



int pcap_sendpacket






u_char * 












Send a raw packet.

This function allows to send a raw packet to the network. p is the interface that will be used to send the packet, buf contains the data of the packet to send (including the various protocol headers), size is the dimension of the buffer pointed by buf, i.e. the size of the packet to send. The MAC CRC doesn't need to be included, because it is transparently calculated and added by the network interface driver. The return value is 0 if the packet is succesfully sent, -1 otherwise



 * API compatible with WinPcap's "send a packet" routine - returns -1

 * on error, 0 otherwise.


 * XXX - what if we get a short write?



pcap_sendpacket(pcap_t *p, const u_char *buf, intsize)


    if (p->inject_op(p,buf, size) == -1)

        return (-1);

    return (0);




/* Send a packet to the network */


pcap_inject_win32(pcap_t *p, const void *buf, size_tsize){

    LPPACKET PacketToSend;




    if (PacketToSend ==NULL)


        snprintf(p->errbuf,PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "send error: PacketAllocatePacket failed");

        return -1;




    if(PacketSendPacket(p->adapter,PacketToSend,TRUE) ==FALSE){

        snprintf(p->errbuf,PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "send error: PacketSendPacket failed");


        return -1;






     * We assume it all got sent if "PacketSendPacket()" succeeded.

     * "pcap_inject()" is expected to return the number of bytes

     * sent.


    return size;






 \brief Allocates a _PACKET structure.

 \return On succeess, the return value is the pointer to a _PACKET structure otherwise the

  return value is NULL.


 The structure returned will be passed to the PacketReceivePacket() function to receive the

 packets from the driver.


 \warning The Buffer field of the _PACKET structure is not set by this function.

 The buffer \b must be allocated by the application, and associated to the PACKET structure

 with a call to PacketInitPacket.




   LPPACKET    lpPacket;





   if (lpPacket==NULL)


       TRACE_PRINT("PacketAllocatePacket: GlobalAlloc Failed");





    return lpPacket;





 \brief Initializes a _PACKET structure.

 \param lpPacket The structure to initialize.

 \param Buffer A pointer to a user-allocated buffer that will contain the captured data.

 \param Length the length of the buffer. This is the maximum buffer size that will be

  transferred from the driver to the application using a single read.


 \note the size of the buffer associated with the PACKET structure is a parameter that can sensibly

 influence the performance of the capture process, since this buffer will contain the packets received

 from the the driver. The driver is able to return several packets using a single read call

 (see the PacketReceivePacket() function for details), and the number of packets transferable to the

 application in a call is limited only by the size of the buffer associated with the PACKET structure

 passed to PacketReceivePacket(). Therefore setting a big buffer with PacketInitPacket can noticeably

 decrease the number of system calls, reducing the impcat of the capture process on the processor.



VOIDPacketInitPacket(LPPACKETlpPacket,PVOID Buffer,UINT Length)





   lpPacket->Buffer =Buffer;

   lpPacket->Length =Length;

    lpPacket->ulBytesReceived = 0;

    lpPacket->bIoComplete =FALSE;







 \brief Sends one (or more) copies of a packet to the network.

 \param AdapterObject Pointer to an _ADAPTER structure identifying the network adapter that will

  send the packets.

 \param lpPacket Pointer to a PACKET structure with the packet to send.

 \param Sync This parameter is deprecated and will be ignored. It is present for compatibility with

  older applications.

 \return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.


 This function is used to send a raw packet to the network. 'Raw packet' means that the programmer

 will have to include the protocol headers, since the packet is sent to the network 'as is'.

 The CRC needs not to be calculated and put at the end of the packet, because it will be transparently

 added by the network interface.


 The behavior of this function is influenced by the PacketSetNumWrites() function. With PacketSetNumWrites(),

 it is possible to change the number of times a single write must be repeated. The default is 1,

 i.e. every call to PacketSendPacket() will correspond to one packet sent to the network. If this number is

 greater than 1, for example 1000, every raw packet written by the application will be sent 1000 times on

 the network. This feature mitigates the overhead of the context switches and therefore can be used to generate

 high speed traffic. It is particularly useful for tools that test networks, routers, and servers and need

 to obtain high network loads.

 The optimized sending process is still limited to one packet at a time: for the moment it cannot be used

 to send a buffer with multiple packets.


 \note The ability to write multiple packets is currently present only in the Windows NTx version of the

 packet driver. In Windows 95/98/ME it is emulated at user level in packet.dll. This means that an application

 that uses the multiple write method will run in Windows 9x as well, but its performance will be very low

 compared to the one of WindowsNTx.




   DWORD        BytesTransfered;

    BOOLEAN       Result;   






    if(AdapterObject->Flags ==INFO_FLAG_AIRPCAP_CARD)




             Result = (BOOLEAN)g_PAirpcapWrite(AdapterObject->AirpcapAd,lpPacket->Buffer,lpPacket->Length);



             return Result;





             TRACE_PRINT("Transmission not supported with this version of AirPcap");


             return FALSE;






    if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NDISWAN_ADAPTER)


        TRACE_PRINT("PacketSendPacket: packet sending not allowed on wan adapters");



        return FALSE;





    if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NPFIM_DEVICE)


        TRACE_PRINT("PacketSendPacket: packet sending not allowed on NPFIM adapters");



        return FALSE;




    if (AdapterObject->Flags ==INFO_FLAG_NDIS_ADAPTER)


        Result = (BOOLEAN)WriteFile(AdapterObject->hFile,lpPacket->Buffer,lpPacket->Length,&BytesTransfered,NULL);




        TRACE_PRINT1("Request to write on an unknown device type (%u)",AdapterObject->Flags);

        Result = FALSE;




    return Result;






 \brief Frees a _PACKET structure.

 \param lpPacket The structure to free.


 \warning the user-allocated buffer associated with the _PACKET structure is not deallocated

 by this function and \b must be explicitly deallocated by the programmer.















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