[翻译]The Library In Your Toolbar

作者:Peter Webster

Library toolbars allow users to search the library catalog, find full-text articles, get news, and contact librarians directly. Delivering library services this way adds power and convenience to a user's web explorations.


For years, patrons have been able to access library services from home and in the library building. But in the world of Google, Yahoo, YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook, library web sites and catalogs are too often not the first place people go to look for information. They have what OCLC vice president and chief strategist Lorcan Dempsey calls “a weak gravitational pull” compared with popular web services.

近 年来,用户们已经可以从家里到图书馆全方位地获得图书馆的服务。但是在一个拥有Google,Yahoo,MySpace,Facebook的世界里,图 书馆网站和目录通常不是人们寻找信息的第一站。较这些流行的web服务方式而言,OCLC副总裁兼首席战略官将图书馆的服务称为“弱引力”。

The innovative use of toolbars could change this. Toolbars have been popular for several years, but it is now easier than ever to offer customized search services and tie new library resources like federated search and “ask a librarian” services directly to users.


Google, Yahoo, and Amazon, among others, offer toolbars that put a search box in the browser. This relieves searchers of the need to interrupt their browsing to go to the Google or Yahoo web site. OCLC has partnered with Yahoo and Google to offer a version of WorldCat that can be searched from its cobranded toolbar.

Google, Yahoo, Amazon还有其他一些网站,提供了工具条将搜索框集成到浏览器中。这样就避免打断正在浏览网页的用户去Google或者Yahoo站点。OCLC已经 携手Yahoo和Google提供了新版本的WorldCat,它使用户可以从合作网站的工具条直接开始搜索。

Early adopters 早期措施

Many libraries use customized toolbars to point to the catalog and popular full-text databases. The Fastjack toolbar has been in use at Stanford University's Jackson Library since October 2004, and Harris County Public Library (HCPL), TX, has offered Internet Explorer and Firefox library toolbars to patrons for two years (see Link List, p. 32).

许多图书馆使用定制化的工具栏指向图书目录和常用全文数据库。Fastjack工具栏自2004年10月开始在斯坦福杰克逊图书馆使用,Harris郡公共图书馆,TX 也在两年前给图书馆用户提供了IE和Firefox工具栏。

Online businesses use them to promote their services, identify customers, and keep in touch with potential clients. Libraries also use toolbars for promotional purposes. Stephen Abram, SirsiDynix chief strategist, has pointed out how libraries can use toolbars to reach specific groups, such as homework-focused children and their parents. Some examples: HCPL offers information about children's and young adult services from its toolbar, and the Denver Public Library toolbar offers users a link to its library card information, where users can renew items.

在 线商业使用工具栏促进他们的服务,拉近用户,并与潜在用户保持联系。图书馆使用工具栏也有提高业务的目的。Stephen Abram, SirsiDynix首席战略官,指出图书馆可以为了特定用户组提供使用工具栏,像那些专注于家庭作业的孩子和他们的家长。一些例子:HCPL通过它的工 具栏为孩子和青少年提供信息服务,丹佛公共图书馆的工具栏提供链接到借阅卡信息,用户可以通过此进行续借。

Many companies offer software to create customized Internet Explorer toolbars. Both HCPL and Stanford's Jackson Library used Toolbar Studio/IE Toolbar builder software from Softomate. Conduit offers “free” web-accessible tools for creating community toolbars for Internet Explorer and customization services, working with 100 college and public libraries.

许 多公司提供制作定制化IE工具栏的软件。HCPL和斯坦福杰克逊图书馆都使用Toolbar Studio/IE Toolbar builder做工具栏。Conduit提供“免费的”在线易用工具,已经有100多家大学和公共图书馆使用此工具制作了浏览器工具栏和定制个性化的服 务。

Write your own 做你自己的

Firefox, the open source web browser, was designed to make it easy to create extensions and software plugins that add additional innovative browser features. There are hundreds of freely available add-ons for Firefox, and plugin developers share ideas and build on one another's work at addons.mozilla.org.

Firefox, 开源的web浏览器,其设计就是为了方面制作扩展和插件,这些插件为浏览器加入了创新的特性。已经有非常多免费的Firefox扩展,而且插件的开发者还在addons.mozilla.org网站上同其他插件项目开发者分享他们的创意。

Microsoft also provides software and instruction for developers to write extensions for the Internet Explorer browser. It is not as open as Firefox, but library developers can easily create search extensions or toolbar buttons from scratch. My own library has had success programming toolbar extensions for Internet Explorer. However, the latest search customization features using Open Search leave less need for such customized programming.

