•The principles behind WM smoothers and WM filters have been presented in this article, as well as some of the applications of these nonlinear signal processing structures in image enhancement.
•WM filters are computationally simple and provide significant advantages over traditional image enhancement methods using linear filters in several applications of image enhancement.
•一、Order-Statistic Filter
This filter is useful for finding the brightest points in an image, and replace the center value by the max value of the region.
–Because pepper noise(dark dot) has very low values, it is reduced by this filter as a result of the max selection process.
去pepper noise(暗点)
Min-filter is useful for finding the darkest points in an image, and replace the center pixel by the min value of the region
–It reduces salt noise(light dot) as a result of the min operation.
去salt noise(亮点)
–To define the running median smoother, let {x(.)} be a discrete time sequence. The running median passes a window over the sequence { x(.)} that selects, at each instant n, a set of samples to comprise the observation vector x(n).
–where NL and NR may range in value over the nonnegative integers and N = NL + NR + 1 is the window size.
The median smoother operating on the input sequence {x (.)} produces the output sequence {y},
where at time index n
To extent the input sequence, the appended samples are selected so that the points appended at the beginning of the sequence have the same value as the first signal point, and the points appended at the end of the sequence all have the value of the last signal point.
•Running medians can be extended to a recursive mode by replacing the “causal” input samples in the median smoother by previously derived output samples. The output of the recursive median smoother is given by
•With the same amount of operations, recursive median smoothers have better noise attenuation capabilities than their nonrecursive counterparts
递归中值平滑更好的去噪效果(recursive median smoothers)
ps:In image processing applications, the running median window spans a local two-dimensional (2-D) area.
Typically, an N x N area is included in the observation window.
The processing, however, is identical to the one-dimensional (1-D) case in the sense that the samples in the observation window are sorted and the middle value is taken as the output.
通常,观察窗口中包含一个n x n区域。
•二、Median Smoothers and Filters
上面的median smoother +
Weighted Median Smoothers
•Although the median is a robust estimator that possesses many optimality properties, the performance of running medians is limited by the fact that it is temporally blind. That is, all observation samples are treated equally regardless of their location within the observation window.
尽管中值是一个具有许多最优性的鲁棒估计量,但由于它是暂时盲的(temporally blind),所以运行中值的性能受到限制。也就是说,不管观察窗内的位置如何,所有的观察样品都被同等对待。
•the running weighted median output is computed as
•where Wi>0and is the replication operator defined as
•Consider the window size 5 WM smoother defined by the symmetric weight vector W = [1,2,3,2,1]. For the observation x(n) = [ 12,6,4, 1, 9], the weighted median smoother output is found as
•To illustrate the WM smoother operation for positive real valued weights, consider the WM smoother defined by W = [0.1, 0.1,0.2,0.2,0.1]. The output for this smoother operating on x(n) = [ 12, 6,4, 1, 9] is found as follows.
–Summing the weights gives the threshold To = 0.35.
•The Center Weighted Median Smoothers
–The weighting mechanism of WM smoothers allows for great flexibility in emphasizing or deemphasizing specific input samples.
–Because of the symmetric nature of the observation window, the sample most correlated with the desired estimate is, in general, the center observation sample. This observation leads to the center weighted median (CWM) smoother
WM平滑器的加权机制允许在强调或取消(emphasizing or deemphasizing)特定输入样本方面具有很大的灵活性(flexibility)。
–The CWM smoother is realized by allowing only the center observation sample to be weighted. Thus, the output of the CWM smoother is given by
•there is a logical way to generalize the median to an equivalently rich class of weighted median filters that admit both positive and negative weights.
The WM filter output for noninteger weights can be determined as follows
Vector Weighted Median Filters
•The extension of the weighted median for use with color images is straightforward
•The weighted median filtering operation of a color image can be achieved in a number of ways, two of which we summarize below.
–The filtering operation processes all components jointly such that the cross-correlations between components are exploited.
–Vector WM filtering requires the extension of the original WM filter definition as follows.
–Define as a three-dimensional vector,
are respectively the red, green, and blue components of the ith pixel in a color image
Marginal WM filter
•The simplest approach to WM filtering a color image is to process each component independently by a scalar WM filter.
–A drawback associated with this method is that different components can be strongly correlated and, if each component is processed separately, this correlation is not exploited.
–In addition, since each component is filtered independently, the filter outputs can combine to produce colors not present in the original image.
–The advantage of marginal processing is the computational simplicity.
•三、Image Analysis and Enhancement
Image Noise Cleaning
Median smoothers are widely used in image processing to clean images corrupted by noise. Median filters are particularly effective at removing outliers. Often referred to as “salt-and-pepper’’ noise
Although a weighted median smoother can be designed to “best” remove the noise, CWM smoothers often provide similar results at a much lower complexity .
By simply tuning the center weight, a user can obtain the desired level of smoothing.
Image Zooming
•Zooming an image is an important task used in many applications. When zooming, pixels are inserted into the image in order to expand the size of the image, and the major task is the interpolation of the new pixels from the surrounding original pixels.
•The advantage of using the weighted median in interpolation over traditional linear methods is better edge preservation and less of a “blocky” look to edges.
Image Sharpening
•Image sharpening refers to any enhancement technique that highlights edges and fine details in an image
–Human perception is highly sensitive to edges and fine details of an image, and since they are composed primarily by high frequency components, enhancing the high-frequency components of an image leads to an improvement in the visual quality.
In principle, image sharpening consists of adding to the original image a signal that is proportional to a high-pass filtered version of the original image.
The original image is first filtered by a high-pass filter that extracts the high-frequency components,
then a scaled version of the high-pass filter output is added to the original image, thus producing a sharpened image of the original.
Note that the homogeneous regions of the signal, i.e., where the signal is constant, remain unchanged
Linear techniques can lead to unacceptable results if the original image is corrupted with noise.
A tradeoff between noise attenuation and edge highlighting can be obtained if a weighted median filter with appropriated weights is used.
To illustrate this, consider a WM filter applied to a gray-scale image where the following filter mask is used
The output is proportional to the difference between the center pixel and the smallest pixel around the center pixel.
Thus, the filter output takes relatively large values for positive-slop edges in an image.
But for negative-slope edges, the center pixel takes small values producing small values at the filter output.
In order to highlight the positive-slope edges as well as negative-slope edges, we prefiltering the original image by
Edge Detection
•Edge detection is an important tool in image analysis, and it is necessary for applications of computer vision in which objects have to be recognized by their outlines.
•An edge-detection algorithm should show the locations of major edges in the image while ignoring false edges caused by noise.
nA high-pass filter is applied to the image to obtain the amount of change present in the image at every pixel.
nThe output of the filter is thresholded to determine those pixels that have a high enough rate of change to be considered lying on an edge;
•i.e., all pixels with filter output greater than some value T are taken as edge pixels.
•The value of T is a tunable parameter that can be adjusted to give the best visual results.
•High thresholds lose some of the real edges, while low values result in many false edges; thus a tradeoff has to be made to get the best results.
nOther techniques such as edge thinning can be applied to further pinpoint the location of the edges in an image.
•Sobel operator
•The horizontal and vertical edge indicators of the weighted median filter are
•If there is a true edge present, then both differences should be high in magnitude, while if noise causes one of the differences to be too high, the other difference is not necessarily affected.
•the strength of horizontal and vertical edges is
•In order to detect diagonal edges, the following masks are used
•Similar to the horizontal and vertical edges, the diagonal edges of the weighted median filters are
And the strength of the diagonal edges are
•The total amount of strengths to which any edges exists at the pixel: