发明人:Ziedses des Plantes和Kaufman

1.1.1 Inventors Ziedses des Plantes and Kaufman
A Dutch neuroradiologist and electrical engineer, Bernard
George Ziedses des Plantes, is often credited with inventing tomosynthesis. Ziedses des Plantes published the first article about the technique, which he called “seriescopy,” in 1935 (Ziedses des Plantes 1935). He subsequently patented seriescopy in 1936 (Ziedses des Plantes 1936). In a 1938 paper (Ziedses des Plantes 1938), he described seriescopy as a “radiographic method which makes it possible to view an infinite series of parallel planes in succession by means of a few exposures.” Ziedses des Plantes built a prototype serioscope based on circular tomography in which the system took four stationary film exposures at equidistant locations along the circular path of the x-ray tube (e.g., at 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°). Different planes of focus could be achieved by reciprocally moving the developed films above a single viewing screen. Ziedses des Plantes also described an optical method of reconstruction using mirrors to superimpose images of the films and the rocking of the mirrors to achieve the same effect as translating the films (Webb 1990). In addition, he described a device for recording the level of the plane of focus (Webb 1990)
A method very similar to seriescopy was invented by Julius Kaufman, MD, of Brooklyn, New York in 1936 (Kaufman 1936a). Kaufman called his method “planeography” and stated that with this method, “it is possible to demonstrate any plane in space, parallel to the plane of the plate from two (or more) roentgenograms (films) properly taken.” Kaufman stressed the localization and depth measurement capabilities of his method. Depth measurements were achieved “by reference to a specially
constructed curve, the ‘standard depth curve,’” which related the height of a linear object in a plane parallel to the films to the spread of the projections of that object in the films. Although Kaufman is not recognized as the inventor of tomosynthesis, given the similarities between the concepts of Ziedses des Plantes and Kaufman, the fact that the inventions were made at about the same time (1935 for Ziedses des Plantes, 1936 for Kaufman) and neither was familiar with the other’s work at that time, it seems fair that both Ziedses des Plantes and Kaufman should be credited with this invention. In addition to his original paper explaining the planeography method, Kaufman published two short papers on applications of the method (Kaufman 1936b, 1938). Also, after learning of a presentation on serioscopy by Cottenot in 1937 (described in the next section of this chapter),Kaufman and a colleague, Harry Koster, MD, published a critical analysis comparing their planeography technique to Cottenot’s serioscopy and Ziedses des Plante’s seriescopy (Kaufman and Koster 1940). The latter are two different spellings for the same technique. Kaufman and Koster stated, “apparently Dr. Cottenot rediscovered planeography independently, terming the method ‘serioscopy’” (Kaufman and Koster 1940). In their critical analysis, Kaufman and Koster illustrated how, with serioscopy, unequal magnification of parts of an object (e.g., the top and bottom of a vertically oriented cylinder) at different distances from the film detector results in an “erroneous impression of the true size, shape and relative position of the object” in the serioscope. They state that special measures suggested by Kaufman in his earlier planeography publications (Kaufman 1936b, 1938) are required to correct these problems.

1.1.1 发明人:Ziedses des Plantes和Kaufman

荷兰神经放射学家贺电气工程师Bernard George Ziedses des Plantes被认为是断层合成的发明者。1935年,Ziedses des Plantes发表了第一篇关于这种技术的文章,他称之为“连续投影”。他随后在1936年获取了“系类复制”的专利。在1938年的一篇论文中,他将连续投影描述为一种“通过几次曝光就可以连续观察无限多个平行平面的放射摄影方法”。 Ziedses des Plantes构建了一个基于圆形断层成像的系列镜头原型,该系统在x射线管的圆形路径上等距离的位置(例如,在0°、90°、180°和270°),拍摄四张固定胶片。不同的聚焦平面实现了在单个视图内的来回移动。 Ziedses des Plantes还描述了一种光学重建方法(Webb,1990),使用镜子去重叠胶片图像并且移动镜子来实现相同的转换效果。此外,他还描述了一种用于记录聚焦平面水平的设备。
一种非常类似于连续投影的方法是1936年由纽约布鲁克林的医学博士Julius Kaufman发明的(Kaufman 1936a)。Kaufman称他的方法为“平面照相术”,并指出有了这种方法,“可以通过正确拍摄两张(或更多)X光片来展示空间中任何平行于探测平板的平面。Kaufman强调了他的方法的定位贺深度测量能力。深度测量是“通过参考一个特别构造:‘标准深度曲线’”来实现的,该曲线将平行于照相平面上的线性物体的高度与该物体在照片上的投影的分布联系起来。虽然Kaufman一直不被认为是断层合成的发明者,但考虑到Ziedses des Plantes和Kaufman的概念的相似性,并且事实上两者的发现处于同一时期(Ziedses des Plantes1935年,Kaufman1936年),两人当时都不熟悉对方的工作,所以把这项发明归因于Ziedses des Plantes和Kaufman是比较公平的。除了原始的两篇描述平面照相术原理的论文外,Kaufman还发表了两篇关于其应用的简短的论文(Kaufman 1936b,1938)。另外,Kaufman和他的同事Harry Koster医生在1937年聆听了Cottenot关于连续投影的报告后,发表了一篇批评性的分析,比较了他们的平面照相术与Cottenot的连续摄影(serioscopy)和 Ziedses des Plante的连续照相术(seriescopy)( Kaufman and Koster 1940)。后者是同一技术的两种不同拼写。Kaufman和Koster声称:很明显,Cottenot博士独立的重新发现了平面照相术,命名为“连续投影”。在他们的批判性分析中,Kaufman和Koster证明了连续投影中,由于距离胶片探测器的不同距离,对象物体各部分不相等的被放大(例如垂直方向的圆柱体顶部和底部),导致的对物体的真实大小、形状和相对位置的错误印象。他们指出,Kaufman在其早期的发表的平板照相术中,采取了特殊的措施来纠正这些错误。

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