
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
 * @param src input nv12 raw data array  
 * @param dst output nv12 raw data result, 
 * the memory need to be allocated outside of the function 
 * @param srcWidth width of the input nv12 image 
 * @param srcHeight height of the input nv12 image 
 * @param dstWidth
 * @param dstHeight 

void nv12_nearest_scale(uint8_t* __restrict src, uint8_t* __restrict dst,
                        int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int dstWidth, int
dstHeight)      //restrict keyword is for compiler to optimize program
    register int sw = srcWidth;  //register keyword is for local var to accelorate 
    register int sh = srcHeight;
    register int dw = dstWidth;
    register int dh = dstHeight;
    register int y, x;
    unsigned long int srcy, srcx, src_index, dst_index;
    unsigned long int xrIntFloat_16 = (sw << 16) / dw + 1; //better than float division
    unsigned long int yrIntFloat_16 = (sh << 16) / dh + 1;

    uint8_t* dst_uv = dst + dh * dw; //memory start pointer of dest uv
    uint8_t* src_uv = src + sh * sw; //memory start pointer of source uv
    uint8_t* dst_uv_yScanline;
    uint8_t* src_uv_yScanline;
    uint8_t* dst_y_slice = dst; //memory start pointer of dest y
    uint8_t* src_y_slice;
    uint8_t* sp;
    uint8_t* dp;
    for (y = 0; y < (dh & ~7); ++y)  //'dh & ~7' is to generate faster assembly code
        srcy = (y * yrIntFloat_16) >> 16;
        src_y_slice = src + srcy * sw;

        if((y & 1) == 0)
            dst_uv_yScanline = dst_uv + (y / 2) * dw;
            src_uv_yScanline = src_uv + (srcy / 2) * sw;

        for(x = 0; x < (dw & ~7); ++x)
            srcx = (x * xrIntFloat_16) >> 16;
            dst_y_slice[x] = src_y_slice[srcx];

            if((y & 1) == 0) //y is even
                if((x & 1) == 0) //x is even
                    src_index = (srcx / 2) * 2;
                    sp = dst_uv_yScanline + x;
                    dp = src_uv_yScanline + src_index;
                    *sp = *dp;
                    *sp = *dp;
         dst_y_slice += dw;

void nv12_bilinear_scale (uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst,
        int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int dstWidth,int dstHeight)
    int x, y;
    int ox, oy;
    int tmpx, tmpy;
    int xratio = (srcWidth << 8)/dstWidth;
    int yratio = (srcHeight << 8)/dstHeight;
    uint8_t* dst_y = dst;
    uint8_t* dst_uv = dst + dstHeight * dstWidth;
    uint8_t* src_y = src;
    uint8_t* src_uv = src + srcHeight * srcWidth;

    uint8_t y_plane_color[2][2];
    uint8_t u_plane_color[2][2];
    uint8_t v_plane_color[2][2];
    int j,i;
    int size = srcWidth * srcHeight;
    int offsetY;
    int y_final, u_final, v_final; 
    int u_final1 = 0;
    int v_final1 = 0;
    int u_final2 = 0;
    int v_final2 = 0;
    int u_final3 = 0;
    int v_final3 = 0;
    int u_final4 = 0;
    int v_final4 = 0;
    int u_sum = 0;
    int v_sum = 0;

    tmpy = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < (dstHeight & ~7); ++j)
        //tmpy = j * yratio;
    oy = tmpy >> 8;
    y = tmpy & 0xFF;

    tmpx = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < (dstWidth & ~7); ++i)
        // tmpx = i * xratio;
        ox = tmpx >> 8;
        x = tmpx & 0xFF;
        offsetY = oy * srcWidth;
        y_plane_color[0][0] = src[ offsetY + ox ];
        y_plane_color[1][0] = src[ offsetY + ox + 1 ];
        y_plane_color[0][1] = src[ offsetY + srcWidth + ox ];
        y_plane_color[1][1] = src[ offsetY + srcWidth + ox + 1 ];
        int y_final = (0x100 - x) * (0x100 - y) * y_plane_color[0][0]
            + x * (0x100 - y) * y_plane_color[1][0]
            + (0x100 - x) * y * y_plane_color[0][1]
            + x * y * y_plane_color[1][1];
        y_final = y_final >> 16;
        if (y_final>255)
            y_final = 255;
        if (y_final<0)
            y_final = 0;
        dst_y[ j * dstWidth + i] = (uint8_t)y_final; //set Y in dest array 
        if((j & 1) == 0) //j is even
            if((i & 1) == 0) //i is even
                u_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                u_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                u_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                u_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];

                v_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1];
                v_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1];
                v_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1];
                v_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1];
            else //i is odd
                u_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox - 1 ];
                u_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1 ];
                u_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox - 1 ];
                u_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1 ];

                v_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                v_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1 ];
                v_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                v_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1 ];
        else // j is odd
            if((i & 1) == 0) //i is even
                u_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                u_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                u_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox ];
                u_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox ];
                v_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1];
                v_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1];
                v_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox + 1];
                v_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox + 1];                                                    
            else //i is odd
                u_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox - 1 ];
                u_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox - 1 ];
                u_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 1];
                u_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox + 1];

                v_plane_color[0][0] = src[ size + offsetY + ox ];
                v_plane_color[1][0] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox ];
                v_plane_color[0][1] = src[ size + offsetY + ox + 2 ];
                v_plane_color[1][1] = src[ size + offsetY + srcWidth + ox + 2 ];

       int u_final = (0x100 - x) * (0x100 - y) * u_plane_color[0][0]
                     + x * (0x100 - y) * u_plane_color[1][0]
                     + (0x100 - x) * y * u_plane_color[0][1]
                     + x * y * u_plane_color[1][1];
       u_final = u_final >> 16;

       int v_final = (0x100 - x) * (0x100 - y) * v_plane_color[0][0]
                      + x * (0x100 - y) * v_plane_color[1][0]
                      + (0x100 - x) * y * v_plane_color[0][1]
                      + x * y * v_plane_color[1][1];
       v_final = v_final >> 16;
       if((j & 1) == 0)
           if((i & 1) == 0)
               //set U in dest array  
               dst_uv[(j / 2) * dstWidth + i ] = (uint8_t)(u_sum / 4);
               //set V in dest array
               dst_uv[(j / 2) * dstWidth + i + 1] = (uint8_t)(v_sum / 4);
               u_sum = 0;
               v_sum = 0;
           u_sum += u_final;
           v_sum += v_final;
       tmpx += xratio;
    tmpy += yratio;

int ImageResize(uint8_t * src, uint8_t* dst, int sw,
        int sh,int dw,int dh)
    if( (src == NULL) || (dst == NULL) || (0 == dw) || (0 == dh) ||
            (0 == sw) || (0 == sh))
        printf("params error\n");
        return -1;
        nv12_nearest_scale(src, dst, sw, sh, dw, dh);
    //nv12_bilinear_scale(src, dst, sw, sh, dw, dh);
    //greyscale(src, dst, sw, sh, dw, dh);
    return 0;

int main(int argc,char**argv)
        printf("Input Error!\n");
        printf("Usage :  <Input NV12file> <Output NV12file> 
                <sw><sh> <dw> <dh>");
        return 0;
    FILE *inputfp = NULL;
    FILE *outputfp = NULL;
    inputfp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    if (!inputfp)
        fprintf(stderr, "fopen failed for input file[%s]\n",argv[1]);
        return -1;
    outputfp = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
    if (!outputfp)
        fprintf(stderr, "fopen failed for output file[%s]\n",argv[2]);
        return -1;
    int sw = atoi(argv[3]);
    int sh = atoi(argv[4]);
    int dw = atoi(argv[5]);
    int dh = atoi(argv[6]);
    if(sw <= 0 || sh <= 0 || dw <= 0 || dh <=0)
        fprintf(stderr, "parameter error [sw= %d,sh= %d,dw= %d,dh= %d]\n",sw,sh,dw,dh);
        return -1;
    int inPixels = sw * sh * 3/2;
    int outPixels = dw * dh * 3/2;
    uint8_t* pInBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(inPixels);
    uint8_t* pOutBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(outPixels);
        //compute frame per second
    int i = 0;
    clock_t start = clock();
        ImageResize(pInBuffer,pOutBuffer,1536,1088,1024,600);//can change to be any resolution    
    clock_t finish = clock();
    float duration = (float)(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    float fps = 1000 / duration;
    printf("nv12Scaling:%d*%d-->%d*%d,time cost:%6.2ffps\n",sw,sh,dw,dh,fps);
    fwrite(pOutBuffer, 1 , outPixels, outputfp);
    pInBuffer = NULL;
    pOutBuffer = NULL;
    inputfp = NULL;
    outputfp = NULL;
    return 0;
RGB 转 NV12 是将 RGB 格式的图像数据转换为 NV12 格式的图像数据。其中,NV12 是一种常见的 YUV 格式,常用于视频编码和视频传输。下面是一个简单的 C++ 代码实现 RGB 转 NV12 的过程: ```c++ #include <vector> // 将 RGB 图像数据转换为 NV12 图像数据 void rgb2nv12(const unsigned char* rgb, int width, int height, std::vector<unsigned char>& nv12) { // 计算 YUV 图像数据的大小 int y_size = width * height; int uv_size = y_size / 2; // 分配内存空间 nv12.resize(y_size + uv_size); // RGB 转 YUV for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int r = rgb[(i * width + j) * 3]; int g = rgb[(i * width + j) * 3 + 1]; int b = rgb[(i * width + j) * 3 + 2]; // 计算 Y 值 nv12[i * width + j] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b); // 计算 U、V 值 if (i % 2 == 0 && j % 2 == 0) { nv12[y_size + (i / 2) * width + j] = static_cast<unsigned char>(-0.169 * r - 0.331 * g + 0.5 * b + 128); nv12[y_size + uv_size / 2 + (i / 2) * width + j] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0.5 * r - 0.419 * g - 0.081 * b + 128); } } } } ``` 这段代码中,我们首先计算了 YUV 图像数据的大小,然后分配了内存空间,接着使用双重循环遍历 RGB 图像数据,将 RGB 值转换为 YUV 值,并存储到 NV12 图像数据中。注意,NV12 图像数据中,UV 值的分辨率是 Y 值的一半,因此我们需要按照一定的规则将 UV 值存储到 NV12 图像数据中。
评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


