[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(014)

Recursion Patterns  递归模式


    When you run into a call stack size limit, your first step should be to identify any instances of recursion in the code. To that end, there are two recursive patterns to be aware of. The first is the straightforward recursive pattern represented in the factorial() function shown earlier, when a function calls itself. The general pattern is as follows:



function recurse(){

    This pattern is typically easy to identify when errors occur. A second, subtler pattern involves two functions:



function first(){
function second(){

    In this recursion pattern, two functions each call the other, such that an infinite loop is formed. This is the more troubling pattern and a far more difficult one to identify in large code bases.



    Most call stack errors are related to one of these two recursion patterns. A frequent cause of stack overflow is an incorrect terminal condition, so the first step after identifying the pattern is to validate the terminal condition. If the terminal condition is correct, then the algorithm contains too much recursion to safely be run in the browser and should be changed to use iteration, memoization, or both.








Iteration  迭代


    Any algorithm that can be implemented using recursion can also be implemented using iteration. Iterative algorithms typically consist of several different loops performing different aspects of the process, and thus introduce their own performance issues. However, using optimized loops in place of long-running recursive functions can result in performance improvements due to the lower overhead of loops versus that of executing a function.



    As an example, the merge sort algorithm is most frequently implemented using recursion. A simple JavaScript implementation of merge sort is as follows:



function merge(left, right){
  var result = [];
  while (left.length > 0 && right.length > 0){
    if (left[0] < right[0]){
    } else {
  return result.concat(left).concat(right);
function mergeSort(items){
  if (items.length == 1) {
    return items;
  var middle = Math.floor(items.length / 2),
  left = items.slice(0, middle),
  right = items.slice(middle);
  return merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right));

    The code for this merge sort is fairly simple and straightforward, but the mergeSort() function itself ends up getting called very frequently. An array of n items ends up calling mergeSort() 2 * n –1 times, meaning that an array with more than 1,500 items would cause a stack overflow error in Firefox.

    这个合并排序代码相当简单直接,但是mergeSort()函数被调用非常频繁。一个具有n个项的数组总共调用mergeSort()达2 * n - 1次,也就是说,对一个超过1500个项的数组操作,就可能在Firefox上导致栈溢出。


    Running into the stack overflow error doesn't necessarily mean the entire algorithm has to change; it simply means that recursion isn't the best implementation. The merge sort algorithm can also be implemented using iteration, such as:



//uses the same mergeSort() function from previous example
function mergeSort(items){
  if (items.length == 1) {
    return items;
  var work = [];
  for (var i=0, len=items.length; i < len; i++){
  work.push([]); //in case of odd number of items
  for (var lim=len; lim > 1; lim = (lim+1)/2){
    for (var j=0,k=0; k < lim; j++, k+=2){
      work[j] = merge(work[k], work[k+1]);
    work[j] = []; //in case of odd number of items
  return work[0];

    This implementation of mergeSort() does the same work as the previous one without using recursion. Although the iterative version of merge sort may be somewhat slower than the recursive option, it doesn't have the same call stack impact as the recursive version. Switching recursive algorithms to iterative ones is just one of the options for avoiding stack overflow errors.



Memoization  制表


    Work avoidance is the best performance optimization technique. The less work your code has to do, the faster it executes. Along those lines, it also makes sense to avoid work repetition. Performing the same task multiple times is a waste of execution time. Memoization is an approach to avoid work repetition by caching previous calculations for later reuse, which makes memoization a useful technique for recursive algorithms.



    When recursive functions are called multiple times during code execution, there tends to be a lot of work duplication. The factorial() function, introduced earlier in "Recursion" on page 73, is a great example of how work can be repeated multiple times by recursive functions. Consider the following code:



var fact6 = factorial(6);
var fact5 = factorial(5);
var fact4 = factorial(4);

    This code produces three factorials and results in the factorial() function being called a total of 18 times. The worst part of this code is that all of the necessary work is completed on the first line. Since the factorial of 6 is equal to 6 multiplied by the factorial 5, the factorial of 5 is being calculated twice. Even worse, the factorial of 4 is being calculated three times. It makes far more sense to save those calculations and reuse them instead of starting over anew with each function call.



    You can rewrite the factorial() function to make use of memoization in the following way:



function memfactorial(n){
  if (!memfactorial.cache){
    memfactorial.cache = {
      "0": 1,
      "1": 1
  if (!memfactorial.cache.hasOwnProperty(n)){
    memfactorial.cache[n] = n * memfactorial (n-1);
  return memfactorial.cache[n];

    The key to this memoized version of the factorial function is the creation of a cache object. This object is stored on the function itself and is prepopulated with the two simplest factorials: 0 and 1. Before calculating a factorial, this cache is checked to see whether the calculation has already been performed. No cache value means the calculation must be done for the first time and the result stored in the cache for later usage. This function is used in the same manner as the original factorial() function:



var fact6 = memfactorial(6);
var fact5 = memfactorial(5);
var fact4 = memfactorial(4);

    This code returns three different factorials but makes a total of eight calls to memfactorial(). Since all of the necessary calculations are completed on the first line, the next two lines need not perform any recursion because cached values are returned.



    The memoization process may be slightly different for each recursive function, but generally the same pattern applies. To make memoizing a function easier, you can define a memoize() function that encapsulates the basic functionality. For example:



function memoize(fundamental, cache){
  cache = cache || {};
  var shell = function(arg){
    if (!cache.hasOwnProperty(arg)){
      cache[arg] = fundamental(arg);
    return cache[arg];
  return shell;

    This memoize() function accepts two arguments: a function to memoize and an optional cache object. The cache object can be passed in if you'd like to prefill some values; otherwise a new cache object is created. A shell function is then created that wraps the original (fundamental) and ensures that a new result is calculated only if it has never previously been calculated. This shell function is returned so that you can call it directly, such as:



//memoize the factorial function
var memfactorial = memoize(factorial, { "0": 1, "1": 1 });
//call the new function
var fact6 = memfactorial(6);
var fact5 = memfactorial(5);
var fact4 = memfactorial(4);

    Generic memoization of this type is less optimal that manually updating the algorithm for a given function because the memoize() function caches the result of a function call with specific arguments. Recursive calls, therefore, are saved only when the shell function is called multiple times with the same arguments. For this reason, it's better to manually implement memoization in those functions that have significant performance issues rather than apply a generic memoization solution.



Summary  总结


    Just as with other programming languages, the way that you factor your code and the algorithm you choose affects the execution time of JavaScript. Unlike other programming languages, JavaScript has a restricted set of resources from which to draw, so optimization techniques are even more important.



• The for, while, and do-while loops all have similar performance characteristics, and so no one loop type is significantly faster or slower than the others.



• Avoid the for-in loop unless you need to iterate over a number of unknown object properties.



• The best ways to improve loop performance are to decrease the amount of work done per iteration and decrease the number of loop iterations.



• Generally speaking, switch is always faster than if-else, but isn’t always the best solution.



• Lookup tables are a faster alternative to multiple condition evaluation using if-else or switch.



• Browser call stack size limits the amount of recursion that JavaScript is allowed to perform; stack overflow errors prevent the rest of the code from executing.



• If you run into a stack overflow error, change the method to an iterative algorithm or make use of memoization to avoid work repetition.



    The larger the amount of code being executed, the larger the performance gain realized from using these strategies.


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