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原创 commons-beanutils1.7.0 is collision with commons-collections3.2.1 & 2.1.1

The error looks like:java.lang.SecurityException: class "org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer"s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same packagecollisio

2008-10-31 17:59:00 1217

原创 Missing configuration resource for path WebRoot/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml

servletunit.struts.ExceptionDuringTestError: A NullPointerException was thrown.  This may indicate an error in your ActionForm, or it may indicate that the Struts ActionServlet was unable to find stru

2008-10-31 15:29:00 3881

原创 Struts1.3.8 Web.xml issue?

PARSE error at line 2 column 221 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element "web-app", must match DOCTYPE root "null". Change the web.xml version from: web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/x

2008-10-31 13:10:00 905

转载 HMAC的原理和应用

HMAC的原理和应用  Posted by 老蔡  hmac的原理  计算HMAC需要一个散列函数hash(可以是md5或者sha-1)和一个密钥key。用L表示hash函数输出字符串长(md5是16),用B表示数据块的长度(md5和sha-1的分割数据块长都是64)。密钥key的长度可以小于等于数据块长B,如果大于数据块长度,可以使用hash函数对key进行转换,结果就是一个L长的key。  然

2008-10-30 15:45:00 2625

原创 Could not create task or type of type: junit

The resolve method as below:Add junit-[version].jar to the ants classpath.eclipse->windows->ant->runtime->classpath

2008-10-28 17:48:00 856

原创 Synchronize the height of iframe and parent

Just a test!Tips:o.height = ifr.h;can not be changed with:o.height = o.h;Parent[iframe.html]>html>head>title> New Document title>style>body {    padding: 0px;    margin: 0px;}style>script>var h;script

2008-10-28 17:09:00 510

原创 How to execute the jar

i want to execute a jar in the console, if the jar doesnt depend external jars, the following command will done.C:/>java -jar test.jarbut if it depends external jars, we should add a line in MANIFEST

2008-10-24 14:59:00 666

原创 感谢王老(王永庆)


2008-10-17 09:46:00 764

原创 华阳之南湖计划

  经过3年时间的打造、投资超过10亿元的南湖度假风景区一期将于10月30日正式揭开其神秘面纱。届时,成都又将再添旅游新景点。   面积逾6000亩   四大功能于一体   据悉,成都南湖度假风景区位于人民南路南延线华阳段——华阳城市建设规划核心区,地处府河、江安河两条成都母亲河的交汇处,由府河、江安河围合形成,总面积逾6000亩。   该景区集游乐、观景、度假、商务休闲四大

2008-10-15 11:22:00 3889

原创 A mask of the web~

this is a simple realization of mask. the code as below:>html>head>title> New Document title>meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus">meta name="Author" content="">meta name="Keywords" content="">meta

2008-10-13 14:41:00 725

转载 Red-Green-Refactor

Notice:   The original articles link as "http://jamesshore.com/Blog/Red-Green-Refactor.html";A lot of people liked my description of test-driven development during the Microsoft TDD flap. Here it is

2008-10-10 17:41:00 1203

原创 Java HTMLEncode & HTMLDecode

public class TestNBSP {    public static void main(String[] args) {        String s = " &>";        System.out.println(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(s));    }}

2008-10-10 14:33:00 7647 6

转载 如何使用Proxy模式及Java内建的动态代理机制

版权声明:原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。http://zhangjunhd.blog.51cto.com/113473/69996 1.Proxy模式代理模式支持将某些操作从实际的对象中分离出来,通过它的代理类提供处理。这样便于修改和管理这些特定的操作。下面示例一个代理模式的实现。<v:shapetyp

2008-10-09 20:55:00 1151

转载 Javacript OOP

目录:一、公有/私有的变量及方法二、继承三、附录 内容:一、     公有/私有的变量及方法本部分使用例子 Person演示如何在 Javascript 类中创建属于类的变量及方法。部分二阐述Javascript 中类的继承。摘要私有变量 使用关键字 ‘var’ 在对象内部定义, 变量可访问范围为对象内部、内部私有函数,特有方法。私有

2008-10-08 10:50:00 1310 1

转载 How to create a javascript class~

在Javascript中构建一个类有好几种方法: 1.Factory 方式 function createCar(){    var car   =   new Object();    car.color="b";    car

2008-10-08 10:37:00 611

原创 Watching live match in the ubuntu.

we often watch the football match in zhibo8 in window,but how to watch it in ubuntu? I can tell you thats not difficult.There are some methods to realize it.1. use gsopcast.but the live list is so a

2008-10-05 14:25:00 618

转载 How to install the wine

1.首先安装 wine 和 cabextract  (1) 终端下:sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  添加源:deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty universe deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt feisty main (2)终端下:s

2008-10-05 00:42:00 638

原创 Resolving the updating problem of image-generic.

E:/var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.36_i386.deb:无法在安装新的版本前,为“./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic”做一个符号链接备份 sudo rm -fv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24*.baksudo rm

2008-10-05 00:11:00 490

原创 How to deal with Gecko problem.

当Wine程序需要显示HTML网页时,Wine就会弹出Wine GeckoInstaller窗口要求安装Gecko,而它又要连到网上下载Gecko,对于网络不好或教育网的用户通常是安装不了的。今天参考这篇文章:http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=6422,解决了离线安装WineGecko的问题。步骤如下: 1. 从htt

2008-10-04 20:31:00 637

转载 How to install & uninstall software in ubuntu

图形界面 命令 图形界面: 安装deb              直接双击图标,输入密码后就可自动安装. 卸载deb           1. 菜单-系统->系统管理->新立得软件包管理器 或 Alt+F2(运行窗口)输入 sudo synaptic            2.点击 [来源] 在左侧的选择框中选择 [

2008-10-03 13:54:00 2117

原创 Powerful command "Wget" in ubuntu

wget -r -A jpg,gif http://www.stefli.com/ -P downloadusing this command,you can download the jpg and gif images from  http://www.stefli.com/So,you also can change the url to which you want to retrieve

2008-10-03 00:10:00 636

原创 Congratulations to Steven Gerrard.

Congratulations to Steven Gerrard, that you kicked the 100 goals in your sport life.its so great.

2008-10-02 19:22:00 727



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