硕英精读答案 lesson 1-4

III. Vocabulary
A. 1. B  2. C  3. C  4. A  5. C  6. B  7. A  8. C  9. D  10. B
B. 1. B  2. D  3. D  4. A  5. A  6. B  7. B  8. D  9. B  10. B
C.1. tribal  2. dominant 3. obscurity  4. popularity 5. unavoidable 6. concision/conciseness  7. imperfections  8. lost  9. displaced  10. irregularities
D. 1. D (performer and area of concern)    2. B (action and performer)
3. C (whole and part) 4. C (antonyms) 5. A (cause and effect) 6. D (synonyms)7. A (characterization) 8. B (area of study)9. C (part and whole) 10. C (characterization)
IV. Cloze
1. back  2. like  3. wings  4. to  5. as  6. use  7. complimentary  8. another  9. because  10. as  11. more  12. why 13. well  14. what  15. understood  16. don’t  17. mentioned  18. with  19. wearing  20. latest
V. Error Correction
1. the -- a  2. And -- But  3. was used -- used  4. anything -- something   5. some -- one 6. off -- from  7. and -- or  8. nearby -- near  9. long -- longer  10. straightly -- straight
VI. Translation
1. Dr. Sun was fond of sports when he was studying at the university. Often as not, he had a two-kilometer run round the campus before taking breakfast
2. Education is to a human soul what gardening is to a piece of land.
3. The invasion of France by Germany in 1942, which demonstrated the might of the Nazi military machine, made Hitler all the more arrogant and conceited.
4. Having been well prepared, she succeeded in freeing herself from her usual nervousness and delivered her speech smoothly, only stumbling once or twice over the beginning part.
5. Steven Spielburg is a talented director well known to everybody in the United States, and his movies have also appealed to people of all ages all over the world.
6. This reasonably priced homemade refrigerator is comparable in quality to that more expensive imported one.
English is one of the major languages of the world. At the beginning of the 19th century, English was the native speech of barely 15 million people. Today,it is used regularly by as many as 400 million and is second only to Chinese. Of the 3000 or more tongues spoken today, about half a dozen predominate, having among their speakers two thirds of the world’s population. English, as one of the most influential and fastest growing languages, is spoken in areas widely scattered over the globe. It is the native or official language of one fifth of the earth’s land surface, being used throughout most of the North American Continent and in the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand, and the Republic of South Africa. Of the languages of colonization it has been the one most important in Africa, Asia and the islands of the central and south Pacific.
1. 然而,语言学已取得充分的发展,这便为部分地解释这些问题所涉及的诸多领域中的大部分现象提供了可能。
2. 正如大多数科学家所提出的诸种答案在后来需要进行修改一样,随着今后各种新见解的产生、新技术的应用以及用新思想从新的角度对这些老问题进行的研究,语言学所作出的这些解释也会不断完善。
3. 可是,当我们对真正的语言所应具有的特性进行识别时,我们就发现,动物的交际系统在若干根本方面是不同于人类的交际系统的。
4. 看来这主要是因为我们的大脑构造不同的原因,尽管身体上的各种差异,尤其是包括喉和口腔在内的解剖学上的差异,或许也与此有着某些关系。
5. 但与此同时,认为语言只为人类所独有,亦肯定是人性中的一种根深蒂固的观念。

