/** initialize prediction data with enabling sub-LCU-level delta QP
*\param uiDepth depth of the current CU
*\param qp qp for the current CU
*- set CU width and CU height according to depth
*- set qp value according to input qp
*- set last-coded qp value according to input last-coded qp
Void TComDataCU::initEstData( UInt uiDepth, Int qp )
m_dTotalCost = MAX_DOUBLE;//double 类型成员函数 总的分割代价sum of partition RD costs
m_uiTotalDistortion = 0; //无符号int 类型变量 总的分割失真sum of partition distortion
m_uiTotalBits = 0; //sum of partition bits bits是编码后的比特数
m_uiTotalBins = 0; //sum of partition bins bin是句法元素的二进制位数
UChar uhWidth = g_uiMaxCUWidth >> uiDepth;
UChar uhHeight = g_uiMaxCUHeight >> uiDepth;
for (UInt ui = 0; ui < m_uiNumPartition; ui++)//64x64/4x4=256
if(getPic()->getPicSym()->getInverseCUOrderMap(getAddr())*m_pcPic->getNumPartInCU()+m_uiAbsIdxInLCU+ui >= getSlice()->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr())
//Char* m_apiMVPIdx[2]; ///< array of motion vector predictor candidates
//Char* m_apiMVPNum[2]; ///< array of number of possible motion vectors predictors单向预测和双向预测
m_apiMVPIdx[0][ui] = -1;
m_apiMVPIdx[1][ui] = -1;
m_apiMVPNum[0][ui] = -1;
m_apiMVPNum[1][ui] = -1;
m_puhDepth [ui] = uiDepth;
m_puhWidth [ui] = uhWidth;
m_puhHeight [ui] = uhHeight;
m_puhTrIdx [ui] = 0;
//UChar* m_puhTransformSkip[3];///< array of transform skipping flags
m_puhTransformSkip[0][ui] = 0;//QP for Y
m_puhTransformSkip[1][ui] = 0;//QP forCb
m_puhTransformSkip[2][ui] = 0;//QP forCr from JCTVC-L1003_v34.doc 8.6.2 Scaling and transformation process
m_skipFlag[ui] = false;
m_pePartSize[ui] = SIZE_NONE; // SIZE_NONE=15 不支持帧内帧间分割模式
m_pePredMode[ui] = MODE_NONE; // MODE_NONE = 15 不是帧内帧间预测模式
m_CUTransquantBypass[ui] = false;
m_pbIPCMFlag[ui] = 0;
m_phQP[ui] = qp;
m_pbMergeFlag[ui] = 0;
m_puhMergeIndex[ui] = 0;
m_puhLumaIntraDir[ui] = DC_IDX;//#define DC_IDX 1 //index for intra DC mode
m_puhChromaIntraDir[ui] = 0;
m_puhInterDir[ui] = 0;
//UChar* m_puhCbf[3]; ///< array of coded block flags (CBF)
m_puhCbf[0][ui] = 0;
m_puhCbf[1][ui] = 0;
m_puhCbf[2][ui] = 0;
UInt uiTmp = uhWidth*uhHeight;
if(getPic()->getPicSym()->getInverseCUOrderMap(getAddr())*m_pcPic->getNumPartInCU()+m_uiAbsIdxInLCU >= getSlice()->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr())
uiTmp = uhWidth*uhHeight;
//亮度采样系数缓冲器 3种
memset( m_pcTrCoeffY, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcTrCoeffY ) );
memset( m_pcArlCoeffY , 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcArlCoeffY ) );
memset( m_pcIPCMSampleY, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcIPCMSampleY ) );
//色度采样系统缓冲器 3种
memset( m_pcTrCoeffCb, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcTrCoeffCb ) );
memset( m_pcTrCoeffCr, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcTrCoeffCr ) );
//采用自适应QP选择 ARL:Adaptive Reconstruction Level
memset( m_pcArlCoeffCb, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcArlCoeffCb ) );
memset( m_pcArlCoeffCr, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcArlCoeffCr ) );
memset( m_pcIPCMSampleCb, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcIPCMSampleCb ) );
memset( m_pcIPCMSampleCr, 0, uiTmp * sizeof( *m_pcIPCMSampleCr ) );
最新推荐文章于 2021-12-24 16:59:49 发布