
  1. 参考 用 CNTK 搞深度学习 (一) 入门
  2. LR模型构建:

    • LR问题简述
      • Our model can then be seen as y ~ p(y | x; w, b) = sigma(wx+b) = 1 / (1 + exp(-wx-b)) Then, we predict y = 1 if p(y | x; w, b) > 0.5 and y = 0 otherwise.
      • 学习参数w和b
        • 最小化交叉熵损失函数
        • 梯度下降法逼近最优值
        • stochastic gradient descent (SGD)算法
    • 创建数据

      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      import numpy as np
      from sklearn.utils import shuffle
      # number of dimensions
      Dim = 2
      # number of samples
      N_train = 1000
      N_test = 500
      def generate(N, mean, cov, diff):   
          #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
          num_classes = len(diff)
          samples_per_class = int(N/2)
          X0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, samples_per_class)#
          Y0 = np.zeros(samples_per_class)
          for ci, d in enumerate(diff):
              X1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean+d, cov, samples_per_class)
              Y1 = (ci+1)*np.ones(samples_per_class)
              X0 = np.concatenate((X0,X1))
              Y0 = np.concatenate((Y0,Y1))
          X, Y = shuffle(X0, Y0)
          return X,Y
      def create_data_files(num_classes, diff, train_filename, test_filename, regression):
          print("Outputting %s and %s"%(train_filename, test_filename))
          mean = np.random.randn(num_classes)
          cov = np.eye(num_classes)
          for filename, N in [(train_filename, N_train), (test_filename, N_test)]:
              X, Y = generate(N, mean, cov, diff)
              # output in CNTK Text format
              with open(filename, "w") as dataset:
                  num_labels = int((1 + np.amax(Y)))
                  for i in range(N):
                      dataset.write("|features ")
                      for d in range(Dim):
                          dataset.write("%f " % X[i,d])
                      if (regression): 
                          dataset.write("|labels %f\n" % Y[i])
                          labels = ['0'] * num_labels;
                          labels[int(Y[i])] = '1'
                          dataset.write("|labels %s\n" % " ".join(labels))
      def main():
          # random seed (create the same data)
          create_data_files(Dim, [3.0], "Train_cntk_text.txt", "Test_cntk_text.txt", True)#生成01分类器的Train和Test文件
      #|features 1.709340 2.329687 |labels 0.000000
      #|features 0.959171 -0.252047 |labels 0.000000
      #|features 3.854499 4.163941 |labels 1.000000
      #|features 1.058121 1.204858 |labels 0.000000
      #|features 1.870621 1.284107 |labels 0.000000
          create_data_files(Dim, [[3.0], [3.0, 0.0]], "Train-3Classes_cntk_text.txt", "Test-3Classes_cntk_text.txt", False)#生成3分类器的Train和Test文件
      if __name__ == '__main__':
    • 网络描述

      BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
              # sample and label dimensions
              SDim = $dimension$ #sample dimension
              LDim = 1 #label dimention
              features = Input (SDim)
              labels   = Input (LDim)
              # parameters to learn
              b = Parameter (LDim, 1)     # bias [1 x 1] matrix
              w = Parameter (LDim, SDim)  # weights [1 x 2] matrix
              # operations
              p = Sigmoid (w * features + b) # logtistic func      
              lr = Logistic (labels, p) # loss function.
              #lr = -(TransposeTimes (labels, Log (p)) + TransposeTimes (Constant(1) - labels, Log (Constant(1) - p)))
              err = SquareError (labels, p) # model evaluation as
              # root nodes
              featureNodes    = (features)
              labelNodes      = (labels)
              criterionNodes  = (lr) # those where an objective is specified that CNTK will try to achieve
              evaluationNodes = (err) # nodes used for perfoming evaluation as the model is trained
              outputNodes     = (p) # nodes whose values will be output
    • 定义网络中命令

      • 执行流程
      • Train命令

            # training config
            Train = [ # command=Train --> CNTK will look for a parameter named Train
                action = "train"  # execute CNTK's 'train' routine
            # network description
            BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
            # configuration parameters of the SGD procedure
            SGD = [
            # configuration of data reading
            reader = [
      • Output命令

