硕英精读答案 lesson 5-8

The United States and World War Two
III.  Vocabulary
A. 1. A  2. C  3. B  4. D  5. C  6.B  7.C  8. D  9. B  10. C
B. 1. C  2. A  3. D  4. B  5. B  6. A  7.D  8. B  9. C  10. A.
C. 1. neutralize   2. amplified   3. incredulity   4. mobilize   5. compelling

6. irreparable   7. disillusioned   8. staggering   9. impulsively
10. provocative
1. A (cause and effect )      2. C (part and whole )    3. C (characterization)
4. B (action and receiver)    5. B (antonyms)           6. D (receiver and performer)
7. C (classification)         8. A (degree of difference)
9. D (passive)               10. C (antonyms)
IV. Cloze
1. prevent       2. mission    3. located   4. known        5. substance   6. of  
7. development   8. at         9. pave     10. gathering   11. on         12. since  
13. to          14. destroy   15. be       16. moment      17. or         18. armed
19. out         20. attempt

V.  Error Correction
1. that -- when           2. much -- so                 3. made a sense -- made sense
4. for -- against         5. discovery -- invention     6. breaking off -- breaking out
7. helped -- has helped   8. which -- in which          9. attack on -- attack
10. After -- Since
VI. Translation:
1. Years later, anthropologists, through studies of the remains of the victims,
 determined that they had succumbed to the effects of lead poisoning.
2. Many people believe that it is wrong to inflict pain and suffering on laboratory
 animals because animals are similar to humans in feeling emotions and pain.
3. Import and export trade is such an integral part of a nation's economy that
 the government often resorts to some protective measures in this respect to
 stimulate the development of national industries.
4. After many years of arduous struggle, they finally won the precious freedom
s, which they incorporated into the new state constitutions.
5. In 1941, the war in Europe was well under way. In the meantime, the cruel
 Japanese troops had swept through Southeast Asia.
6. The government is trying to cut down on taxes and stimulate investment as a
 countermove against prolonged stagnation.
    On April 18, 1942, sixteen B-25 Mitchell medium bombers took off from the
 deck of the carrier HORNET 623 miles from the shore of Japan, climbed up into
 the gray mist and made a daring raid on Tokyo.
    Almost everyone who experienced the raid can still recall the thrill and t
 he cheers that swept the country when the news came out that American planes
 had bombed Tokyo. But not many people know the real reason behind the raid and
 how it was planned.
    The war with Japan had been going on for nearly five months and almost all
 the news during this period had been bad. President Roosevelt requested that
 someone try to come up with a plan to strike the Japanese homeland so as to
 raise the morale of the American people, which would give them the feeling that
 they were fighting back.
1. 这个战争狂人开始逐渐认识到这可怕的局势。像往常一样,他将失败的责任归咎与他人。
2. 现在阿道夫.希特勒自己满心希望这场毁灭能实现。他从精神上和肉体上很快成了一个
3. 现在到了一九四五年,随着不断从前线传来的灾难般的失败消息,他完全陷入狂躁的歇
4. 他站在我的面前:他挥舞着双拳,脸颊愤怒地泛着红色,他的身体在颤抖;他完全失去
   了控制,气的发疯…… 他的眼睛瞪的要掉出眼眶,额上的青筋突起。
5. 在这种身体和精神状态下,他的整个世界都崩溃了。面对因为他而招致灾难深重的德国

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III.  Vocabulary
A.  1. C  2. C  3. A  4. D  5. A  6. B  7. B  8. B  9. D  10. A
B.  1. B  2. C  3. A  4. C  5. B  6. B  7. C  8. B  9. C  10. A
1. occupants   2. nightmarish  3. substantial      4. intolerable  5. traceable
6. deterrent   7. unbending    8. unconquerable    9. spatial     10. intervention
1. D (area of concern)    2. A (part and part)          3. D (payer and payment)
4. C (synonyms)           5. B ( application)           6. D (object and user)
7. C (classification)     8. D (degree of difference)   9. D (antonyms)
10. D ( characterization)
IV.  Cloze
1. to          2. These          3. in           4. space        5. minimum  
6. riders      7. Avoiding       8. violations   9. as          10. and
11. because   12. starting       13. of         14. against     15. for  
16. if        17. Nevertheless   18. averted    19. Unless      20. distance

V.  Error Correction
1. why -- in which           2. has linked -- has been linked   3. and those -- and that those
4. Similarly -- Conversely   5. the -- an                       6. to spend -- spend  
7. expressing -- expressed   8. receivers -- receiver           9. with -- by  
10. something -- nothing

VI.  Translation
1. By pooling their efforts, the compilers of these textbooks have helped bring
 the essentials of the cross-cultural studies into focus.
2. Nowadays we are becoming increasingly conscious of the fact that people from
 different cultures and religions have to get involved with each other.
3. As he warmed up to his rich life experience he became very excited and eloquent.
4. Whenever important questions of peace and security are at stake, it has rarely
 been possible to achieve agreement among the Great Powers of the Council.
5. Those self-styled “theorists” are so confused themselves in their logic that
 their theory cannot be understood by anyone but an idiot .
6. Do you think we now have to adjust our higher-education system to the fast-changing
 economic situation of the country?
    Most foreigners do have trouble understanding Americans. Even if they have
 a good command of English, most foreigners have at least some difficulty
 understanding what the Americans they encounter are thinking and feeling. What ide
 as and attitudes underlie their actions? What motivates them? What makes them
 talk and act the way they do? My book is intended to address those questions.
    In some ways, all people are alike. Anatomists and physiologists study ways
 in which the structure and functions of the human body operate, regardless of
 race, religion, income, or political opinion. A human pancreatic gland knows
 no political belief, you know. On the other hand, there are ways in which each
 person is unique. Psychologists have been studying  the manner in which each
 person’s characteristics give rise to their particular attitudes and behavior.
1. 所有的这些入侵者都可能会遇到强有力的乃至猛烈凶狠的抵抗。
2. 不论桌面上的理由多么充分,如果想把住户们从他们的家中赶走,住户们可能的固守便
3. 这些动乱少有发生这一事实从某种程度上说明:领土争端法作为预防争端的一种体系是
4. 占有的空间也是一种财产,它是以“占用空间”这个说法来表达的。这种财产乃是一种
5. 无论家多么寒酸,没有比家这块领地更好的地方。

Last Day on Earth
A.  1.D  2.A  3.B   4.A   5.A  6.C  7.A  8.B  9.D  10.B
B.  1.A  2.B  3.C   4.B   5.C  6.A  7.B  8.D  9.A  10.C
1.unevenly   2.detachment     3.accidentally   4.precision     5.crystallizes
6.endearing  7.imperceptibly  8.triumphantly   9.exhaustion   10.soundless
1. D (object and action)     2. D (passive)             3. C (description)
4. B (part and part)         5. B (characterization)    6. D (action and receiver)
7. B (cause and effect)      8. B (synonyms)            9. C (passive)
10. C (characterization)
1.nothing       2. being        3. over       4. what       5. high
6. from         7. relativity   8. since      9.turning    10. however
11. universe   12. matter      13. meant     14. not       15. but
16. with       17. beyond      18. enter     19. yet       20. that
1. with -- to                  2. of -- between            3. tell -- telling 
4. at moments -- in moments    5. as -- than               6. as -- the
7. causal -- causally          8. Their -- Its             9. other than -- rather than
10. toward single -- toward a single
VI. Translation
1. With the acceleration of the economic globalization, the general manager of
 this large state-owned company urgently needs a group of assistants with talent
 and virtue at his elbow.
2. He really wants to put his work aside to take some weeks off and relax himself
 completely so as to work more efficiently.
3. We are surprised at the news from the media that the two countries with very
 good relations yesterday are now on the brink of war.
4. It took that little boy several hours to piece together the separate parts
 of the complicated toy.
5. That writer gave up literature for business right at the peak of his literary
6. It never comes to him that he is an unwelcome visitor. Instead, he thinks that
 you are as pleased to visit him as he is pleased to visit you.
 Most successful men work long hours, but they don’t let work interfere with the
 really important things in life, such as friends and family. This different
 iates them sharply from workaholics who become addicted to work just as some
 people become addicted to alcohol and always have more to do than they can ever
 complete. Symptoms of workaholics include refusal to take a vacation, inability
 to put their office out of mind on weekends. Their briefcases are always bulging
 with documents. Their spouses have practically become strangers.
 The fundamental difference between work lovers and workaholics seems to be that
 the work lover can stop when he or she wants. Many stories about famous men
 have already demonstrated this very clearly. People like Edison, Einstein Leon
 ado da Vinca and others are perfect examples who considered their work as well
 as their play.
1. 但是, 我们始终很想知道, 这个即将死去的人是如何度过生命的最后几天或最后几个小时。
2. 哪些事件、哪些经历、哪些联想会在临死前的最后时刻一起涌向心头呢?当我们回首往
3. 我们应该以优雅的风度、旺盛的精力和高度珍惜的心情度过每一天,而当我们觉得岁月
4. 人们常常注意到,那些生活在死亡阴影中的人们把生活中的甜美融入于他们所做的每一
5. 当我们身强力壮时根本想不到死,很少去考虑它。时光日复一日地过去, 好像看不到


