Odoo 14 手册 采购订单 采购招标 代发货 供应商管理 对账

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  1. Purchase Management(采购管理)


Odoo 采购管理模块将作为完整的管理解决方案来处理公司的采购方面,这些方面会沉迷于运营,例如供应商管理、供应商账单、库存更新、质量检查和采购运营的其他所有方面在公司处理。

Odoo 采购管理可以为公司处理采购报价、订单、凭证操作、MRP 管理、请购单以及公司采购操作的更多方面带来稳定流畅的操作方法。 Odoo 采购模块的主要优点是该平台与 Odoo 中的其他公司运营模块集成,这允许组合的运营方法,该方法将沉迷于涉及采购方面的公司运营的所有方面,例如销售、库存、维修、生产和会计。

Odoo 的购买模块按照循序渐进的操作术语进行操作,例如:

  • 最初允许用户就向可用供应商供应产品和原材料进行招标。

  • 根据投标报价请求(RFQ)正在发出。同意并验证报价请求后,RFQ将转换为采购订单。

  • 在确认采购订单时,确认进货

  • 根据发货,生成供应商账单并完成付款。在某些情况下,供应商可能需要预付款,这将在供应商完成装运之前触发。

  1. Product management(产品管理)

Odoo 平台为用户提供了一个高效的产品管理工具来描述产品、它们的变体以及在这方面的采购管理中分配的各种流程。 可以从主页仪表板中的产品选项卡访问购买模型的产品菜单。

3.2.1 Product creation(产品创新)

In the products menu the user can view all the products which are being listed out in the platform. The list of products can be viewed in list and kanban view. In addition, these had various default as well as customizable filtering options available which would add up to the data deduction aspects of the menu. The user can create a new product in the platform by accessing the creation window on selecting the create option available.(在产品菜单中,用户可以查看平台中列出的所有产品。 可以在列表和看板视图中查看产品列表。 此外,它们具有各种默认值以及可自定义的过滤选项,这些选项可以添加到菜单的数据推断方面。 用户可以通过访问创建窗口并选择可用的创建选项来在平台中创建新产品。)

In the product creation window the user can assign a name to the product, choose it be sold, purchase or expensed. There are smart button options available which would direct the user to the company website, product moves menu, the units being sold, the bill of materials menu if it’s a manufactured product, put away rules defined, quality points and the purchased unit’s menu.(在产品创建窗口中,用户可以为产品指定一个名称,选择将其出售、购买或支出。有可用的智能按钮选项,可以将用户引导到公司网站、产品移动菜单、正在销售的单位、材料清单菜单(如果是制成品)、定义的收起规则、质量点和购买的单位菜单。)

Under the general information tab, the user can assign the product to be consumable, storage or service product. The product operations Odoo entirely depends on these allocations as the settings on the operation vary as per this option. The product category can be assigned from the list available or the user can create a new one by selecting the product category menu.(在一般信息选项卡下,用户可以将产品指定为消耗品、存储或服务产品。产品操作 Odoo 完全取决于这些分配,因为操作的设置因此选项而异。可以从可用列表中分配产品类别,或者用户可以通过选择产品类别菜单创建一个新类别。)

Internal reference is for the in house operation of the product in the company and the user can name it accordingly per the company terminology. The Odoo platform supports the barcode operation which would be effectively established on the product by describing it in the product menu.(内部参考是针对产品在公司内部的运作,用户可以根据公司的术语进行相应的命名。 Odoo 平台支持条码操作,通过在产品菜单中对其进行描述,可以在产品上有效地建立条码操作。)

The sales price of the product can be assigned along with the extra prices allocated and the customer taxes to be added to the sales price. The cost of purchase can be mentioned as per the vendor bills. The company allocation can be made if the platform is operating on a multi company basis.(产品的销售价格可以与分配的额外价格和要添加到销售价格的客户税一起分配。购买成本可以根据供应商账单提及。如果平台在多公司基础上运营,则可以进行公司分配。)

The unit of measure for the respective product can be defined based on how it should be described in the company and the unit of measure at the purchase of the product. The unit of menu conversion and the description can be defined in the unit of measure menu available in the module.(相应产品的计量单位可以根据公司中的描述方式和购买产品时的计量单位来定义。菜单转换的单位和说明可以在模块中可用的度量单位菜单中定义。)

The product variants for the respective product can be described under the variants menu of the product description. In the menu the user can select the add a line option available which will allow the users to assign the products based on the variant attributes being described in the platform.(相应产品的产品变体可以在产品描述的变体菜单下进行描述。 在菜单中,用户可以选择添加行选项,这将允许用户根据平台中描述的变体属性分配产品。)

Under the sales menu of the platform the user can describe the invoicing policy on which the product should be invoiced based on the ordered quantity or the delivered quantity. Additionally, the reinvoicing expenses can be assigned based on the company policies. The optional products can also be assigned based on the needs of the user as it should be mentioned in the ecommerce platform.(在平台的销售菜单下,用户可以描述产品应根据订购数量或交货数量开票的开票政策。此外,可以根据公司政策分配重新开具发票的费用。可选产品也可以根据用户的需求进行分配,因为它应该在电子商务平台中提到。)

Under the point of sale menu, the user can enable the product to be mentioned in the point of sale or retail operation for the company. The category of the point of sale of the product can also be assigned.(在销售菜单下,用户可以使产品在公司的销售点或零售操作中被提及。还可以指定产品销售点的类别。)

The ecommerce description of the product can be made under the ecommerce menu of the product description tab. Under the ecommerce menu the user can assign the category of operation, alternative products being involved and the accessory of the products which will be allocated with the product description in the ecommerce platform.(产品的电子商务描述可以在产品描述选项卡的电子商务菜单下进行。 在电子商务菜单下,用户可以指定操作类别、所涉及的替代产品以及将在电子商务平台中与产品描述一起分配的产品配件。)

Under the purchase menu of the product the user can provide the various purchase details such as the vendor information. The vendor information can be described by selecting the add a line option available in the menu. The vendor bill description can also be described with attributes such as vendor taxes and the control policy of the bill generation in the Odoo platform. The user can also provide a custom made description of the respective product as per the vendor details being provided.(在产品的购买菜单下,用户可以提供各种购买细节,例如供应商信息。 可以通过选择菜单中可用的添加行选项来描述供应商信息。供应商账单描述也可以用供应商税费和Odoo平台中账单生成的控制策略等属性来描述。用户还可以根据所提供的供应商详细信息提供相应产品的定制描述。)

The inventory aspects of the product can be described under the inventory menu of the respective product. The route operations of the product along with the packing aspects of the can be described with packaging details, contained product, unit of measure and the company allocated. In addition, the logistics operations required for the respective inventory operation can be described such as responsible employee, weight and volume of the product, manufacturing as well as the customer lead times can also be described in the menu.(产品的库存方面可以在相应产品的库存菜单下进行描述。产品的路线操作以及产品的包装方面可以用包装细节、所含产品、计量单位和分配的公司来描述。此外,还可以在菜单中描述相应库存操作所需的物流操作,例如负责员工、产品的重量和体积、制造以及客户交货时间。)

The custom made product description on various aspects of inventory operations such as delivery orders, receipts and internal transfers can be provided in the menu itself.(可以在菜单本身中提供有关库存操作各个方面的定制产品描述,例如交货单、收据和内部转移。)

The accounting descriptions of the respective product can be described in the accounting menu of the respective platform. Both the receive able as well as the payable aspects of the financial operations conducted on the product can be described. The accounts of receivable as well as the expenses and the price difference accounts can be specified from the list of charts of accounts being described in the platform.(各个产品的会计说明可以在各个平台的会计菜单中进行描述。可以描述对产品进行的财务操作的可收账款和应付账款方面。可以从平台中描述的会计科目表列表中指定应收账款以及费用和差价科目。)

  1. Product category(产品目录)

Every product defined in the Odoo platform is allocated to a product category for the operations. The product category for a product is assigned when it's being created in the Odoo platform. The user can view all the product categories available in the platform by selecting the product category window accessible form the configuration menu. All the enlisted product categories will be listed out in the menu and the user can conduct modification by selecting the respective category.(Odoo 平台中定义的每个产品都被分配到一个产品类别以进行操作。产品的产品类别是在 Odoo 平台中创建时分配的。通过选择可从配置菜单访问的产品类别窗口,用户可以查看平台中可用的所有产品类别。所有入围的产品类别都会在菜单中列出,用户可以通过选择相应的类别进行修改。)

The user can create new product categories. In the creation window product category name can be allocated and assigned to the parent category. In the logistics menu the user can assign the routes of operation and the force removal strategy if any. Additionally, the inventory valuation as well as the costing method can be assigned. The product to the respective category can be selected in the products menu accessible from the window. The puts away rules of operation can also be assigned based on the company operational terminologies.(用户可以创建新的产品类别。 在创建窗口产品类别名称可以分配并分配给父类别。在后勤菜单中,用户可以分配操作路线和强制撤除策略(如果有)。此外,可以分配库存评估以及成本核算方法。可以在可从窗口访问的产品菜单中选择相应类别的产品。也可以根据公司的运营术语来分配收货操作规则。)