III.  Vocabulary.
A. 1. A  2. A  3. C  4. B  5. B  6. D  7. D  8. D  9. B  10. B
B. 1. A  2. B  3. D  4. D  5. B  6. C  7. B  8. D  9. C  10. A
C. 1. interrogative  2. bestowal  3. extraction  4. grimy  5. doubtful  6.  in
6. determiner/determinant  8. triumph  9. resistance  10. spontaneously
D. 1. C (characterization)  2. C (synonyms)  3. D (action and receiver)  4. C
(classification)  5. A (cause and effect)  6. B (synonyms)  7. C (antonyms)  8
. C (degree of difference)  9. B (whole and part)  10. C (part and whole)
IV.  Cloze
1. in  2. which  3. as  4. and  5. through  6. also  7. in  8. of  9. that  10
. own  11. the  12. with  13. as  14. when  15. that  16. but  17. since  18.
of  19. Again  20. and
V.  Error Correction
1. confronted by -- with   2. dominated -- has dominated   3. was accused for
was accused of    4. by which -- in   5. the -- the (cancel)   6. great -- gre
7. presenting -- presented  8. inflict over -- on   9. agreed -- agreed upon
 10. providing -- to provide
VI.  Translation
1. If it were not for the “throw-in” today, I’m afraid they couldn’t have
made their first sale till now.
2. He finally made something of himself through persistent efforts at the age
of 40.
3. Nowadays people most despise those who bow to money and power.
4. He has been thinking to himself about how to break down his anxiety when he
 speaks English.
5. As the tall man with a pair of sunglasses was very suspicious, I didn’t pu
t him down as a good guy.
6. Although he is over 80, the old man is blessed with extraordinarily good he
alth, bright with his eyes and acute with his ears.
    I was the kind of boy who liked to give orders, not to take them. I always
 wanted to win every game, every fight, and to be first in everything. All the
 other boys, even those a bit older than me, were happy to follow and obey me.
 All, that is, except one. His name is Maybee.
    It is difficult for me to describe my feelings towards him. I didn’t hate
 him, but neither did I like him. I think that, more than anything, I felt afr
 aid of him. At the same time, I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to find
 something that frightened or worried him. But I could find nothing.
1. 瑞雪飘落在野樱树丛之中,风过雪净,冻土似岩石一般。在这萧瑟寒冷的日子里,地球
2. 在我们周围严寒所及之处,生命都暂时被抑制着,但生命并没有被窒息,仅仅是小憩,
3. 因此,雪埋霜盖之下,冻土之中那些躺着的种子受惠于大自然最多。
4. 因此,冬天的严寒这个脆弱生命之敌,并非所有生命之敌。

III. Vocabulary
A.  1. C  2. C  3.D  4.B  5.C  6.C  7.A  8.D  9.B  10.A
B.  1. B  2. D  3.B  4.C  5.B  6.A  7.C  8.C  9.D  10.A
1. coincidental    2. complainingly  3.  inseparable   4. competitive
5. sentimentality  6. serenity        7. Ambitious     8. complimentary
9. applicable     10. attendant
1.C (cause and effect)       2. D (classification)
3.A (degree of difference)    4. B (one caused by another)
5.D (whole and part)        6. D (antonyms)
7.D (performer and action)   8. B (characterization)
9.A (classification)         10.D (synonyms)
IV. Cloze
1. which      2. game      3. into        4. permitted   5. use       6. but   7. organized
8. with       9. started   10. beginning  11. when       12. while    13. By   14. and   
15. resisted  16. that     17. growing    18. in         19. right    20. attracting
V. Error Correction
1. the most -- most           2. slightly -- slight
1. as smart as -- as smart
4. ten percent proficient -- ten percent more proficient
5. greater -- great           6. into -- from
7. even -- no                 8. which -- what
9. steady -- steadier         10. conceit -- conceited
VI. Translation
1. After being granted a Ph.D., he, instead of staying abroad to be an archite
 ct of his utopia, kept his appointment and returned to his homeland to partici
 pate in the building of the Four Modernizations.
2. The player learned the hard way that it is not steroids but hard and scient
 ific training that makes an Olympic champion.
3. As she had full trust in her housekeeper, Jennifer dismissed any suggestion
 of his disloyalty as rumors.
4. On recovering her lost son, the young mother held him into her arms, tears
 giving way to smiles.
5. By paying children timely compliments, we can promote their good mental health
 and boost their self-esteem and confidence.
6. Every time I meet my childhood friends, my heart always brims with a sort of
 sentimentality -- like an old lady suddenly confronting a picture of hers taken
 in the prime of her youth.
    It used to be said that English people take their pleasures sadly. Now this
 habit has crossed the Atlantic, and I have wondered what it is that makes so
 many English-speaking people somber in their outlook in spite of good health
 and a good income.
    Life for almost everybody is a long competitive struggle where very few can
 win the race, and those who do not win are naturally unhappy. But one finds
 that only English-speaking people are so melancholy. A Frenchman while he is a
 busing the Government is as gay as a lark. So is an Italian while he is telling
 you how his neighbor has swindled him. Mexicans, when they are not actually
 starving or actually being murdered, sing and dance and enjoy food and drinks,
 which is very rare north of the Mexican frontier.
1. 从体育中我学会了对真实性和个性的尊重(每位运动员了解到的是自己的本能、实力、
2. 在体育运动中,人们历经数代会心领悟、仔细把握、精心培育、真诚笃信的就是诚实无
3. 神思的驰骋、身姿的飘逸──这一切给我们的想象力提供了一种人类所能达到的美的最
4. 一个既讨厌体育运动或者与体育完全隔离的人而同时在人性上又毫无缺陷,这样的人我
5. 除非他们在其他方面有所补偿,不然的话,我可以预测他们将会在处世判事之时缺乏必

