请将一个具有n个元素的一维向量向左旋转i个位置.假如n = 8 ,i = 3 ,那么向量abcdefgh旋转之后得到的向量defghabc简单编码使用有一个具有n个元素的中间向量分n步完成此作业.你可以仅仅使用几十个字节的微小内存,花费与n成正比例的时间完成该向量的旋转?
1 就用一个中间变量存放x[0],然后将x[i]移到x[0],x[2*i]移到x[i,依次类推(将x中的所有下标对n取摸),直到我们有回到x[0]为止,不过在这时候我们从中间变量中提取元素,然后结束该过程.如果该过程不能够移动所有的元素,那么我们从x[1]开始重复上面过程,知道所有的元素被交换到.
#include " stdlib.h "
#include " string.h "
#define SIZE 10
char * circumgyrate( char * number, int circle)
int lenChar = strlen (number),count = 0 , i = 0 , time = 0 ;
char temp ;
while ( count < lenChar && i <= circle - 1 )
temp = number[i];
time = 0 ;
while ( ((time + 1 ) * circle) % lenChar != i && count < lenChar )
count ++ ;
number[time * circle % lenChar] = number[(time + 1 ) * circle % lenChar];
time ++ ;
count ++ ;
number[time * circle % lenChar] = temp ;
i ++ ;
return number ;
int main()
char * testChar;
int number ;
int circleNum ;
printf( " please input the number char you input: " );
scanf( " %d " , & number);
testChar = ( char * )malloc( sizeof ( char ) * (number + 1 ));
printf( " please input the chars: " );
scanf( " %s " ,testChar);
printf( " please input the number of circle you want: " );
scanf( " %d " , & circleNum);
printf( " the chars %s circle %d is: " ,testChar,circleNum);
printf( " %s " ,circumgyrate(testChar,circleNum));
return 0 ;
please input the number char you input:20
please input the chars:1234567890abcdefghij
please input the number of circle you want:7
the chars 1234567890abcdefghij circle 7 is:
#include " stdlib.h "
#include " string.h "
char * reversed( char * number, int frontNum , int len, int startLoc )
int i ;
if ( frontNum == len - frontNum )
for (i = startLoc ; i < startLoc + frontNum; i ++ )
number[i] ^= number[ i + frontNum];
number[ i + frontNum] ^= number[i];
number[i] ^= number[ i + frontNum];
return number ;
else if ( frontNum < len - frontNum )
for ( i = startLoc ; i < startLoc + frontNum ; i ++ )
number[i] ^= number[ len - frontNum + i];
number[len - frontNum + i ] ^= number[i];
number[i] ^= number[ len - frontNum + i];
return reversed ( number ,frontNum ,len - frontNum ,startLoc);
for ( i = startLoc ; i < startLoc + len - frontNum ; i ++ )
number[i] ^= number[frontNum + i];
number[frontNum + i] ^= number[i];
number[i] ^= number[frontNum + i];
return reversed ( number , 2 * frontNum - len ,frontNum ,startLoc + len - frontNum);
int main()
char * testChar ;
int number ;
int circleNum ;
printf( " please input the number char you input: " );
scanf( " %d " , & number);
testChar = ( char * )malloc( sizeof ( char ) * (number + 1 ));
printf( " please input the chars: " );
scanf( " %s " ,testChar);
printf( " please input the number of circle you want: " );
scanf( " %d " , & circleNum);
printf( " the chars %s circle %d is: " ,testChar,circleNum);
printf( " %s " ,reversed(testChar,circleNum,number, 0 ));
return 0 ;
please input the number char you input:20
please input the chars:1234567890abcdefghij
please input the number of circle you want:7
the chars 1234567890abcdefghij circle 7 is:
3 这个算法我觉得真的是很棒的一个算法,将这个问题看做是把数组ab转换成数组ba,我们先从ab开始,转置a,然后转置b,然后将a的转置和b的转置一起转置得到ba
程序 如下(自己写的):
#include " stdlib.h "
#include " string.h "
char * testChar;
void reversed( int startLoc , int endLoc)
for ( int i = startLoc ; i <= (endLoc + startLoc) / 2 && i != endLoc - i + startLoc ; i ++ )
testChar [i] ^= testChar[endLoc - i + startLoc];
testChar[endLoc - i + startLoc] ^= testChar [i] ;
testChar [i] ^= testChar[endLoc - i + startLoc];
int main()
int number ;
int circleNum ;
printf( " please input the number char you input: " );
scanf( " %d " , & number);
testChar = ( char * )malloc( sizeof ( char ) * (number + 1 ));
printf( " please input the chars: " );
scanf( " %s " ,testChar);
printf( " please input the number of circle you want: " );
scanf( " %d " , & circleNum);
printf( " the chars %s circle %d is: " ,testChar,circleNum);
reversed( 0 , circleNum - 1 ) ;
reversed (circleNum ,number - 1 );
reversed ( 0 ,number - 1 ) ;
printf( " %s " ,testChar);
return 0 ;
please input the number char you input:20
please input the chars:1234567890abcdefghij
please input the number of circle you want:7
the chars 1234567890abcdefghij circle 7 is: