Geogebra练习: 绘制一个简单的四叶玫瑰

This is the 30th GeoGebra Tutorial of the GeoGebra Intermediate Tutorial Series. If this is your first time to use GeoGebra, you might want to read the GeoGebra Essentials Series.

In this tutorial, we reflect a point on a unit circle about the x-axis and about the y-axis to form rectangle ABCD. We construct a segment with length equal to the area of the rectangle passing through pointB.  One of the endpoints of this segment is at the origin.  As we move the point B along the the circle, the trace of the end point of the segment that not on the circle’s center will form a 4-petal rose.

If you want to follow this tutorial step-by-step, you can open the GeoGebra window in your browser by clicking here.  You can view the output of this tutorial here.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Open GeoGebra and select Algebra & Graphics from the Perspectives menu.

2. To show labels of new constructed points only, click the Options menu, click Labeling, then click New Points Only.
3. We create a circle with center (0,0) and radius 1. To construct point A, the center of the circle, select the Intersect Two Objects tool, click the x-axis, then click the y-axis.

4. To construct the circle with center A and radius 1, type circle[A,1] and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
5. Next we construct a point on the circle and color it red. To construct pointB on the circle, select the New Point tool and click the circumference of the circle. Be sure that point B is on the circle. If not, delete it and repeat the construction.
6. We now reflect point B about the y-axis and x-axis. To do this, select theReflect Object About Line tool, select point B and then click the x-axis. This will produce B’. Your drawing should look like Figure 1.

Figure 1

7. Now we reflect B about the y-axis. To do this, with the Reflect Object About Line tool still active, click point B and click the y-axis. Notice that the label of the B’ changed to B’1 and the newly produced point became B’.

Figure 2

8. Now, reflect B’ about the y-axis to construct the fourth vertex of the rectangle.

9. Now, we change the color of point B to red or any color not blue.

10.  We now rename the blue-colored points. Right click each point, selectRename from the context menu and change the names of the blue points toCDE as shown in Figure 3.
12.  Next, we use the Polygon tool to construct rectangle BCDE. Select thePolygon tool, and click in the following order: BCDE and B to close the polygon. Note that the rectangle’s name is poly1 (see Algebra view).

13.  Next, we will construct circle with radius poly1. The value of poly1 in theAlgebra view is the area of the rectangle. To do this, type circle[A,poly1] and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
14.  Select the Ray through Two Points tool, select point A and select pointB to construct ray AB.

15.  Next, using the Intersect Two Objects tool, intersect Ray AB and the new constructed circle This will produce point F. This means that the length of AF is equal to the area of the rectangle.

Figure 3

16.  Next, we hide the ray and the circle containing point F. To do this, right click each object and click Show Object from the context menu.
17.  Connect AF using the Segment Between Two Points tool.

18.  We now trace point F. To do this, right click point F and select Trace Onfrom the context menu.  Now, move point B along the circle. The trace should look like Figure 3.

Figure 5

19.  Now, to create a solid curve tracing the Select the Locus tool, select point and select point F. Now, your drawing should look like Figure 5.
20.  Now, use the Move tool and move the drawing pad.

21.  Hide the names of the points by right-clicking each point and selectingShow label.

Figure 6

The shape that we have created is called the four-leaf petal rose, a sinusoid plotted in the polar coordinates.

软件简介 GeoGebra是一款结合“几何”、“代数”与“微积分”的动态数学软件,它是由美国佛罗里达州亚特兰大学的数学教授Markus Hohenwarter所设计的。一方面来说,GeoGebra一个动态的几何软件,您可以在上面画点、向量、线段、直线、多边形、圆锥曲线,甚至是函数,事后您还可以改变它们的属性;另一方面来说,您也可以直接输入方程和点坐标。所以,GeoGebra也有处理变数的能力(这些变数可以是一个数字、角度、向量或点座标),它也可以对函数作微分与积分,找出方程的根或计算函数的极大极小值。所以GeoGebra同时具有处理代数与几何的功能。 列举几个优点: (1)完全免费,真是难得啊; (2)程序思路非常清晰,网站wiki说程序是由美国佛罗里达州亚特兰大学的数学教授Markus Hohenwarter所设计的。而看编写人员介绍中,这程序是一个硕士研究生的毕业论文课题,现在在其博士研究期间也还在不断更新。几乎不用帮助都可以完成大部分的简单操作。很容易上手; (3)直接基于JAVA程序编写,因而其动态网页输出效果非常好; (4)几何体属性较多,从颜色到线型到样式都很多; (5)内置了圆锥曲线(同时会给出方程)、极线(反演)、切线(可以是圆、圆锥曲线、函数)、函数的求导; (6)有输入框,可以直接输入各种命令和函数等; (7)有动态性文本,文本随图形变化而变化; (8)从GeoGebra 3.0 开始可以自订工具了,你可以于绘图的时候指定输入及输出物件,在工具列上建立你自己的绘图工具,在该网站的wiki中,可以看到不少美丽的图案和不少人贡献的工具,如Bezier曲线等; (9)网站的wiki,代表了一种开放式的思想,也可以有更多的人参与其中; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 注意事项 使用GeoGebra之前,一定要先确定你的电脑中已经安装Java程序,否则无法运行。
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