  1. Product attributes(产品属性)

The Odoo platform allows the users to define the various attributes which will define the product variants in the platform. The product attribute will define the various standards of the same products in terms of size, color material and more. The product attributes menu can be accessed from the configuration menu of the purchase module where all the product attributes will be listed out. The user can edit the ones available and create new ones by selecting the create option available.(Odoo 平台允许用户定义各种属性,这些属性将定义平台中的产品变体。商品属性将定义同一商品在尺寸、色料等方面的各种标准。可以从购买模块的配置菜单访问产品属性菜单,其中将列出所有产品属性。用户可以通过选择可用的创建选项来编辑可用的和创建新的。)

In the attributes creation window the user can specify the name of the attribute, the mode of display and the variant creation mode on how the attribute should be displayed in the product category window. The attribute values can be assigned by selecting the add a line option available.(在属性创建窗口中,用户可以指定属性的名称、显示模式和关于属性应如何在产品类别窗口中显示的变体创建模式。可以通过选择可用的添加行选项来分配属性值。)

  1. Vendor management(供应商管理)

The Odoo platform's effective vendor management tool allows the user to manage the operations of the vendors being listed out in the platform. The user can describe multiple vendors to a product and service in the Odoo purchase management tool. This multiple vendor aspect of the Odoo platform will add up to the user interface and operations ability of the Odoo in the real time operations of the company.(Odoo 平台有效的供应商管理工具允许用户管理平台中列出的供应商的操作。 用户可以在 Odoo 采购管理工具中描述一个产品和服务的多个供应商。 Odoo 平台的这种多供应商方面将增加 Odoo 在公司实时运营中的用户界面和运营能力。)

The vendors described in the platform are listed out in the vendor menu accessible from the orders tab of the module. The vendor list available is described and the user can view the menu in the kanban format or the list view. In addition, the data available can be sorted out using the various filtering options available in the platform.(平台中描述的供应商列在可从模块的订单选项卡访问的供应商菜单中。 描述了可用的供应商列表,用户可以以看板格式或列表视图查看菜单。 此外,可以使用平台中可用的各种过滤选项对可用数据进行分类。)

In the instance of a new vendor creation to the platform the user can access the creation window by selecting the create option available.(在为平台创建新供应商的情况下,用户可以通过选择可用的创建选项来访问创建窗口。)

In the vendor creation window the user can provide the vendor name , mention it as the company or an individual, allocate the company address and the taxation details as per the region of operation. Describe the contact details of the company such as mobile, office number, email ID, website links and the tags allocated with the vendor for the in house operations. In the contacts and address menu the user and add the respective address and the location details of the vendor. A vendor can have multiple addresses and location details in Odoo.(在供应商创建窗口中,用户可以提供供应商名称,将其作为公司或个人提及,根据运营区域分配公司地址和税收详细信息。 描述公司的联系方式,例如手机、办公室号码、电子邮件 ID、网站链接和分配给供应商用于内部运营的标签。在联系人和地址菜单中,用户并添加供应商的相应地址和位置详细信息。供应商可以在 Odoo 中拥有多个地址和位置详细信息。)

Under the sales and the purchase menu the user can assign the sales person, delivery method, payment terminologies and the price list operations of the vendor. Under the purchase details of the menu the user can define the payment terms and the receipt reminder operations of the module. The point of sale options for the vendor can be described based on the barcode details and the loyalty points on the product sales achieved. The fiscal position can be defined under the fiscal information tab. The miscellaneous information has the reference details, company, website and the industry type descriptions can also be provided.(在销售和采购菜单下,用户可以指定销售人员、交货方式、付款条件和供应商的价目表操作。在菜单的购买明细下,用户可以定义模块的付款条件和收款提醒操作。供应商的销售点选项可以根据条形码详细信息和实现的产品销售的忠诚度积分来描述。可以在财务信息选项卡下定义财务头寸。杂项信息有参考详细信息,也可以提供公司、网站和行业类型描述。)

The accounting aspect of the vendors can be described under the accounting menu of the respective vendor. The bank accounts of the vendor along with the details of the accounts can be allocated. The accounting entries within the platform operation for the receivable and payable chart of accounts can be described.(供应商的会计方面可以在相应供应商的会计菜单下进行描述。可以分配供应商的银行帐户以及帐户的详细信息。可描述平台操作内的应收应付帐目表的会计分录。)

Under the internal notes menu the user can provide a vendor description which will be mentioned internally only. In addition, in case of warning messages to be generated at instances of operation in Odoo involving the respective vendor can also be customized here.(在内部注释菜单下,用户可以提供仅在内部提及的供应商描述。 此外,如果在涉及相应供应商的 Odoo 操作实例中生成警告消息,也可以在此处进行自定义。)

