

1. 问候和日常用语

  • Hello! / Hi!
  • Good morning. / Good afternoon.
  • How are you?
  • Nice to meet you.
  • Thank you.

2. 数字和颜色

  • Numbers: One, two, three, four, five…
  • Colors: Red, blue, green, yellow, black…

3. 动物

  • Animal names: Dog, cat, bird, fish, elephant…
  • Animal sounds: Woof-woof (dog), Meow-meow (cat), Tweet-tweet (bird)…

4. 家庭成员

  • Family members: Mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa…

5. 身体部位

  • Body parts: Head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs…

6. 食物和饮料

  • Food: Apple, banana, cake, bread…
  • Drinks: Milk, juice, water, tea…

7. 衣服和配饰

  • Clothing: Shirt, dress, pants, shoes, hat…

8. 学校和学习用品

  • School items: Pen, pencil, book, ruler, backpack…
  • Subjects: Math, English, Art…

9. 动作和指令

  • Actions: Jump, run, sing, dance…
  • Commands: Stand up, sit down, look at, listen to…

10. 季节和天气

  • Seasons: Spring, summer, autumn, winter…
  • Weather: Sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy…

11. 节日和庆祝

  • Holidays: Christmas, New Year, Children’s Day…
  • Celebrations: Happy birthday!

12 时间 。






短文咒语(讯飞星火 好难啊妈的/ 豆包还可以):





第一部分:帮我生成1-2年级小朋友也能看懂的英语短文,单词要尽可能简单,语法也要简单一点,不要复杂的词汇,文章不用太长,7-8句即可,英语短文里不用出现音标!第二部分短文里挑出几个重点单词,给这些重点单词标出他们的音标。第三部分末尾是中文译文。本次英语短文主题是【学科】。里面可以有这些词汇【 Math, English, Art…】






帮我生成可爱卡通图片 熊猫 比例 9:16 横屏。

帮我生成图片:帮我生成可爱卡通图片 熊猫 它在吃竹子 很开心 。风格为3D 立体 写实风格图片风格为「儿童绘画」,比例 「16:9」

帮我生成图片:帮我生成可爱卡通图片  不用有中文。 风格为「儿童绘画」,比例 「16:9」。画面内容:时间很重要。我们有白天、夜晚和年份。早晨在夜晚之后到来。我们每天去学校。我们学习和玩耍。当晚上来临时,我们回家。时间帮助我们知道接下来要做什么。

帮我生成图片:帮我生成可爱卡通图片 , 画面里不要出现任何中文或英文。 风格为「儿童绘画」,比例 「16:9」。画面内容:


第一步 批量制作内容咒语。100篇。✅

第二步 Ai生成对应图片。

第三步 放到PS,排版。(标注难度 🌟🌟🌟)

第四步 生成音频。

第五步 音频存到网盘,生成二维码图片。

第六步 放到Ps。

第七步 ps排版。

第八步 生成pdf,加水印。

1 熊猫

### Pandas Are Cute

Pandas are cute animals. They live in China.  

They have black and white fur. Pandas love to eat bamboo.  

They sleep a lot during the day.  

People around the world like pandas. They are friendly.  

We should take care of pandas. They need our help!

1. Pandas: /ˈpændz/ - 熊猫
2. China: /ˈtʃaɪnə/ - 中国
3. Bamboo: /bæmˈbu:/ - 竹子
4. Sleep: /sli:p/ - 睡觉
5. Friendly: /ˈfrendli/ - 友好的
6. Take care of: /teɪk kɛr ʌv/ - 照顾


2 中秋节 

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a special day. We see the full moon and eat mooncakes. Families get together to celebrate. Some people like to watch the moon and tell stories. It's a happy time for all.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a special day. We see the full moon and eat mooncakes. Families get together to celebrate. Some people like to watch the moon and tell stories. It's a happy time for all.


  1. Mid-Autumn /mɪd ˈɔːtəm/ - 中秋节
  2. special /ˈspɛʃəl/ - 特别的
  3. full /fʊl/ - 满的
  4. moon /muːn/ - 月亮
  5. mooncakes /ˈmuːnkeɪks/ - 月饼
  6. families /ˈfæməliz/ - 家庭
  7. together /təˈɡɛðər/ - 一起
  8. celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/ - 庆祝
  9. stories /ˈstɔːri:z/ - 故事
  10. happy /ˈhæpi/ - 快乐的

第三部分: 中秋节是一个特别的日子。我们看到满月和吃月饼。家人聚在一起庆祝。有些人喜欢看月亮和讲故事。这是所有人快乐的时光。

3 时间

Time is important. We have days, nights, and years. Morning comes after night. We go to school every day. We learn and play. When evening comes, we go home. Time helps us know what to do next.

1. **important** /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/ - 重要的
2. **days** /deɪz/ - 天
3. **nights** /naɪts/ - 夜晚
4. **years** /jɪərz/ - 年
5. **morning** /ˈmɔːrnɪŋ/ - 早晨
6. **school** /skuːl/ - 学校
7. **learn** /lɜːrn/ - 学习
8. **play** /pleɪ/ - 玩耍
9. **evening** /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ - 晚上
10. **home** /hoʊm/ - 家


4 颜色

Colors are fun. Red is the color of apples. Blue is the color of the sky. Green is for leaves. Yellow is for the sun. Colors make our world beautiful. We see colors every day. They make us happy.

1. **colors** /ˈkʌlzərz/ - 颜色
2. **red** /rɛd/ - 红色
3. **apples** /ˈæpəlz/ - 苹果
4. **blue** /bluː/ - 蓝色
5. **sky** /skaɪ/ - 天空
6. **green** /ɡriːn/ - 绿色
7. **leaves** /liːvz/ - 叶子
8. **yellow** /ˈjeləʊ/ - 黄色
9. **sun** /sʌn/ - 太阳
10. **beautiful** /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ - 美丽的
11. **happy** /ˈhæpi/ - 快乐的


5 鳄鱼 

The crocodile is a big animal. It lives in the water and on land. Crocodiles have long tails and sharp teeth. They like to bask in the sun. Some people are scared of crocodiles, but they are interesting animals.

1. **crocodile** /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/ - 鳄鱼
2. **animal** /ˈænɪməl/ - 动物
3. **water** /ˈwɔːtər/ - 水
4. **land** /lænd/ - 陆地
5. **tails** /teɪlz/ - 尾巴
6. **sharp** /ʃɑːrp/ - 锋利的
7. **teeth** /tiːθ/ - 牙齿
8. **bask** /bɑːsk/ - 晒太阳
9. **sun** /sʌn/ - 太阳
10. **scared** /skɛərd/ - 害怕的
11. **interesting** /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ - 有趣的


6 国庆节

National Day is very fun. We can see flags everywhere. Red flags are beautiful. We sing and dance. We are happy. We love National Day.


  • National Day [ˈnæʃnəl deɪ]:国庆节
  • fun [fʌn]:有趣的
  • flag [flæɡ]:旗帜
  • beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:漂亮的
  • sing [sɪŋ]:唱歌
  • dance [dæns]:跳舞
  • happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的


7 学科

**短文**: I like school. I have Math, English and Art. Math is fun. English is interesting. Art is beautiful. I love learning. 

