_basis_upts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis contributions at plot points for more efficient access */
void store_nodal_s_basis_ppts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis contributions at plot points for more efficient access */
void store_nodal_s_basis_vol_cubpts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis contributions at plot points for more efficient access */
void store_nodal_s_basis_inters_cubpts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis deriavative contributions at flux points for more efficient access */
void store_d_nodal_s_basis_fpts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis derivative contributions at solution points for more efficient access */
void store_d_nodal_s_basis_upts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis derivative contributions at solution points for more efficient access */
void store_d_nodal_s_basis_vol_cubpts(void);

/*! pre-computing shape basis derivative contributions at solution points for more efficient access */
void store_d_nodal_s_basis_inters_cubpts(void);

/*! initialize arrays for storing grid velocities */
void initialize_grid_vel(int in_max_n_spts_per_ele);

/*! set grid velocity on element shape points */
void set_grid_vel_spt(int in_ele, int in_spt, array<double> in_vel);

/*! interpolate grid velocity from shape points to flux points */
void set_grid_vel_fpts(int in_rk_step);

/*! interpolate grid velocity from shape points to solution points */
void set_grid_vel_upts(int in_rk_step);

/*! interpolate grid velocity from shape points to plot points */
void set_grid_vel_ppts(void);

/*! Get array of grid velocity at all plot points */
array<double> get_grid_vel_ppts(void);

/*! Get pointer to grid velocity at a flux point */
double *get_grid_vel_fpts_ptr(int in_ele, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_dim);

/*! Set the transformation variables for dynamic-physical -> static-physical frames */
void set_transforms_dynamic(void);

/* --- Geometric Conservation Law (GCL) Funcitons --- */
/*! Update the dynamic transformation variables with the GCL-corrected Jacobian determinant */
void correct_dynamic_transforms(void);

/*! GCL Residual-Calculation Steps */
void evaluate_GCL_flux(int in_disu_upts_from);
void extrapolate_GCL_solution(int in_disu_upts_from);
void extrapolate_GCL_flux(void);
void calculate_divergence_GCL(int in_div_tconf_upts_to);
void calculate_corrected_divergence_GCL(int in_div_tconf_upts_to);

double *get_disu_GCL_fpts_ptr(int in_inter_local_fpt, int in_ele_local_inter, int in_ele);
/* --------------------------------------------------- */

/*! Set the time step for the current iteration */
void set_dt(int in_step, int adv_type);
  1. void eles::settransforms(void)

1.5 elestris

1.5.1 members
// methods
void set_vandermonde();
void set_vandermonde_restart();
// members
array<double> vandermonde;
array<double> vandermonde_rest;
array<double> inv_vandermonde;
array<double> inv_vandermonde_rest;
array<double> loc_1d_fpts;
1.5.2 methods
// #### constructors ####
// default constructor

// #### methods ####
/*! set shape */
//void set_shape(array<int> &in_n_spts_per_ele);

void set_connectivity_plot();

/*! set location of solution points */
void set_loc_upts(void);

/*! set location of flux points */
void set_tloc_fpts(void);

/*! set location and weights of interface cubature points */
void set_inters_cubpts(void);

/*! set location and weights of volume cubature points */
void set_volume_cubpts(void);

/*! set location of plot points */
void set_loc_ppts(void);

/*! set location of shape points */
//	void set_loc_spts(void);

/*! set transformed normals at flux points */
void set_tnorm_fpts(void);

//#### helper methods ####

void setup_ele_type_specific(void);

/*! read restart info */
int read_restart_info(ifstream& restart_file);

/*! write restart info */
void write_restart_info(ofstream& restart_file);

/*! Compute interface jacobian determinant on face */
double compute_inter_detjac_inters_cubpts(int in_inter, array<double> d_pos);

/*! evaluate nodal basis */
double eval_nodal_basis(int in_index, array<double> in_loc);

/*! evaluate nodal basis for restart file*/
double eval_nodal_basis_restart(int in_index, array<double> in_loc);

/*! evaluate derivative of nodal basis */
double eval_d_nodal_basis(int in_index, int in_cpnt, array<double> in_loc);

/*! evaluate divergence of vcjh basis */
//double eval_div_vcjh_basis(int in_index, array<double>& loc);

void fill_opp_3(array<double>& opp_3);

