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转载 关于计算机图形学的学习的书籍推荐
引言 什么是计算机图形学? 本文尽量避免给它做严格的定义,但是通常来说,计算机图形学是数字图象处理的逆过程,这只是一个不确切的定义,后面我们会看到,实际上,计算机图形学、数字图象处理和计算机视觉在很多地方的区别不是非常清晰的,很多概念是相通的。 计算机图形学是用计算机来画东西的学科,数字图象处理是把外界获得的图象用计算机进行处理的学科。在法国,图形图象是一门课程。 如何学习
2016-04-05 16:54:09
翻译 [Unity官方文档翻译]Import Settings unity资源中的导入设置
Import Settings导入设置Each type of asset that Unity supports has a set of Import Settings, which affect how the asset appears or behaves. To view an asset’s import settings, select the asset in the
2016-03-31 20:30:45
翻译 [Unity官方文档翻译]Importing Assets 如何向unity导入资源
Importing Assets导入资源Assets created outside of Unity must be brought in to Unity by having the file either saved directly into the “Assets” folder of your project, or copied into that folder. For
2016-03-30 20:13:08
翻译 [Unity官方文档翻译]Primitive and Placeholder Objects Unity原生3D物体教程
Primitive and Placeholder Objects原始的基础物体Unity can work with 3D models of any shape that can be created with modelling software. However, there are also a number of primitive object types that ca
2016-03-29 16:47:19
翻译 [Unity官方文档翻译]Learning the Interface学习基础视窗
Learning the Interface学习接口Take your time to look over the editor interface and familiarize yourself with it. The main editor window is made up of tabbed windows which can be rearranged, grouped,
2016-03-28 11:06:50
原创 [贪心算法]java解决背包问题
闲来无事敲的几行代码,贪心算法的核心在于先排序,找到一种规律,然后根据问题要求遍历列表解决问题.贴出代码:package 背包问题贪心算法;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Scanner;public class Main { public sta
2016-03-27 18:20:31
翻译 [Unity官方文档翻译]Getting Started开始unity项目
Getting Started让我们开始吧 Starting Unity for the First Time首先打开unity编辑器Whenever you launch the Unity editor, the Home Screen displays. If you have no existing Unity projects on your computer,
2016-03-27 16:31:04
翻译 [Unity官方文档翻译]2D or 3D Projects Unity中2D和3D项目的区别
2D or 3D Projects2D或3D项目Unity is equally suited to creating both 2D and 3D games. But what’s the difference? When you create a new project in Unity, you have the choice to start in 2D or 3D mode.
2016-03-26 21:03:10
翻译 [Unity官方文档翻译]Downloading and Installing Unity下载和安装unity教程
1.Downloading and Installing Unity下载和安装unityYou can download and install the Unity Editor from the Unity Website; unity3d.com/download.你可以在这个网站 unity3d.com/download.下载和安装unity编辑器The installer
2016-03-26 20:55:49
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