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - Math [mæθ]:数学 - English [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]:英语 - Art [ɑːt]:美术 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的 - interesting [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ]:有意思的 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:漂亮的


8 衣服


I like clothes. I have a T-shirt. It is blue. I have pants. They are black. I have a skirt. It is red. Clothes are nice.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - clothes [kləʊðz]:衣服 - T-shirt [ˈtiː ʃɜːt]:T恤 - blue [bluː]:蓝色 - pants [pænts]:裤子 - black [blæk]:黑色 - skirt [skɜːt]:裙子 - red [red]:红色 - nice [naɪs]:漂亮的

**中文译文**:我喜欢衣服。我有一件 T 恤。它是蓝色的。我有裤子。它们是黑色的。我有一条裙子。它是红色的。衣服很漂亮。

9 国庆节 2


National Day is a special holiday in China. It is on October 1st. On this day, people celebrate together. Families have fun and enjoy tasty food. There are parades with colorful flags. Many people watch fireworks in the evening. It is a happy time for everyone. We love National Day!


  1. 国庆节 - National Day /ˈnæʃənl deɪ/
  2. 特别的 - special /ˈspeʃəl/
  3. 庆祝 - celebrate /ˈsɛləˌbreɪt/
  4. 游行 - parade /pəˈreɪd/
  5. 烟花 - fireworks /ˈfaɪərwɜrks/
  6. 家庭 - family /ˈfæmɪli/



10 **问候和日常用语*

**问候和日常用语**: Hello! Nice to see you. How are you? I am fine. Thank you. Bye! See you later. Have a good day! Let's play.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - Hello [həˈləʊ]:你好 - Nice [naɪs]:好的 - see [siː]:看见 - How [haʊ]:怎样 - are [ɑː(r)]:是 - fine [faɪn]:好 - Thank [θæŋk]:谢谢 - Bye [baɪ]:再见。


11  **数字**

**数字**: I have one pencil. Two books. Three erasers. Four rulers. Five crayons. Six apples. Seven balls. Eight stars.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - one [wʌn]:一 - two [tuː]:二 - three [θriː]:三 - four [fɔː(r)]:四 - five [faɪv]:五 - six [sɪks]:六 - seven [ˈsevn]:七 - eight [eɪt]:八。


12 **长颈鹿**

**长颈鹿**: I see a giraffe. It is very tall. It has a long neck. Its eyes are big. Its ears are small. Its body is yellow and brown. It eats leaves. It is so cute.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - giraffe [dʒəˈrɑːf]:长颈鹿 - tall [tɔːl]:高的 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - small [smɔːl]:小的 - yellow [ˈjeləʊ]:黄色 - brown [braʊn]:棕色 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的。


13 **大象**

**大象**: The elephant is big. It has a long nose. Its ears are like fans. Its legs are strong. Its tail is short. It can carry heavy things. It is very kind. It is my favorite animal.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - elephant [ˈelɪfənt]:大象 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - fan [fæn]:扇子 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - short [ʃɔːt]:短的 - kind [kaɪnd]:善良的 - favorite [ˈfeɪvərɪt]:最喜欢的。


14 **兔子**

**兔子**: I like the rabbit. It is white. It has long ears. Its eyes are red. Its tail is short. It can jump high. It eats carrots. It is very lovely.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - rabbit [ˈræbɪt]:兔子 - white [waɪt]:白色 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - red [red]:红色 - short [ʃɔːt]:短的 - jump [dʒʌmp]:跳 - carrot [ˈkærət]:胡萝卜 - lovely [ˈlʌvli]:可爱的。


15 **猫**

**猫**: The cat is cute. It has soft fur. Its eyes are green. Its tail is long. It can climb trees. It likes to play with balls. It is very lazy sometimes.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - cat [kæt]:猫 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的 - soft [sɒft]:柔软的 - green [ɡriːn]:绿色 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - climb [klaɪm]:爬 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - lazy [ˈleɪzi]:懒惰的。


16 **狗** 

**狗**: I have a dog. It is friendly. It has a short tail. Its fur is brown. It can run fast. It likes to play with me. It is very loyal.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - dog [dɒɡ]:狗 - friendly [ˈfrendli]:友好的 - short [ʃɔːt]:短的 - brown [braʊn]:棕色 - run [rʌn]:跑 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - loyal [ˈlɔɪəl]:忠诚的。


17 **宠物**

**宠物**: I love my pet. It is fun. It has a cute face. Its body is small. It can do tricks. It makes me happy. It is my best friend.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - pet [pet]:宠物 - love [lʌv]:爱 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的 - small [smɔːl]:小的 - trick [trɪk]:把戏 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - friend [frend]:朋友。


18 **家庭成员**

**家庭成员**: I have a mom. She is nice. I have a dad. He is strong. I have a brother. He is funny. I have a sister. She is beautiful. I love my family.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - mom [mɒm]:妈妈 - nice [naɪs]:好的 - dad [dæd]:爸爸 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - brother [ˈbrʌðə(r)]:哥哥/弟弟 - funny [ˈfʌni]:有趣的 - sister [ˈsɪstə(r)]:姐姐/妹妹 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:漂亮的 - family [ˈfæməli]:家庭。


19 **身体部位**

**身体部位**: I have two eyes. They are big. I have a nose. It is small. I have a mouth. It can talk. I have two ears. They can hear. I have two hands. They can hold things. I have two feet. They can walk.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - eyes [aɪz]:眼睛 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - nose [nəʊz]:鼻子 - small [smɔːl]:小的 - mouth [maʊθ]:嘴巴 - talk [tɔːk]:说话 - ears [ɪəz]:耳朵 - hear [hɪə(r)]:听见 - hands [hændz]:手 - hold [həʊld]:拿 - feet [fiːt]:脚 - walk [wɔːk]:走路。


20 **国王**:

**国王**: The king is very strong. He has a crown. He lives in a big castle. He has many servants. He rides a horse. He is kind to his people. He makes good laws. He is loved by all.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - king [kɪŋ]:国王 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - crown [kraʊn]:王冠 - castle [ˈkɑːsl]:城堡 - servant [ˈsɜːvənt]:仆人 - horse [hɔːs]:马 - kind [kaɪnd]:善良的 - law [lɔː]:法律 - love [lʌv]:爱。


21 **朝代**:

In history, there are many dynasties. Each dynasty has its own story. People lived in different dynasties. They had different clothes. They had different customs. They had different kings. They made history.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - history [ˈhɪstri]:历史 - dynasty [ˈdɪnəsti]:朝代 - story [ˈstɔːri]:故事 - clothes [kləʊðz]:衣服 - custom [ˈkʌstəm]:习俗 - king [kɪŋ]:国王 - make [meɪk]:创造。



China is a great country. It has a long history. There are many beautiful places in China. People are friendly. Chinese food is delicious. Chinese culture is rich. China is getting stronger.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - China [ˈtʃaɪnə]:中国 - great [ɡreɪt]:伟大的 - history [ˈhɪstri]:历史 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - friendly [ˈfrendli]:友好的 - delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]:美味的 - culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]:文化 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的。



The world is very big. There are many countries in the world. People speak different languages. They have different cultures. We should love the world. We should make it a better place.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - world [wɜːld]:世界 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - country [ˈkʌntri]:国家 - language [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]:语言 - culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]:文化 - love [lʌv]:爱 - better [ˈbetə(r)]:更好的。