/*! evaluate nodal shape basis */
double eval_nodal_s_basis(int in_index, array<double> in_loc, int in_n_spts);

/*! evaluate derivative of nodal shape basis */
void eval_d_nodal_s_basis(array<double> &d_nodal_s_basis, array<double> in_loc, int in_n_spts);

/*! Compute the filter matrix for subgrid-scale models */
void compute_filter_upts(void);

/*! Calculate element volume */
double calc_ele_vol(double& detjac);

/*! Element reference length calculation */
double calc_h_ref_specific(int in_ele);
  • [ ] void setlocupts(void)

1.6 inters

1.6.1 members
// #### members ####

int inters_type; // segment, quad or tri 界面的类型可能是线段(二维)、三角形或四边形(三维)

int order;
int viscous;
int LES;
int wall_model;
int n_inters; //interfaces的个数,我的一个目的就是弄清楚如何得到这个。
int n_fpts_per_inter; //每个Interface上有多少个Flux points。
int n_fields; //流场的个数,二维的话是4个,三维是五个。其实就是U的个数。
int n_dims; //向量的维数,如果是二维的话,通量有两个分量,三维的话有三个分量。
int motion;       //!< Mesh motion flag 网格是否运动的flag

array<double*> disu_fpts_l;
array<double*> delta_disu_fpts_l;
array<double*> norm_tconf_fpts_l;
//array<double*> norm_tconvisf_fpts_l;
array<double*> detjac_fpts_l;
array<double*> tdA_fpts_l;
array<double*> norm_fpts;
array<double*> pos_fpts;
array<double*> pos_dyn_fpts;

array<double> pos_disu_fpts_l;
array<double*> grad_disu_fpts_l;
array<double*> normal_disu_fpts_l;

array<double> temp_u_l;
array<double> temp_u_r;

array<double> temp_grad_u_l;
array<double> temp_grad_u_r;

array<double> temp_normal_u_l;

array<double> temp_pos_u_l;

array<double> temp_f_l;
array<double> temp_f_r;

array<double> temp_fn_l;
array<double> temp_fn_r;

array<double> temp_f;

array<double> temp_loc;

// LES and wall model quantities
array<double*> sgsf_fpts_l;
array<double*> sgsf_fpts_r;
array<double> temp_sgsf_l;
array<double> temp_sgsf_r;

array<int> lut;

array<double> v_l, v_r, um, du;

// Dynamic grid variables:
// Note: grid velocity is continuous across interfaces
array<double*> ndA_dyn_fpts_l;
array<double*> norm_dyn_fpts;
array<double*> J_dyn_fpts_l;
array<double*> grid_vel_fpts;
array<double*> disu_GCL_fpts_l;
array<double*> norm_tconf_GCL_fpts_l;

double temp_u_GCL_l;
double temp_f_GCL_l;

array<double> temp_v;
array<double> temp_fn_ref_l;
array<double> temp_fn_ref_r;
1.6.2 methods

  // #### constructors ####

  // default constructor


  // default destructor


  // #### methods ####

  /*! setup inters */
  void setup_inters(int in_n_inters, int in_inter_type);

  /*! Set normal flux to be normal * f_r */
  void right_flux(array<double> &f_r, array<double> &norm, array<double> &fn, int n_dims, int n_fields, double gamma);

  /*! Compute common inviscid flux using Rusanov flux */
  void rusanov_flux(array<double> &u_l, array<double> &u_r, array<double> &v_g, array<double> &f_l, array<double> &f_r, array<double> &norm, array<double> &fn, int n_dims, int n_fields, double gamma);

  /*! Compute common inviscid flux using Roe flux */
  void roe_flux(array<double> &u_l, array<double> &u_r, array<double> &v_g, array<double> &norm, array<double> &fn, int n_dims, int n_fields, double gamma);

  /*! Compute common inviscid flux using Lax-Friedrich flux (works only for wave equation) */
  void lax_friedrich(array<double> &u_l, array<double> &u_r, array<double> &norm, array<double> &fn, int n_dims, int n_fields, double lambda, array<double>& wave_speed);

  /*! Compute common viscous flux using LDG formulation */
  void ldg_flux(int flux_spec, array<double> &u_l, array<double> &u_r, array<double> &f_l, array<double> &f_r, array<double> &norm, array<double> &fn, int n_dims, int n_fields, double tau, double pen_fact);

