Function kq(tcs, tc, tls, tl, zk)
Rem tcs:stannard of tc,tc:time of come;tl:time of leave
Dim tce, tle 'tce:有效签到时间
Dim tn1s, tn2s
tw = tls - tcs '时间不可为负,否则显示####
tn1s = 0.5 'the time of leaving morning,set12:00,上午下班时间
If tw >= 8 / 24 Then
tn2s = tls - (8 / 24 - (tn1s - tcs)) 'the time ofcome afternoon,下午上班时间
Else: tn2s = tn1s
End If
'kq = tn2s
twa = tn1s - tcs ' the time of AM,上午标准工作时长
twp = tls - tn2s ' the time of PM,下午标准工作时长
Dim dc As Integer '迟到或早退允许时间
dc = 15
Dim da1 As Integer
If Not tc Like "--" Then
On Error GoTo come1
da1 = DateDiff("n", tcs, tc)'上午签到时差,时间相差的单位为:分钟数
If da1< -60 Or tc >= tls And Not tc Like "--" Then
tce = "签到无效": zt_c = "无效" ' Rem 早到1小时以上无效
ElseIf da1 >= -60 And da1 <= dc Then tce = tcs: zt_c ="正常"
ElseIf da1 > dc And tc < tls Then tce = tc: zt_c = "迟到"
Else: tce = "come?"
tce = "未签到1": zt_c = "未签"
End If
End If
If tc Like "--" Then tce = "未签到": zt_c = "未签"
'kq = zt_c
Rem ----------判断签离时间----------------
Dim dp1 As Integer
If Not tl Like "--" Then
On Error GoTo leave1
dp1 = DateDiff("n", tls,tl) '下午签离时差,时间相差的单位为:分钟数
If dp1 >60 Or tl <= tcs Then
tle = "签离无效": zt_l = "无效"
ElseIf dp1 <= 60 And dp1 >= -dc Then tle = tls: zt_l ="正常"
ElseIf dp1 < -dc And tl > tcs And tl <> "--" Then tle =tl: zt_l = "早退"
Else: tle = "leave?"
tle = "未签离": zt_l = "未签"
End If
End If
If tl Like "--" Then tle = "未签离": zt_l = "未签"
'kq = tle
Rem -----------计算出勤状态----------
Dim xzk
If zk Like "外勤" Then
If tce > 1 And tle > 1 Then
xzk = "无效"
Else: xzk = "外勤"
End If
End If
If zk = "请假" Then
If (tce > 1 Or tle > 1) Then
xzk = "请假"
Else: xzk = "疑假"
End If
End If
If (Not zk Like "外勤" And Notzk Like "请假") And zk > 1 Then
If zt_c = zt_l Then xzk = zt_c
If zt_c <> zt_l Then xzk = "来:" & zt_c & ";离:" &zt_l
End If
' kq = xzk
Dim we
If tce <1 And tle < 1 Then
If tle <= tn1s Then we = tle - tce
If tce <= tn1s And tle <= tn2s And tle >= tn1s Then we =tn1s - tce
If tce <= tn1s And tle >= tn2s Then we = (tn1s - tce) + (tle- tn2s)
If tce >= tn1s Then we = tle - tn2s
Else: we = "--"
End If
'kq =we
'If tce <1 Or tle < 1 Then tce = CDate(tce): tle = CDate(tle)
Dim myarr
myarr = Array(tce, zt_c, tle, zt_l, we, xzk)
kq = myarr
End Function