I like to travel. I can see many beautiful places. I can meet different people. I can try different foods. I can learn about different cultures. Travel is fun.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - travel [ˈtrævl]:旅游 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - meet [miːt]:遇见 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人 - food [fuːd]:食物 - culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]:文化 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的。



History is very interesting. We can learn from history. We can know what happened in the past. We can see how people lived. History tells us stories. History is important.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - history [ˈhɪstri]:历史 - interesting [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ]:有趣的 - learn [lɜːn]:学习 - past [pɑːst]:过去 - live [lɪv]:生活 - story [ˈstɔːri]:故事 - important [ɪmˈpɔːtənt]:重要的。



Culture is very important. Different countries have different cultures. We should respect different cultures. We can learn from different cultures. Culture makes the world colorful.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]:文化 - important [ɪmˈpɔːtənt]:重要的 - country [ˈkʌntri]:国家 - respect [rɪˈspekt]:尊重 - learn [lɜːn]:学习 - colorful [ˈkʌləfl]:丰富多彩的。



I see a car. It is red. It has four wheels. It can go fast. It takes people to different places. It is very useful. It is cool.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - car [kɑː(r)]:汽车 - red [red]:红色 - wheel [wiːl]:轮子 - fast [fɑːst]:快的 - place [pleɪs]:地方 - useful [ˈjuːsfl]:有用的 - cool [kuːl]:酷的。



I like vegetables. Carrots are orange. Tomatoes are red. Cucumbers are green. Potatoes are brown. Vegetables are good for us.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - vegetable [ˈvedʒtəbl]:蔬菜 - carrot [ˈkærət]:胡萝卜 - orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ]:橙色 - tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ]:西红柿 - red [red]:红色 - cucumber [ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)]:黄瓜 - green [ɡriːn]:绿色 - potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ]:土豆 - brown [braʊn]:棕色 - good [ɡʊd]:好的。



There are many kinds of transportation. Cars are fast. Bikes are slow. Trains are long. Planes are high. Boats are on the water. Transportation is useful.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - transportation [ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃn]:交通工具 - car [kɑː(r)]:汽车 - fast [fɑːst]:快的 - bike [baɪk]:自行车 - slow [sləʊ]:慢的 - train [treɪn]:火车 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - plane [pleɪn]:飞机 - high [haɪ]:高的 - boat [bəʊt]:船 - water [ˈwɔːtə(r)]:水 - useful [ˈjuːsfl]:有用的。



The weather is different. Sometimes it is sunny. Sometimes it is cloudy. Sometimes it is rainy. Sometimes it is windy. We need different clothes for different weather.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - weather [ˈweðə(r)]:天气 - different [ˈdɪfrənt]:不同的 - sunny [ˈsʌni]:晴朗的 - cloudy [ˈklaʊdi]:多云的 - rainy [ˈreɪni]:下雨的 - windy [ˈwɪndi]:有风的 - clothes [kləʊðz]:衣服。



There are four seasons. Spring is green. Summer is hot. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white. Each season is beautiful.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - season [ˈsiːzn]:季节 - spring [sprɪŋ]:春天 - green [ɡriːn]:绿色 - summer [ˈsʌmə(r)]:夏天 - hot [hɒt]:热的 - autumn [ˈɔːtəm]:秋天 - yellow [ˈjeləʊ]:黄色 - winter [ˈwɪntə(r)]:冬天 - white [waɪt]:白色 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的。



**圣诞节**: Christmas is very fun. We can see Christmas trees. We can get presents. We can sing Christmas songs. We can eat delicious food. We are happy.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs]:圣诞节 - tree [triː]:树 - present [ˈpreznt]:礼物 - song [sɒŋ]:歌曲 - delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]:美味的 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的。



I can run. I can jump. I can walk. I can swim. I can dance. I can sing. I can draw. I can read. I can write.

重点单词及音标、中文释义: - run [rʌn]:跑 - jump [dʒʌmp]:跳 - walk [wɔːk]:走 - swim [swɪm]:游泳 - dance [dɑːns]:跳舞 - sing [sɪŋ]:唱歌 - draw [drɔː]:画画 - read [riːd]:阅读 - write [raɪt]:写。 中文译文:我能跑。我能跳。我能走。我能游泳。我能跳舞。我能唱歌。我能画画。我能阅读。我能写字。


Children's Day is fun. We can play games. We can get presents. We can sing and dance. We are happy on Children's Day. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - Children's Day [ˈtʃɪldrənz deɪ]:儿童节 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - game [ɡeɪm]:游戏 - present [ˈpreznt]:礼物 - sing [sɪŋ]:唱歌 - dance [dɑːns]:跳舞 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的。 中文译文:儿童节很有趣。我们可以玩游戏。我们可以收到礼物。我们可以唱歌跳舞。在儿童节我们很开心。


New Year's Day is a new start. We can make resolutions. We can have parties. We can watch fireworks. We are excited. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - New Year's Day [njuː ˈjɪəz deɪ]:元旦 - new [njuː]:新的 - start [stɑːt]:开始 - resolution [ˌrezəˈluːʃn]:决心 - party [ˈpɑːti]:聚会 - watch [wɒtʃ]:观看 - fireworks [ˈfaɪəwɜːks]:烟花 - excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd]:兴奋的。 中文译文:元旦是一个新的开始。我们可以制定决心。我们可以举办聚会。我们可以看烟花。我们很兴奋。


Burning Man is very special. There are many artworks. People wear strange clothes. We can dance around the fire. It is amazing. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - Burning Man [ˈbɜːnɪŋ mæn]:火人节 - special [ˈspeʃl]:特别的 - artwork [ˈɑːtwɜːk]:艺术品 - wear [weə(r)]:穿 - strange [streɪndʒ]:奇怪的 - dance [dɑːns]:跳舞 - fire [ˈfaɪə(r)]:火 - amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]:令人惊奇的。 中文译文:火人节非常特别。有很多艺术品。人们穿着奇怪的衣服。我们可以围着火跳舞。它很令人惊奇。


The earth is big. There are mountains and rivers. There are deserts and forests. There are oceans and lakes. We live on the earth. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - earth [ɜːθ]:地球 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - mountain [ˈmaʊntən]:山 - river [ˈrɪvə(r)]:河 - desert [ˈdezət]:沙漠 - forest [ˈfɒrɪst]:森林 - ocean [ˈəʊʃn]:海洋 - lake [leɪk]:湖 - live [lɪv]:生活。 中文译文:地球很大。有山和河。有沙漠和森林。有海洋和湖泊。我们生活在地球上。


I like sports. I can play basketball. I can play football. I can run races. I can swim. I can ride a bike. Sports are fun. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - sports [spɔːts]:体育活动 - basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl]:篮球 - football [ˈfʊtbɔːl]:足球 - run [rʌn]:跑 - race [reɪs]:比赛 - swim [swɪm]:游泳 - ride [raɪd]:骑 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的。 中文译文:我喜欢体育活动。我能打篮球。我能踢足球。我能参加跑步比赛。我能游泳。我能骑自行车。体育活动很有趣。


My mom is a teacher. She teaches students. My dad is a doctor. He helps sick people. A policeman catches bad people. A fireman puts out fires. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - mom [mɒm]:妈妈 - teacher [ˈtiːtʃə(r)]:老师 - teach [tiːtʃ]:教 - student [ˈstjuːdnt]:学生 - dad [dæd]:爸爸 - doctor [ˈdɒktə(r)]:医生 - help [help]:帮助 - sick [sɪk]:生病的 - policeman [pəˈliːsmən]:警察 - catch [kætʃ]:抓住 - bad [bæd]:坏的 - fireman [ˈfaɪəmən]:消防员 - put out [pʊt aʊt]:扑灭。 中文译文:我的妈妈是一名老师。她教学生。我的爸爸是一名医生。他帮助生病的人。警察抓坏人。消防员灭火。


I see a circle. It is round. I see a square. It has four sides. I see a triangle. It has three sides. I see a rectangle. It has four sides. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - circle [ˈsɜːkl]:圆形 - round [raʊnd]:圆的 - square [skweə(r)]:正方形 - side [saɪd]:边 - triangle [ˈtraɪæŋɡl]:三角形 - three [θriː]:三 - rectangle [ˈrektæŋɡl]:长方形。 中文译文:我看到一个圆形。它是圆的。我看到一个正方形。它有四条边。我看到一个三角形。它有三条边。我看到一个长方形。它有四条边。


I have two eyes. They can see. I have a nose. It can smell. I have a mouth. It can eat and talk. I have two ears. They can hear. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - eyes [aɪz]:眼睛 - see [siː]:看见 - nose [nəʊz]:鼻子 - smell [smel]:闻 - mouth [maʊθ]:嘴巴 - eat [iːt]:吃 - talk [tɔːk]:说话 - ears [ɪəz]:耳朵 - hear [hɪə(r)]:听见。 中文译文:我有两只眼睛。它们能看见。我有一个鼻子。它能闻。我有一张嘴巴。它能吃和说话。我有两只耳朵。它们能听见。


I see a big ship. It is on the sea. The ship has a tall mast. There are many people on it. They are happy. The ship sails far away. It is very beautiful. It makes me want to go on an adventure. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - ship [ʃɪp]:船 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - sea [siː]:海 - mast [mæst]:桅杆 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - sail [seɪl]:航行 - far away [fɑː(r) əˈweɪ]:遥远 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]:冒险。 中文译文:我看到一艘大船。它在海上。这艘船有一个高高的桅杆。上面有很多人。他们很开心。这艘船航行到很远的地方。它非常美丽。它让我想要去冒险。

43 **冒险**:

Adventure is exciting. I want to go on an adventure. I will explore new places. I will meet new people. I will see amazing things. I will be brave. I will have fun. I will make memories. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]:冒险 - exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ]:令人兴奋的 - go on [ɡəʊ ɒn]:进行 - explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)]:探索 - new [njuː]:新的 - place [pleɪs]:地方 - meet [miːt]:遇见 - amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]:令人惊奇的 - brave [breɪv]:勇敢的 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的 - make memories [meɪk ˈmeməriz]:制造回忆。 中文译文:冒险很令人兴奋。我想要去冒险。我将探索新的地方。我将遇见新的人。我将看到令人惊奇的东西。我会很勇敢。我会玩得很开心。我会制造回忆。


Exploration is fun. I love to explore. I go to unknown places. I find new things. I learn about different cultures. I see beautiful sights. I am curious. I have adventures. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - exploration [ˌekspləˈreɪʃn]:探险 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的 - love [lʌv]:喜欢 - explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)]:探索 - unknown [ˌʌnˈnəʊn]:未知的 - place [pleɪs]:地方 - find [faɪnd]:找到 - new [njuː]:新的 - thing [θɪŋ]:东西 - learn [lɜːn]:学习 - about [əˈbaʊt]:关于 - different [ˈdɪfrənt]:不同的 - culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]:文化 - see [siː]:看见 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - sight [saɪt]:风景 - curious [ˈkjʊəriəs]:好奇的 - adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]:冒险。 中文译文:探险很有趣。我喜欢探险。我去未知的地方。我找到新的东西。我学习不同的文化。我看到美丽的风景。我很好奇。我有冒险经历。


Looking for treasure is exciting. I want to find treasure. I search in old places. I dig in the sand. I hope to find gold. I look for jewels. I am adventurous. I dream of riches. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - look for [lʊk fɔː(r)]:寻找 - treasure [ˈtreʒə(r)]:宝藏 - exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ]:令人兴奋的 - want [wɒnt]:想要 - find [faɪnd]:找到 - search [sɜːtʃ]:搜寻 - old [əʊld]:古老的 - place [pleɪs]:地方 - dig [dɪɡ]:挖 - sand [sænd]:沙子 - hope [həʊp]:希望 - gold [ɡəʊld]:金子 - look for [lʊk fɔː(r)]:寻找 - jewel [ˈdʒuːəl]:珠宝 - adventurous [ədˈventʃərəs]:爱冒险的 - dream [driːm]:梦想 - riches [ˈrɪtʃɪz]:财富。 中文译文:寻找宝藏很令人兴奋。我想要找到宝藏。我在古老的地方搜寻。我在沙子里挖。我希望找到金子。我寻找珠宝。我是爱冒险的。我梦想着财富。


I like running. Running makes me strong. I run every day. I run in the park. I see beautiful flowers. I feel happy. I am healthy. I will keep running. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - like [laɪk]:喜欢 - running [ˈrʌnɪŋ]:跑步 - make [meɪk]:使 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - run [rʌn]:跑 - every day [ˈevri deɪ]:每天 - park [pɑːk]:公园 - see [siː]:看见 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - flower [ˈflaʊə(r)]:花 - feel [fiːl]:感觉 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - healthy [ˈhelθi]:健康的 - keep [kiːp]:保持。 中文译文:我喜欢跑步。跑步让我变得强壮。我每天跑步。我在公园里跑。我看到美丽的花朵。我感觉很开心。我很健康。我会继续跑步。


Racing cars are cool. I love watching races. The cars go very fast. They are colorful. The drivers are brave. I cheer for them. It is exciting. I want to drive a race car. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - racing car [ˈreɪsɪŋ kɑː(r)]:赛车 - cool [kuːl]:酷的 - love [lʌv]:喜欢 - watch [wɒtʃ]:观看 - race [reɪs]:比赛 - go [ɡəʊ]:去 - very [ˈveri]:非常 - fast [fɑːst]:快的 - colorful [ˈkʌləfl]:彩色的 - driver [ˈdraɪvə(r)]:司机 - brave [breɪv]:勇敢的 - cheer [tʃɪə(r)]:欢呼 - exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ]:令人兴奋的 - want [wɒnt]:想要 - drive [draɪv]:驾驶。 中文译文:赛车很酷。我喜欢看比赛。这些车跑得非常快。它们是彩色的。司机们很勇敢。我为他们欢呼。它很令人兴奋。我想要驾驶一辆赛车。


Hide and seek is fun. I play with my friends. We hide in different places. We try to find each other. It is exciting. We laugh a lot. We have a good time. We play again. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - hide and seek [haɪd ənd siːk]:捉迷藏 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - with [wɪð]:和 - friend [frend]:朋友 - hide [haɪd]:藏 - different [ˈdɪfrənt]:不同的 - place [pleɪs]:地方 - try [traɪ]:尝试 - find [faɪnd]:找到 - each other [iːtʃ ˈʌðə(r)]:彼此 - exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ]:令人兴奋的 - laugh [lɑːf]:笑 - a lot [ə lɒt]:很多 - have a good time [hæv ə ɡʊd taɪm]:玩得开心 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - again [əˈɡen]:再次。 中文译文:捉迷藏很有趣。我和我的朋友们一起玩。我们藏在不同的地方。我们试着找到彼此。它很令人兴奋。我们笑了很多。我们玩得很开心。我们再玩一次。