  /*! Compute common solution using LDG formulation */
  void ldg_solution(int flux_spec, array<double> &u_l, array<double> &u_r, array<double> &u_c, double pen_fact, array<double>& norm);

  /*! get look up table for flux point connectivity based on rotation tag */
  void get_lut(int in_rot_tag);

  /*! Compute common flux at boundaries using convective flux formulation */
void convective_flux_boundary(array<double> &f_l, array<double> &f_r, array<double> &norm, array<double> &fn, int n_dims, int n_fields);

1.7 intinters

1.7.1 members
1.7.2 methods

1.8 Out

1.8.1 members


1.8.2 methods
/*! write an output file in Tecplot ASCII format */
void write_tec(int in_file_num, struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! write an output file in VTK ASCII format */
void write_vtu(int in_file_num, struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! writing a restart file */
void write_restart(int in_file_num, struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! compute forces on wall faces*/
void CalcForces(int in_file_num, struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! compute integral diagnostic quantities */
void CalcIntegralQuantities(int in_file_num, struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! Calculate time averaged diagnostic quantities */
void CalcTimeAverageQuantities(struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! compute error */
void compute_error(int in_file_num, struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! calculate residual */
void CalcNormResidual(struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! monitor convergence of residual */
void HistoryOutput(int in_file_num, clock_t init, ofstream *write_hist, struct solution* FlowSol);

/*! check if the solution is bounded !*/
void check_stability(struct solution* FlowSol);