III.  Vocabulary
A.  1.D  2.B  3.C  4.A  5.C  6.D  7.B  8.B  9.A  10.B
B. 1.A  2.C  3.A  4.B  5.B  6.D  7.B  8.A  9.B  10.C
C.  1. subtleties  2. unpredictable  3. survivors  4. density  5. convergence

6.rivalry  7. shakily  8. malfunctioning  9. sensibilities  10. alienation
D. 1.A (antonyms) 2.D (parallel)   3.B (conveyor and the conveyed)  4.B (place
 concerned and performer) 5.A (synonyms)
6.C (characterization) 7.B (performer and action) 8.A (characterization)
9.C (cause and effect) 10.D (part and whole)
IV.  Cloze
1. that       2. on      3. has       4. land      5. with     6. around    7. which
8. trip       9. that   10. watch    11. when     12. in      13. into     14. called
15. between  16. As     17. back     18. However  19. had     20. have
V.  Error Correction
1. ago -- before   2. no error  3. honorable -- honorary  4. that -- what
5. sending up -- being sent up  6. to lose -- losing  7. with -- of  8. set -- settle
9. on -- in       10. together -- else

VI.  Translation
1. When the modern communications industry was still in its infancy, telephones
 and telegraph had already been widely used in North America.
2. While doing to the research in his own field, he read extensively with an effort
 to broaden his horizon for he thought he was made for creative work.
3. I would make no bones about my disgust for those scholars who, with very poor
 knowledge of their mother tongue, of their country,and people, are talking
 big and foreign things all day long.
4. Having studied, in the United States, the contemporary American culture and
 art for more than ten years, she knows the American pop music society backward
 and forward.
5. In coming to the conference table, the aggressors have as much as acknowledged
 their defeat.
6. Sometimes mirage is a strange effect caused by hot air conditions in a desert
 in which the desert sometimes bears a close resemblance to a lake or the sea.
    The Wright brothers and their invention, then, sparked a revolution as far
 -reaching as the industrial and digital revolutions. But the revolution did not
 come about by luck of accident. It was vision, quiet resolve and the application
 of scientific methodology that enabled the brothers to carry the human race
 skyward. Their example reminds us that genius doesn’t have a pedigree, and
 that you don’t discover new worlds by plying safe, conventional waters
    Now, at the dawn of another century, who knows where the next Wright brothers
 will be found, in what grade of school they are studying, or in what garage
 they’re inventing the next flyer of the information age. Our mission is to
 make sure that wherever they are, they have the chance to run their own course,
 to persevere and follow their own inspiration.
1. 比如,我们这个世纪已具有足够的智慧去提出宇宙是如何构成的、甚至物质的最小粒子
2. 我们并没有充分地赞颂我们这个世纪的发现,即科学是有用的,或者说科学在一定程度
3. 更为复杂的是,每一项新发现都引发一些新的问题。知之愈多,不知也就愈多。
4. 人们在猜想,但是,没有任何猜想能够对付这样的一个严酷的检验,即关于世界本质的
5. 不管要冒多少风险,这里我们所列出的就是在即将到来的世纪里,科学和哲学所面临的

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