Dinosaurs are big. They lived long ago. Some are fierce. Some are gentle. They had different shapes. We can see them in museums. I like dinosaurs. I read about them. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - dinosaur [ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)]:恐龙 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - live [lɪv]:生活 - long ago [lɒŋ əˈɡəʊ]:很久以前 - some [sʌm]:一些 - fierce [fɪəs]:凶猛的 - gentle [ˈdʒentl]:温柔的 - have [hæv]:有 - different [ˈdɪfrənt]:不同的 - shape [ʃeɪp]:形状 - see [siː]:看见 - in [ɪn]:在……里面 - museum [mjuˈziːəm]:博物馆 - like [laɪk]:喜欢 - read [riːd]:阅读 - about [əˈbaʊt]:关于。 中文译文:恐龙很大。它们生活在很久以前。一些恐龙很凶猛。一些恐龙很温柔。它们有不同的形状。我们可以在博物馆里看到它们。我喜欢恐龙。我阅读关于它们的书。

50 **A**:

The letter A is an astronaut. A goes to space. A sees many stars. A has a cool spacesuit. A is brave. A makes new friends. A has an adventure. A comes back home. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - astronaut [ˈæstrənɔːt]:宇航员 - space [speɪs]:太空 - see [siː]:看见 - star [stɑː(r)]:星星 - spacesuit [ˈspeɪssuːt]:宇航服 - brave [breɪv]:勇敢的 - make [meɪk]:制造 - friend [frend]:朋友 - adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]:冒险 - come back [kʌm bæk]:回来 - home [həʊm]:家。 中文译文:字母 A 是一名宇航员。A 去了太空。A 看到很多星星。A 有一套很酷的宇航服。A 很勇敢。A 交了新朋友。A 有一场冒险。A 回到了家。

51 **B**:

The letter B is a baker. B bakes delicious bread. B has a big oven. B wears a hat. B makes cakes too. B is happy. B shares with friends. B bakes every day. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - baker [ˈbeɪkə(r)]:面包师 - bake [beɪk]:烤 - delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]:美味的 - bread [bred]:面包 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - oven [ˈʌvn]:烤箱 - wear [weə(r)]:戴 - hat [hæt]:帽子 - cake [keɪk]:蛋糕 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - share [ʃeə(r)]:分享 - every day [ˈevri deɪ]:每天。 中文译文:字母 B 是一个面包师。B 烤美味的面包。B 有一个大烤箱。B 戴着一顶帽子。B 也做蛋糕。B 很开心。B 和朋友分享。B 每天都烤面包。


The letter C is a clown. C makes people laugh. C has a funny nose. C wears colorful clothes. C does tricks. C is silly. C has a balloon. C makes a party. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - clown [klaʊn]:小丑 - make [meɪk]:使 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - laugh [lɑːf]:笑 - funny [ˈfʌni]:有趣的 - nose [nəʊz]:鼻子 - wear [weə(r)]:穿 - colorful [ˈkʌləfl]:彩色的 - clothes [kləʊðz]:衣服 - do [duː]:做 - trick [trɪk]:把戏 - silly [ˈsɪli]:傻的 - balloon [bəˈluːn]:气球 - make [meɪk]:举办 - party [ˈpɑːti]:派对。 中文译文:字母 C 是一个小丑。C 让人们发笑。C 有一个有趣的鼻子。C 穿着彩色的衣服。C 表演把戏。C 很傻。C 有一个气球。C 举办一个派对。


The letter D is a detective. D solves mysteries. D has a magnifying glass. D wears a hat. D finds clues. D is clever. D catches bad guys. D saves the day. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - detective [dɪˈtektɪv]:侦探 - solve [sɒlv]:解决 - mystery [ˈmɪstri]:神秘事件 - magnifying glass [ˈmægnɪfaɪɪŋ ɡlɑːs]:放大镜 - wear [weə(r)]:戴 - hat [hæt]:帽子 - find [faɪnd]:找到 - clue [kluː]:线索 - clever [ˈklevə(r)]:聪明的 - catch [kætʃ]:抓住 - bad guy [bæd ɡaɪ]:坏人 - save [seɪv]:拯救 - the day [ðə deɪ]:这一天。 中文译文:字母 D 是一个侦探。D 解决神秘事件。D 有一个放大镜。D 戴着一顶帽子。D 找到线索。D 很聪明。D 抓住坏人。D 拯救了这一天。


The letter E is an elephant. E is very big. E has a long trunk. E loves bananas. E plays with friends. E is kind. E makes noise. E is happy. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - elephant [ˈelɪfənt]:大象 - very [ˈveri]:非常 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - trunk [trʌŋk]:象鼻 - love [lʌv]:喜欢 - banana [bəˈnɑːnə]:香蕉 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - with [wɪð]:和 - friend [frend]:朋友 - kind [kaɪnd]:善良的 - make [meɪk]:制造 - noise [nɔɪz]:噪音 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的。 中文译文:字母 E 是一头大象。E 非常大。E 有一个长鼻子。E 喜欢香蕉。E 和朋友一起玩。E 很善良。E 制造噪音。E 很开心。


The letter F is a firefighter. F fights fires. F has a hose. F wears a helmet. F saves people. F is brave. F drives a truck. F helps everyone. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - firefighter [ˈfaɪəfaɪtə(r)]:消防员 - fight [faɪt]:战斗 - fire [ˈfaɪə(r)]:火 - hose [həʊz]:软管 - wear [weə(r)]:戴 - helmet [ˈhelmɪt]:头盔 - save [seɪv]:拯救 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - brave [breɪv]:勇敢的 - drive [draɪv]:驾驶 - truck [trʌk]:卡车 - help [help]:帮助 - everyone [ˈevriwʌn]:每个人。 中文译文:字母 F 是一名消防员。F 灭火。F 有一根软管。F 戴着一顶头盔。F 拯救人们。F 很勇敢。F 驾驶一辆卡车。F 帮助每一个人。


The letter G is a gardener. G plants flowers. G has a shovel. G wears gloves. G waters plants. G is patient. G makes the garden beautiful. G has fun. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - gardener [ˈɡɑːdnə(r)]:园丁 - plant [plɑːnt]:种植 - flower [ˈflaʊə(r)]:花 - shovel [ˈʃʌvl]:铲子 - wear [weə(r)]:戴 - gloves [ɡlʌvz]:手套 - water [ˈwɔːtə(r)]:浇水 - plant [plɑːnt]:植物 - patient [ˈpeɪʃnt]:耐心的 - make [meɪk]:使 - garden [ˈɡɑːdn]:花园 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - have fun [hæv fʌn]:玩得开心。 中文译文:字母 G 是一个园丁。G 种花朵。G 有一把铲子。G 戴着手套。G 给植物浇水。G 很有耐心。G 让花园变得美丽。G 玩得很开心。