2 函数

2.1 CalcResidual(FlowSol.iniiter+isteps, i, &FlowSol)

2.1.1 DONE eles::extrapolatesolution(int indisuuptsfrom)
  1. 代码
    void eles::extrapolate_solution(int in_disu_upts_from)
      if (n_eles!=0) {
         Performs C = (alpha*A*B) + (beta*C) where: \n
         alpha = 1.0 \n
         beta = 0.0 \n
         A = opp_0 \n
         B = disu_upts(in_disu_upts_from) \n
         C = disu_fpts
         opp_0 is the polynomial extrapolation matrix;
         has dimensions n_f_pts_per_ele by n_upts_per_ele
         Recall: opp_0(j,i) = value of the ith nodal basis at the
         jth flux point location in the reference domain
         (vector of solution values at flux points) = opp_0 * (vector of solution values at nodes)
        Arows =  n_fpts_per_ele; //插值矩阵行数等于每个单元上的Flux Point的个数
        Acols = n_upts_per_ele;//插值矩阵的列数等于每个单元上Solution Point的个数
        Brows = Acols;        //B矩阵的行数等于插值矩阵的列数,因为这是每个Solution Point的值
        Bcols = n_fields*n_eles;//B矩阵的列数单元的个数
        Astride = Arows; //这三个我不大理解
        Bstride = Brows;
        Cstride = Arows;
        #ifdef _CPU
        if(opp_0_sparse==0) // dense
        #if defined _ACCELERATE_BLAS || defined _MKL_BLAS || defined _STANDARD_BLAS
        #elif defined _NO_BLAS
        else if(opp_0_sparse==1) // mkl blas four-array csr format
        #if defined _MKL_BLAS
        else { cout << "ERROR: Unknown storage for opp_0 ... " << endl; }
        #ifdef _GPU
        else if (opp_0_sparse==1)
          cout << "ERROR: Unknown storage for opp_0 ... " << endl;
2.1.2 DONE void eles::evaluateinvFlux(int indisuuptsfrom)
  1. 代码
    void eles::evaluate_invFlux(int in_disu_upts_from)
    if (n_eles!=0)
    #ifdef _CPU
    int i,j,k,l,m;
    temp_u(k)=disu_upts(in_disu_upts_from)(j,i,k);  //temp_u(k) 是存储第i个单元上第j个点上的solution的临时变量
    if (motion) {
    // Transform solution from static frame to dynamic frame
    for (k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
    temp_u(k) /= J_dyn_upts(j,i);
    // Get mesh velocity in dynamic frame
    for (k=0; k<n_dims; k++) {
    temp_v(k) = grid_vel_upts(j,i,k);
    // Temporary flux vector for dynamic->static transformation
    if (motion)
    calc_alef_2d(temp_u, temp_v, temp_f);
    else if(n_dims==3)
    if (motion)
    calc_alef_3d(temp_u, temp_v, temp_f);
    FatalError("Invalid number of dimensions!");
    // Transform from dynamic-physical space to static-physical space
    if (motion) {
    for(k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
    for(l=0; l<n_dims; l++) {
    for(m=0; m<n_dims; m++) {
    temp_f_ref(k,l) += JGinv_dyn_upts(l,m,j,i)*temp_f(k,m);
    // Copy Static-Physical Domain flux back to temp_f
    for (k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
    for (l=0; l<n_dims; l++) {
    temp_f(k,l) = temp_f_ref(k,l);
    // Transform from static physical space to computational space,将物理域转化为计算域,也就是乘以|J|/J^{-1},最终得到tdisf_upts(j,i,k,l),注意此处的m是为了区分通量的分量
    for(k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
    for(l=0;l<n_dims;l++) {
    for(m=0;m<n_dims;m++) {
    tdisf_upts(j,i,k,l) += JGinv_upts(l,m,j,i)*temp_f(k,m);//JGinv_upts(j,i,l,m)*temp_f(k,m);
2.1.3 DONE void intinters::calculatecommoninvFlux(void)
  1. 代码
    void int_inters::calculate_common_invFlux(void)
    #ifdef _CPU
    array<double> norm(n_dims), fn(n_fields);
    array<double> u_c(n_fields);
    for(int i=0;i<n_inters;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<n_fpts_per_inter;j++)
    // calculate discontinuous solution at flux points
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
    if (motion) {
    // Transform solution to dynamic space
    for (int k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
    temp_u_l(k) /= (*J_dyn_fpts_l(j,i));
    temp_u_r(k) /= (*J_dyn_fpts_r(j,i));
    // Get mesh velocity
    for (int k=0; k<n_dims; k++) {
    // Interface unit-normal vector
    if (motion) {
    for (int m=0;m<n_dims;m++)
    norm(m) = *norm_dyn_fpts(j,i,m);
    for (int m=0;m<n_dims;m++)
    norm(m) = *norm_fpts(j,i,m);
    // Calling Riemann solver
    if (run_input.riemann_solve_type==0) // Rusanov
    // calculate flux from discontinuous solution at flux points
    if(n_dims==2) {
    if (motion) {
    else if(n_dims==3) {
    if (motion) {
    FatalError("ERROR: Invalid number of dimensions ... ");
    else if (run_input.riemann_solve_type==1) { // Lax-Friedrich
    else if (run_input.riemann_solve_type==2) { // ROE
    FatalError("Riemann solver not implemented");
    // Transform back to computational space from dynamic physical space
    if (motion)
    for(int k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
