A Game of Thrones(63)


“Viserys hates horsemeat.”
   “As you say, Khaleesi.”
   She brought back a haunch of goat and a basket of fruits and vegetables. Jhiqui roasted the meat with sweetgrass and firepods, basting it with honey as it cooked, and there were melons and pomegranates and plums and some queer eastern fruit Dany did not know. While her handmaids prepared the meal, Dany laid out the clothing she’d had made to her brother’s measure: a tunic and leggings of crisp white linen, leather sandals that laced up to the knee, a bronze medallion belt, a leather vest painted with fire-breathing dragons. The Dothraki would respect him more if he looked less a beggar, she hoped, and perhaps he would forgive her for shaming him that day in the grass. He was still her king, after all, and her brother. They were both blood of the dragon.
   She was arranging the last of his gifts, a sandsilk cloak, green as grass, with a pale grey border that would bring out the silver in his hair, when Viserys arrived, dragging Doreah by the arm. Her eye was red where he’d hit her. “How dare you send this whore to give me commands,” he said. He shoved the handmaid roughly to the carpet.
   The anger took Dany utterly by surprise. “I only wanted?.?.?.?Doreah, what did you say?”
   “Khaleesi, pardons, forgive me. I went to him, as you bid, and told him you commanded him to join you for supper.”
   “No one commands the dragon,” Viserys snarled. “I am your king! I should have sent you back her head!”
   The Lysene girl quailed, but Dany calmed her with a touch. “Don’t be afraid, he won’t hurt you. Sweet brother, please, forgive her, the girl misspoke herself, I told her to ask you to sup with me, if it pleases Your Grace.” She took him by the hand and drew him across the room. “Look. These are for you.”
   Viserys frowned suspiciously. “What is all this?”
   “New raiment. I had it made for you.” Dany smiled shyly.
   He looked at her and sneered. “Dothraki rags. Do you presume to dress me now?”
   “Please?.?.?.?you’ll be cooler and more comfortable, and I thought?.?.?.?maybe if you dressed like them, the Dothraki?.?.?.?” Dany did not know how to say it without waking his dragon.
   “Next you’ll want to braid my hair.”
   “I’d never?.?.?.?” Why was he always so cruel? She had only wanted to help. “You have no right to a braid, you have won no victories yet.”
   It was the wrong thing to say. Fury shone from his lilac eyes, yet he dared not strike her, not with her handmaids watching and the warriors of her khas outside. Viserys picked up the cloak and sniffed at it. “This stinks of manure. Perhaps I shall use it as a horse blanket.”
   “I had Doreah sew it specially for you,” she told him, wounded. “These are garments fit for a khal.”
   “I am the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, not some grass-stained savage with bells in his hair,” Viserys spat back at her. He grabbed her arm. “You forget yourself, slut. Do you think that big belly will protect you if you wake the dragon?”
   His fingers dug into her arm painfully and for an instant Dany felt like a child again, quailing in the face of his rage. She reached out with her other hand and grabbed the first thing she touched, the belt she’d hoped to give him, a heavy chain of ornate bronze medallions. She swung it with all her strength.
   It caught him full in the face. Viserys let go of her. Blood ran down his cheek where the edge of one of the medallions had sliced it open. “You are the one who forgets himself,” Dany said to him. “Didn’t you learn anything that day in the grass? Leave me now, before I summon my khas to drag you out. And pray that Khal Drogo does not hear of this, or he will cut open your belly and feed you your own entrails.”
   Viserys scrambled back to his feet. “When I come into my kingdom, you will rue this day, slut.” He walked off, holding his torn face, leaving her gifts behind him.
   Drops of his blood had spattered the beautiful sandsilk cloak. Dany clutched the soft cloth to her cheek and sat cross-legged on her sleeping mats.
   “Your supper is ready, Khaleesi,” Jhiqui announced.
   “I’m not hungry,” Dany said sadly. She was suddenly very tired. “Share the food among yourselves, and send some to Ser Jorah, if you would.” After a moment she added, “Please, bring me one of the dragon’s eggs.”
   Irri fetched the egg with the deep green shell, bronze flecks shining amid its scales as she turned it in her small hands. Dany curled up on her side, pulling the sandsilk cloak across her and cradling the egg in the hollow between her swollen belly and small, tender breasts. She liked to hold them. They were so beautiful, and sometimes just being close to them made her feel stronger, braver, as if somehow she were drawing strength from the stone dragons locked inside.
   She was lying there, holding the egg, when she felt the child move within her?.?.?.?as if he were reaching out, brother to brother, blood to blood. “You are the dragon,” Dany whispered to him, “the true dragon. I know it. I know it.” And she smiled, and went to sleep dreaming of home.

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水资源是人类社会的宝贵财富,在生活、工农业生产中是不可缺少的。随着世界人口的增长及工农业生产的发展,需水量也在日益增长,水已经变得比以往任何时候都要珍贵。但是,由于人类的生产和生活,导致水体的污染,水质恶化,使有限的水资源更加紧张。长期以来,油类物质(石油类物质和动植物油)一直是水和土壤中的重要污染源。它不仅对人的身体健康带来极大危害,而且使水质恶化,严重破坏水体生态平衡。因此各国都加强了油类物质对水体和土壤的污染的治理。对于水中油含量的检测,我国处于落后阶段,与国际先进水平存在差距,所以难以满足当今技术水平的要求。为了取得具有代表性的正确数据,使分析数据具有与现代测试技术水平相应的准确性和先进性,不断提高分析成果的可比性和应用效果,检测的方法和仪器是非常重要的。只有保证了这两方面才能保证快速和准确地测量出水中油类污染物含量,以达到保护和治理水污染的目的。开展水中油污染检测方法、技术和检测设备的研究,是提高水污染检测的一条重要措施。通过本课题的研究,探索出一套适合我国国情的水质污染现场检测技术和检测设备,具有广泛的应用前景和科学研究价值。 本课题针对我国水体的油污染,探索一套检测油污染的可行方案和方法,利用非分散红外光度法技术,开发研制具有自主知识产权的适合国情的适于野外便携式的测油仪。利用此仪器,可以检测出被测水样中亚甲基、甲基物质和动植物油脂的污染物含量,为我国众多的环境检测站点监测水体的油污染状况提供依据。
### 内容概要 《计算机试卷1》是一份综合性的计算机基础和应用测试卷,涵盖了计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、网络、多媒体技术等多个领域的知识点。试卷包括单选题和操作应用两大类,单选题部分测试学生对计算机基础知识的掌握,操作应用部分则评估学生对计算机应用软件的实际操作能力。 ### 适用人群 本试卷适用于: - 计算机专业或信息技术相关专业的学生,用于课程学习或考试复习。 - 准备计算机等级考试或职业资格认证的人士,作为实战演练材料。 - 对计算机操作有兴趣的自学者,用于提升个人计算机应用技能。 - 计算机基础教育工作者,作为教学资源或出题参考。 ### 使用场景及目标 1. **学习评估**:作为学校或教育机构对学生计算机基础知识和应用技能的评估工具。 2. **自学测试**:供个人自学者检验自己对计算机知识的掌握程度和操作熟练度。 3. **职业发展**:帮助职场人士通过实际操作练习,提升计算机应用能力,增强工作竞争力。 4. **教学资源**:教师可以用于课堂教学,作为教学内容的补充或学生的课后练习。 5. **竞赛准备**:适合准备计算机相关竞赛的学生,作为强化训练和技能检测的材料。 试卷的目标是通过系统性的题目设计,帮助学生全面复习和巩固计算机基础知识,同时通过实际操作题目,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。通过本试卷的学习与练习,学生将能够更加深入地理解计算机的工作原理,掌握常用软件的使用方法,为未来的学术或职业生涯打下坚实的基础。


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