
How do we perceive our social worlds?

Chapter 1 noted a significant fact about the human mind:    Our preconceptions guide how we perceive and interpret information.     We construe the world through belief-tinted glasses.   "Sure, preconceptions matter," people will agree; yet they fail to realize how great the effect is on themselves.

第1章指出了一个有关我们思维的重要事实: 我们的先入之见指导我们如何感知和解释信息。 我们带着信念的有色眼镜理解这个世界。 “的确,先入之见有作用,” 人们同意这个观点; 然而他们没意识到这对他们影响到底多大。

Let's consider some provocative experiments.    The first group of experiments examines how predispositions and prejudgements affect how we perceive and interpret information.   The second group plants a judgement in people's minds after they have been given information to see how after-the-fact ideas bias recall.     The overarching point: We respond not to reality as it is but to reality as we construe it.




Unattended stimuli can subtly influence how we interpret and recall events.     Imagine yourself, during an experiment, wearing earphones and concentrating on ambigious spoken sentences such as "We stood by the bank."     When a pertinent word (river or money) is simultaneously sent to your other ear, you don't consiously heart it.     Yet the word "primes" your interpretation of the sentences (Baars & McGovern, 1994).

人们毫无关注的的刺激物也能微妙地影响着我们对事件的解释和回忆。 想象你自己在一个实验中带着耳机全神贯注地听摸棱两可的句子,比如 "We stood by the bank."  当一个相关的单词(river or mony)同时传到你的另一个耳朵,你并没有意识。然而这个单词“primes” 影响你对句子的理解。

Our memory system is a web of associations, and priming is the awakening or activating of certain associations.     Experiments show that priming on thought, even without awareness, can influence another thought, or even an action.     John Bargh and colleagues(1996) asked people to complete a written sentence containing words such as "old,"  "wise,"  and "retired."     Shortly afterward, they observed these people walking more slowly to the elevator than did those not primed with aging-related words.         Moreover, the slow walkers had no awareness of their walking speed or of having just viewed words that primed aging.

我们的记忆系统是一个各种连接组成的网,priming就是对特定连接的唤醒或激活。 试验证明即使没有意识参与对思考的引导也能影响其他思考甚至行动。 John Bargh 和同事(1996)让人们完成一个补全语句,这里用到单词"old,"  "wise,"  和"retired."   随后,他们观察这些人走向电梯时比那些没有用衰老相关词引导的人更慢。而且,这些走得慢的人并没有意识到他们走路速度,也没意识到收到了刚刚看到的单词促进了衰老的思维。

Often our thinking and acting are subtly primed by unnoticed events.     Rob Holland and colleagues(2005) observed that Dutch students exposed to the scent of an all-purpose cleaner were quicker to identify cleaning-related words.      In follow-up experiments, other students exposed to a cleaning scent recalled more cleaning-related activities and even kept their desk cleaner while eating a crumbly cookie.     Moreover, all these effects occurred without the participants' conscious awareness of the scent and its influence.

我们的思考和行动经常受到没有注意事件的微妙影响。 Rob Holland和他的同事们(2005) 观察到暴露在全能清洗剂气味的荷兰学生们能更快地识别清洁相关的单词。在随后的试验中,暴露在清洁气味的其他学生能回忆更多与清洁相关的获得和事件,并且在吃易碎的曲奇时能保持桌面整洁。 而且,这些参与者自己并没有意识到气味和它的影响。

Priming experiments (Bargh, 2006) have their counterparts in everday life:

心理引导的试验(Bargh, 2006)在日常生活中也有对照物:

  • Watching a scary movie along at home can activate emotions that, without our realizing it, cause us to interpret furnace noises as a possible intruder.
  • Depressed moods, as this chapter explains later, prime nagative associations.    Put people in a good mood and suddenly their past seems more wonderful, their future brighter.
  • Watching violence will prime people to interpret ambiguous actions (a shove) and words ("punch") as aggresive.
  • For many psychology student, reading about psychological disorders primes how they interpret their own anxieties and gloomy moods.  Reading about disease symptoms similarly primes medical students to worry about their congestion, fever, or headache.





In a host of studies, priming effects surface even when the stimuli are presented subliminally too briefly to be perceived consciouly.    What's out of sight may not be completely out of mind.     An electric shock that is too slight to be felt may increase the perceived intensity of a later shock.     An imperceptibly flashed word. "bread,"  may prime people to detect a related word, such as "butter," more quickly than they detect an unrelated word, such as  "bottle" or "bubble."     A subliminal color name facilitates speedier identification when the color appears on the computer screen, whereas an unseen wrong name delays color identifaction (Epley & others, 1999; Merikle & others, 2001).    In each case, an invisible image or word primes a response to a later task.


Studies of how implanted ideas and images can prime our interpretations and recall illustrate one of this book's take-home lessons:   Much of our social information processing is automatic.      It is unintentional, out of sight, and happens without our conscious awareness.


Even physical sensations, thanks to our embodied cognition, prime our social judgements and vice versa.    After holding a warm drink, people become more likely to rate someone more warmly and behave more generously (Ijzerman & Semin, 2009; william & Bargh, 2008).    After receiving a cold shoulder treatment, people judge the experimental room as colder than do those treated warmly (Zhong & Leonardelli, 2008).    Physical warmth accentuates social warmths, and social exlusion literally feels cold.

由于我们的具身认知,即使是身体感觉也会影响我们的社会判断,反之亦然。在手持热饮后,人们更有可能给予他人更温暖的评价,并表现出更慷慨的行为(Ijzerman & Semin, 2009; William & Bargh, 2008)。在受到冷落之后,人们会觉得实验室比那些受到热情对待的人更冷(Zhong & Leonardelli, 2008)。身体的温暖增强了社交的温暖,而社交排斥真的会让人感到寒冷。

Perceiving and Interpreting Event


Despite some startling and oft-confirmed biases and logical flaws in how we preceive and understand one another, we're mostly accurate (Jussim, 2005).     Our first impressions of one another are more often right than wrong.      Moreover, the better we know people, the more accurately we can read their minds and feeling.

尽管在我们感知和理解彼此时有一些令人震惊的且经常被证实的偏见和逻辑缺陷,但我们在大多是准确的。 我们对彼此的第一印象往往是正确而非错误的。 此外,我们越是了解一个人,我们越能准确地读到他们的想法和感受。

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