微软也为开发者提供了软件和指令编写IE浏览器扩展。它不像Firefox那么开放,但是图书馆开发人员可以从头很轻松的创建工具栏按或搜索扩展。我自己的图书馆有个成功的IE扩展程序。而且,最新的定制化使用Open Search这一特点,几乎不需要怎么编程。

Firefox was the first to offer a customized search feature. In 2006, Google released its updated toolbar with similar functions. Internet Explorer 7, out last fall, also includes built-in search customization. Each toolbar allows the user to create a keyword search box to search any web page. The URL for sending a search is saved by the browser, and an icon or title for that custom search is displayed. It's easy. Each toolbar works differently, but the principle of saving a URL string for a particular web search is standard.

Firefox 是第一个提供定制化搜索这个特点的。在2006, Google发布了它更新后的工具栏提供了类似功能。IE7,去年秋季推出,也内建了定制化搜索。每隔工具栏都允许用户创建一个关键词搜索框,去搜索任一 网络页面。浏览器保存搜索提交到的URL,而且这个定制的搜索框有一个图标或者标题。太简单了。每个工具栏功能不同,但都有一个标准,即浏览器为每一个特 别的搜索框保存一个URL字符串。

Browser customization is intended for unsecured publicly available search services such as those of commercial sites like Amazon. It works well for readily available sites like search engines, online bookstores, and even many library catalogs, but secured e-journal databases need federated search to be installed.


This is because licensed databases are often restricted to a particular location by Internet Protocol (IP) ranges like the library building or university campuses. When a user connects to a paid database, several events take place before a search screen appears. Typically, the user's computer asks for IP number authentication to ensure that she comes from a location where database use is authorized. Once the user is authenticated, a session ID may be assigned. The URL that is presented is applicable only for the current search session, so saving it for a customized search from the browser toolbar will not work.

这是因为有保护许可的数据库通常对使用范围由严格限制,像图书馆 大楼或校园内的IP范围才可使用。当余户连到一个付费数据库,在搜索页面呈现出来之前还要经过好几个步骤。典型地,用户计算机向IP授权处询问,以确定她 来自数据库授权使用的地点。一旦用户得到授权,就会得到一个进程ID。当前的URL只能被当前的搜索进程使用,所以把它存到浏览器的定制搜索中将不会工 作。

Many e-journal database vendors, including EBSCO and ProQuest, have ways to pass a query to a single URL. Google Toolbar, Firefox, and IE 7 each offer methods to modify the search URL as needed so that many e-content databases can be searched from the browser toolbar. Different searches, such as by author, title, or keyword, can also be created. URLs can also be constructed to use federated search software like MuseGlobal from the browser toolbars.

许 多电子期刊数据库商,包括EBSCO和ProQuest,有多种方法传递一个查询到一个单独的URL。Google工具栏,Firefox,IE7, 必要时每一个都提供数种改变这个提交搜索的URL的方法,所以许多电子内容数据库也可以通过浏览器工具栏搜索。不同的搜索,如通过作者姓名、题名或者关键 词搜索都可以被创建。 URLs也可以通过工具栏构建用于向MuseGlobal这样的搜索软件。

However, other major library databases cannot be searched with a single URL and therefore cannot be easily customized for toolbar searching. This lack of single URL searchability is a growing problem, since libraries need to make e-content databases accessible in a greater variety of ways.


Using toolbars

Adding customized searches and services to a web browser toolbar requires additional software to be installed on the local PC. At my institution, St. Mary's University, Halifax, NS, we have customized toolbars only on library PCs and in computer labs across the campus, where library staff load and maintain the toolbar additions. Such toolbars have proven to be very useful in settings where the library can get an institutionwide agreement to add common toolbar features to numerous PCs. Many libraries also provide software and download instructions so home users can add library toolbar features to their computers.

在浏览器上增加定制搜索和服务需要在本地PC上安装额外的软件。我所在的机构,如St. Mary's University, Halifax, NS, 我们只在图书馆和跨校区实验室电脑上提供定制的工具栏,在这些地方图书馆的员工安装并维护这些外加的工具栏。这样的工具栏已经被证明非常有用,图书馆可以 得到协会范围内的许可将公用工具栏安装到许多电脑上。许多图书馆也提供软件下载,这使家庭用户也可以在他们的电脑上安装图书馆工具栏。

Toolbar companies like Softomate and Conduit, as well as IE 7 and Firefox, provide simple and increasingly standardized methods for putting search services on a web page. These can be downloaded and installed by users on their local browsers. There are also several XML-based standards for installing and saving search option information on individual browsers. In particular, the Open Search standard is used by both IE 7 and Firefox; search descriptions in this format can be installed by either. The browsers offer long lists of available search plugins. Libraries around the world have created Firefox search plugins for most major ILS products. The Firefox Mycroft Project site, in particular, lists hundreds of library catalog search plugins that can be easily adapted in most libraries.

像Softomate 和Conduit这样的工具栏公司,还有IE7和Firefox,为在网页上提供搜索服务提供了简单且日益增多的标准方法。用户可以下载并安装这些搜索服 务到各自的浏览器上。特别地,Open Search标准适用于IE7和Firefox, 用这种格式的搜索描述可以被两种浏览器安装。浏览器提供了很长一串可用的搜索插件。全世界的图书馆已经为大多数图书馆集成系统创建了Firefox插件。 Firefox Mycroft 项目网站,特别列出了成百上千的图书馆目录搜索插件,大多数图书馆都可和轻松的应用他们。

Firefox and IE 7 offer a search box in the top right corner of the browser toolbar. The default search is most often a search engine like Google or Yahoo, and a dropdown menu displays the different customized searches. Google and Best Toolbar, on the other hand, display a row of search icons next to the search box on the toolbar. The user simply places keywords in the search box and then performs the same search on different sites by clicking the appropriate icon. You can click the Google icon to search Google, then just click an “EBSCO” icon to repeat the search against an EBSCO database that your library has access to, or click a “Science” icon to repeat the same search on a selected group of science databases via a federated search tool. This approach seems considerably more convenient and intuitive for users than selecting from the drop-down menu. Though browser toolbar searches offer only limited functionality compared with the capabilities of the full range of databases and other tools offered by libraries, they are a convenient starting point for much research. They can introduce users to resources and library services and provide an intuitive way for users to explore them.

Firefox 和IE7在浏览器的右上方提供了搜索框。默认的搜索通常是像Google或Yahoo这样的搜索引擎,下拉菜单显示不同的定制搜索入口。Google工具 条,也是最好的工具条,在搜索框的旁边显示了一排搜索图标。用户在搜索框填入关键词,点击不同的图标就可以在不同的搜索引擎中做同一关键词搜索。你可以点 Google图标在Google中搜索,点“EBSCO”图标在你图书馆可进入到EBSCO数据库中再次搜索,或者点“Science”图标在一组通过联 邦搜索工具集成的Science数据库中再次搜索。对用户而言,这种方法比在下拉菜单中选择,看上去更方便直观。相比数据库提供的高级搜索和图书馆提供的 其他工具而言,尽管浏览器工具栏只提供基本的搜索功能,它们对多数搜索来说却是相当便利的。它们引导用户到相关资源、图书馆服务,并为用户提供一个直观的 方法使用这些资源和服务。

Phone home?

Concerns remain about security and privacy associated with toolbars, particularly with adding third-party toolbars to web browsers. Google has been criticized recently for updating its toolbar software without notifying the PC user and without providing the means to disable the feature. Many people have continuing concerns about the marketing information Google collects and how the information will be used in the future. Conduit, like some toolbar companies, adds advertising content to search services, and many third-party software browser extensions do the same. Plugins may also make the web browser more vulnerable to virus and spyware intrusion. Companies like Google and Conduit communicate to users what information they are adding and collecting from toolbars. Toolbar Studio, on the other hand, offers software source code so that users can confirm that it doesn't collect information about users' search activities or add advertising content.

关 注于和工具栏有关的安全和隐私问题,特别是将第三方的工具栏装到浏览器上。Google因更新了他的工具栏而没有通知PC用户,且不提供关闭这一功能的方 法而备受批评。许多人一直关注于Google收集的市场信息和未来这些信息的使用问题。Conduit,某个工具栏公司,在搜索服务中加入了广告信息。像 Google和Conduit这样的公司传递给用户它们从工具栏加入和收集的信息。Toolbar Studio,刚好相反,提供软件源码,这样用户可以确认它没有从用户的搜索活动中收集信息,并加入广告内容。

Toolbar software and customized searches may also require maintenance, as browser software and search URLs change over time. When users download and install toolbar features to their home PC, libraries must make provisions for updating the toolbar functions as changes take place. These concerns should not prevent libraries from exploring the benefits of reputable toolbar applications, but libraries offering these services need to be aware of the issues.

