Sample Resume for Beginners (Detail Version)

Sample Resume for Beginners (Detail Version)

In this paper, there are so many stilnux , I search it for 1st time

Sample resume format for beginners

This is my resume in initial days and think it may help you preparing a resume of yours especially if you are writing one from the scratch. This is meant for beginners in IT industry who want to have a template for preparing their own CV in coming days.


  • Profile:
  • Core Competencies
  • Highlights
  • Achievements
  • Profile: <full name >

     Personal Information

    Date of Birth

    xx th  March, 19xx




    Full Address,



     +91 xxxxxxxxxx (m), +91xxxxxxxxxx( r )

    e-mail ;


    English, xxxxx, xxxxx




    Degree Major

    Grad Yr.


    xxxxx University

    B.Tech., Computer Science & Tech.


    xxxx xxxx, India

    Core Competencies

    • Embedded Systems
    • Real Time Operating System ( RTOS :  STLinux, Kernel version 2.6; OS21; OS20)
    • Processors: ST 231 processor (VLIW), Microcontroller (ST Microcontroller series 8K, 71xx, 51xx),      DSP architecture (TI DSP VelociTI), MIPS 24K core with 32K data and 32K instruction cache.
    • Data Structure
    • Programming Language : C , C++
    • Computer Architecture ( ST231 parallel processor architecture, Instruction Level Pipelining  )
    • Toolset Skill :         STLinux [Kernel version 2.6] (ST40R3.0.3 for)

                                                Mips tool chain

                                                 ST20R1.9.6, ST20R2.0.5 [OS20 Toolset]

                                                 ST40R2.1.4, ST200 [OS21 Toolset]

                                                 BlackHawk Debugger for debugging TI DSPs through JTAG.


    • Currently working with xxxx xxxx Pvt. Ltd. on Residential Gateway Project. Working in device driver team for developing and maintaining linux networking device drivers. Wrote networking drivers for ethernet devices. Virtual Network Interface for gigabit ethernet devices. Implemented NAPI for the KVNI module.  
    • Worked with xxxx xxxx(India) on 3G-324M Conversational Video Telephony for Product DTG (xxxx xxxx xxxx) 3000. Developing H264-pass-through feature in DTG3000 product. Integrating H264TOH264 Transcoder into DSP framework.
    • Worked for the product DTG2000. In DTG2000 the primary work was to fix outstanding bugs in the software.
    • Understanding of Texas Instruments provided DSPs (DSP 6203 namely VelociTI, a TI designed VLIW architecture) being used in the product DTG3000 for Demultiplexing, Transcoding, Transrating and Multiplexing of RTP packets into multiplexed stream for delivering it onto the Circuit side network.
    • Understanding of SIPTCP/IPRTPRTSP protocol stacks. Understanding of Call signaling of 3G-324 protocol.
    • Understanding of Audio Video Synchronization Mechanism using RTCP.
      • Worked with Linux based driver integration.
        7109linuxdtv reference tree project (STB7109 chip set based Set Top Box Project):
        Writing applications for integrating Linux based STAPI drivers into reference tree.
        • Completed External Training on Linux Kernel Mode which included the following:

          o   Cross-compilation of application (STAPPLI) in Linux.

          o    Linux kernel configuration using menuconfig and .config file.

          o    Using sh4-linux-gdb for debugging application.

          • Using kgdb for debugging Device Drivers like STAUDLx.


          o    Using JTAG for communicating between host and TARGET board (COCOREF).

          o    Linux System Architecture: Knowledge of Kernel space and User space, System Call Interface, Application and driver interaction mechanism, System Calls for interaction with the Kernel, Configurability and modularity of Linux kernel, Different classes of Linux Devices.

          o    Modules: What is a kernel module, How to create a module, compiling and linking a module with the kernel. Difference between a kernel modules and application

          o    Process Management in Linux

          o    Process Scheduling and Linux Scheduler Internals

          o    Threads in Linux: Creating a pthread in the application, compiling and running the thread. Thread synchronization using semaphore or mutex.

          o    Creating and using pthread in application space.

          o     Device Driver:  Experience of writing character device drivers/modules for Linux. Skull  driver simulating an actual device driver in Linux Kernel mode.

          o    Interrupts: Concept of Linux Interrupts and Interrupts handling.

          o    Memory Management:  Linux Memory management schemes. Different memory regions  and their characteristics.

          o    "STLinux" Basic concepts:

                   Handling of Driver calls from Application

                IOCTL interface for interacting between Application and Driver 

                Detailed setup and interaction of Linux Server, Board and Host machine

    • Design and development of applications on STLinux platforms for STB7109l SOC. Porting of application for different ST chips like STB7109 STB7100 etc.
    • Working with Lx based Audio driver integration/debugging in STB5524 (Set Top Box Project). Knowledge on Lx based Audio architecture and data flow (STB7109 chipset based Set Top Box Project).    
    • Integration of STAPI Drivers with the Application Layer. Writing TestApplications for testing the driver functionality. Writing wrapper layers for the driver APIs (STB7109 chipset based Set Top Box Project).
    • Implementing Audio wrapper layer for supporting features like MPEG1/2,AC3,AAC playback, 16/32 bit PCM mixing, SPDIF (compressed/non-compressed/off modes), 5 to 2 channel down mixing, audio stream change in run-time in the application(STB7109 chipset based Set Top Box Project).
    • Experience of working with Serial Communication protocols like I2C, SPI.
    • Experience of using Packet Injector, DTV Modulator, and DVB feed for data input.
    • Experience of using STV0299, STV0399, and STX0288 TUNERS. Configuring the tuners and integrating the tuner driver into the tree.
    • Experience of working with MMDSP based Audio Driver for the device STB5301 (Set Top Box Project).
    • Experience of working with MMDSP based audio in devices like STi5588, STi5589. Resolving customer bugs of the highest priority. Resolving long pending issues at customer's urgent request (DVD Project).
    • Experience of working with Lx based audio driver in device like STi8000. Resolving customer bugs (DVD Project).
    • Creation of Training material of Audio state transition events, Audio Driver Architecture ( both Lx and MMDSP based audio ), MMDSP architecture, Host processor architecture ( ST231 core processor ), Working of  Programmable Transport Interface ( STB Project ) , DVB Standard.
    • Developing MIDlets for handheld devices; Implementation of CLDC and MIDP for handheld devices in FITT, IIT Delhi (2003). Worked with MOTOROLA 6908 Micro-controller in FITT, IIT Delhi (2003). Experiments on LED Blinking, Remote Temperature Sensing. Worked in project "An Automated Gesture Based Interface for Tele-robotic Application" in IRD, IIT Delhi (2002).

    Employment History


    Job Title



    June `08 – Present

    Senior Software Engineer

    xxxx xxxx xxx 

    NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India

    Aug'07– June `08

    Senior Software Engineer

    xxxx xxxx xxx

    NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA

    Mar'07 – Aug'07

    Senior Software Engineer

    xxxx xxxx xxx

    GREATER NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India

    Jun'05 – Feb'07

    Software Engineer

    xxxx xxxx xxx

    GREATER NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India

    Sept'03 – May'05

    Associate Software Engineer

    xxxx xxxx xxx

    GREATER NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India

    Jun02 – Sept'03

    Project Associate

    xxxx xxxx  xxx 

    IIT Delhi, New Delhi


     Work Details (Total Experience: 5 years and 10 months: 2002-2008)

    1.       xxxxx Project

    • Working in linux device driver team for developing and maintaining linux network drivers. Working with Network drivers (like KAVNET, KVNI) meant for implementing routing, bridging functionalities. Primary responsibility is to port the existing drivers from the previous product to the current DRG3800 product. Additionally network drivers like USB, Wi-Fi are to be implemented in future releases.   
    • Writing and debugging networking drivers for ethernet devices.
    • Implementing, Owning and maintaining KVNI (virtual network interface) module.

    2.       xxxx xxxx xxxx(Team of 4 members) 

    • Porting feature like H264 pass through from DTG2000 to the DTG3000 software.H264 pass through is a feature which implements a new style of transcoder that simply re-packetises video streams between RTP and 324M. No format, rate conversion, scaling is required from these transcoders and it is hoped that a simple scan for "markers" in the video stream will be enough to allow the packet format changes.
    • Porting of features like WNSRP (Windowed Numbered Simple Re-transmission Protocol).
    • Preparing design doc for implementing/porting the feature from DTG2000 into DTG3000.
    • Unit testing for the developed component.

      3.       xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx(Team of 4 members)

    • Debugging and fixing the outstanding bugs in the software.

      4.       xxxx xxx( Team of  4 members )

      Customer: xxxx, xxxx

    • Integrating Lx based Audio driver into the 7109linuxdtvref reference tree. Playback of MPEG1, MPEG2, AC3 and AAC audio with 231 companion processor.
    • Writing Application specific codes for initiating, opening audio driver and providing data to driver and companion processor.
    • Implementing features like 2-5 channel AC3 downmixing in the application.
    • Switching audio playback from DVB to DIRECTV and A3 to DIRECTV service mode in runtime (audio service mode change in runtime).
    • Playback of SPDIF audio through external decoder (YAMAHA/SONY decoder). Switching of SPDIF output between OFF, COMPRESSED and UNCOMPRESSED modes in runtime.
    • Implementing feature Audio Stream change between MPEG1, MPEG2, AC3 and AAC within service mode in runtime. Implementing support in GUI to exercise the feature from the menu option.
    • Implementing STDEBUG testtool environment for the reference tree user. STDEBUG is a testtool application works on top of driver layer and with the user input given provides useful debug information of the drivers.
    • Implementing DIRECTV SECTION data (APG, MPT, CAP, DAP, PIP) filtering in the reference tree.
    • Implementing GUI functionalities for audio like VOL Up/Down, audio MUTE etc.
    • Resolving audio bugs on customer demands.
    • Working on Generic Multi-instance Audio configuration from application.
    • Integrating different other drivers based on project requirement.

      5.       xxxx xxxx( Currently working, Team of  2members )

      Customer: xxxx

    • Working with Lx based Audio Driver. Audio PES being decoded by host ST231 and data being decoded by another ST231 companion processor.
    • Through idea about the audio data flow and decode chain components like PES Parser, Frame Analyzer, Decoder, Mixer, Audio Players and output through DACs.
    • Detailed knowledge of Audio Subsystem of STB5524 SOC.
    •  Started writing and porting of Lx based Audio driver STAUDLx to the current tree.
    • Implementing Application Layer for interacting with the Audio driver.   
    • Writing TestApplication (TestApp1 for testing basic Audio Video Decode).
    • Integrating other drivers to the reference tree for the TestApplication to run with full AV Decode.

      6.       xxx xxxx(Team of  4 members )

      Customer: xxxx, xxxx

    • Porting 5301ref tree for D11 (Philips board).
    • Working in Audio Driver ( MMDSP Based Audio )
    • Writing wrapper layer (Application Layer) for all STAPI components like Audio driver (STAUD), Tuner (STTUNER), PIOs, EVT, CLKRV, AVMEM etc.
    • Integration of STAPI components with the 5301ref tree.
    • Running Delivery script for customer delivery of reference tree in UNIX environment.
    • Debugging and resolving audio related issues in the stack.
    • Working on UCL Compression for the stack for code optimization.
    • Working on HDI DEMUX Layer. DEMUX Testing with HDI
    • Writing/Porting of wrapper layer for STTUNER integrating and running different STTUNERS (like STV399, STV299+6k Tuners) with DTV modulator, DVB live feed.
    • Working with  DTV Modulator ( Simulator for the DTV Live feed streams )
    • Writing TestApplication for PTI stress Test.
    • Working with Make System of the stack. Wrote own make systems for the stack at R&D of the project.
    • Running Test Harnesses of the different drivers for checking/debugging integrity.
    • Working with Profiling for different TestApplications with the ST200 Toolset.
    • Giving training on Audio Subsystem of the device.
    • Toolset Used: ST200Toolset, RTOS: ST200 real time OS (st200cc compiler & st200gdb debugger in DOS and cygwin environment).

      7.       xxxx device based Audio Driver ( xxxx Audio Driver Team , Team of  5 members )

      Customer: xxxx

    • Working in Audio driver (Lx based audio).
    • Understanding the Audio streaming concept implemented in the stack (STCM).
    • Understanding the Audio Chain and different modules of the Audio Driver.
    • Resolving bugs in the stack.
    • Giving presentation on the Audio chain of 8k STCM.
    • Toolset Used: ST40Toolset, RTOS: ST21 real time OS (st40cc compiler & st40gdb debugger).

      8.       xxxx device based Audio Driver (xxxx 6.3, Team of  6 members )

      Customer: LG, AIDA 

    • Working with Audio driver (MMDSP based Audio, STi5589 Device).
    • Working with AIDA and LG Development environments.
    • Designing Audio State Machine of the stack (STCM).
    • Fixing all the existing customer bugs in the stack.
    • Code review of the peer engineer.
    • Toolset Used: ST20Toolset, RTOS: ST20 real time OS (st20cc compiler & st20gdb debugger).

      9.       xxxx xxxxxx ( xxx , Team of 6 members )

      Customer: PIONEER

      • Working in the audio driver (MMDSP based audio).
      • Supported customer (Pioneer) single handedly for long time.
      • Fixing lot of customer bugs (audio bugs) of highest priority.
      • Fixing lot of long pending issues of highest priority in the stack.
      • Code review of peer engineers.
      • Toolset Used: ST20Toolset, RTOS : ST20 real time OS ( st20cc compiler & st20gdb debugger )

      10.    xxxx xxxx xxxx ( xxx , Team of 6 members )

  • Developing MIDlets for handheld devices. Implementation of CLDC and MIDP for handheld devices
  • Language Use: JAVA 2 Micro Edition (J2ME, Embedded solution of Java).
  • Devices Worked on: Palm m515 , MOTOROLA Accomplis008
  • J2ME Wireless Toolkit, PRC Converter Tools. Wireless Toolkit Emulator, Palm OS Emulator (POSE).
  • Palm Desktop , True Sync Desktop
  • OS:  Windows for Desktop Development , Palm OS version 4.1
  • Object Oriented Modeling using UML. Working with
  • Poseidon for UML Community Edition

    Working with MOTOROLA 6908 Micro-controller

            Development Environment:  ICS08GPZ, WinIDE Development Environment

            Experiments on LED Blinking, Remote Temperature Sensing   

    11.    An Automated Gesture Based Interface For Tele-robotic Application ( Team of 2 members )

  • Analysis of Gesture Extraction, Large Gesture Tracking, Gesture Segmentation, Designing Recognition Scheme.
  •  Design and Implement Interface Coding in C,C++
  • Preparing Project Documents in Latex.


  • Stood district first in higher secondary examination (10+2). Ranked 22nd in the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Examination.
  • Stood district third in Secondary examination (10th Std.). Ranked 35th in the West Berngal Board of Secondary examination.
  • Earned Scholarship in Jagadish Chandra Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) from North East Zone in the academic session 1996-97. 


    ·         Playing Cricket, Football, Writing poems.

    ·         Listening Music.



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"re for beginners" 指的是为初学者设计的re(正则表达式)指南或教程。正则表达式是一种强大且灵活的文本匹配工具,用于在字符串中查找和操作特定模式的文本。 首先,学习re的基础知识是关键。了解re的语法规则和常用元字符非常重要。例如,元字符"."代表一个任意字符,"^"和"$"分别表示行的开头和结尾等。同时,学习如何使用字符类来匹配特定的字符范围,如"[0-9]"表示匹配0到9之间的任意数字等。 其次,掌握re的常用函数和方法。在Python中,我们可以通过re模块来使用正则表达式。例如,和re.match()函数用于在字符串中查找匹配模式的子字符串,re.findall()函数用于返回所有匹配的字符串列表。此外,还有re.sub()函数用于替换匹配的字符串。 在学习re时,练习是非常重要的。通过编写各种模式和测试字符串的正则表达式,可以帮助我们更好地理解其工作原理。同时,网上有许多在线正则表达式测试工具,可以帮助我们实时调试和验证我们的表达式。 最后,持续学习和实践re是提高技能的关键。正则表达式非常强大且灵活,可以在各种应用中使用。通过不断学习和解决实际问题,我们可以逐渐掌握更高级的正则表达式技巧和技术。 总结来说,“re for beginners”是一个为初学者设计的正则表达式指南或教程。通过学习re的基础知识、掌握常用函数和方法、进行练习和实践,我们可以逐步提升自己的正则表达式技能。




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