[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(019)

第六章  Responsive Interfaces  响应接口


    There's nothing more frustrating than clicking something on a web page and having nothing happen. This problem goes back to the origin of transactional web applications and resulted in the now-ubiquitous "please click only once" message that accompanies most form submissions. A user's natural inclination is to repeat any action that doesn't result in an obvious change, and so ensuring responsiveness in web applications is an important performance concern.



    Chapter 1 introduced the browser UI thread concept. As a recap, most browsers have a single process that is shared between JavaScript execution and user interface updates. Only one of these operations can be performed at a time, meaning that the user interface cannot respond to input while JavaScript code is executed and vice versa. The user interface effectively becomes "locked" when JavaScript is executing; managing how long your JavaScript takes to execute is important to the perceived performance of a web application.



The Browser UI Thread  浏览器UI线程


    The process shared by JavaScript and user interface updates is frequently referred to as the browser UI thread (though the term "thread" is not necessarily accurate for all browsers). The UI thread works on a simple queuing system where tasks are kept until the process is idle. Once idle, the next task in the queue is retrieved and executed. These tasks are either JavaScript code to execute or UI updates to perform, which include redraws and reflows (discussed in Chapter 3). Perhaps the most interesting part of this process is that each input may result in one or more tasks being added to the queue.



    Consider a simple interface where a button click results in a message being displayed on the screen:



    <title>Browser UI Thread Example</title>
    <button οnclick="handleClick()">Click Me</button>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function handleClick(){
        var div = document.createElement("div");
        div.innerHTML = "Clicked!";

    When the button in this example is clicked, it triggers the UI thread to create and add two tasks to the queue. The first task is a UI update for the button, which needs to change appearance to indicate it was clicked, and the second is a JavaScript execution task containing the code for handleClick(), so that the only code being executed is this method and anything it calls. Assuming the UI thread is idle, the first task is retrieved and executed to update the button's appearance, and then the JavaScript task is retrieved and executed. During the course of execution, handleClick() creates a new <div> element and appends it to the <body> element, effectively making another UI change. That means that during the JavaScript execution, a new UI update task is added to the queue such that the UI is updated once JavaScript execution is complete. See Figure 6-1.


Figure 6-1. UI thread tasks get added as the user interacts with a page

图6-1  用户与页面交互时向UI线程增加一条任务


    When all UI thread tasks have been executed, the process becomes idle and waits for more tasks to be added to the queue. The idle state is ideal because all user actions then result in an immediate UI update. If the user tries to interact with the page while a task is being executed, not only will there not be an immediate UI update, but a new task for a UI update may not even be created and queued. In fact, most browsers stop queuing tasks for the UI thread while JavaScript is executing, which means that it is imperative to finish JavaScript tasks as quickly as possible so as not to adversely affect the user's experience.



Browser Limits  浏览器限制


    Browsers place limits on the amount of time that JavaScript take to execute. This is a necessary limitation to ensure that malicious coders can't lock up a user's browser or computer by performing intensive operations that will never end. There are two such limits: the call stack size limit (discussed in Chapter 4) and the long-running script limit. The long-running script limit is sometimes called the long-running script timer or the runaway script timer, but the basic idea is that the browser keeps track of how long a script has been running and will stop it once a certain limit is hit. When the limit is reached, a dialog is displayed to the user, such as the one in Figure 6-2.


Figure 6-2. Internet Explorer's long-running script warning dialog is displayed when more than 5
million statements have been executed

图6-2  Internet Explorer的长运行脚本警告对话框,当运行超过5百万条语句时显示


    There are two ways of measuring how long a script is executing. The first is to keep track of how many statements have been executed since the script began. This approach means that the script may run for different periods of time on different machines, as the available memory and CPU speed can affect how long it takes to execute a single statement. The second approach is to track the total amount of time that the script has been executing. The amount of script that can be processed within a set amount of time also varies based on the user's machine capabilities, but the script is always stopped after a set amount of time. Not surprisingly, each browser has a slightly different approach to long-running script detection:



• Internet Explorer, as of version 4, sets a default limit of 5 million statements; this limit is stored in a Windows registry setting called HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/InternetExplorer/Styles/MaxScriptStatements.

  Internet Explorer,在第4版中,设置默认限制为5百万条语句;此限制存放在Windows注册表中,叫做


• Firefox has a default limit of 10 seconds; this limit is stored in the browser's configuration
settings (accessible by typing about:config in the address box) as the dom.max_script_run_time key.