    (*norm_tconf_fpts_l(j,i,k)) = fn(k)*(*ndA_dyn_fpts_l(j,i))*(*tdA_fpts_l(j,i));
    (*norm_tconf_fpts_r(j,i,k)) =-fn(k)*(*ndA_dyn_fpts_r(j,i))*(*tdA_fpts_r(j,i));
    // Transform back to reference space from static physical space
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
    (*norm_tconf_fpts_l(j,i,k))= fn(k)*(*tdA_fpts_l(j,i));
    // Calling viscous riemann solver
    if (run_input.vis_riemann_solve_type==0)
    FatalError("Viscous Riemann solver not implemented");
    if (motion) // include transformation back to static space
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
    *delta_disu_fpts_l(j,i,k) = (u_c(k) - temp_u_l(k))*(*J_dyn_fpts_l(j,i));
    *delta_disu_fpts_r(j,i,k) = (u_c(k) - temp_u_r(k))*(*J_dyn_fpts_r(j,i));
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
    *delta_disu_fpts_l(j,i,k) = (u_c(k) - temp_u_l(k));
    *delta_disu_fpts_r(j,i,k) = (u_c(k) - temp_u_r(k));
2.1.4 DONE viscous
  1. DONE calculategradient(indisuuptsfrom)
    1. 代码
      void eles::calculate_gradient(int in_disu_upts_from)
      if (n_eles!=0)
      Performs C = (alpha*A*B) + (beta*C) where: \n
      alpha = 1.0 \n
      beta = 0.0 \n
      A = opp_4 \n
      B = disu_upts \n
      C = grad_disu_upts
      opp_4 is the polynomial gradient matrix;
      has dimensions n_upts_per_ele by n_upts_per_ele
      Recall: opp_4(i)(k,j) = eval_d_nodal_basis(j,i,loc);
      = derivative of the jth nodal basis at the
      kth nodal (solution) point location in the reference domain
      for the ith dimension
      (vector of gradient values at solution points) = opp_4 *
      (vector of solution values at solution points in all elements of the same type)
      Arows =  n_upts_per_ele;
      Acols = n_upts_per_ele;
      Brows = Acols;
      Bcols = n_fields*n_eles;
      Astride = Arows;
      Bstride = Brows;
      Cstride = Arows;
      #ifdef _CPU
      if(opp_4_sparse==0) // dense
      #if defined _ACCELERATE_BLAS || defined _MKL_BLAS || defined _STANDARD_BLAS
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++) {
      #elif defined _NO_BLAS
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++) {
      else if(opp_4_sparse==1) // mkl blas four-array csr format
      #if defined _MKL_BLAS
      // implement
      cout << "ERROR: Unknown storage for opp_4 ... " << endl;
      #ifdef _GPU
      if (opp_4_sparse==0)
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++)
      else if (opp_4_sparse==1)
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++)
      cout << "OUTPUT" << endl;
      #ifdef _GPU
      for (int i=0;i<n_upts_per_ele;i++)
      for (int j=0;j<n_eles;j++)
      for (int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
      for (int m=0;m<n_dims;m++)
      if (ele2global_ele(j)==53)
      cout << setprecision(10)  << i << " " << ele2global_ele(j) << " " << k << " " << m << " " << grad_disu_upts(i,j,k,m) << endl;
  2. DONE correctgradient()
    1. 代码
      void eles::correct_gradient(void)
      if (n_eles!=0)
      Arows =  n_upts_per_ele;
      Acols = n_fpts_per_ele;
      Brows = Acols;
      Bcols = n_fields*n_eles;
      Astride = Arows;
      Bstride = Brows;
      Cstride = Arows;
      #ifdef _CPU
      if(opp_5_sparse==0) // dense
      #if defined _ACCELERATE_BLAS || defined _MKL_BLAS || defined _STANDARD_BLAS
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++)
      #elif defined _NO_BLAS
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++) {
      else if(opp_5_sparse==1) // mkl blas four-array csr format
      #if defined _MKL_BLAS
      // impelement
      cout << "ERROR: Unknown storage for opp_5 ... " << endl;
      // Transform to physical space
      double detjac;
      double inv_detjac;
      double rx,ry,rz,sx,sy,sz,tx,ty,tz;
      double Xx,Xy,Xz,Yx,Yy,Yz,Zx,Zy,Zz;
      double ur,us,ut,uX,uY,uZ;
      for (int i=0;i<n_eles;i++)
      for (int j=0;j<n_upts_per_ele;j++)
      // Transform to static-physical domain
      detjac = detjac_upts(j,i);
      inv_detjac = 1.0/detjac;
      rx = JGinv_upts(0,0,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      ry = JGinv_upts(0,1,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      sx = JGinv_upts(1,0,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      sy = JGinv_upts(1,1,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      //physical gradient
      for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
      ur = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0);
      us = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1);
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0) = ur*rx + us*sx;
