学习011-03-09 Handle Renamings and Deletions of Business Classes and their Properties处理业务类及其属性的重命名和删除

Handle Renamings and Deletions of Business Classes and their Properties(处理业务类及其属性的重命名和删除)

When developing an XAF application, you may be required to rename a persistent class or property due to refactoring specifics or changed business requirements. An XAF application launched in debug mode automatically creates required tables and columns in a database after adding new classes or properties (see the Business Classes vs Database Tables topic). However, when you rename a persistent class that already has a corresponding table in a database, this class is treated as new, and a new table is created. As a result, the old table remains unused and renamed class data becomes unavailable. The same holds true when you rename a persistent property that already has a corresponding column in a database table. A new column is created for the new property and the old column remains unused. At the development stage, these are not big problems - you can manually rename a required table/column or even create a new database. But this approach is not suitable when your application is already distributed to end-users, and they have databases with production data. This topic describes a way of automatically handling database structure changes when updating an XAF application, and avoiding the manual updating of all end-user databases. Several typical scenarios are provided, and you will either follow one of them or combine them to handle more complex changes:

  • Rename the Persistent Property(重命名持久性属性)
  • Remove the Persistent Property(删除持久性属性)
  • Change the Persistent Property’s Data Type(更改持久性属性的数据类型)
  • Rename the Persistent Class(重命名持久类)
  • Rename the Persistent Class Participant in a Many-to-Many Relationship(重命名多对多关系中的持久类参与者)
  • Rename the Persistent Class Used as the Data Type in Analysis(重命名在分析中用作数据类型的持久类)
  • Rename the Persistent Class Used as the Data Type in Reports(重命名在报告中用作数据类型的持久类)
  • Remove the Persistent Class(删除持久类)

Some of the ModuleUpdater class’ protected methods, like RenameTable and RenameColumn demonstrated in this topic, are applicable when you are directly connected to Microsoft SQL Server, and may not work with different database engines. If you run into an exception when using these methods, you can pass an appropriate query to the ExecuteNonQueryCommand, ExecuteScalarCommand or ExecuteReader commands instead.

Rename the Persistent Property(重命名持久性属性)

Lets assume you have the Department class with the Office property, and it is required to rename this property to Room.

[DefaultClassOptions ]
public class Department : BaseObject {
    // ...
    private string office;
    public string Office {
        get { return office; }
        set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(Office), ref office, value); }
    // ...

The following steps are required to rename a property, and handle the database and application model changes.

  • rename the property in C# sources
  • rename the property in XAFML and BO files
  • rename the table column holding the renamed property values

These steps are detailed below.

  • Rename the Property in C# sources(重命名C#源中的属性)

Use the Visual Studio Refactor | Rename… command to look through your solution sources and rename the property anywhere it is used.
使用Visual Studio Refactor | Rename…命令查看您的解决方案源并在使用它的任何地方重命名属性。

Rebuild the solution to ensure that it is compilable, but do not run the application to avoid the creation of a new table column for the new property name.

  • Rename the Property in XAFML and BO Files(重命名XAFML和BO文件中的属性)

Refactoring tools do not update XAFML code. Use the Find and Replace dialog to look through XAFML files to rename a property. This dialog is available in Visual Studio using the Edit | Find and Replace | Quick Replace menu command or the CTRL-H shortcut. For instance, this may be required if you have a customized Department Detail View layout, or if the Office property is used in the filter criteria. Otherwise, the customizations will be lost.
重构工具不会更新XAFML代码。使用查找和替换对话框查看XAFML文件以重命名属性。在Visual Studio中,可以使用 Edit | Find和 Replace | Quick Replace菜单命令或CTRL-H快捷方式使用此对话框。例如,如果您有自定义的部门详细信息视图布局,或者如果在筛选条件中使用了Office属性,则可能需要此对话框。否则,自定义项将丢失。

  • Rename the Table Column Holding the Renamed Property Values(重命名包含重命名属性值的表列)

The Office column in the database table storing the Office property values should be renamed before updating database schema.