Vendor price list(供应商价目表)

The important aspect of a vendor management is setting the price list for the different products available and are supplied by each vendor. The vendor price list menu can be accessed from the configuration tab of the purchase module. In the menu the user can view all the price list options being described in the platform. The data can be viewed in list and kanban view which can be sorted, filtered and grouped by based on the different parameters available.(供应商管理的重要方面是为每个供应商提供的不同产品设置价目表。可以从采购模块的配置选项卡访问供应商价目表菜单。在菜单中,用户可以查看平台中描述的所有价目表选项。可以在列表和看板视图中查看数据,这些视图可以根据可用的不同参数进行排序、过滤和分组。)

The user can create a new price list by selecting the create option available in the window. In the creation window the user can provide the vendor details, vendor product name, vendor product code and assign the delivery lead time. In the pricelist section of the menu the user can assign the product information such as product name, variant, quantity and the unit price along with the validity of the respective price list.(用户可以通过选择窗口中可用的创建选项来创建新的价目表。 在创建窗口中,用户可以提供供应商详细信息、供应商产品名称、供应商产品代码并分配交货提前期。在菜单的价目表部分,用户可以分配产品信息,例如产品名称、变型、数量和单价以及相应价目表的有效性。)

  1. Request for quotation purchase order(供应商管理)

The request for the quotation on the various causes to be made can be created in the purchase module. This would allow the vendors to send out the quotation to the user and then generate purchase orders based on the quotation being spent and considering the company requirements.(可以在采购模块中创建对各种原因的报价请求。这将允许供应商将报价发送给用户,然后根据所花费的报价并考虑公司要求生成采购订单。)

A request for quotation(RFQ) is sent by a company to multiple vendors and on considering the response the various purchase orders are created and sent to these respective vendors. The purchase orders are sent out considering the various aspects of the RFQ and the vendor such as the quantity, quality, cost and reliability of the product. Additionally, the history of the company, the payment terminologies and various other aspects of the company which will recognize a vendor as trustworthy.(报价请求 (RFQ) 由一家公司发送给多个供应商,并在考虑响应后创建各种采购订单并将其发送给这些相应的供应商。发出采购订单时会考虑 RFQ 和供应商的各个方面,例如产品的数量、质量、成本和可靠性。此外,公司的历史、支付术语和公司的其他各个方面都会将供应商视为值得信赖的。)

The request for quotations window can be accessed from the orders menu of the purchase module. In the menu the user can view all the questions being sent out and a tabular description on the RQF analytics of the company. The menu can be viewed in list, Kanban, pivot, graph and calendar views. In addition, in case of large numbers of quotations being described to filter out the required one the Odoo platform provides various default as well as customizable sorting options.(可以从采购模块的订单菜单访问报价请求窗口。在菜单中,用户可以查看发出的所有问题以及公司 RQF 分析的表格描述。可以在列表、看板、透视、图形和日历视图中查看菜单。此外,在描述大量引用以过滤掉所需引用的情况下,Odoo 平台提供了各种默认以及可自定义的排序选项。)

To create a new RFQ the user can access the creation window by selecting the create option available. In the creation window the user can assign the vendor, tax details based on the region, vendor reference and purchase agreement being described in the platform. The order deadline along with the receipt date can be assigned to the RFQ. The products required can be mentioned in the product menu along with the variants and the required quantity. In addition, under the other description tab the user can provide the financial description on the same.(要创建新的询价,用户可以通过选择可用的创建选项来访问创建窗口。在创建窗口中,用户可以分配供应商、基于区域的税收详细信息、供应商参考和平台中描述的采购协议。订单截止日期和收货日期可以分配给 RFQ。所需的产品可以在产品菜单中提及,以及变体和所需数量。此外,在另一个描述选项卡下,用户可以提供相同的财务描述。)

If the RFQ is created and verified it can be sent to the vendor via emails and there is a provision to take printout of the RFQ and send it in hard copy to the vendor. If the RFQ is to be sent by email the user will be depicted with the email creation window as shown below. An automated email template is generated and the user can edit the description details as per the need.(如果 RFQ 已创建并经过验证,则可以通过电子邮件将其发送给供应商,并且可以打印出 RFQ 并将其以硬拷贝形式发送给供应商。如果要通过电子邮件发送询价,用户将看到电子邮件创建窗口,如下所示。生成自动电子邮件模板,用户可以根据需要编辑描述详细信息。)

If the RFQ is confirmed the user can confirm the order and the status of the RFQ change to order placed in the dashboard description.(如果询价得到确认,用户可以确认订单,询价的状态将更改为仪表板描述中放置的订单。)

  1. Purchase agreements(采购协议)

采购协议是供应商和客户商定的业务条款和术语的起草协议。 Odoo 平台使用户能够就产品购买与供应商创建各种购买协议。 可以与供应商达成多项协议,也可以针对多种产品。

  1. Creating a purchase agreement type(创建一个采购协议)

The platform has a separate menu under the purchase module which allows the users to create and manage the purchase agreements drafted by the consultation with the vendors. To use the purchase agreements in the platform the user should initially enable the purchase agreement option available in the setting menu under the orders tab.(该平台在采购模块下有一个单独的菜单,允许用户创建和管理与供应商协商后起草的采购协议。 要在平台中使用购买协议,用户应首先启用订单选项卡下设置菜单中可用的购买协议选项。)

On enabling the option, the user can view the purchase agreement type being displayed on the settings menu. Selecting this option, the user will be directed to the purchase agreements menu. The user also can access the purchase agreement menu form the configuration tab of the purchase module.(启用该选项后,用户可以查看显示在设置菜单上的购买协议类型。 选择此选项,用户将被定向到购买协议菜单。 用户还可以从购买模块的配置选项卡访问购买协议菜单。)

In the purchase agreement type menu, the user can view all the types which are being embedded in the platform. The agreement types can be edited by selecting the respective one. In addition, the user can create a new one by selecting the create option available.(在购买协议类型菜单中,用户可以查看平台中嵌入的所有类型。 可以通过选择相应的协议类型来编辑协议类型。 此外,用户可以通过选择可用的创建选项来创建一个新的。)

In the new purchase agreement type creation window the user can specify the agreement type and the agreement selection be it based on single RFQ or multiple RFQ. Under the data for new quotations the user can assign the lines of agreement and the quantities associated with it.(在新建采购协议类型创建窗口中,用户可以指定协议类型和协议选择,无论是基于单个 RFQ 还是多个 RFQ。 在新报价的数据下,用户可以分配协议行和与之相关的数量。)

  1. Creating a new purchase agreement(创建新的采购协议)

The purchase agreements window can be accessed from the orders tab of the purchase module. In the menu the all purchase agreements will be listed out and the user can edit the ones available by selecting it. In addition, the creation window accessible form the menu will allow the users to create a new purchase agreement.(可以从采购模块的订单选项卡访问采购协议窗口。在菜单中将列出所有购买协议,用户可以通过选择它来编辑可用的协议。此外,可从菜单访问的创建窗口将允许用户创建新的购买协议。)

In the creation window the user can assign the person responsible for the purchase, representative, the agreement type from the ones being specified in the agreement types window and the vendor to which the agreement is associated with. Additionally, the user can specify the agreement deadline, order date, delivery date, source document form which the agreement is made upon, operation type and the company of operation if the user is having multiple companies being managed in the Odoo platform.(在创建窗口中,用户可以指定负责采购的人员、代表、协议类型窗口中指定的协议类型以及与协议关联的供应商。此外,如果用户在 Odoo 平台上管理着多个公司,则用户可以指定协议截止日期、订单日期、交货日期、签订协议的源文件形式、运营类型和运营公司。)

The mainly used purchase agreements in the window are based on call for tenders and blanket orders which follow the same operational methodology of sending out the RFQ based on the tender bidding and the previous agreements being discussed with the vendors respectively. Under the products menu the user can provide the product entails allocated with the agreement including cost and the number of quantities. The user can assign multiple products to an agreement. Once the agreement is confirmed the status changes to confirmed and the will be changed into bid selection and closed as per the operations conducted in the platform.(窗口中主要使用的采购协议基于招标和一揽子订单,它们遵循相同的操作方法,即根据招标和先前分别与供应商讨论的协议发出 RFQ。在产品菜单下,用户可以提供与协议分配的产品需要,包括成本和数量。用户可以将多个产品分配给一个协议。协议确认后状态变为已确认,将根据平台中的操作变为投标选择和关闭。)

Once the agreement is confirmed the user can view the option to validate and generate new quotations straight from the window. On selecting to create a new quotation the user will be directed to the quotation creation window as shown in the below image. The vendor details and the purchase agreement is being auto filled based on the quotation. The taxes allocated, vendor reference, order deadlines and the receipt date can be mentioned in the quotation. The product description is auto filled and can be modified even new products can be added to the quotation.(确认协议后,用户可以直接从窗口查看验证和生成新报价的选项。 选择创建新报价后,用户将被引导至报价创建窗口,如下图所示。 供应商详细信息和采购协议将根据报价自动填写。 可以在报价单中提及分配的税款、供应商参考、订单截止日期和收货日期。 产品描述是自动填充的,即使新产品可以添加到报价中,也可以修改。)

