附带文档中的几句原话: 有一句原文说明JDO比自写的数据包装层更能提高效率: JDO is probably a far more productive environment than any home-grown persistence layer.
另一句原文说明有一定程度的SQL性能方面的损失: It certainly would have yielded faster results if we had hand-coded the SQL for each class. But with 33 classes in the process engine, and roughly another 300 in the remainder of our application, a hard-coded approach does not seem like the best approach to take.
还有一句说明什么情况下可用JDO代替EJB: With the availability of JDO, it makes you wonder when and if you would ever need an EJB container at all within your application architecture if you use it only as a front-end to your database.