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1) = ur*ry + us*sy;
      if (n_dims==3)
      rz = JGinv_upts(0,2,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      sz = JGinv_upts(1,2,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      tx = JGinv_upts(2,0,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      ty = JGinv_upts(2,1,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      tz = JGinv_upts(2,2,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      for (int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
      ur = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0);
      us = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1);
      ut = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,2);
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0) = ur*rx + us*sx + ut*tx;
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1) = ur*ry + us*sy + ut*ty;
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,2) = ur*rz + us*sz + ut*tz;
      if (motion) {
      // Transform to dynamic-physical domain
      detjac = J_dyn_upts(j,i);
      inv_detjac = 1.0/detjac;
      Xx = JGinv_dyn_upts(0,0,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      Xy = JGinv_dyn_upts(0,1,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      Yx = JGinv_dyn_upts(1,1,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      Yy = JGinv_dyn_upts(1,1,j,i)*inv_detjac;
      //physical gradient
      for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
      uX = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0);
      uY = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1);
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0) = uX*Xx + uY*Yx;
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1) = uX*Xy + uY*Yy;
      if (n_dims==3)
      Xz = JGinv_dyn_upts(j,i,0,2)*inv_detjac;
      Yz = JGinv_dyn_upts(j,i,1,2)*inv_detjac;
      Zx = JGinv_dyn_upts(j,i,2,0)*inv_detjac;
      Zy = JGinv_dyn_upts(j,i,2,1)*inv_detjac;
      Zz = JGinv_dyn_upts(j,i,2,2)*inv_detjac;
      for (int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
      uX = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0);
      uY = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1);
      uZ = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,2);
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,0) = uX*Xx + uY*Yx + uZ*Zx;
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,1) = uX*Xy + uY*Yy + uZ*Zy;
      grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,2) = uX*Xz + uY*Yz + uZ*Zz;
  3. DONE extrapolatecorrectedgradient()
    1. 代码
      void eles::extrapolate_corrected_gradient(void)
      if (n_eles!=0)
      Arows =  n_fpts_per_ele;
      Acols = n_upts_per_ele;
      Brows = Acols;
      Bcols = n_fields*n_eles;
      Astride = Arows;
      Bstride = Brows;
      Cstride = Arows;
      #ifdef _CPU
      if(opp_6_sparse==0) // dense
      #if defined _ACCELERATE_BLAS || defined _MKL_BLAS || defined _STANDARD_BLAS
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++)
      #elif defined _NO_BLAS
      for (int i=0;i<n_dims;i++) {
      else if(opp_6_sparse==1) // mkl blas four-array csr format
      #if defined _MKL_BLAS
      // implement
      cout << "ERROR: Unknown storage for opp_6 ... " << endl;
  4. DONE evaluateviscFlux(indisuuptsfrom)
    1. 代码
      void eles::evaluate_viscFlux(int in_disu_upts_from)
      if (n_eles!=0)
      #ifdef _CPU
      int i,j,k,l,m;
      double detjac;
      for(i=0;i<n_eles;i++) {
      // Calculate viscous flux
      detjac = detjac_upts(j,i);
      // solution in static-physical domain
      // gradient in dynamic-physical domain
      for (m=0;m<n_dims;m++)
      temp_grad_u(k,m) = grad_disu_upts(j,i,k,m);
      // Transform to dynamic-physical domain
      if (motion) {
      for (k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
      temp_u(k) /= J_dyn_upts(j,i);
      else if(n_dims==3)
      cout << "ERROR: Invalid number of dimensions ... " << endl;
      // If LES or wall model, calculate SGS viscous flux
      if(LES != 0 || wall_model != 0) {
      // Add SGS or wall flux to viscous flux
      temp_f(k,l) += temp_sgsf(k,l);
      // If LES, add SGS flux to global array (needed for interface flux calc)
      if(LES > 0) {
      // Transfer back to static-phsycial domain
      if (motion) {
      for(k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
      for(l=0;l<n_dims;l++) {
      for(m=0;m<n_dims;m++) {
      // Copy back to original flux array
      for (k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