        # output the results
        Output = [
            action = "write"
            reader = [
                readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
                file = "Test_cntk_text.txt"
                input = [
                    features = [
                        dim = $dimension$  # $$ means variable substitution
                        format = "dense"
                    labels = [
                        dim = 1
                        format = "dense"
            outputPath = "LR.txt"  # dump the output to this text file
      • Test命令
        unlike Output which simply wrote the prediction probabilities for each test sample to file, it will compute the specified error metric for the test set. In our example, that is the function SquareError() as specified in the configuration

        Test = [
            action = "test"
            reader = [
                readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
                file = "Test_cntk_text.txt"
                input = [
                    features = [
                        dim = $dimension$
                        format = "dense"
                    labels = [
                        dim = 1
                        format = "dense"

      It takes the matrix p, which is the prediction probability for class 1 of our model, and compares it to the correct labels. The final output will give the error per sample of our network on the test/validation data.

      • DumpNodeInfo命令
        outputs all model parameters in the network, useful for debugging and for doing further processing with what your network learned
        DumpNodeInfo = [
            action = "dumpNode"
            printValues = true

      outputs a file called “LR.dnn.__AllNodes__.txt” into the Models directory. like this:

      b=LearnableParameter [1,1]   learningRateMultiplier=1.000000  NeedsGradient=true
      w=LearnableParameter [1,2]   learningRateMultiplier=1.000000  NeedsGradient=true
       2.40208364 2.66412568
      • 学习算法
        stochastic gradient descent:SGD iteratively looks at some fixed subset of the training examples (called a minibatch) and updates the parameters in the direction of the cost function gradients after every such step, such that if it was to see the same data again, the network output would be a little closer to the desired result.

        SGD = [ 
            epochSize = 0 # how many examples will be examined per epoch. If it is set to 0 then that means all of the training data will be examined for every epoch (also can be thought of as iteration).
            minibatchSize = 25 # Within each iteration, minibatches of samples (in this case 25) are examined together and their gradients are computed
            learningRatesPerSample = 0.04 # learningRatesPerPerSample = 0.05:0.02*5:0.01
            maxEpochs = 50
      • 读写数据

        reader = [
            readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
            file = "Train_cntk_text.txt"
            input = [
                features = [
                    dim = 2
                    format = "dense"
                labels = [
                    dim = 1
                    format = "dense"
      • 运行cntk configFile=lr_bs.cntk