The ModuleUpdater.UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema method is intended to update an application database before the database schema is updated. We will override this method to perform the required changes with the database structure. The ModuleUpdater class exposes the RenameColumn protected method, which renames the required column in the database table. The following snippet illustrates how to rename the Office column in the Department table to Room.

public class Updater : ModuleUpdater {
    // ...
    public override void UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema() {
        if (CurrentDBVersion < new Version("")
            && CurrentDBVersion > new Version("")) {
            RenameColumn("Department", "Office", "Room");
    // ...

The “” string is the application version in which changes are introduced. So, the column will be renamed only if the database version is less than “”. It is required to check if the database version is greater than “”, to make changes only when the database exists and is filled with data (the empty database version is “”, by default).字符串是引入更改的应用程序版本。因此,只有当数据库版本小于“”时,列才会重命名。需要检查数据库版本是否大于“”,只有当数据库存在并充满数据时才进行更改(默认情况下,空数据库版本为“”)。

The SQL command actually executed within this example is:

EXECUTE sp_rename N'Department.Office', N'Room"', 'COLUMN'

The SQL command text is written to the application Log File with the “ExecuteNonQueryCommand:” prefix before being executed. If an error occurs while executing the RenameColumn method, the exception text is also logged. However, the application execution is not interrupted in the case of an error. You can refer to the application log file for debugging purposes.

  • Increment the application version, run the application and ensure that the property name changed and that data is available.

You can check that the column name was modified during the database update. If your database server is Microsoft SQL Server, run Microsoft SQL Management Studio and navigate to the modified column using the Object Explorer.
您可以检查在数据库更新期间是否修改了列名。如果您的数据库服务器是MicrosoftSQLServer,请运行MicrosoftSQLManagement Studio并使用对象资源管理器导航到修改后的列。

If you use another database server, use the appropriate database tool to check if the column name was actually modified.

Remove the Persistent Property(删除持久性属性)

If you remove the persistent property from the application code, it will not be visible in the application interface. But, the corresponding column will still exist in the application database. To remove a column, use the DropColumn protected method, exposed by the ModuleUpdater class. This method removes the specified column on the specified table. The following snippet illustrates how to remove the Room column from the Department table.
如果从应用程序代码中删除持久属性,它将在应用程序界面中不可见。但是,相应的列仍将存在于应用程序数据库中。要删除列,请使用由ModuleUpdater类公开的DropColull protected方法。此方法删除指定表上的指定列。以下代码片段说明了如何从部门表中删除Room列。

public class Updater : ModuleUpdater {
    // ...
    public override void UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema() {
        if (CurrentDBVersion < new Version(""))
            && CurrentDBVersion > new Version("")) {
            DropColumn("Department", "Room");
    // ...

The “” string is the application version in which changes are introduced. So, the column will be removed only if the database version is less than “”. Checking to determine if the database version is greater then “” is required to handle a scenario when the database is empty or does not exist.

The SQL command actually executed within this example is:

ALTER TABLE dbo.Department DROP COLUMN [Room]

The SQL command text is written to the application Log File with the “ExecuteNonQueryCommand:” prefix before being executed. If an error occurs when executing the DropColumn method, the exception text is also logged. However, application execution is not interrupted. You can refer to the application log file for debugging purposes.

Removing a property affects the Layout of Detail Views where the property was previously visible. Layout adjustments may be required after removing a property.

You can check that the column was removed during a database update. If your database server is Microsoft SQL Server, run Microsoft SQL Management Studio and navigate to the modified table in the Object Explorer. If you use another database server, use the appropriate database tool to check if the column was actually removed.
您可以检查该列是否在数据库更新期间被删除。如果您的数据库服务器是MicrosoftSQLServer,请运行MicrosoftSQLManagement Studio并导航到对象资源管理器中的修改表。如果您使用其他数据库服务器,请使用适当的数据库工具检查该列是否确实被删除。

Change the Persistent Property’s Data Type(更改持久性属性的数据类型)

Lets assume you have the Department class with the Description string property.

public class Department : BaseObject {
    // ...
    private string description;
    public string Description {
        get { return description; }
        set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(Description), ref description, value); }
    // ...

100 characters is the default size of a text property in XPO. For instance, if your database server is Microsoft SQL Server 2005, a column with the nvarchar(100) data type is created for the string property.
100个字符是XPO中文本属性的默认大小。例如,如果您的数据库服务器是MicrosoftSQLServer 2005,则会为字符串属性创建一个数据类型为nvarchar(100)的列。


When the property’s column is initially created, the data type can be specified by adding the Size or DbType attribute to the property’s declaration (refer to the How to Increase the Text Field Size of a Persistent Object knowledge base article). To change the data type of an existing column, use the ExecuteNonQueryCommand protected method exposed by the ModuleUpdater class. This method executes the specified SQL statement. The following snippet illustrates how to set the Description column data type to nvarchar(200).

public class Updater : ModuleUpdater {
    // ...
    public override void UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema() {
        if (CurrentDBVersion < new Version("")
            && CurrentDBVersion > new Version(""))  {
                "alter table Department alter column Description nvarchar(200)", true);
    // ...

The “” string is the application version in which changes are introduced. So, the data type will be changed only if the database version is less than “”. It is required to check if the database version is greater then “” to make changes only when the database exists and is filled with data (the empty database version is “”, by default). Available data types depend on the database server, so ensure that the specified data type is valid. The SQL command text is written to the application Log File with the “ExecuteNonQueryCommand:” prefix before being executed. If an error occurs when executing the ExecuteNonQueryCommand method, an exception text is also logged. However, application execution is not interrupted. You can refer to the application log file for debugging purposes. If it is required to throw an exception when an error occurs, set the second parameter of the ExecuteNonQueryCommand method to false.

Ensure that the Property Editor allows you to input text of the required size. In the Model Editor, modify the Size property of the BOModel | Department | Description node, if necessary. This attribute specifies the maximum number of characters that can be typed in the Property Editor.
确保属性编辑器允许您输入所需大小的文本。如有必要,在模型编辑器中修改BOModel | Department | Description节点的大小属性。此属性指定可以在属性编辑器中键入的最大字符数。

You can check that the data type was modified during the database update. If your database server is Microsoft SQL Server, run Microsoft SQL Management Studio and navigate to the modified column in the Object Explorer.
您可以检查数据类型是否在数据库更新期间被修改。如果您的数据库服务器是MicrosoftSQLServer,请运行MicrosoftSQLManagement Studio并导航到对象资源管理器中的修改列。


If you use another database server, use the appropriate database tool to check if the data type was actually modified.

Rename the Persistent Class(重命名持久类)

Lets assume you have a Department persistent class that should be renamed to Division. The following steps are required to rename the class and handle the required database and application model changes:

  • rename the class in C# sources,

  • rename the class in XAFML files,

  • rename the database table holding the renamed class data and update the XPObjectType table,

These steps are detailed below.

  • Rename the Class in C# Sources(在C#源代码中重命名类)

Use the Visual Studio Refactor| Rename… command to look through your solution sources and rename the class anywhere it is used.
使用Visual Studio Refactor| Rename… 命令查看您的解决方案源并在使用它的任何地方重命名类。

Rebuild the solution to ensure that it is compilable, but do not run the application to avoid creating a new table for the new class name.

