

#include <cmath> // standard mathematical library.
#include <algorithm> // defining the max() operator
using namespace std;
double option_price_call_european_binomial_single_period(const double& S, // spot price
        const double& X, // exercise price
        const double& r, // interest rate(per period)
        const double& u, // up movement
        const double& d) // down movement
     double p_up = (exp(r)-d)/(u-d);
     double p_down = 1.0 - p_up;
     double c_u = max(0.0,u*S-X);
     double c_d = max(0.0,d*S-X);
     double call_price = exp(-r)*(p_up*c_u+p_down*c_d);
     return call_price;
#include <cmath> // standard mathematrical library
#include <algorithm> // defining the max() operator
#include <vector> // STL vector templates
using namespace std;
double option_price_call_europern_binomial_multi_period_given_ud(const double& S, // spot price
         const double& K, // exercise price
         const double& r, // interest rate(per period)
         const double& u, // up movement
         const double& d, // down movement
         const int& no_periods) // no steps in binomial tree
     double Rinv = exp(-r); // invers of interest rate
     double ud = u/d;
     double p_up = (exp(r)-d)/(u-d);
     double p_down = 1.0 - p_up;
     vector<double> prices(no_periods+1); // price of underlying security
     prices[0] = S*pow(d,no_periods);
     for(int i=1;i<=no_periods;++i) prices[i] = ud*prices[i-1];
     vector<double>call_values(no_periods+1); // value of corressponding call
     for(int i=0;i<=no_periods;++i) call_values[i] = max(0.0,prices[i]-K);
     for(int step=no_periods-1;step>=0;--step)
         for(int i=0;i<=step;++i)
             call_values[i] = (p_up*call_values[i+1]+p_down*call_values[i])*Rinv;
     return call_values[0];


#include <cmath> // mathematical C library
using namespace std;
double N(const double& z); // declare cumulative distribution function.
double option_price_call_black_scholes(const double& S,
           const double& K,
           const double& r,
           const double& sigma,
           const double& time) // time to maturity
     double time_sqrt = sqrt(time);
     double d1 = (log(S/K)+r*time)/(sigma*time_sqrt)+0.5*sigma*time_sqrt;
     double d2 = d1-sigma*time_sqrt;
     return S*N(d1)-K*exp(-r*time)*N(d2);
double option_price_put_black_scholes(const double& S,
           const double& K,
           const double& r,
           const double& sigma,
           const double& time) // time to maturity
     double time_sqrt = sqrt(time);
     double d1 = (log(S/K)+r*time)/(sigma*time_sqrt)+0.5*sigma*time_sqrt;
     double d2 = d1-sigma*time_sqrt;
     return K*exp(-r*time)*N(-d2)-S*N(-d1);
double N(const double& z) {
    if (z >  6.0) { return 1.0; }; // this guards against overflow
    if (z < -6.0) { return 0.0; };
    double b1 =  0.31938153;
    double b2 = -0.356563782;
    double b3 =  1.781477937;
    double b4 = -1.821255978;
    double b5 =  1.330274429;
    double p  =  0.2316419;
    double c2 =  0.3989423;
    double a=fabs(z);
    double t = 1.0/(1.0+a*p);
    double b = c2*exp((-z)*(z/2.0));
    double n = ((((b5*t+b4)*t+b3)*t+b2)*t+b1)*t;
    n = 1.0-b*n;
    if ( z < 0.0 ) n = 1.0 - n;
    return n;

二叉树期权定价模型是一种使用递归方式来估算金融期权价格的数值方法。该模型最早由John C. Cox, Stephen A. Ross和Mark Rubinstein在1979年提出,因此也被称为Cox-Ross-Rubinstein(CRR)模型。二叉树模型通过构建一个股票价格的二叉树来模拟其在期权有效期内可能经历的价格路径,并根据这些路径计算期权的预期收益,最终折现到当前时间点来得到期权的价值。 下面是一个简化的C++代码示例,用于演示二叉树期权定价模型的基本思想: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <cmath> // 计算期权价值的递归函数 double BinomialOptionPrice(double S, // 当前股票价格 double K, // 行权价格 double T, // 到期时间 double r, // 无风险利率 double sigma, // 股票收益率的波动率 double div, // 股息率 int steps, // 二叉树步数 bool isCall) // 是否为看涨期权 { double dt = T / steps; double u = exp(sigma * sqrt(dt)); double d = 1.0 / u; double p = (exp((r - div) * dt) - d) / (u - d); // 递归终止条件 if (steps == 0) { return (isCall ? std::max(S - K, 0.0) : std::max(K - S, 0.0)); } // 向下递归 double priceDown = BinomialOptionPrice(S * d, K, T - dt, r, sigma, div, steps - 1, isCall); double priceUp = BinomialOptionPrice(S * u, K, T - dt, r, sigma, div, steps - 1, isCall); // 结合上下路径计算期权价值 return (p * priceUp + (1 - p) * priceDown) * exp(-div * dt); } int main() { double S = 100.0; // 股票当前价格 double K = 100.0; // 期权行权价格 double T = 1.0; // 期权到期时间(年) double r = 0.05; // 无风险年利率 double sigma = 0.3; // 股票年化波动率 double div = 0.02; // 股息率 int steps = 50; // 二叉树步数 bool isCall = true; // 假设我们计算的是看涨期权 double price = BinomialOptionPrice(S, K, T, r, sigma, div, steps, isCall); std::cout << "The price of the option is: " << price << std::endl; return 0; } ``` 以上代码展示了如何在C++中实现二叉树期权定价模型的一个基本框架。在实际应用中,期权定价模型可能需要考虑更多的因素,比如不同的支付方式、更复杂的金融工具特性等,因此代码也会更加复杂。




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