
help fread
 FREAD  Read binary data from file.
    A = FREAD(FID) reads binary data from the specified file
    and writes it into matrix A.  FID is an integer file
    identifier obtained from FOPEN.  MATLAB reads the entire
    file and positions the file pointer at the end of the file
    (see FEOF for details).
    A = FREAD(FID,SIZE) reads the number of elements specified
    by SIZE.  Valid entries for SIZE are:
        N      read N elements into a column vector.
        inf    read to the end of the file.
        [M,N]  read elements to fill an M-by-N matrix, in column order.
               N can be inf, but M can't.
    A = FREAD(FID,SIZE,PRECISION) reads the file according to
    the data format specified by the string PRECISION.  The
    PRECISION input commonly contains a datatype specifier like
    'int' or 'float', followed by an integer giving the size in
    bits.  The SIZE argument is optional when using this syntax.
    Any of the following strings, either the MATLAB version, or
    their C or Fortran equivalent, may be used.  If not specified,
    the default precision is 'uchar'.
        MATLAB    C or Fortran     Description
        'uchar'   'unsigned char'  unsigned character,  8 bits.
        'schar'   'signed char'    signed character,  8 bits.
        'int8'    'integer*1'      integer, 8 bits.
        'int16'   'integer*2'      integer, 16 bits.
        'int32'   'integer*4'      integer, 32 bits.
        'int64'   'integer*8'      integer, 64 bits.
        'uint8'   'integer*1'      unsigned integer, 8 bits.
        'uint16'  'integer*2'      unsigned integer, 16 bits.
        'uint32'  'integer*4'      unsigned integer, 32 bits.
        'uint64'  'integer*8'      unsigned integer, 64 bits.
        'single'  'real*4'         floating point, 32 bits.
        'float32' 'real*4'         floating point, 32 bits.
        'double'  'real*8'         floating point, 64 bits.
        'float64' 'real*8'         floating point, 64 bits.
    The following platform dependent formats are also supported but
    they are not guaranteed to be the same size on all platforms.
        MATLAB    C or Fortran     Description
        'char'    'char*1'         character,  8 bits (signed or unsigned).
        'short'   'short'          integer,  16 bits.
        'int'     'int'            integer,  32 bits.
        'long'    'long'           integer,  32 or 64 bits.
        'ushort'  'unsigned short' unsigned integer,  16 bits.
        'uint'    'unsigned int'   unsigned integer,  32 bits.
        'ulong'   'unsigned long'  unsigned integer,  32 bits or 64 bits.
        'float'   'float'          floating point, 32 bits.
    The following formats map to an input stream of bits rather than
        'bitN'                     signed integer, N bits  (1<=N<=64).
        'ubitN'                    unsigned integer, N bits (1<=N<=64).
    If the input stream is bytes and FREAD reaches the end of file
    (see FEOF) in the middle of reading the number of bytes required
    for an element, the partial result is ignored. However, if the
    input stream is bits, then the partial result is returned as the
    last value.  If an error occurs before reaching the end of file,
    only full elements read up to that point are used.
    By default, numeric values are returned in class 'double' arrays.
    To return numeric values stored in classes other than double,
    create your PRECISION argument by first specifying your source
    format, then following it by '=>', and finally specifying your
    destination format. If the source and destination formats are the
    same then the following shorthand notation may be used:
    which means:
    For example,
        uint8=>uint8               read in unsigned 8-bit integers and
                                   save them in an unsigned 8-bit integer
        *uint8                     shorthand version of previous example
        bit4=>int8                 read in signed 4-bit integers packed
                                   in bytes and save them in a signed
                                   8-bit integer array (each 4-bit
                                   integer becomes one 8-bit integer)
        double=>real*4             read in doubles, convert and save
                                   as a 32-bit floating point array
    A = FREAD(FID,SIZE,PRECISION,SKIP) includes a SKIP argument that
    specifies the number of bytes to skip after each PRECISION value
    is read. If PRECISION specifies a bit source format, like 'bitN' or
    'ubitN', the SKIP argument is interpreted as the number of bits to
    skip.  The SIZE argument is optional when using this syntax.
    When SKIP is used, the PRECISION string may contain a positive
    integer repetition factor of the form 'N*' which prepends the source
    format of the PRECISION argument, like '40*uchar'.  Note that 40*uchar
    for the PRECISION alone is equivalent to '40*uchar=>double', not
    '40*uchar=>uchar'.  With SKIP specified, FREAD reads in, at most, a
    repetition factor number of values (default of 1), does a skip of
    input specified by the SKIP argument, reads in another block of values
    and does a skip of input, etc. until SIZE number of values have been
    read.  If a SKIP argument is not specified, the repetition factor is
    ignored.  Repetition with skip is useful for extracting data in
    noncontiguous fields from fixed length records.
    For example,
        s = fread(fid,120,'40*uchar=>uchar',8);
    reads in 120 characters in blocks of 40 each separated by 8
    read as having a format given by the string MACHINEFORMAT. You
    can obtain the MACHINEFORMAT argument from the output of the
    FOPEN function.   The SIZE and SKIP arguments are optional when
    using this syntax.
    MACHINEFORMAT is one of the following strings:
    Full Precision Support:
    'native'      or 'n' - local machine format - the default
    'ieee-le'     or 'l' - IEEE floating point with little-endian
                           byte ordering
    'ieee-be'     or 'b' - IEEE floating point with big-endian
                           byte ordering
    'vaxd'        or 'd' - VAX D floating point and VAX ordering
    'vaxg'        or 'g' - VAX G floating point and VAX ordering
    'ieee-le.l64' or 'a' - IEEE floating point with little-endian
                           byte ordering and 64 bit long data type
    'ieee-be.l64' or 's' - IEEE floating point with big-endian byte
                           ordering and 64 bit long data type.
    Limited Precision Support: (double or equivalent)
    'cray'        or 'c' - Cray floating point with big-endian
                           byte ordering
    See FOPEN on how to read Big and Little Endian files.
    [A, COUNT] = FREAD(...) Optional output argument COUNT returns
    the number of elements successfully read.
    The file alphabet.txt contains the 26 letters of the English
    alphabet, all capitalized. Open the file for read access with
    fopen, and read the first five elements into output c. Because
    a precision has not been specified, MATLAB uses the default
    precision of uchar, and the output is numeric:
    fid = fopen('alphabet.txt', 'r');
    c = fread(fid, 5)'
    c =
        65    66    67    68    69
    This time, specify that you want each element read as an unsigned
    8-bit integer and output as a character. (Using a precision of
    'char=>char' or '*char' will produce the same result):
    fid = fopen('alphabet.txt', 'r');
    c = fread(fid, 5, 'uint8=>char')'
    c =
    See also fwrite, fseek, fscanf, fgetl, fgets, load, fopen, feof.

    Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)
       help serial/fread.m
       help udp/fread.m
       help icinterface/fread.m

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