      for(l=0; l<n_dims; l++) {
      temp_sgsf(k,l) = temp_sgsf_ref(k,l);
      // Transfer back to computational domain
      for(k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
      for(l=0;l<n_dims;l++) {
      sgsf_upts(j,i,k,l) = 0.0;
      for(m=0;m<n_dims;m++) {
      // Transfer back to static-phsycial domain
      if (motion) {
      for(k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
      for(l=0;l<n_dims;l++) {
      for(m=0;m<n_dims;m++) {
      // Copy back to original flux array
      for(l=0; l<n_dims; l++) {
      for (k=0; k<n_fields; k++) {
      temp_f(k,l) = temp_f_ref(k,l);
      // Transform viscous flux
2.1.5 DONE extrapolatetotalFlux()
  1. 代码
2.1.6 DONE calculatedivergence(indivtconfuptsto)
  1. 代码
    void eles::calculate_divergence(int in_div_tconf_upts_to)
    if (n_eles!=0)
    #ifdef _CPU
    if(opp_2_sparse==0) // dense
    #if defined _ACCELERATE_BLAS || defined _MKL_BLAS || defined _STANDARD_BLAS
    for (int i=1;i<n_dims;i++)
    #elif defined _NO_BLAS
    for (int i=1;i<n_dims;i++)
    else if(opp_2_sparse==1) // mkl blas four-array csr format
    #if defined _MKL_BLAS
    for (int i=1;i<n_dims;i++)
    cout << "ERROR: Unknown storage for opp_2 ... " << endl;
    for (int j=0;j<n_eles;j++)
    for (int i=0;i<n_upts_per_ele;i++)
    //for (int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
    cout << scientific << setw(16) << setprecision(12) << div_tconf_upts(0)(i,j,0) << endl;
2.1.7 HOLD viscous
  1. DONE calculatecommonviscFlux()
  2. 代码
    void int_inters::calculate_common_viscFlux(void)
    #ifdef _CPU
    array<double> norm(n_dims), fn(n_fields);
    for(int i=0;i<n_inters;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<n_fpts_per_inter;j++)
    // obtain discontinuous solution at flux points
    if (motion) {
    // Transform to dynamic-physical domain
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
    // obtain physical gradient of discontinuous solution at flux points
    for(int k=0;k<n_dims;k++)
    for(int l=0;l<n_fields;l++)
    temp_grad_u_l(l,k) = *grad_disu_fpts_l(j,i,l,k);
    temp_grad_u_r(l,k) = *grad_disu_fpts_r(j,i,l,k);
    // calculate flux from discontinuous solution at flux points
    else if(n_dims==3)
    FatalError("ERROR: Invalid number of dimensions ... ");
    // If LES, get SGS flux and add to viscous flux
    if(LES) {
    for(int k=0;k<n_dims;k++) {
    for(int l=0;l<n_fields;l++) {
    // pointers to subgrid-scale fluxes
    temp_sgsf_l(l,k) = *sgsf_fpts_l(j,i,l,k);
    temp_sgsf_r(l,k) = *sgsf_fpts_r(j,i,l,k);
    // Add SGS fluxes to viscous fluxes
    temp_f_l(l,k) += temp_sgsf_l(l,k);
    temp_f_r(l,k) += temp_sgsf_r(l,k);
    // storing normal components
    if (motion) {
    for (int m=0;m<n_dims;m++)
    norm(m) = *norm_dyn_fpts(j,i,m);
    for (int m=0;m<n_dims;m++)
    norm(m) = *norm_fpts(j,i,m);
    // Calling viscous riemann solver
    if (run_input.vis_riemann_solve_type==0)
    FatalError("Viscous Riemann solver not implemented");
    // Transform back to reference space
    if (motion) {
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
    (*norm_tconf_fpts_l(j,i,k))+=  fn(k)*(*tdA_fpts_l(j,i))*(*ndA_dyn_fpts_l(j,i));
    (*norm_tconf_fpts_r(j,i,k))+= -fn(k)*(*tdA_fpts_r(j,i))*(*ndA_dyn_fpts_r(j,i));
    for(int k=0;k<n_fields;k++) {
    (*norm_tconf_fpts_l(j,i,k))+=  fn(k)*(*tdA_fpts_l(j,i));
    (*norm_tconf_fpts_r(j,i,k))+= -fn(k)*(*tdA_fpts_r(j,i));
  3. TODO evaluateboundaryConditionsviscFlux(FlowSol->time)
2.1.8 DONE calculatecorrecteddivergence(indivtconfuptsto)
  1. 代码
    void eles::calculate_corrected_divergence(int in_div_tconf_upts_to)
    if (n_eles!=0)
    #ifdef _CPU
    #if defined _ACCELERATE_BLAS || defined _MKL_BLAS || defined _STANDARD_BLAS
    #elif defined _NO_BLAS
    if(opp_3_sparse==0) // dense
    #if defined _ACCELERATE_BLAS || defined _MKL_BLAS || defined _STANDARD_BLAS
    #elif defined _NO_BLAS
    else if(opp_3_sparse==1) // mkl blas four-array csr format
    #if defined _MKL_BLAS
    cout << "ERROR: Unknown storage for opp_3 ... " << endl;
    for (int i=0;i<n_upts_per_ele;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<n_eles;j++)
    for (int k=0;k<n_fields;k++)
    if (isnan(div_tconf_upts(in_div_tconf_upts_to)(j,i,k)))
    FatalError("NaN in residual, exiting.");

3 程序变动笔记

3.1 DONE 第一次更改程序

4 问题[0/3]

  • [ ] eles计算程序最终从mesh网格中获取了什么?
  • [ ] Array数组是如何实现的?
  • [ ] 搞明白那些是再reference Space计算的?

Author: yuyaojie

Created: 2016-01-02 六 11:31

Emacs 24.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)





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