III. Vocabulary
A. 1. C   2. A   3. D   4. B   5. A   6. B   7. C   8. D   9. A   10. B
B. 1. B   2. C   3. D   4. C   5. B   6. A   7. A   8. D   9. C   10. A
C. 1. recurrence     2. disastrous    3. hesitantly    4. subtlety     5. colliding
   6. evolutionary   7. controversial 8. illiteracy    9. complexity  10. publicize
D. 1. C (classification)      2. A  (antonyms)             3.A (characterization)
   4. B (synonyms)            5. B  (whole and part)       6.D (whole and part)
   7. A (characterization)    8. D  (cause and effect)     9. C (synonyms)          
  10. B  (performer and area of concern)
IV. Cloze
1.  as    2.  like    3.  that    4.  base    5.  occurring   
6. earth’s
7. also   8.  in 9.  called    10. fossils  11. piece 12. rock
13. kinds 14. clues 15. incomplete 16. records or clues  17. or   18. addition
19. time 20. by

V. Error Correction
1. moreover -- whereas or while   2.  reasoned -- reasoning
3.  placing -- placed         4.  were proposed -- were not proposed
5.  which subjected -- subjected or which were subjected

6. or their -- or by their      7.  earthquake-recorded --earthquake-recording

7. was suspended -- suspended  or  it -- and it
9.  in early 20th century -- in the early 20th century
10. the pole --the poles
VI. Translation
1. Courts contribute to social stability by resolving disputes in a civilized
2. In reality, the moon is no more habitable for human beings than some of the
 most desolate places on the Earth.
3. An emotionally changeable woman, this old lady often swings from wild optim
ism to total despair.
4. Critics outside the advertising industry have regarded the motivational app
roach as both unreliable and unfair to the consumer, who should not be subject
 to such indirect sales attacks.
5. In July 1976 a strong earthquake hit the industrial city of Tangshan, about
 110 kilometres east of Beijing, taking a heavy toll of 240,000 deaths and 500
,000  injuries.
6. The vast land of Central America is dotted with majestic cones built from e
ruptions of lava and ash.
1.     Over the years, people have always been both fascinated by the spectacl
e of volcanic eruptions and terrified of their power. Throughout history erupt
ions have caused some of the worst disasters, destroying entire towns overnigh
t and killing thousands of people. In early times, however, volcanoes played a
n important role in the religious life of some peoples. The word “volcano”,
for example, comes from Vulcan, the name the ancient Romans gave to their god
of fire. The Romans believed that the god lived beneath a volcanic island off
the Italian coast. They called the island VULCANO.
2.     Nobody knows with certainty how the moon originated, although it appear
s to be about the same age as the Earth ( nearly 5 billion years old ). During
 its first billion years of life, the young half-molten moon was heavily bomba
rded by meteorites of all sizes, which produced giant craters and melted the l
unar crust.
1. 这可能是那种能在地球两极冰盖下生存的极其原始的生命,这种生命大概还得从地球上
2. 新提出的这个地点看来没有火星或木星上其他地方都存在的有碍生命的缺陷。
3. 美国国家宇航局Ames研究中心的Steven Squyres和Ray Renolds说,他们认为:“可以
4. 科学家们说这种证据“看来有力地说明”从地球上移植生命,木星卫星是一个极有可能
5. 他们说,冰层下的深水看来是由于行星岩层内部的放射性衰变,加上木星重力引起的潮
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