SQL2005 有一个非常有用的管理视图:sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats,可以用它找出数据库中不被使用的索引。
create proc pChkidx
select tb_name=object_name(a.object_id)
into #tmp
from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats a left join sys.indexes b on a.object_id=b.object_id and a.index_id=b.index_id
left join sys.sysindexkeys c on c.id=a.object_id and c.indid=a.index_id
left join syscolumns d on d.id=c.id and d.colid=c.colid
where database_id=db_id()
and last_user_seek is null
and last_user_scan is null
and last_user_lookup is null
and last_user_update is not null
order by tb_name,idx_name,keyno
select tb_name,idx_name,last_user_update
,keywords= stuff(
(select '+'+ col_name
FROM #tmp
where tb_name=a.tb_name and idx_name=a.idx_name
order by tb_name,idx_name,keyno
for xml path('') )
from #tmp a
group by tb_name,idx_name,last_user_update
drop table #tmp
执行: exec pChkidx