• Safari has a default limit of 5 seconds; this setting cannot be altered, but you can disable the timer by enabling the Develop menu and selecting Disable Runaway JavaScript Timer.


• Chrome has no separate long-running script limit and instead relies on its generic
crash detection system to handle such instances.


• Opera has no long-running script limit and will continue to execute JavaScript code until it has finished, though, due to Opera's architecture, this will not cause system instability while the execution is completed.



    When the browser's long-running script limit is reached, a dialog is displayed to the user, regardless of any other error-handling code on the page. This is a major usability issue because most Internet users are not technically savvy and would therefore be confused about the meaning of the error message as well as which option (to stop the script or allow it to continue) is appropriate.



    If your script triggers this dialog in any browser, it means the script is simply taking too long to complete its task. It also indicates that the user's browser has become unresponsive to input while the JavaScript code is continuing to execute. From a developer's point of view, there is no way to recover from a long-running script dialog's appearance; you can't detect it and therefore can't adjust to any issues that might arise as a result. Clearly, the best way to deal with long-running script limits is to avoid them in the first place.



How Long Is Too Long?  多久才算“太久”?


    Just because the browser allows a script to continue executing up to a certain number of seconds doesn't mean you should allow it do so. In fact, the amount of time that your JavaScript code executes continuously should be much smaller than the browser-imposed limits in order to create a good user experience. Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript, is quoted as having once said, "[JavaScript] that executes in whole seconds is probably doing something wrong…."

    浏览器允许脚本继续运行直至某个固定的时间,这并不意味着你可以允许它这样做。事实上,你的JavaScript代码持续运行的总时间应当远小于浏览器实施的限制,以创建良好的用户体验。Brendan Eich,JavaScript的创造者,引用他的话说,“[JavaScript]运行了整整几秒钟很可能是做错了什么……”


    If whole seconds are too long for JavaScript to execute, what is an appropriate amount of time? As it turns out, even one second is too long for a script to execute. The total amount of time that a single JavaScript operation should take (at a maximum) is 100 milliseconds. This number comes from research conducted by Robert Miller in 1968. Interestingly, usability expert Jakob Nielsen noted in his book Usability Engineering (Morgan Kaufmann, 1994) that this number hasn't changed over time and, in fact, was reaffirmed in 1991 by research at Xerox-PARC.

    如果整整几秒钟对JavaScript运行来说太长了,那么什么是适当的时间?事实证明,即使一秒钟对脚本运行来说也太长了。一个单一的JavaScript操作应当使用的总时间(最大)是100毫秒。这个数字根据Robert Miller在1968年的研究。有趣的是,可用性专家Jakob Nielsen在他的著作《可用性工程》(Morgan Kaufmann,1944)上注释说这一数字并没有因时间的推移而改变,而且事实上在1991年被Xerox-PARC(施乐公司的帕洛阿尔托研究中心)的研究中重申。


    Nielsen states that if the interface responds to user input within 100 milliseconds, the user feels that he is "directly manipulating the objects in the user interface." Any amount of time more than 100 milliseconds means the user feels disconnected from the interface. Since the UI cannot update while JavaScript is executing, the user cannot feel in control of the interface if that execution takes longer than 100 milliseconds.



    A further complication is that some browsers won't even queue UI updates while JavaScript is executing. For example, if you click a button while some JavaScript code is executing, the browser may not queue up the UI update to redraw the button as pressed or any JavaScript initiated by the button. The result is an unresponsive UI that appears to "hang" or "freeze."



    Each browser behaves in roughly the same way. When a script is executing, the UI does not update from user interaction. JavaScript tasks created as a result of user interaction during this time are queued and then executed, in order, when the original JavaScript task has been completed. UI updates caused by user interaction are automatically skipped over at this time because the priority is given to the dynamic aspects of the page. Thus, a button clicked while a script is executing will never look like it was clicked, even though its onclick handler will be executed.



    Even though browsers try to do something logical in these cases, all of these behaviors lead to a disjointed user experience. The best approach, therefore, is to prevent such circumstances from occurring by limiting any JavaScript task to 100 milliseconds or less. This measurement should be taken on the slowest browser you must support (for tools that measure JavaScript performance, see Chapter 10).


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