WWAC radio station

WWAC radio station

The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of WWAC radio station.

"To reverse a decline in listener numbers, our owners have decided that WWAC must change from its current rock-music format. The decline has occurred despite population growth in our listening area, but that growth has resulted mainly from people moving here after their retirement. We must make listeners of these new residents. We could switch to a music format tailored to their tastes, but a continuing decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music. Instead we should change to a news and talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area.”

english version depending on Skeleton

In the passage, the manage of WWAC radio station claims that the decline of rock-music has occurred despite population growth in listening area. The manager also cites various other evidence that people moving here after their retirement become interested in listening area. Therefore, the manager draws a quick conclusion: it’s better to change the music format from rock-music to a news and talk format to meet the retirement residents’ taste. Unfortunately, underlying this reasoning is unwarranted assumptions: 1) retirement residents would like the new music format 2) the reason of decline in local sales of recorded music has no influence on sales of new format recorded music. 3) the current residents of rock-music would like the new music format: news and talk format.

First of all, changing music format to meet retirement residents tastes does not necessarily indicate that those people would like to have interest in the new music format, not mention to listen to the WWAC radio station. In the passage, the manager does not contain any evidence about that. Perhaps, those people also like rock-music, because they may like the energetic power of the rock-music and those music would make them younger in the spirit.

Secondly, to support his/her conclusion, the manager mentions that continuing decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music. However, this decline has little indication that local residents have limited interest in music. There are many other reasons, like the quality of WWAC recorded music is terrible or the recorded music is too inexpensive to afford it. The fact is that, with the development of Internet, more and more residents turn to Internet to listen music rather than recorded music, so it’s not surprising that decline has occurred. 

Thirdly, changing to a news and talk format would lend support to the author’s claim only if the previous music listeners have interest in news and talk format. I would image that the previous music listeners would never listen to the WWAC radio any more, the WWAC radio station would loss more listeners. 

Thus, in order to fully support author’s conclusion, the author should provide more specific and detailed evidence to make his/her conclusion more sound. 1) the number of new residents 2) a survey showing the incline or preferences of new residents 3) a survey showing no other reasons account for dramatic incline of recorded music.

draft version:

The manager of WWAC radio station, in the passage, metentioned that the decline of rock-music has occurred despite population growth in listening area, and the manager also metentioned more people moving here after their retirement become interested in listening area. Then the manage drawed a quick conclusion that it's better to change the music format to a news and talk format to meet the retire people's teast. However, this conclusion depend on some unconving assumptions: 1) retire people would like the new music format 2) the reasons of decline in local sales of recorded music and new format music are different. 3) the current residents of rock-music would like the new format: news and talk format. 

Firstly, in the passage, the manager do not contain any evidence that the retire peope like the news and talk music. Perhaps, those people also like the rock-music, they like the energic music and those music would make them younger in the spirit. 

Secondly, the manager metentioned that the decline of rock-music has occured. However, he/she does not let us know why local residents do not like the rock music any more. I think a reasonable reason is that with the development of Internet, more and more turn to Internet to listen the rock-music rather than radio station. You can see, internet is so convenient, you can listen to any music you like at any time and repeat it times and times if you want to. 

Thirdly, the manager does not consider the residents'(rock-music fan) trendency . I would image that the previous rock-music would not listen to the WWAC radio any more, the WWAC radio station would loss more listeners. 

In a conclusion, the manager of WWAC is supposed to provide more specific and detailed evidence to make his/her conclusion more sound: 1) the number of new residents 2) a survey showing the incline or preferences of new residents 3) a survey showing people's interests now, rock-music or talk format 4) the interests of people who listening to the rock-music.

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