  • Rename the Class in XAFML and BO Files(重命名XAFML和BO文件中的类)

Refactoring tools do not update XAFML code. Use the Find and Replace dialog to look through XAFML files’ code to rename the class anywhere it is used. This dialog is available in Visual Studio using the Edit | Find and Replace | Quick Replace menu command or the CTRL-H shortcut.
重构工具不会更新XAFML代码。使用查找和替换对话框查看XAFML文件的代码,以在使用类的任何地方重命名类。此对话框可在Visual Studio中使用编辑|查找和替换|快速替换菜单命令或CTRL-H快捷方式。

The List View and Detail View IDs should be modified. For instance, the “Department_ListView” ID should be renamed to “Division_ListView”. So, do not check the “Match whole word” option.

  • Rename the Database Table Holding the Renamed Class Data and Update the XPObjectType Table(重命名保存重命名类数据的数据库表并更新XPObjectType表)

The Department table in the database should be renamed before updating the database schema.

The XPObjectType table, automatically created and containing all the valid persistent object types, should also be modified.

The ModuleUpdater.UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema method is intended to update an application database before the database schema is updated. We will override this method to perform the required changes in the database structure. The ModuleUpdater class exposes the RenameTable and UpdateXPObjectType protected methods. The RenameTable method renames the specified table. The first parameter is the old name and the second is the new name. The UpdateXPObjectType method updates the XPObjectType table. This method finds the row where the TypeName column value equals the first parameter. In this row, it changes the TypeName column to the value specified by the second parameter and changes the AssemblyName column to the value specified by the third parameter. The following snippet illustrates how to rename the Department table to Division and update the XPObjectType table.

public class Updater : ModuleUpdater {
    // ...
    public override void UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema() {
        if (CurrentDBVersion < new Version("")
            && CurrentDBVersion > new Version("")) {
            RenameTable("Department", "Division");
                "MySolution.Module.Department", "MySolution.Module.Division", "MySolution.Module");
    // ...

The “” string is the application version in which changes are introduced. So, the column will be removed only if the database version is less than “”. Checking if the database version is greater than “” is required to make changes only when the database exists and is filled with data.

The SQL commands actually executed within this example are:

sp_rename 'Department', 'Division', 'OBJECT'
update XPObjectType set TypeName = 'MySolution.Module.Division', AssemblyName = 'MySolution.Module'
where TypeName = 'MySolution.Module'

The SQL command text is written to the application Log File with the “ExecuteNonQueryCommand:” prefixes before being executed. If an error occurs when executing the RenameTable or UpdateXPObjectType method, the exception text is also logged. However, in the case of an error, the application execution is not interrupted. You can refer to the application log file for debugging purposes.

Increment the application version, run the application and ensure that the class name changed and data is available.

You can check that the class’ table name was modified during the database update. If your database server is Microsoft SQL Server, run Microsoft SQL Management Studio and navigate to the modified table in the Object Explorer.
您可以检查在数据库更新期间类的表名是否被修改。如果您的数据库服务器是MicrosoftSQLServer,请运行MicrosoftSQLManagement Studio并在对象资源管理器中导航到修改后的表。

If you use another database server, use the appropriate database tool to check if the table name was actually modified.

Rename the Persistent Class Participant in Many-to-Many Relationship(重命名多对多关系中的持久类参与者)

Lets assume you have the Department and Position classes and there is a Department-Position many-to-many relationship. It is required to rename the Department to Division.

[DefaultClassOptions ]
public class Department : BaseObject {
    // ...
    public XPCollection<Position> Positions {
        get { return GetCollection<Position>(nameof(Positions)); }
    // ...
public class Position : BaseObject {
    // ...
    public XPCollection<Department> Departments {
        get { return GetCollection<Department>(nameof(Departments)); }
    // ...

All the steps described in the Rename a Persistent Class section are required in this case. But, there are two additional steps.

  • Rename the Position.Departments property to Divisions and modify the property name used in this property’s getter. Change the “Departments-Positions” association name to “Divisions-Positions”.

  • Modifying the PositionPositions_DepartmentDepartments database table while storing the relationship information is required - rename the Departments column and the table itself.
    将Position. Departments属性重命名为Divisions,并修改此属性的getter中使用的属性名称。将“Departments-Positions”关联名称更改为“Divisions-位置”。

To perform the renaming, add the following code to the UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema method.

if (TableExists("PositionPositions_DepartmentDepartments")) {
    RenameColumn("PositionPositions_DepartmentDepartments", "Departments", "Divisions");
    RenameTable("PositionPositions_DepartmentDepartments", "PositionPositions_DivisionDivisions");

Rename the Persistent Class Used as the Data Type in Analysis(重命名在分析中用作数据类型的持久类)

If the Analysis business class is used in your application, it may be required to modify the Analysis table in end-user databases. This is necessary because end-users can have Analysis objects with DataType properties pointing to a renamed class. So, after performing the steps described in the Rename a Persistent Class section, add the following code to the UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema method.

    "update Analysis set ObjectTypeName = 'MySolution.Module.Division' " +
    "where ObjectTypeName = 'MySolution.Module.Department'", true);

Rename a Persistent Class Used as the Data Type in Reports(重命名用作报告中数据类型的持久类)

If the Reports V2 Module is added to your application, it is required to modify the report’s data. This is necessary because end-users may have reports with the IReportDataV2.DataType property pointing to a renamed class. So, after performing the steps described in the Rename a Persistent Class section, add the following code to the UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema method.
如果将报告V2模块添加到您的应用程序,则需要修改报告的数据。这是必要的,因为最终用户可能拥有指向重命名类的IReportDataV2. DataType属性的报告。因此,在执行重命名持久类部分中描述的步骤后,将以下代码添加到UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema方法中。

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2;
    ObjectSpace, "MySolution.Module.Department", typeof(Division));

In the code above, the ReportDataProvider.MassUpdateDataType method is used instead of ExecuteNonQueryCommand.
在上面的代码中,使用ReportDataProvider. MassUpdateDataType方法代替ExecuteNonQueryCommand。

Remove the Persistent Class(删除持久类)

If you remove the persistent class from the application code, it will not be visible in the application interface. But, the corresponding table will still exist in the application database. To remove the table, use the DropTable protected method exposed by the ModuleUpdater class. This method removes the specified table. The following snippet illustrates how to remove the Division table.

public class Updater : ModuleUpdater {
    // ...
    public override void UpdateDatabaseBeforeUpdateSchema() {
        if (CurrentDBVersion < new Version("")
            && CurrentDBVersion > new Version("")) {
            DropTable("Division", true);
    // ...

The “” string is the application version in which changes are introduced. So, the table will be removed only if the database version is less than “”. It is required to check if the database version is greater then “” to make changes only when the database exists and is filled with data (the empty database version is “”, by default).字符串是引入更改的应用程序版本。因此,只有当数据库版本小于“”时,表才会被删除。需要检查数据库版本是否大于“”,以便仅在数据库存在并填充数据时进行更改(默认情况下,空数据库版本为“”)。

The SQL commands actually executed within this example are:

drop table Division
delete from XPObjectType where TypeName = 'MySolution.Module.Division'

The SQL commands text is written to the application Log File with the “ExecuteNonQueryCommand:” prefix, before being executed. If an error occurs when executing the DropTable or DeleteObjectType method, the exception text is also logged. However, application execution is not interrupted. You can refer to the application log file for debugging purposes. If it is required to throw an exception if an error occurs when deleting the table, set the second parameter of the DropTable method to false.

You can check that the table was removed during the database update. If your database server is Microsoft SQL Server, run Microsoft SQL Management Studio and navigate to the application database table list in the Object Explorer. If you use another database server, use the appropriate database tool to check if the table was actually removed.
您可以检查表是否在数据库更新期间被删除。如果您的数据库服务器是MicrosoftSQLServer,请运行MicrosoftSQLManagement Studio并导航到对象资源管理器中的应用程序数据库表列表。如果您使用其他数据库服务器,请使用适当的数据库工具检查表是否确实被删除。





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