工 具栏软件和定制搜索也需要维护,比如浏览器软件和搜索引擎的URLs不时变动。当用户下载并安装工具栏到他们的PC上,图书馆必须提供工具栏的更新,当工 具栏的功能发生变化时。这些关注不会妨碍图书馆去探索一个受好评度工具栏应用程序带来的好处,但是图书馆提供这些服务必须要注意这些问题。

Content interaction 内容相互干扰

Many browser software extensions go beyond this search help and can interact with the content of the web pages you are looking at and react accordingly. Firefox offers the capability to program the activities of the browser and react to the HTML that is being displayed. Greasemonkey, a popular Firefox scripting add-on, can make changes to HTML received from particular web sites, adding or removing content or interfacing with that content in some way. For example, Greasemonkey scripts have been used to do lookups to library link resolvers from citations on web pages [see “COinS for the Link Trail,” LJ netConnect, Summer 2006, p. 8–10].

许 多浏览器软件扩展提供不仅仅是搜索帮助,也可以作用于你正在浏览的网页,也因此相互作用。Firefox可以对浏览器的行为进行编程,并且作用于被浏览的 页面。Greasemonkey,一个流行的Firefox脚步扩展,可以改变从特别的网站接收到的HTML,加入或者移除某些内容,或者在某处提供接 口。例如,Greasemonkey脚本已经被用于查看网页引文链接解析器。

Book Burro was one of the first library-related browser plug-in applications to mesh with Amazon and other online bookstore web sites. When a book is displayed on Amazon, a Book Burro window displays price comparison information retrieved from other popular online bookstores. Book Burro can also be customized to search your local library catalog and show if the book is available.

Book Burro是第一个图书馆相关浏览器插件应用程序,用于啮合Amazon和其它在线图书馆站点。当Amazon显示一本书,一个Book Burro窗口显示它的价格与从其它在线书店取回的价格信息的比较。Book Burro也可以定制于搜索本地图书馆书目信息,查看在图书馆是否有可借阅此书。

The LibX browser toolbar, developed by Virginia Tech, incorporates interactive features with toolbar search to create the most sophisticated research toolbar yet devised. It offers catalog and library database searching but also automates the checking of references found on any web page against the library catalog. It automatically checks ISSNs and ISBNs found in web page references against the catalog and connects journal references to the library's link resolver. LibX has been customized for use by 55 academic and public libraries. Currently, it is only available for the Firefox web browser, but a version for IE is being developed with a recent Institute of Museum and Library Services grant.

LibX 浏览器工具栏,由Virginia Tech开发,在工具栏搜索中结合了相互作用的特性,创建了目前所有的最复杂的工具栏。它提供数目检索和图书馆数据库检索,并自动检查依靠图书馆书目信息 的链接。自动检查在书目信息页面中找到ISSNs和ISBNs,并且把期刊信息连接到图书馆链接解析器。LibX已经55个学术和公共图书馆所定制。目前 为止,它只适用于Firefox浏览器,但IE版的也正在一些博物馆和图书馆服务组织的基金支持下开发。

Enhancing toolbars

Several library applications, including federated search, work with toolbars to enhance their usefulness further. Toolbar searches that use federated search software like MuseGlobal or Ex Libris's Metalib can search groups of databases or even subject subsets of several databases. For example, a browser search link for “Science databases” can pass search keywords to the library's federated search software to return results from a selected group of science databases.

一 些包含了联邦检索的图书馆应用程序,和工具栏一起加强了他们的应用深度。使用联邦检索软件工具栏搜索比如MuseGlobal或Ex Libris的Metalib可以搜索多组数据库,甚至一些数据库的子库。例如,一个浏览器搜索链接“科学数据库”可以把搜索关键词传递到联邦搜索软件并 且返回从一组被选的科学数据库中检索到的结果。

The library proxy server is another key to creating toolbar searches. A proxy server URL can be attached to search URLs used by the toolbar. The proxy allows database access to computers in the library or off campus. It asks home and distance users for validation, such as a library card number or student ID before allowing access.


With proxy server and federated search software added to the latest custom search capabilities, the library toolbar can offer a wide range of search and information services, becoming a powerful research console built right into the web browser. Libraries and their e-content providers will continue to develop toolbars to put our useful services at the fingertips of users.





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