[b]1. change user : SU[/b]
eg: if current user is root, u want to change to another user A, then : su userA
1. just list directory:
ls -l| grep ^d
2. list specific character directory
ls -d abc*
3. list directory via time
ls -l -t
ls -lrt
4. check whether a port number is used:
netstat -n | grep 15010
if generate nothing, then not used; if generated including the port number lines, then its occupied
5 search specific strings from a bunch of file
grep -n -R "string" ./*
-n 打印行数,
-R 遍历目录
./* 当前目录下所有文件
6 copy a file to current directory
cp xyz .
7 add symbolic link
symbolic link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link
ln -s /sbcimp/run/pkgs/APRAP/profiles/.aprap_second_functional_run_profile /home/dssengap/.aprap_prod_run_profile
remove symbolic link: rm linkname
8 kill service
kill -9 pid
9. memory used checked:
eg: if current user is root, u want to change to another user A, then : su userA
1. just list directory:
ls -l| grep ^d
2. list specific character directory
ls -d abc*
3. list directory via time
ls -l -t
ls -lrt
4. check whether a port number is used:
netstat -n | grep 15010
if generate nothing, then not used; if generated including the port number lines, then its occupied
5 search specific strings from a bunch of file
grep -n -R "string" ./*
-n 打印行数,
-R 遍历目录
./* 当前目录下所有文件
6 copy a file to current directory
cp xyz .
7 add symbolic link
symbolic link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link
ln -s /sbcimp/run/pkgs/APRAP/profiles/.aprap_second_functional_run_profile /home/dssengap/.aprap_prod_run_profile
remove symbolic link: rm linkname
8 kill service
kill -9 pid
9. memory used checked: