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转载 需求分析的20条法则

需求分析的20条法则 对商业用户来说,他们后面是成百上千个供应商,前面是成千上万个消费顾客。怎样利用软件管理错综复杂的供应商和消费顾客,如何做好精细到一个小小调料包的进、销、调、存的商品流通工作,这些都是商业企业需要信息管理系统的理由。软件开发的意义也就在于此。而弄清商业用户如此复杂需求的真面目,正是软件开发成功的关键所在。   经理:“我们要建立一套完整的商业管理软件系统,包括商品的进、销、调、

2007-07-17 00:49:00 698

原创 Software Testing 10 Rules

1. Test early and test often.2. Integrate the application development and testing life cycles. Youll get better results and you wont have to mediate between two armed camps in your IT shop.3. Formal

2007-07-01 13:17:00 564

MCTS.Exam 70-511.Windows Application Development with Microsoft .NET Framework

微软认证考试:70-511, Windows Application Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.2011


Beginning WF Windows Workflow in .NET 4

Beginning WF will take you step by step through many of the useful applications of workflow technology. Along the way, you will: Create designer-based and code-based workflows Communicate between applications using workflow activities Implement SQL persistence with custom participants Create workflow extensions and custom activities Build applications that support long-running workflows Host workflows in WCF services


microsoft uispy

The UI Spy tool enables developers and testers to view and interact with the user interface (UI) elements of an application. By viewing the application's UI hierarchical structure, property values, and raised events, developers and testers can verify that the UI they are creating is programmatically accessible to assistive technology devices such as screen readers. UI Spy uses the UI Automation libraries. UI Automation is the new accessibility framework for Microsoft Windows. Using UI Spy, developers and testers can check an application's level of accessibility by verifying the following: UI Automation property values for UI items. Control pattern implementation. UI Automation event information. Navigation and keyboard focus.



Jeffrey Richter 在他的博客中叙述了 CLR via C#第三版的主要内容,和改动。原本如下:(必要的地方加了翻译) Last week I submitted the reaming chapters for my new book. It is now being edited and should be available right around the time that Visual Studio 2010 launches (March 22, 2010). (注:上周他提交了他的书(可能是给出版社),估计会在VS2010发布的时候,一同上市) One place you can order it is here: http://www.amazon.com/CLR-via-C-Third-Pro-Developer/dp/0735627045 (注:Amazon已经可以预订了) I know that many people will ask me what are the differences between the 2nd edition and the 3rd edition and so I thought I'd create this blog post to address this. Overall, every chapter has been modified making the text clearer, fixing any known mistakes and I’ve added more 64-bit coverage as this hardware is becoming more commonplace. I' ve also embellished a lot of text to reflect new things that I've learned in the last 5 years since the previos edition of the book was published. In addtion, since the 2nd Edition of the book covered version 2.0 of the .NET Framework and C#, the new book adds coverage of versions 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0. (注:修改了部分章节的语言描述,叙述地更清楚一些。修改了关于 64位系统的一些错误。用了很多笔墨来介绍他最近5年的学习心得,书中也涵盖了.net 3.0,3.5,4.0的内容。) Also, I always thought I’d write a Threading Book showing how to properly architect software to build responsive and scalable applications and components in today’s world of multi-core computers. However, I decided to just include this other book’s content in the 3rd Edition of CLR via C# and so Part 5 of the book has five pretty lengthy chapters related to Threading. These chapters (like all chapters in the book) are very prescriptive. That is, I don’t just explain what is in the .NET Framework and how to use it. I explain when to use it and why as well as pitfalls associated with various constructs. I have written a lot of threading material over the past 20+ years and this is all new material presented in an all new way that I think will resonate well with software developers. The 2nd edition of CLR via C# had two chapters related to threading; the five new chapters contain a small part of that material but the new chapters are basically rewritten and add all of the new stuff that is being introduces with .NET 4.0. (注:此版第五部分中有5个很长的章节讲述线程。作者不仅解释 .NET框架的线程部分和如何使用这个,还讲述了什么时候使用和一些使用中的陷阱。作者在过去20多年中写了很多关于线程的文章,这次他将用这5章的篇幅做一个完整地,全新的阐述。新加的章节基本都是重新写过的,所有新修改的东西也都跟.NET 4.0联系起来了。) Below is the Table of Contents for CLR via C#, 3rd Edition and a brief description of what has been added to each chapter since the 2nd Edition. (下面是分章节的简要介绍了,Jeff相当厚道啊。我是很期待第三版。)


Windows PowerShell 实战

Windows 环境所开发的 shell 及脚本语言技术,这项全新的技术提供了丰富的控制与自动化的系统管理能力;关于PowerShell参看易学易用的Windows PowerShell。


人件2 中文版

人件 中文版 版本 2.0


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