[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(004)

XMLHttpRequest Script Injection  XHR脚本注入


    Another approach to nonblocking scripts is to retrieve the JavaScript code using an XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object and then inject the script into the page. This technique involves creating an XHR object, downloading the JavaScript file, then injecting the JavaScript code into the page using a dynamic <script> element. Here's a simple example:


var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("get", "file1.js", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
  if (xhr.readyState == 4){
    if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status == 304){
      var script = document.createElement_x("script");
      script.type = "text/javascript";
      script.text = xhr.responseText;

    This code sends a GET request for the file file1.js. The onreadystatechange event handler checks for a readyState of 4 and then verifies that the HTTP status code is valid (anything in the 200 range means a valid response, and 304 means a cached response). If a valid response has been received, then a new <script> element is created and its text property is assigned to the responseText received from the server. Doing so essentially creates a <script> element with inline code. Once the new <script> element is added to the document, the code is executed and is ready to use.


    The primary advantage of this approach is that you can download the JavaScript code without executing it immediately. Since the code is being returned outside of a <script> tag, it won't automatically be executed upon download, allowing you to defer its execution until you're ready. Another advantage is that the same code works in all modern browsers without exception cases.


    The primary limitation of this approach is that the JavaScript file must be located on the same domain as the page requesting it, which makes downloading from CDNs impossible. For this reason, XHR script injection typically isn't used on large-scale web applications.

    此方法最主要的限制是:JavaScript文件必须与页面放置在同一个域内,不能从CDNs下载(CDN指“内容投递网络(Content Delivery Network)”,前面002篇《成组脚本》一节提到)。正因为这个原因,大型网页通常不采用XHR脚本注入技术。

Recommended Nonblocking Pattern  推荐的非阻塞模式


    The recommend approach to loading a significant amount of JavaScript onto a page is a two-step process: first, include the code necessary to dynamically load JavaScript, and then load the rest of the JavaScript code needed for page initialization. Since the first part of the code is as small as possible, potentially containing just the loadScript() function, it downloads and executes quickly, and so shouldn't cause much interference with the page. Once the initial code is in place, use it to load the remaining JavaScript. For example:


<script type="text/javascript" src="loader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  loadScript("the-rest.js", function(){

    Place this loading code just before the closing </body> tag. Doing so has several benefits. First, as discussed earlier, this ensures that JavaScript execution won't prevent the rest of the page from being displayed. Second, when the second JavaScript file has finished downloading, all of the DOM necessary for the application has been created and is ready to be interacted with, avoiding the need to check for another event (such as window.onload) to know when the page is ready for initialization.


    Another option is to embed the loadScript() function directly into the page, thus avoiding another HTTP request. For example:


<script type="text/javascript">
  function loadScript(url, callback){
    var script = document.createElement_x("script")
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    if (script.readyState){ //IE
      script.onreadystatechange = function(){
        if (script.readyState == "loaded" ||
            script.readyState == "complete"){
          script.onreadystatechange = null;
    } else { //Others
      script.onload = function(){
    script.src = url;
  loadScript("the-rest.js", function(){

    If you decide to take the latter approach, it's recommended to minify the initial script using a tool such as YUI Compressor (see Chapter 9) for the smallest byte-size impact on your page.

    如果你决定使用这种方法,建议你使用“YUI Compressor”(参见第9章)或者类似的工具将初始化脚本缩小到最小字节尺寸。

    Once the code for page initialization has been completely downloaded, you are free to continue using loadScript() to load additional functionality onto the page as needed.



The YUI 3 approach

    The concept of a small initial amount of code on the page followed by downloading additional functionality is at the core of the YUI 3 design. To use YUI 3 on your page, begin by including the YUI seed file:

    YUI 3的核心设计理念为:用一个很小的初始代码,下载其余的功能代码。要在页面上使用YUI 3,首先包含YUI的种子文件:

<script type="text/javascript"


    The seed file is around 10 KB (6 KB gzipped) and includes enough functionality to download any other YUI components from the Yahoo! CDN. For example, if you'd like to use the DOM utility, you specify its name ("dom") with the YUI use() method and then provide a callback that will be executed when the code is ready:

    此种子文件大约10KB(gzipped压缩后6KB)包含从Yahoo! CDN下载YUI组件所需的足够功能。举例来说,如果你想使用DOM功能,你可以指出它的名字("dom"),传递给YUI的use()函数,再提供一个回调函数,当代码准备好时这个回调函数将被调用:

YUI().use("dom", function(Y){
  Y.DOM.addClass(docment.body, "loaded");

    This example creates a new instance of the YUI object and then calls the use() method. The seed file has all of the information about filenames and dependencies, so specifying "dom" actually builds up a combo-handler URL with all of the correct dependency files and creates a dynamic script element to download and execute those files. When all of the code is available, the callback method is called and the YUI instance is passed in as the argument, allowing you to immediately start using the newly downloaded functionality.



