论文阅读笔记(三十九):3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition

This model extracts features from both spatial and temporal dimensions by performing 3D convolutions, thereby capturing the motion information encoded in multiple adjacent frames. The developed model generates multiple channels of information from the input frames, and the final feature representation is obtained by combining information from all channels. We apply the developed model to recognize human actions in real-world environment, and it achieves superior performance without relying on handcrafted features.

In this paper, we consider the use of CNNs for human action recognition in videos. A simple approach in this direction is to treat video frames as still images and apply CNNs to recognize actions at the individual frame level. Indeed, this approach has been used to analyze the videos of developing embryos (Ning et al., 2005). However, such approach does not consider the motion information encoded in multiple contiguous frames. To effectively incorporate the motion information in video analysis, we propose to perform 3D convolution in the convolutional layers of CNNs so that discriminative features along both spatial and temporal dimensions are captured. We show that by applying multiple distinct convolutional operations at the same location on the input, multiple types of features can be extracted. Based on the proposed 3D convolution, a variety of 3D CNN architectures can be devised to analyze video data. We develop a 3D CNN architecture that generates multiple channels of information from adjacent video frames and performs convolution and subsampling separately in each channel. The final feature representation is obtained by combining information from all channels. An additional advantage of the CNN-based models is that the recognition phase is very efficient due to their feed-forward nature.

We also observe that the performance differences between 3D CNN and other methods tend to be larger when the number of positive training samples is small.

In 2D CNNs, 2D convolution is performed at the convolutional layers to extract features from local neighborhood on feature maps in the previous layer. Then an additive bias is applied and the result is passed through a sigmoid function.

In the subsampling lay-ers, the resolution of the feature maps is reduced by pooling over local neighborhood on the feature maps in the previous layer, thereby increasing invariance to distortions on the inputs.
A CNN architecture can be constructed by stacking multiple layers of convolution and subsampling in an alternating fashion. The parameters of CNN, such as the bias bij and the kernel weight wpq , are usually trained using either supervised or unsupervised approaches (LeCun et al., 1998; Ranzato et al., 2007).

In 2D CNNs, convolutions are applied on the 2D feature maps to compute features from the spatial dimensions only. When applied to video analysis problems, it is desirable to capture the motion information encoded in multiple contiguous frames. To this end, we propose to perform 3D convolutions in the convolution stages of CNNs to compute features from both spatial and temporal dimensions. The 3D convolution is achieved by convolving a 3D kernel to the cube formed by stacking multiple contiguous frames together. By this construction, the feature maps in the convolution layer is connected to multiple contiguous frames in the previous layer, thereby capturing motion information.

Note that a 3D convolutional kernel can only extract one type of features from the frame cube, since the kernel weights are replicated across the entire cube. A general design principle of CNNs is that the number of feature maps should be increased in late layers by generating multiple types of features from the same set of lower-level feature maps. Similar to the case of 2D convolution, this can be achieved by applying multiple 3D convolutions with distinct kernels to the same location in the previous layer (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Comparison of 2D (a) and 3D (b) convolutions. In (b) the size of the convolution kernel in the temporal dimension is 3, and the sets of connections are color-coded so that the shared weights are in the same color. In 3D convolution, the same 3D kernel is applied to overlapping 3D cubes in the input video to extract motion features.

Figure 2. Extraction of multiple features from contiguous frames. Multiple 3D convolutions can be applied to contiguous frames to extract multiple features. As in Figure 1, the sets of connections are color-coded so that the shared weights are in the same color. Note that all the 6 sets of connections do not share weights, resulting in two different feature maps on the right.

A 3D CNN Architecture
Based on the 3D convolution described above, a variety of CNN architectures can be devised. In the following, we describe a 3D CNN architecture that we have developed for human action recognition on the TRECVID data set. In this architecture shown in Figure 3, we consider 7 frames of size 60×40 centered on the current frame as inputs to the 3D CNN model. We first apply a set of hardwired kernels to generate multiple channels of information from the input frames. This results in 33 feature maps in the second layer in 5 different channels known as gray, gradient-x, gradient-y, optflow-x, and optflow-y. The gray channel contains the gray pixel values of the 7 input frames. The feature maps in the gradient-x and gradient-y channels are obtained by computing gradients along the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, on each of the 7 input frames, and the optflow-x and optflow-y channels contain the optical flow fields, along the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, computed from adjacent input frames. This hardwired layer is used to encode our prior knowledge on features, and this scheme usually leads to better performance as compared to random initialization.

We then apply 3D convolutions with a kernel size of 7×7×3 (7×7 in the spatial dimension and 3 in the temporal dimension) on each of the 5 channels separately. To increase the number of feature maps, two sets of different convolutions are applied at each location, resulting in 2 sets of feature maps in the C2 layer each consisting of 23 feature maps. This layer contains 1,480 trainable parameters. In the subsequent subsampling layer S3, we apply 2 × 2 subsampling on each of the feature maps in the C2 layer, which leads to the same number of feature maps with reduced spatial resolution. The number of trainable parameters in this layer is 92.