If the RFQ is verified and needs to be sent the user can do it by emails or take spring out of the same. Additionally, there are options to create the purchase order by selecting the create option available. The user can cancel the quotation request by opting for the cancel option. On selecting to send the quotation by email the user will be depicted with the email creation window as shown below. The template for the emails is auto assigned and the user can create, edit the description and the subject being provided. The edited description can be saved as a template for further use.(如果 RFQ 已经过验证并需要发送,用户可以通过电子邮件进行发送或立即发送。 此外,还有通过选择可用的创建选项来创建采购订单的选项。用户可以通过选择取消选项来取消报价请求。选择通过电子邮件发送报价后,用户将看到电子邮件创建窗口,如下所示。电子邮件模板是自动分配的,用户可以创建、编辑描述和所提供的主题。编辑后的描述可以保存为模板以供进一步使用。)

  1. Purchase orders(采购订单)

The purchase orders in Odoo are created based on the RFQs being sent out. The user can verify the RFQs and create a purchase order straight away from the respective RFQ menu. The Odoo platform also provides the user to create purchase orders straight away without sending out the RFQs, this will help the users to deal with the regularized purchase operations of the company.(Odoo 中的采购订单是根据发出的 RFQ 创建的。用户可以直接从相应的RFQ 菜单验证 RFQ 并创建采购订单。Odoo平台还为用户提供无需发送RFQ即可直接创建采购订单,这将有助于用户处理公司的正规采购业务。)

Under every RFP being sent to the vendors there are options to create a purchase order straight away from the RFQ window. The user can select the confirm order option available and the confirmed order request will be sent to the vendor.(在发送给供应商的每个 RFP 下,都有选项可以直接从 RFQ 窗口创建采购订单。用户可以选择可用的确认订单选项,确认订单请求将发送给供应商。)

In the purchase order window after confirming the order there is an option for the user to lock the purchase order which would enable the user to avoid any further changes on the purchase order to be done by any other employee or the users of the platform. This automated option on the locking of confirmed orders in Odoo can be enabled or disabled in the settings window of the purchase module. The user can enable the option lock confirmed order which would automatically lock the orders form further modification after the order is confirmed. The user can also unlock the respective order by selecting the unlock option available.(在确认订单后的采购订单窗口中,用户可以选择锁定采购订单,这将使用户避免任何其他员工或平台用户对采购订单进行任何进一步更改。可以在购买模块的设置窗口中启用或禁用 Odoo 中锁定已确认订单的自动选项。用户可以启用选项锁定确认订单,该选项会在订单确认后自动锁定订单进一步修改。用户还可以通过选择可用的解锁选项来解锁相应的订单。)

  1. Receiving products(采购订单)

The final step of the purchase operations being conducted in a company are the product revival upon verification. The user can have customized quality checks being made at the receiving location which may or may not be indulging with the Odoo operations. Once the purchase order is confirmed and the products are sent to the company location from the vendor the users will be depicted with the receive product option on the respective purchase orders. The user can also select the receipt icon available in the window which would direct the user to the respective purchase orders receiver window.(公司进行采购操作的最后一步是经过验证的更新产品。用户可以在接收地点进行定制的质量检查,这可能会或可能不会沉迷于 Odoo 操作。 确认采购订单并将产品从供应商发送到公司位置后,用户将在相应采购订单上看到接收产品选项。用户还可以选择窗口中可用的收据图标,这会将用户引导到相应的采购订单接收器窗口。)

In the receipt window the user can validate the delivery on verifying the details. If the user has enabled the tracking functionality of the respective product in the purchase order he/she will have to assign the serial or the lot numbers for the done quantities. This can be done by selecting the menu available next to the units of measure menu.(在收据窗口中,用户可以在验证详细信息时验证交付。如果用户在采购订单中启用了相应产品的跟踪功能,他/她将必须为完成的数量分配序列号或批号。这可以通过选择度量单位菜单旁边的可用菜单来完成。)

In the detailed operation window of the user can assign the costs or the serial numbers under the product quantity description and assign the done quantities of the operation. On confirmation the user will be depicted with the validate option on the receipt menu on selecting it the purchase order is completed and the status changes to done. As the purchase order is completed the products are added to the inventory and to the respective warehouse location.(在详细操作窗口中,用户可以在产品数量描述下分配成本或序列号,分配操作完成数量。确认后,用户将在收据菜单上看到验证选项,选择它时采购订单已完成,状态更改为完成。采购订单完成后,产品将添加到库存和相应的仓库位置。)

