Carbide.c++ 是Nokia专门为Symbian系统开发提供的一个集成开发工具。此开发工具其实是基于Eclipse平台构建((我的理解应该是Eclipse + CDT + Nokia plugin))。熟悉Eclipse的都知道Eclipse的功能强大和易用性,在Eclipse上的大部分经验技巧都能在 Carbide.c++ 使用,由于Eclipse目前的主流开发环境还是以JAVA为主,作为C++的开发环境还是有些差别。在这里我将整理一些在Carbide.c++ 中可以使用的经验和技巧,持续更新中。
1 编辑相关
2 编译、运行
3 调试
4 重构相关
5 阅读源码
6 导航相关
[edit] 编辑相关
* Ctrl+ ↓ Ctrl+↑ 在编辑区上下滚动(滚动滑块)
* Ctrl+ ← Ctrl + → 向前向后移动一个单词
* Ctrl+ Shift + ↓ Ctrl+ Shift + ↑ 向上向下移动一个段落(可以方便的在函数方法中滚动)
* Ctrl+G 搜索工作区中的声明
* Ctrl+ Shift +G 搜索所有引用
* Ctrl+ Shift +S 保存所有文档
* Ctrl+F 查找替换
* Ctrl + J 增量查找(根据动态键盘输入进行动态匹配)
* Ctrl + k 查找替换下一个
* Ctrl + L 转到指定的行号
* Ctrl+ Shift + F4 关闭所有编辑窗口
* Ctrl + SHIFT + P 匹配对应的括号
* CTRL+SHIFT+X 将选中的小写转换为大写
* CTRL+SHIFT+Y 将选中的大写转换为小写
* Ctrl+M 将当前窗口在最小化和最大化之间切换
* Ctrl+Q 定义最后编辑的地方
* Ctrl+O 快速显示 OutLine
* Ctrl+K 参照选中的Word快速定位到下一个
* Ctrl+E 快速显示当前Editer的下拉列表
* Ctrl+` 在c/c++中非常有用的功能 打开相关的源文件或头文件
* Ctrl+D 删除当前行
* Ctrl+Alt+↓ 复制当前行到下一行(复制增加)
* Ctrl+Alt+↑ 复制当前行到上一行(复制增加)
* Alt+↓ 当前行和下面一行交换位置(特别实用,可以省去先剪切,再粘贴了)
* Alt+↑ 当前行和上面一行交换位置(同上)
[edit] 编译、运行
* Ctrl+B - 重新编译所有项目.
* F11 - 调试(Debug)当前项目.
* Ctrl+F11 - 运行当前项目.
* Ctrl+. and Ctrl., - 转到下一个/前一个提示项目。当编译器为我们生成了很多编译警告等信息的时候,这个功能将发挥区大的作用。
* Ctrl+Shift+B - 切换当前行的断点状态。注意,该快捷键仅仅在调试界面下是可用的,在Symbian开发界面下是不可用的。
* Ctrl+Alt+B 程序编辑目标项目
[edit] 调试
* F5 - 进入当前行函数.
* F6 - 执行当前行.
* F7 - 跳出当前执行函数.
* F8 - 继续执行.
* Ctrl+R - 执行到当前行.