      • 结果

        Final Results: Minibatch[1-1]: err = 0.00688694 * 500
      • 程序输出

      Build info: 
              Built time: Jun  6 2016 20:06:59
              Last modified date: Sun Jun  5 04:28:32 2016
              Build type: release
              Build target: CPU-only
              With 1bit-SGD: no
              Math lib: acml
              Build Branch: HEAD
              Build SHA1: b7ed8dc9e5cd8ab35f4badae86dd42e93e9f2564
              Built by philly on 3177047f4067
              Build Path: /home/philly/jenkins/workspace/CNTK-Build-Linux
      Running on localhost at 2016/06/13 14:04:07
      Command line: 
      cntk  configFile=lr_bs.cntk
      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAW CONFIG (VARIABLES NOT RESOLVED) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
      modelPath = "Models/LR_reg.dnn"  
      deviceId = -1                    
      dimension = 2                    
      Train = [             
      action = "train"  
          BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
              SDim = $dimension$
              LDim = 1
              features = Input (SDim)
              labels   = Input (LDim)
              b = Parameter (LDim, 1)     
              w = Parameter (LDim, SDim)  
              p = Sigmoid (w * features + b)    
              lr = Logistic (labels, p)
              err = SquareError (labels, p)
              featureNodes    = (features)
              labelNodes      = (labels)
              criterionNodes  = (lr)
              evaluationNodes = (err)
              outputNodes     = (p)
          SGD = [
              epochSize = 0                  
              minibatchSize = 25
              learningRatesPerSample = 0.04  
              maxEpochs = 50
          reader = [
              readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
              file = "Train_cntk_text.txt"
              input = [
                  features = [
                      dim = $dimension$
                      format = "dense"
                  labels = [
                      dim = 1
                      format = "dense"
      Test = [
          action = "test"
          reader = [
              readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
              file = "Test_cntk_text.txt"
              input = [
                  features = [
                      dim = $dimension$
                      format = "dense"
                  labels = [
                      dim = 1
                      format = "dense"
      Output = [
          action = "write"
          reader = [
              readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
              file = "Test_cntk_text.txt"
              input = [
                  features = [
                      dim = $dimension$  
                      format = "dense"
                  labels = [
                      dim = 1            
                      format = "dense"
          outputPath = "LR.txt"  
      DumpNodeInfo = [
          action = "dumpNode"
          printValues = true
      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:command=Train:Output:DumpNodeInfo:Test
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:deviceId=-1
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:dimension=2
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:DumpNodeInfo=[
          action = "dumpNode"
          printValues = true
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:modelPath=Models/LR_reg.dnn
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:Output=[
          action = "write"
          reader = [
              readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
              file = "Test_cntk_text.txt"
              input = [
                  features = [
                  dim = 2  
                      format = "dense"
                  labels = [
                  dim = 1            
                      format = "dense"
          outputPath = "LR.txt"  
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:Test=[
          action = "test"
          reader = [
              readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
              file = "Test_cntk_text.txt"
              input = [
                  features = [
                      dim = 2
                      format = "dense"
                  labels = [
                      dim = 1
                      format = "dense"
      configparameters: lr_bs.cntk:Train=[             
      action = "train"  
          BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
              SDim = 2
              LDim = 1
              features = Input (SDim)
              labels   = Input (LDim)
              b = Parameter (LDim, 1)     
              w = Parameter (LDim, SDim)  
              p = Sigmoid (w * features + b)    
              lr = Logistic (labels, p)
              err = SquareError (labels, p)
              featureNodes    = (features)
              labelNodes      = (labels)
              criterionNodes  = (lr)
              evaluationNodes = (err)
              outputNodes     = (p)
          SGD = [
              epochSize = 0                  
              minibatchSize = 25
              learningRatesPerSample = 0.04  
              maxEpochs = 50
          reader = [
              readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
              file = "Train_cntk_text.txt"
              input = [
                  features = [
                      dim = 2
                      format = "dense"
                  labels = [
                      dim = 1
                      format = "dense"
      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
      Commands: Train Output DumpNodeInfo Test
      Precision = "float"
      CNTKModelPath: Models/LR_reg.dnn
      CNTKCommandTrainInfo: Train : 50
      CNTKCommandTrainInfo: CNTKNoMoreCommands_Total : 50
      #                                                                            #
      # Action "train"                                                             #