The next convolution layer C4 is obtained by applying 3D convolution with a kernel size of 7×6×3 on each of the 5 channels in the two sets of feature maps separately. To increase the number of feature maps, we apply 3 convolutions with different kernels at each location, leading to 6 distinct sets of feature maps in the C4 layer each containing 13 feature maps. This layer contains 3,810 trainable parameters. The next layer S5 is obtained by applying 3×3 subsampling on each feature maps in the C4 layer, which leads to the same number of feature maps with reduced spatial resolution.

The number of trainable parameters in this layer is 156. At this stage, the size of the temporal dimension is already relatively small (3 for gray, gradient-x, gradient-y and 2 for optflow-x and optflow-y), so we perform convolution only in the spatial dimension at this layer. The size of the convolution kernel used is 7 × 4 so that the sizes of the output feature maps are reduced to 1 × 1. The C6 layer consists of 128 feature maps of size 1 × 1, and each of them is connected to all the 78 feature maps in the S5 layer, leading to 289,536 trainable parameters.

By the multiple layers of convolution and subsampling, the 7 input frames have been converted into a 128D feature vector capturing the motion information in the input frames. The output layer consists of the same number of units as the number of actions, and each unit is fully connected to each of the 128 units in the C6 layer. In this design we essentially apply a linear classifier on the 128D feature vector for action classification. For an action recognition problem with 3 classes, the number of trainable parameters at the output layer is 384. The total number of trainable parameters in this 3D CNN model is 295,458, and all of them are initialized randomly and trained by online error back-propagation algorithm as described in (LeCun et al., 1998). We have designed and evaluated other 3D CNN architectures that combine multiple channels of information at different stages, and our results show that this architecture gives the best performance.

Figure 3. A 3D CNN architecture for human action recognition. This architecture consists of 1 hardwired layer, 3 convolution layers, 2 subsampling layers, and 1 full connection layer. Detailed descriptions are given in the text.

Related Work
CNNs belong to the class of biologically inspired models for visual recognition, and some other variants have also been developed within this family. Motivated by the organization of visual cortex, a similar model, called HMAX (Serre et al., 2005), has been developed for visual object recognition. In the HMAX model, a hierarchy of increasingly complex features are constructed by the alternating applications of template matching and max pooling. In particular, at the S1 layer a still input image is first analyzed by an array of Gabor filters at multiple orientations and scales. The C1 layer is then obtained by pooling local neighborhoods on the S1 maps, leading to increased invariance to distortions on the input. The S2 maps are obtained by comparing C1 maps with an array of templates, which were generated randomly from C1 maps in the training phase. The final feature representation in C2 is obtained by performing global max pooling over each of the S2 maps.

The original HMAX model is designed to analyze 2D images. In (Jhuang et al., 2007) this model has been extended to recognize actions in video data. In particular, the Gabor filters in S1 layer of the HMAX model have been replaced with some gradient and space-time modules to capture motion information. In addition, some modifications to HMAX, proposed in (Mutch & Lowe, 2008), have been incorporated into the model. A major difference between CNNand HMAX-based models is that CNNs are fully trainable systems in which all the parameters are adjusted based on training data, while all modules in HMAX consist of handcrafted connections and parameters.

In speech and handwriting recognition, time-delay neural networks have been developed to extract temporal features (Bromley et al., 1993). In (Kim et al., 2007), a modified CNN architecture has been developed to extract features from video data. In addition to recognition tasks, CNNs have also been used in 3D image restoration problems (Jain et al., 2007).

Conclusions and Discussions
We developed a 3D CNN model for action recognition in this paper. This model construct features from both spatial and temporal dimensions by performing 3D convolutions. The developed deep architecture generates multiple channels of information from adjacent input frames and perform convolution and subsampling separately in each channel. The final feature representation is computed by combining information from all channels. We evaluated the 3D CNN model using the TRECVID and the KTH data sets. Results show that the 3D CNN model outperforms compared methods on the TRECVID data, while it achieves competitive performance on the KTH data, demonstrating its superior performance in real-world environments.

In this work, we considered the CNN model for action recognition. There are also other deep architectures, such as the deep belief networks (Hinton et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2009a), which achieve promising performance on object recognition tasks. It would be interesting to extend such models for action recognition. The developed 3D CNN model was trained using supervised algorithm in this work, and it requires a large number of labeled samples. Prior studies show that the number of labeled samples can be significantly reduced when such model is pre-trained using unsupervised algorithms (Ranzato et al., 2007). We will explore the unsupervised training of 3D CNN models in the future.





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