[edit] 重构相关
* Alt + shift + r - 变量名函数名重构
[edit] 阅读源码
* F3 - 查看变量的声明(F3对头文件的作用在Carbide v1.3.中得到了修正,头文件可以在outline中双击打开)
* F4 - 查看某类的继承层次关系
* Ctrl + T 快速查看类的继承关系
* Ctrl + SHIFT + T 快速打开某一类型
[edit] 导航相关
* F12 - 使编辑视图获得焦点
* ALT+SHIFT+W 当焦点在编辑区的时候显示源文件的导航视图(Outline,Navigator,C++ project)
* Ctrl+F6 ,Ctrl+ SHIFT+ F6 在编辑视图中对打开的文档进行进行切换(类似于WINDOWS的 ALT+TLB和 ALT+SHIFT+TBL)
* Ctrl+F7,Ctrl+ SHIFT+ F7 对全局视图进行切换
* Ctrl+F8 ,Ctrl+ SHIFT + F8 - 界面组的切换 ,这个快捷键可以切换Symbian界面组和调试(Debug)界面组。
进入Carbide:Window->Preferences->General->keys 进行设置
Add Bookmark : Ctrl+F2 (添加书签)
Next Bookmark : F2 (循环跳转到书签)
Find Word : Ctrl+F3 (查找单词)
Find Next : F3 (往下查找单词)
Find Previous : Shift+F3 (往上查找单词)
Open Declaration : F12 (打开函数或变量的声明)
Show View (View: Console) : F6 (打开控制台)
Build All : F7 (编译程序)
Debug : F5 (调试程序)
Resume : F5 (运行到下一断点)
Terminate : Shift+F5 (停止调试)
Run : F8 (运行程序)
Next : F4 (下一个错误或警告)
Previous : Shift+F4 (上一个错误或警告)
Step Over : F10 (不进入函数)
Step Into : F11 (进入函数)
Step Return : Shift+F11 (推出所进入的函数)
Run to line : Ctrl+F10(运行到光标行)
Toggle Breakpoints : F9 (设置/取消 断点)
Removes All Breakpoints : Ctrl+Shift+F9
Symbian OS的错误代码定义大全
Generic Errors
KErrNone 0
KErrNotFound -1 Unable to find the specified object
KErrGeneral -2 General (unspecified) error
KErrCancel -3 The operation was cancelled
KErrNoMemory -4 Not enough memory
KErrNotSupported -5 The operation requested is not supported
KErrArgument -6 Bad request
KErrTotalLossOfPrecision -7 Total loss of precision
KErrBadHandle -8 Bad object
KErrOverflow -9 Overflow
KErrUnderflow -10 Underflow
KErrAlreadyExists -11 Already exists
KErrPathNotFound -12 Unable to find the specified folder
KErrDied -13 Closed
KErrInUse -14 The specified object is currently in use by another program
KErrServerTerminated -15 Server has closed
KErrServerBusy -16 Server busy
KErrCompletion -17 Completion error
KErrNotReady -18 Not ready
KErrUnknown -19 Unknown eror
KErrCorrupt -20 Corrupt
KErrAccessDenied -21 Access denied
KErrLocked -22 Locked
KErrWrite -23 Failed to write
KErrDisMounted -24 Wrong disk present
KErrEof -25 Unexpected end of file
KErrDiskFull -26 Disk full
KErrBadDriver -27 Bad device driver
KErrBadName -28 Bad name
KErrCommsLineFail -29 Comms line failed
KErrCommsFrame -30 Comms frame error
KErrCommsOverrun -31 Comms overrun error
KErrCommsParity -32 Comms parity error
KErrTimedOut -33 Timed out
KErrCouldNotConnect -34 Failed to connect
KErrCouldNotDisconnect -35 Failed to disconnect
KErrDisconnected -36 Disconnected
KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint -37 Bad library entry point
KErrBadDescriptor -38 Bad descriptor
KErrAbort -39 Interrupted
KErrTooBig -40 Too big
KErrDivideByZero -41 Divide by zero
KErrBadPower -42 Batteries too low
KErrDirFull -43 Folder full
KErrHardwareNotAvailable -44
KErrSessionClosed -45
KErrPermissionDenied -46
KErrMsgBioMessageNotValid -90
Etel Fax
KFaxErrModemNotWorking -101 The fax modem has failed
KFaxErrCannotConnect -102
KFaxErrCSIorCIG -103
KFaxErrDISorDTC -104
KFaxErrFrameFail -105 The connection to the fax machine has been broken
KFaxErrAtNegotiatedSpeed -106
KFaxErrCFR -107
KFaxErrMCF -108
KFaxErrCRP -109
KFaxErrNoDial -110 Could not dial fax number
KFaxErrNoDialTone -111 No dial tone was detected
KFaxErrBusy -112 The line is busy
KFaxErrNoAnswer -113 The call was not answered
KFaxErrNoCarrier -114 The call was not answered by a fax machine
KFaxErrRemoteCannotReceive -115 Could not send to the fax machine. The fax machine is unable to receive faxes
KFaxErrCompression -116 Panic
KFaxErrPageTooLong -117 Panic
KFaxErrDCN -118
KFaxErrRemoteDCN -119
KFaxErrHDLC -120
KFaxErrStopAndWait -121 Panic
KFaxErrTrainStop -122
KFaxErrReceiveTimeout -123 Could not send to the fax machine. The connection has timed out
KFaxErrCannotEndData -124 The connection to the fax machine has been broken
KFaxErrEOP -125
KFaxErrMPS -126