      #                                                                            #
      CNTKCommandTrainBegin: Train
      Final model exists: Models/LR_reg.dnn
      No further training is necessary.
      CNTKCommandTrainEnd: Train
      Action "train" complete.
      #                                                                            #
      # Action "write"                                                             #
      #                                                                            #
      Post-processing network...
      3 roots:
          err = SquareError()
          lr = Logistic()
          p = Sigmoid()
      Validating network. 9 nodes to process in pass 1.
      Validating --> labels = InputValue() :  -> [1 x *]
      Validating --> w = LearnableParameter() :  -> [1 x 2]
      Validating --> features = InputValue() :  -> [2 x *]
      Validating --> p.z.PlusArgs[0] = Times (w, features) : [1 x 2], [2 x *] -> [1 x *]
      Validating --> b = LearnableParameter() :  -> [1 x 1]
      Validating --> p.z = Plus (p.z.PlusArgs[0], b) : [1 x *], [1 x 1] -> [1 x 1 x *]
      Validating --> p = Sigmoid (p.z) : [1 x 1 x *] -> [1 x 1 x *]
      Validating --> err = SquareError (labels, p) : [1 x *], [1 x 1 x *] -> [1]
      Validating --> lr = Logistic (labels, p) : [1 x *], [1 x 1 x *] -> [1]
      Validating network. 5 nodes to process in pass 2.
      Validating network, final pass.
      4 out of 9 nodes do not share the minibatch layout with the input data.
      Post-processing network complete.
      Allocating matrices for forward and/or backward propagation.
      Memory Sharing Structure:
      (nil): {[b Gradient[1 x 1]] [err Gradient[1]] [err Value[1]] [features Gradient[2 x *]] [labels Gradient[1 x *]] [lr Gradient[1]] [lr Value[1]] [p Gradient[1 x 1 x *]] [p.z Gradient[1 x 1 x *]] [p.z.PlusArgs[0] Gradient[1 x *]] [w Gradient[1 x 2]] }
      0x1d52248: {[b Value[1 x 1]] }
      0x1d529c8: {[features Value[2 x *]] }
      0x1d52e48: {[labels Value[1 x *]] }
      0x1d53ee8: {[w Value[1 x 2]] }
      0x1dc03e8: {[p Value[1 x 1 x *]] }
      0x1dc0548: {[p.z Value[1 x 1 x *]] }
      0x1dc0e68: {[p.z.PlusArgs[0] Value[1 x *]] }
      Minibatch[0]: ActualMBSize = 500
      Written to LR.txt*
      Total Samples Evaluated = 500
      Action "write" complete.
      #                                                                            #
      # Action "dumpNode"                                                          #
      #                                                                            #
      Post-processing network...
      3 roots:
          err = SquareError()
          lr = Logistic()
          p = Sigmoid()
      Validating network. 9 nodes to process in pass 1.
      Validating --> labels = InputValue() :  -> [1 x *1]
      Validating --> w = LearnableParameter() :  -> [1 x 2]
      Validating --> features = InputValue() :  -> [2 x *1]
      Validating --> p.z.PlusArgs[0] = Times (w, features) : [1 x 2], [2 x *1] -> [1 x *1]
      Validating --> b = LearnableParameter() :  -> [1 x 1]
      Validating --> p.z = Plus (p.z.PlusArgs[0], b) : [1 x *1], [1 x 1] -> [1 x 1 x *1]
      Validating --> p = Sigmoid (p.z) : [1 x 1 x *1] -> [1 x 1 x *1]
      Validating --> err = SquareError (labels, p) : [1 x *1], [1 x 1 x *1] -> [1]
      Validating --> lr = Logistic (labels, p) : [1 x *1], [1 x 1 x *1] -> [1]
      Validating network. 5 nodes to process in pass 2.
      Validating network, final pass.
      4 out of 9 nodes do not share the minibatch layout with the input data.
      Post-processing network complete.
      Warning: node name '__AllNodes__' does not exist in the network. dumping all nodes instead.
      Action "dumpNode" complete.
      #                                                                            #
      # Action "test"                                                              #
      #                                                                            #
      Post-processing network...
      3 roots:
          err = SquareError()
          lr = Logistic()
          p = Sigmoid()
      Validating network. 9 nodes to process in pass 1.
      Validating --> labels = InputValue() :  -> [1 x *2]
      Validating --> w = LearnableParameter() :  -> [1 x 2]
      Validating --> features = InputValue() :  -> [2 x *2]
      Validating --> p.z.PlusArgs[0] = Times (w, features) : [1 x 2], [2 x *2] -> [1 x *2]
      Validating --> b = LearnableParameter() :  -> [1 x 1]
      Validating --> p.z = Plus (p.z.PlusArgs[0], b) : [1 x *2], [1 x 1] -> [1 x 1 x *2]
      Validating --> p = Sigmoid (p.z) : [1 x 1 x *2] -> [1 x 1 x *2]
      Validating --> err = SquareError (labels, p) : [1 x *2], [1 x 1 x *2] -> [1]
      Validating --> lr = Logistic (labels, p) : [1 x *2], [1 x 1 x *2] -> [1]
      Validating network. 5 nodes to process in pass 2.
      Validating network, final pass.
      4 out of 9 nodes do not share the minibatch layout with the input data.
      Post-processing network complete.
      evalNodeNames are not specified, using all the default evalnodes and training criterion nodes.
      Allocating matrices for forward and/or backward propagation.
      Memory Sharing Structure:
      (nil): {[b Gradient[1 x 1]] [err Gradient[1]] [features Gradient[2 x *2]] [labels Gradient[1 x *2]] [lr Gradient[1]] [p Gradient[1 x 1 x *2]] [p.z Gradient[1 x 1 x *2]] [p.z.PlusArgs[0] Gradient[1 x *2]] [w Gradient[1 x 2]] }
      0x1d92be8: {[err Value[1]] }
      0x1d92da8: {[lr Value[1]] }
      0x1d93108: {[p.z Value[1 x 1 x *2]] }
      0x1d93e18: {[p.z.PlusArgs[0] Value[1 x *2]] }
      0x1d93eb8: {[p Value[1 x 1 x *2]] }
      0x1e19598: {[b Value[1 x 1]] }
      0x1e19cd8: {[features Value[2 x *2]] }
      0x1e1a1a8: {[labels Value[1 x *2]] }
      0x1e1b248: {[w Value[1 x 2]] }
      BlockRandomizer::StartEpoch: epoch 0: frames [0..500] (first sequence at sample 0), data subset 0 of 1
      Final Results: Minibatch[1-1]: err = 0.00718580 * 500; lr = 0.03153573 * 500
      Action "test" complete.
  3. 多分类器构建

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