The LazyLoad library

    For a more general-purpose tool, Ryan Grove of Yahoo! Search created the LazyLoad library (available at http://github.com/rgrove/lazyload/). LazyLoad is a more powerful version of the loadScript() function. When minified, the LazyLoad file is around 1.5 KB (minified, not gzipped). Example usage:

    作为一个更通用的工具,Yahoo! Search的Ryan Grove创建了LazyLoad库(参见http://github.com/rgrove/lazyload/)。LazyLoad是一个更强大的loadScript()函数。LazyLoad精缩之后只有大约1.5KB(精缩,而不是用gzip压缩的)。用法举例如下:

<script type="text/javascript" src="lazyload-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  LazyLoad.js("the-rest.js", function(){

    LazyLoad is also capable of downloading multiple JavaScript files and ensuring that they are executed in the correct order in all browsers. To load multiple JavaScript files, just pass an array of URLs to the LazyLoad.js() method:


<script type="text/javascript" src="lazyload-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  LazyLoad.js(["first-file.js", "the-rest.js"], function(){

    Even though the files are downloaded in a nonblocking fashion using dynamic script loading, it's recommended to have as few files as possible. Each download is still a separate HTTP request, and the callback function won't execute until all of the files have been downloaded and executed.



The LABjs library

    Another take on nonblocking JavaScript loading is LABjs (http://labjs.com/), an open source library written by Kyle Simpson with input from Steve Souders. This library provides more fine-grained control over the loading process and tries to download as much code in parallel as possible. LABjs is also quite small, 4.5 KB (minified, not gzipped), and so has a minimal page footprint. Example usage:

    另一个非阻塞JavaScript加载库是LABjs(http://labjs.com/),Kyle Simpson写的一个开源库,由Steve Souders赞助。此库对加载过程进行更精细的控制,并尝试并行下载尽可能多的代码。LABjs也相当小,只有4.50KB(精缩,而不是用gzip压缩的),所以具有最小的页面代码尺寸。用法举例:

<script type="text/javascript" src="lab.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    The $LAB.script() method is used to define a JavaScript file to download, whereas $LAB.wait() is used to indicate that execution should wait until the file is downloaded and executed before running the given function. LABjs encourages chaining, so every method returns a reference to the $LAB object. To download multiple JavaScript files, just chain another $LAB.script() call:


<script type="text/javascript" src="lab.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    What sets LABjs apart is its ability to manage dependencies. Normal inclusion with <script> tags means that each file is downloaded (either sequentially or in parallel, as mentioned previously) and then executed sequentially. In some cases this is truly necessary, but in others it is not.


    LABjs allows you to specify which files should wait for others by using wait(). In the previous example, the code in first-file.js is not guaranteed to execute before the code in the-rest.js. To guarantee this, you must add a wait() call after the first script():


<script type="text/javascript" src="lab.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    Now the code in first-file.js is guaranteed to execute before the code in the-rest.js, although the contents of the files are downloaded in parallel.



Summary  总结


    Managing JavaScript in the browser is tricky because code execution blocks other browser processes such as UI painting. Every time a <script> tag is encountered, the page must stop and wait for the code to download (if external) and execute before continuing to process the rest of the page. There are, however, several ways to minimize the performance impact of JavaScript:


• Put all <script> tags at the bottom of the page, just inside of the closing </body> tag. This ensures that the page can be almost completely rendered before script execution begins.


• Group scripts together. The fewer <script> tags on the page, the faster the page can be loaded and become interactive. This holds true both for <script> tags loading external JavaScript files and those with inline code.


• There are several ways to download JavaScript in a nonblocking fashion:
— Use the defer attribute of the <script> tag (Internet Explorer and Firefox 3.5+ only)
— Dynamically create <script> elements to download and execute the code
— Download the JavaScript code using an XHR object, and then inject the code into the page


——为<script>标签添加defer属性(只适用于Internet Explorer和Firefox 3.5以上版本)



    By using these strategies, you can greatly improve the perceived performance of a web application that requires a large amount of JavaScript code.


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