KFaxErrNoReceiveMode -127
KFaxErrCannotAnswer -128
KFaxErrPrematureHangup -129 Could not receive fax. The fax machine ended the call
KFaxErrModemResponse -130
KFaxErrPrematureOK -131
KFaxErrNoFinalOK -132
KFaxErrUnknownPageCode -133
KFaxErrNoHangup -134
KFaxErrNoNegotiate -135
KFaxErrModemDisconnect -136
KFaxErrWrongModemType -137
KFaxErrTrainFail -138
KFaxTransmitterStalled -139
KFaxReceiverOverflow -140
KFaxCannotOpenPort -141
KFaxCannotCloseStore -142
KFaxCannotOpenStore -143
KFaxThreadError -144
KFaxFileSessionError -145
KFaxLogCreateError -146
KFaxFileSeekError -147
KFaxPDDError -148
KFaxLDDError -149
KFaxC32Error -150
KFaxCommsServerError -151
KFaxCommsPortError -152
KFaxCancelRequested -153
KFaxNoClass2Xon -154
KFaxConfigError -155
KFaxCannotAutodetect -156
KCannotFindFirstPage -157
KFaxBadInitialization -158
KFaxOnlyJustAutoDetected -159
KFaxBelowMinSpeed -160
KFaxPollingUnsupported -161
KFaxNothingToPoll -162
KFaxEtelServerError -163
Email Pop Errors
KPop3CannotConnect -170 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection
KPop3InvalidUser -171 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username
KPop3InvalidLogin -172 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString -173 Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon
KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer -174 Problem communicating with POP3 server
KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry -175 Panic
KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext -176 Panic
KPop3InvalidApopLogin -177 Panic
Email Socket Errors
KImsKErrorDNSNotFound -180 Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel
KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked -181 Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel is closed
KImskErrorISPOrIAPRecordNotFound -182
KImskErrorActiveSettingIsDifferent -183 Unable to connect using the specified IAP, already connected to the Internet using a different IAP
KImskSecuritySettingsFailed -184
Socket Errors
KErrNetUnreach -190 Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable
KErrHostUnreach -191 Could not connect to the specified server
KErrNoProtocolOpt -192 The specified server refuses the selected protocol
KErrUrgentData -193
KErrWouldBlock -1000 See also BAFL, OCR and PTI errors
Email IMAP Errors
KErrImapConnectFail -200 Could not connect to IMAP4 server
KErrImapServerFail -201 The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken
KErrImapServerParse -202
KErrImapServerBusy -203 The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy
KErrImapServerVersion -204 Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version
KErrImapSendFail -205 Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server
KErrImapBadLogon -206 The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KErrImapSelectFail -207
KErrImapWrongFolder -208 Could not select an IMAP4 folder
KErrImapServerNoSecurity -209
KErrImapServerLoginDisabled -210 Login for this IMAP4 server has been disabled
KErrImapTLSNegotiateFailed -211 A secure connection cannot be made to this server
KErrImapCantDeleteFolder -212 This folder cannot be deleted
KDmssUnknownErr -221
KDmssMailboxUnavailableErr -222
KDmssActionAbortedErr -223
KDmssActionNotTakenErr -224
KDmssCmdUnrecognisedErr -225
KDmssSyntaxErrorErr -226
KDmssCmdNotImplementedErr -227
KDmssBadSequenceErr -228
KDmssParamNotImplementedErr -229
KDmssMailboxNoAccessErr -230
KDmssExceededStorageErr -231
KDmssMailboxNameErr -232
KDmssTransactionFailedErr -233
KDmssTimeOutErr -234
Symbian 系统错误大全详解-涵盖所有类型错误(英文)
Generic Errors
KErrNone 0
KErrNotFound -1 Unable to find the specified object
KErrGeneral -2 General (unspecified) error
KErrCancel -3 The operation was cancelled
KErrNoMemory -4 Not enough memory
KErrNotSupported -5 The operation requested is not supported
KErrArgument -6 Bad request
KErrTotalLossOfPrecision -7 Total loss of precision
KErrBadHandle -8 Bad object
KErrOverflow -9 Overflow
KErrUnderflow -10 Underflow
KErrAlreadyExists -11 Already exists
KErrPathNotFound -12 Unable to find the specified folder
KErrDied -13 Closed
KErrInUse -14 The specified object is currently in use by another program
KErrServerTerminated -15 Server has closed
KErrServerBusy -16 Server busy
KErrCompletion -17 Completion error
KErrNotReady -18 Not ready
KErrUnknown -19 Unknown error
KErrCorrupt -20 Corrupt
KErrAccessDenied -21 Access denied
KErrLocked -22 Locked
KErrWrite -23 Failed to write
KErrDisMounted -24 Wrong disk present
KErrEof -25 Unexpected end of file
KErrDiskFull -26 Disk full
KErrBadDriver -27 Bad device driver
KErrBadName -28 Bad name
KErrCommsLineFail -29 Comms line failed
KErrCommsFrame -30 Comms frame error
KErrCommsOverrun -31 Comms overrun error
KErrCommsParity -32 Comms parity error
KErrTimedOut -33 Timed out
KErrCouldNotConnect -34 Failed to connect
KErrCouldNotDisconnect -35 Failed to disconnect
KErrDisconnected -36 Disconnected
KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint -37 Bad library entry point
KErrBadDescriptor -38 Bad descriptor
KErrAbort -39 Interrupted
KErrTooBig -40 Too big
KErrDivideByZero -41 Divide by zero
KErrBadPower -42 Batteries too low
KErrDirFull -43 Folder full
Email Pop Errors
KPop3CannotConnect -170 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection
KPop3InvalidUser -171 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username
KPop3InvalidLogin -172 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString -173 Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon
KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer -174 Problem communicating with POP3 server
KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry -175 Panic
KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext -176 Panic
KPop3InvalidApopLogin -177 Panic
Email Socket Errors
KImsKErrorDNSNotFound -180 Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel
KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked -181 Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel is closed
KImskErrorISPOrIAPRecordNotFound -182
KImskErrorActiveSettingIsDifferent -183 Unable to connect using the specified IAP, already connected to the Internet using a different IAP
KImskSecuritySettingsFailed -184
Socket Errors
KErrNetUnreach -190 Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable
KErrHostUnreach -191 Could not connect to the specified server
KErrNoProtocolOpt -192 The specified server refuses the selected protocol
KErrUrgentData -193
KErrWouldBlock -1000 See also BAFL, OCR and PTI errors
Email IMAP Errors
KErrImapConnectFail -200 Could not connect to IMAP4 server
KErrImapServerFail -201 The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken
KErrImapServerParse -202
KErrImapServerBusy -203 The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy
KErrImapServerVersion -204 Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version
KErrImapSendFail -205 Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server
KErrImapBadLogon -206 The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KErrImapSelectFail -207
KErrImapWrongFolder -208 Could not select an IMAP4 folder
KErrImapServerNoSecurity -209
KErrImapServerLoginDisabled -210 Login for this IMAP4 server has been disabled
KErrImapTLSNegotiateFailed -211 A secure connection cannot be made to this server
KErrImapCantDeleteFolder -212 This folder cannot be deleted
KDmssUnknownErr -221
KDmssMailboxUnavailableErr -222
KDmssActionAbortedErr -223
KDmssActionNotTakenErr -224
KDmssCmdUnrecognisedErr -225
KDmssSyntaxErrorErr -226
KDmssCmdNotImplementedErr -227
KDmssBadSequenceErr -228
KDmssParamNotImplementedErr -229
KDmssMailboxNoAccessErr -230