  1. Warning messages(警告信息)

The Odoo platform allows the users to generate warning messages on certain vendors while operating on them. This would be helpful if the platform has multiple users and employees operating it in a company. A warning set by the user will be visible to other members of the company logging into the platform.(Odoo 平台允许用户在对某些供应商进行操作时生成关于它们的警告消息。 如果平台有多个用户和员工在公司中操作它,这将很有帮助。用户设置的警告将对登录平台的公司其他成员可见。)

In the Odoo platform to create the warning messages the user can enable the option available in the settings menu of the purchase module. In the settings menu under the orders tab the user can enable the warning options available which can be described on the vendors as well as the products.(在 Odoo 平台中创建警告消息的用户可以启用购买模块设置菜单中可用的选项。 在订单选项卡下的设置菜单中,用户可以启用可用的警告选项,这些选项可以在供应商和产品上进行描述。)

As the warnings are enabled in the platform the user can now allocate custom made messages for the products and the vendors. In case of the vendors under the vendor menu the user can choose a respective product and in the internal nodes of the respective vendor description the warnings on purchase and warnings on picking can be allocated. The warnings can be custom made and be provided as warning messages or blocking messages which can be closed as the warnings.(由于在平台中启用了警告,用户现在可以为产品和供应商分配定制的消息。 在供应商菜单下的供应商的情况下,用户可以选择相应的产品,并且在相应供应商描述的内部节点中可以分配购买警告和拣货警告。 警告可以定制并作为警告消息或阻止消息提供,这些消息可以作为警告关闭。)

  1. Vendor bills(供应商账单)

The billing or the payment for the purchases made are direct to the vendors. The user can generate vendor bills in the platform and provide payment for the respective ones. The vendor bills in Odoo can be derived based on the delivered quantity or the ordered quantity. This can be defined in the settings menu of the purchase module under the invoicing tab. In the menu the user can either choose the bill control to be based on ordered quantities or received quantities.(所进行的购买的帐单或付款直接给供应商。 用户可以在平台中生成供应商账单,并为相应的账单付款。 Odoo 中的供应商账单可以根据交货数量或订购数量派生。这可以在发票选项卡下的采购模块的设置菜单中定义。在菜单中,用户可以选择基于订购数量或接收数量的账单控制。)

3.11.1 Control policy(控制账单)

The bill control policy of the product can be assigned in each product's window and allows the users to function based on the order parameters of the product being defined.(产品的账单控制策略可以在每个产品的窗口中分配,并允许用户根据定义的产品的订单参数来运行。)

In the purchase menu of the respective product there is option for the users to define the control policy to be assigned based on ordered quantities or received quantities.(在相应产品的采购菜单中,用户可以选择根据订购数量或接收数量定义要分配的控制策略。)

  1. 3 way matching purchase receptions and bills(3种匹配的方式购买收据和账单)

The advance purchase operation terminology defined by the Odoo platform to ensure that the user company only pays the bills for the product being delivered to the company. This terminology in Odoo is predefined and the user can enable it in the platform by selecting the option in the settings menu.(Odoo 平台定义的预购操作术语,以确保用户公司只为交付给公司的产品支付账单。Odoo 中的这个术语是预定义的,用户可以通过选择设置菜单中的选项在平台中启用它。)

In the settings menu under the invoicing tab the user can view the 3 way billing icon available which can be enabled to be established in the platform.(在发票选项卡下的设置菜单中,用户可以查看可用的 3 种方式计费图标,该图标可以在平台中建立。)

As the option is enabled the user can view the changes in the vendor bill operation. If a purchase order has been validated and the products are received the user can now generate the respective vendor bill for the purchase being done. In the vendor bill creation the prices of the products are auto assigned and the journal entries too are as they are described in the vendor description while creating the vendor in the platform. Under the other info tab of the accounting description the user can view the option should be paid depicted as yes, which is auto generated and its due to the enabling of the three way billing aspect in the platform.(启用该选项后,用户可以查看供应商帐单操作中的更改。 如果采购订单已经过验证并且收到了产品,用户现在可以为正在进行的采购生成相应的供应商账单。 在供应商账单创建中,产品的价格是自动分配的,日记账分录也与在平台中创建供应商时供应商描述中描述的一样。 在会计描述的另一个信息选项卡下,用户可以查看选项应该被描述为是,这是自动生成的,这是由于在平台中启用了三向计费方面。)

  1. Drop shipping(代发货)

Drop shipping is the terminology in Odoo where the user purchases the product but does not add it to the inventory. A separate location in the company is added where their products are unloaded and on sale they are directly loaded to the customer. This is done for the product which has customer demand but is not in stock at the instance but when it arrives there is no requirement to add these to the inventory rather they are all sold out with ease.(代发货是 Odoo 中的术语,用户购买产品但不将其添加到库存中。在公司中添加了一个单独的位置,在那里卸载他们的产品,并在销售时将它们直接装载给客户。这是针对有客户需求但在实例中没有库存的产品完成的,但是当它到达时,不需要将这些添加到库存中,而是轻松地将它们全部售罄。)

The drop shifting option in the platform can be enabled in the settings menu of the purchase module. Under the logistics menu the user has the drop shifting option which can be enabled or disabled.(平台中的水滴转移选项可以在购买模块的设置菜单中启用。在物流菜单下,用户具有可以启用或禁用的液滴转移选项。)

The products which are needed to be allocated with the drop shifting terminology can be defined under the product description. In the product description menu under the inventory tab of allocation of routes option the user can view the option to select the routes and the user can view the drop ship option available.(需要分配的带产品可以在产品描述下定义。在路线分配选项的库存选项卡下的产品描述菜单中,用户可以查看选择路线的选项,用户可以查看可用的代发货选项。)

The drop shipping operations acne defined as per the rout description being provided in the inventory module. In the inventory module under the configuration tab the user can see the option to view the routes menu. In the routes menu the user can create a new route or edit the existing drop shipping route operations which are predefined.(根据库存模块中提供的路线描述定义的直接运输操作acne。 在配置选项卡下的清单模块中,用户可以看到查看路线菜单的选项。 在路线菜单中,用户可以创建新路线或编辑预定义的现有直运路线操作。)

  1. Unit of measure(测量单位)

As mentioned earlier the operations of the product quantity are described based on the unit of measure being described and allocated to the respective products. The units of measure can be defined based on the regularization and the company standards in the unit of measure menu accessible form the configuration tab of the purchase module.(如前所述,产品数量的操作是根据所描述和分配给各个产品的计量单位来描述的。 计量单位可以根据可从采购模块的配置选项卡访问的计量单位菜单中的规则化和公司标准进行定义。)

In the menu the user can view all the units of measure being described in the platform and can undergo editing if required by selecting the ones available.(在菜单中,用户可以查看平台中描述的所有度量单位,如果需要,可以通过选择可用的单位进行编辑。)

The new units of measure can be created in the creation window which can be accessed by selecting the create option. In the creation window the user can provide the name of the unit of measure, category of operation, the taxation allocation as the unit of measure operation is based on the localization and further on local taxation. The respective unit of measure can be activated or deactivated using the respective icon available. The rounding precisions for the unit of measure can also be defined.(可以在创建窗口中创建新的度量单位,通过选择创建选项可以访问该窗口。 在创建窗口中,用户可以提供计量单位名称、操作类别、税收分配,因为计量单位操作基于本地化并进一步基于地方税收。可以使用相应的可用图标激活或停用相应的度量单位。还可以定义度量单位的舍入精度。)

  1. Unit of measure categories(计量单位类别)

The units of measure categories of operation can be defined based on the user and the company specifications. The respective units of measure category can be defined under the unit of measure categories menu. The menu is accessible through the configuration tab and will list out the respective units of measure categories being defined in the platform.(可以根据用户和公司规范定义操作的度量单位类别。 可以在度量单位类别菜单下定义相应的度量单位类别。 该菜单可通过配置选项卡访问,并将列出平台中定义的各个度量单位类别。)

The new unit of measure category can be created using the create options and the menu will provide provisional space to define the respective category of unit of measure.(可以使用创建选项创建新的计量单位类别,菜单将提供临时空间来定义相应的计量单位类别。)

  1. Reporting(报告)

Like every aspect of the Odoo platform the purchase management also allows the users to generate various analytical well as graphical reports on the aspects of purchase operations being conducted. The repeating menu is accessible from the purchase modules dashboard.(与 Odoo 平台的各个方面一样,购买管理还允许用户生成有关正在执行的购买操作方面的各种分析和图形报告。 重复菜单可从购买模块仪表板访问。)

The purchase reports can be created in the form of graphs, line charts and pie chart models. With the help of various measures and grouping functionalities which can be defined from the customizable as well as the default ones available in the platform. Additionally, the reports of the purchasing aspects of the company can be viewed in pivot and graphical view too.(可以以图形、折线图和饼图模型的形式创建采购报告。 借助各种度量和分组功能,这些功能可以从可定制的以及平台中可用的默认功能中定义。 此外,公司采购方面的报告也可以在透视和图形视图中查看。)

The Kanban view of the respective reporting module can be accessed by scrolling the reporting menu down. The Kanban view will allow the user to generate quantitative reports using the filtering, group by and measure functions available in the platform.(可以通过向下滚动报告菜单来访问相应报告模块的看板视图。 看板视图将允许用户使用平台中可用的过滤、分组和测量功能生成定量报告。)





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