The letter H is a hippo. H loves water. H has a big mouth. H plays in the mud. H is friendly. H makes splashes. H has a good time. H is happy. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - hippo [ˈhɪpəʊ]:河马 - love [lʌv]:喜欢 - water [ˈwɔːtə(r)]:水 - have [hæv]:有 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - mouth [maʊθ]:嘴 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - mud [mʌd]:泥 - friendly [ˈfrendli]:友好的 - make [meɪk]:制造 - splash [splæʃ]:溅起水花 - have a good time [hæv ə ɡʊd taɪm]:玩得愉快 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的。 中文译文:字母 H 是一只河马。H 喜欢水。H 有一张大嘴巴。H 在泥里玩耍。H 很友好。H 溅起水花。H 玩得很愉快。H 很开心。

58 **I**:

The letter I is an ice cream. I is cold and sweet. I has many flavors. I makes people smile. I is colorful. I is popular. I is delicious. I is fun. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - ice cream [ˈaɪs kriːm]:冰淇淋 - cold [kəʊld]:冷的 - sweet [swiːt]:甜的 - have [hæv]:有 - many [ˈmeni]:许多 - flavor [ˈfleɪvə(r)]:口味 - make [meɪk]:使 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - smile [smaɪl]:微笑 - colorful [ˈkʌləfl]:彩色的 - popular [ˈpɒpjələ(r)]:受欢迎的 - delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]:美味的 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的。 中文译文:字母 I 是一个冰淇淋。I 又冷又甜。I 有很多口味。I 让人们微笑。I 是彩色的。I 很受欢迎。I 很美味。I 很有趣。


The letter J is a juggler. J throws balls. J has many tricks. J wears a funny costume. J makes people laugh. J is talented. J has a show. J is amazing. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - juggler [ˈdʒʌɡlə(r)]:玩杂耍的人 - throw [θrəʊ]:扔 - ball [bɔːl]:球 - have [hæv]:有 - many [ˈmeni]:许多 - trick [trɪk]:把戏 - wear [weə(r)]:穿 - funny [ˈfʌni]:有趣的 - costume [ˈkɒstjuːm]:服装 - make [meɪk]:使 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - laugh [lɑːf]:笑 - talented [ˈtæləntɪd]:有天赋的 - have [hæv]:有 - show [ʃəʊ]:表演 - amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]:令人惊奇的。 中文译文:字母 J 是一个玩杂耍的人。J 扔球。J 有很多把戏。J 穿着一件有趣的服装。J 让人们发笑。J 很有天赋。J 有一场表演。J 很令人惊奇。


The letter K is a kangaroo. K has a pouch. K jumps high. K loves grass. K plays with friends. K is cute. K has fun. K is fast. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - kangaroo [ˌkæŋɡəˈruː]:袋鼠 - have [hæv]:有 - pouch [paʊtʃ]:育儿袋 - jump [dʒʌmp]:跳 - high [haɪ]:高的 - love [lʌv]:喜欢 - grass [ɡrɑːs]:草 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - with [wɪð]:和 - friend [frend]:朋友 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的 - have fun [hæv fʌn]:玩得开心 - fast [fɑːst]:快的。 中文译文:字母 K 是一只袋鼠。K 有一个育儿袋。K 跳得很高。K 喜欢草。K 和朋友一起玩。K 很可爱。K 玩得很开心。K 很快。


The letter L is a lion. L is strong. L has a loud roar. L hunts for food. L plays with cubs. L is brave. L is king of the jungle. L is proud. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - lion [ˈlaɪən]:狮子 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - have [hæv]:有 - loud [laʊd]:大声的 - roar [rɔː(r)]:吼叫 - hunt [hʌnt]:狩猎 - for [fɔː(r)]:为了 - food [fuːd]:食物 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - with [wɪð]:和 - cub [kʌb]:幼崽 - brave [breɪv]:勇敢的 - king [kɪŋ]:国王 - of [əv]:……的 - jungle [ˈdʒʌŋɡl]:丛林 - proud [praʊd]:骄傲的。 中文译文:字母 L 是一只狮子。L 很强壮。L 有一声响亮的吼叫。L 猎取食物。L 和幼崽一起玩。L 很勇敢。L 是丛林之王。L 很骄傲。


The letter M is a monkey. M climbs trees. M eats bananas. M makes faces. M plays with friends. M is naughty. M has fun. M is cute. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - monkey [ˈmʌŋki]:猴子 - climb [klaɪm]:爬 - tree [triː]:树 - eat [iːt]:吃 - banana [bəˈnɑːnə]:香蕉 - make [meɪk]:做 - face [feɪs]:脸 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - with [wɪð]:和 - friend [frend]:朋友 - naughty [ˈnɔːti]:淘气的 - have fun [hæv fʌn]:玩得开心 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的。 中文译文:字母 M 是一只猴子。M 爬树。M 吃香蕉。M 做鬼脸。M 和朋友一起玩。M 很淘气。M 玩得很开心。M 很可爱。


The letter N is a nurse. N helps sick people. N has a stethoscope. N wears a uniform. N is kind. N makes people feel better. N is important. N is caring. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - nurse [nɜːs]:护士 - help [help]:帮助 - sick [sɪk]:生病的 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - have [hæv]:有 - stethoscope [ˈsteθəskəʊp]:听诊器 - wear [weə(r)]:穿 - uniform [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm]:制服 - kind [kaɪnd]:善良的 - make [meɪk]:使 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - feel better [fiːl ˈbetə(r)]:感觉好一些 - important [ɪmˈpɔːtənt]:重要的 - caring [ˈkeərɪŋ]:关心他人的。 中文译文:字母 N 是一名护士。N 帮助生病的人。N 有一个听诊器。N 穿着制服。N 很善良。N 让人们感觉好一些。N 很重要。N 很有爱心。


The letter O is an owl. O has big eyes. O flies at night. O hoots softly. O is wise. O catches mice. O sits in a tree. O is mysterious. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - owl [aʊl]:猫头鹰 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - eye [aɪ]:眼睛 - fly [flaɪ]:飞 - at night [æt naɪt]:在晚上 - hoot [huːt]:鸣叫 - softly [ˈsɒftli]:轻柔地 - wise [waɪz]:聪明的 - catch [kætʃ]:抓住 - mouse [maʊs]:老鼠 - sit [sɪt]:坐 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - tree [triː]:树 - mysterious [mɪˈstɪəriəs]:神秘的。


The letter P is a parrot. P has colorful feathers. P can talk. P sits on a perch. P is playful. P makes people laugh. P is friendly. P is lively. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - parrot [ˈpærət]:鹦鹉 - have [hæv]:有 - colorful [ˈkʌləfl]:彩色的 - feather [ˈfeðə(r)]:羽毛 - can [kæn]:能够 - talk [tɔːk]:说话 - sit [sɪt]:坐 - on [ɒn]:在……上 - perch [pɜːtʃ]:栖木 - playful [ˈpleɪfl]:爱玩的 - make [meɪk]:使 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - laugh [lɑːf]:笑 - friendly [ˈfrendli]:友好的 - lively [ˈlaɪvli]:活泼的。


The letter Q is a queen. Q wears a crown. Q sits on a throne. Q is beautiful. Q is kind. Q rules the land. Q is powerful. Q is graceful. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - queen [kwiːn]:女王 - wear [weə(r)]:戴 - crown [kraʊn]:王冠 - sit [sɪt]:坐 - on [ɒn]:在……上 - throne [θrəʊn]:王座 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - kind [kaɪnd]:善良的 - rule [ruːl]:统治 - the land [ðə lænd]:这片土地 - powerful [ˈpaʊəfl]:强大的 - graceful [ˈɡreɪsfl]:优雅的。


The letter R is a rabbit. R has long ears. R hops around. R eats carrots. R is cute. R is fast. R plays in the grass. R is furry. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - rabbit [ˈræbɪt]:兔子 - have [hæv]:有 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - ear [ɪə(r)]:耳朵 - hop [hɒp]:蹦跳 - around [əˈraʊnd]:到处 - eat [iːt]:吃 - carrot [ˈkærət]:胡萝卜 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的 - fast [fɑːst]:快的 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - grass [ɡrɑːs]:草 - furry [ˈfɜːri]:毛茸茸的。


The letter S is a snake. S slithers on the ground. S has a long body. S is slippery. S is silent. S hunts for prey. S is stealthy. S is cool. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - snake [sneɪk]:蛇 - slither [ˈslɪðə(r)]:滑行 - on [ɒn]:在……上 - the ground [ðə ɡraʊnd]:地面 - have [hæv]:有 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - body [ˈbɒdi]:身体 - slippery [ˈslɪpəri]:滑的 - silent [ˈsaɪlənt]:安静的 - hunt [hʌnt]:狩猎 - for [fɔː(r)]:为了 - prey [preɪ]:猎物 - stealthy [ˈstelθi]:偷偷摸摸的 - cool [kuːl]:酷的。


The letter T is a tiger. T is strong. T has stripes. T roars loudly. T hunts in the jungle. T is brave. T is fierce. T is majestic. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - tiger [ˈtaɪɡə(r)]:老虎 - be [biː]:是 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - have [hæv]:有 - stripe [straɪp]:条纹 - roar [rɔː(r)]:吼叫 - loudly [ˈlaʊdli]:大声地 - hunt [hʌnt]:狩猎 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - the jungle [ðə ˈdʒʌŋɡl]:丛林 - brave [breɪv]:勇敢的 - fierce [fɪəs]:凶猛的 - majestic [məˈdʒestɪk]:雄伟的。


The letter U is an umbrella. U keeps us dry. U is colorful. U has a handle. U opens and closes. U is useful. U is handy. U is cute. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə]:雨伞 - keep [kiːp]:保持 - us [ʌs]:我们 - dry [draɪ]:干燥的 - be [biː]:是 - colorful [ˈkʌləfl]:彩色的 - have [hæv]:有 - handle [ˈhændl]:手柄 - open [ˈəʊpən]:打开 - and [ænd]:和 - close [kləʊz]:关闭 - useful [ˈjuːsfl]:有用的 - handy [ˈhændi]:方便的 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的。


The letter V is a violin. V makes beautiful music. V has strings. V is shiny. V is played by a musician. V is elegant. V is charming. V is lovely. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - violin [ˌvaɪəˈlɪn]:小提琴 - make [meɪk]:制造 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - music [ˈmjuːzɪk]:音乐 - have [hæv]:有 - string [strɪŋ]:弦 - be [biː]:是 - shiny [ˈʃaɪni]:闪亮的 - play [pleɪ]:演奏 - by [baɪ]:被 - a musician [ə mjuˈzɪʃn]:一位音乐家 - elegant [ˈelɪɡənt]:优雅的 - charming [ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ]:迷人的 - lovely [ˈlʌvli]:可爱的。


The letter W is a whale. W is huge. W swims in the ocean. W spouts water. W is friendly. W is majestic. W is amazing. W is wonderful. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - whale [weɪl]:鲸鱼 - be [biː]:是 - huge [hjuːdʒ]:巨大的 - swim [swɪm]:游泳 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - the ocean [ði ˈəʊʃn]:海洋 - spout [spaʊt]:喷水 - water [ˈwɔːtə(r)]:水 - be [biː]:是 - friendly [ˈfrendli]:友好的 - majestic [məˈdʒestɪk]:雄伟的 - amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]:令人惊奇的 - wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl]:美妙的。


The letter X is a xylophone. X makes tinkling sounds. X has colorful keys. X is played by kids. X is fun. X is musical. X is cool. X is unique. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - xylophone [ˈzaɪləfəʊn]:木琴 - make [meɪk]:制造 - tinkling [ˈtɪŋklɪŋ]:叮当声 - sound [saʊnd]:声音 - have [hæv]:有 - colorful [ˈkʌləfl]:彩色的 - key [kiː]:琴键 - be [biː]:是 - played [pleɪd]:被演奏 - by [baɪ]:被 - kids [kɪdz]:孩子们 - fun [fʌn]:有趣的 - musical [ˈmjuːzɪkl]:音乐的 - cool [kuːl]:酷的 - unique [juˈniːk]:独特的。


The letter Y is a yak. Y has long hair. Y lives in the mountains. Y is strong. Y is friendly. Y is cute. Y is furry. Y is special. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - yak [jæk]:牦牛 - have [hæv]:有 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - hair [heə(r)]:毛发 - live [lɪv]:生活 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - the mountains [ðə ˈmaʊntɪnz]:山区 - be [biː]:是 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - friendly [ˈfrendli]:友好的 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的 - furry [ˈfɜːri]:毛茸茸的 - special [ˈspeʃl]:特别的。


The letter Z is a zebra. Z has black and white stripes. Z runs fast. Z lives on the grassland. Z is beautiful. Z is unique. Z is cool. Z is lovely. 重点单词及音标、中文释义: - zebra [ˈzebrə]:斑马 - have [hæv]:有 - black [blæk]:黑色的 - and [ænd]:和 - white [waɪt]:白色的 - stripe [straɪp]:条纹 - run [rʌn]:跑 - fast [fɑːst]:快的 - live [lɪv]:生活 - on [ɒn]:在……上 - the grassland [ðə ˈɡrɑːslænd]:草原 - be [biː]:是 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - unique [juˈniːk]:独特的 - cool [kuːl]:酷的 - lovely [ˈlʌvli]:可爱的。

76 我的爸爸

My dad is great. He has a big smile. He is strong. He wears glasses. He likes to play basketball. He works hard. He tells me stories. He helps me with my homework. He takes me to the park. I love my dad very much.


  • dad [dæd]:爸爸
  • great [ɡreɪt]:很棒的
  • smile [smaɪl]:微笑
  • strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的
  • wear [weə(r)]:戴
  • glasses [ˈɡlɑːsɪz]:眼镜
  • like [laɪk]:喜欢
  • play [pleɪ]:玩
  • basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl]:篮球
  • work [wɜːk]:工作。


77 我的妈妈

My mom is wonderful. She has long hair. She is beautiful. She wears a dress. She likes to sing songs. She cooks delicious food. She hugs me every day. She reads books to me. She takes care of me. She is the best mom.


  • mom [mɒm]:妈妈
  • wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl]:极好的
  • long [lɒŋ]:长的
  • hair [heə(r)]:头发
  • beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的
  • wear [weə(r)]:穿
  • dress [dres]:连衣裙
  • like [laɪk]:喜欢
  • sing [sɪŋ]:唱歌
  • cook [kʊk]:烹饪
  • delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]:美味的。


78 我和外婆

I love my grandma. She is kind. She has gray hair. She makes delicious cookies. We play games together. She tells me stories. I am happy with grandma.


  • grandma [ˈɡrænmɑː]:外婆
  • kind [kaɪnd]:善良的
  • gray [ɡreɪ]:灰色的
  • hair [heə(r)]:头发
  • delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]:美味的
  • cookie [ˈkʊki]:饼干
  • play [pleɪ]:玩
  • game [ɡeɪm]:游戏。


79 伊索寓言 《乌鸦喝水》

**(The Crow and the Pitcher)** **短文**: There is a crow. The crow is thirsty. It finds a pitcher. There is a little water in the pitcher. But the crow's beak is not long enough to reach the water. The crow thinks and thinks. Then it puts stones into the pitcher. The water rises. Now the crow can drink the water. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - crow [krəʊ]:乌鸦 - thirsty [ˈθɜːsti]:口渴的 - pitcher [ˈpɪtʃə(r)]:大水罐 - little [ˈlɪtl]:少量的 - water [ˈwɔːtə(r)]:水 - beak [biːk]:鸟嘴 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - enough [ɪˈnʌf]:足够的 - reach [riːtʃ]:够到 - think [θɪŋk]:思考 - stone [stəʊn]:石头 - rise [raɪz]:上升 - drink [drɪŋk]:喝。


80 《北风和太阳》

**《北风和太阳》(The North Wind and the Sun)** **短文**: The North Wind and the Sun have a contest. They want to see who can make a man take off his coat. The North Wind blows very hard. But the man holds his coat tightly. Then the Sun shines brightly. It gets warm. The man takes off his coat. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - North Wind [nɔːθ wɪnd]:北风 - Sun [sʌn]:太阳 - contest [ˈkɒntest]:竞赛 - see [siː]:看 - make [meɪk]:使 - man [mæn]:男人 - take off [teɪk ɒf]:脱下 - coat [kəʊt]:外套 - blow [bləʊ]:吹 - hard [hɑːd]:猛烈地 - hold [həʊld]:抓住 - tightly [ˈtaɪtli]:紧紧地 - shine [ʃaɪn]:照耀 - brightly [ˈbraɪtli]:明亮地 - warm [wɔːm]:温暖的。 **中文译文**:北风和太阳进行一场竞赛。它们想看看谁能让一个人脱掉他的外套。北风使劲地吹。但是这个人紧紧地抓住他的外套。然后太阳明亮地照耀着。天气变暖和了。这个人脱掉了他的外套。

81 《狼来了》

**《狼来了》(The Boy Who Cried Wolf)**

**短文**: There is a boy. He looks after sheep. One day, he is bored. He shouts, “Wolf! Wolf!” The people in the village run to help. But there is no wolf. The boy laughs. The next day, he shouts again, “Wolf! Wolf!” People come again. There is still no wolf. The boy laughs again. Then one day, a wolf really comes. The boy shouts for help. But people don't believe him.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - boy [bɔɪ]:男孩 - sheep [ʃiːp]:羊 - bored [bɔːd]:无聊的 - shout [ʃaʊt]:呼喊 - wolf [wʊlf]:狼 - village [ˈvɪlɪdʒ]:村庄 - run [rʌn]:跑 - help [help]:帮助 - laugh [lɑːf]:笑 - next [nekst]:下一个 - still [stɪl]:仍然 - really [ˈriːəli]:真正地 - believe [bɪˈliːv]:相信。

**中文译文**:有一个男孩。他照看羊群。一天,他觉得无聊。他大喊:“狼来了!狼来了!”村子里的人跑来帮忙。但是没有狼。男孩大笑。第二天,他又大喊:“狼来了!狼来了!”人们又来 了。仍然没有狼。男孩又笑了。然后有一天,一只狼真的来了。男孩呼喊求救。但是人们不相信他了。


(The Fox and the Grapes)**

**短文**: A fox is very hungry. It sees some grapes on a high vine. The fox wants to eat the grapes. It jumps up to get them. But it can't reach the grapes. The fox says, “Those grapes are sour. I don't want them.”

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - fox [fɒks]:狐狸 - hungry [ˈhʌŋgri]:饥饿的 - grape [ɡreɪp]:葡萄 - high [haɪ]:高的 - vine [vaɪn]:葡萄藤 - jump [dʒʌmp]:跳 - reach [riːtʃ]:够到 - sour [ˈsaʊə(r)]:酸的。



(The Lion and the Mouse)** **短文**: A lion is sleeping. A little mouse runs over the lion. The lion wakes up. He is angry. He wants to eat the mouse. The mouse says, “Please don't eat me. I can help you one day.” The lion laughs. But he lets the mouse go. Later, the lion is in a net. The mouse sees it. The mouse bites the net. The lion is free.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - lion [ˈlaɪən]:狮子 - sleep [sliːp]:睡觉 - little [ˈlɪtl]:小的 - mouse [maʊs]:老鼠 - run [rʌn]:跑 - over [ˈəʊvə(r)]:在……上面 - wake up [weɪk ʌp]:醒来 - angry [ˈæŋɡri]:生气的 - eat [iːt]:吃 - please [pliːz]:请 - help [help]:帮助 - one day [wʌn deɪ]:有一天 - laugh [lɑːf]:笑 - let [let]:让 - go [ɡəʊ]:走 - later [ˈleɪtə(r)]:后来 - net [net]:网 - see [siː]:看见 - bite [baɪt]:咬 - free [friː]:自由的。



(The Ant and the Cicada)** **短文**: The ant works hard. It stores food for winter. The cicada sings all day. It does not work. When winter comes, the ant has food. The cicada is hungry. It asks the ant for food. The ant says, “You did not work. Now you have nothing.”

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - ant [ænt]:蚂蚁 - work [wɜːk]:工作 - hard [hɑːd]:努力地 - store [stɔː(r)]:储存 - food [fuːd]:食物 - winter [ˈwɪntə(r)]:冬天 - cicada [sɪˈkɑːdə]:蝉 - sing [sɪŋ]:唱歌 - all day [ɔːl deɪ]:整天 - hungry [ˈhʌŋɡri]:饥饿的 - ask [ɑːsk]:问 - for [fɔː(r)]:为了 - say [seɪ]:说 - you [ju]:你 - did [dɪd]:做(do 的过去式) - not [nɒt]:不 - now [naʊ]:现在 - have [hæv]:有 - nothing [ˈnʌθɪŋ]:没有什么。



(The Rabbit and the Tortoise)** **短文**: A rabbit is fast. A tortoise is slow. The rabbit laughs at the tortoise. They have a race. The rabbit runs very fast. Then it stops to sleep. The tortoise keeps walking. In the end, the tortoise wins. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - rabbit [ˈræbɪt]:兔子 - fast [fæst]:快的 - tortoise [ˈtɔːtəs]:乌龟 - slow [sləʊ]:慢的 - laugh [læf]:笑 - at [æt]:在…… - race [reɪs]:比赛 - run [rʌn]:跑 - very [ˈveri]:非常 - stop [stɒp]:停止 - sleep [sliːp]:睡觉 - keep [kiːp]:保持 - walking [ˈwɔːkɪŋ]:走 - in the end [ɪn ði end]:最后 - win [wɪn]:赢。 **中文译文**:兔子很快。乌龟很慢。兔子嘲笑乌龟。他们进行一场比赛。兔子跑得非常快。然后它停下来睡觉。乌龟继续走。最后,乌龟赢了。


(The Sheep and the Wolf)** **短文**: A sheep meets a wolf. The wolf wants to eat the sheep. The sheep says, “Please don't eat me. I am too small.” The wolf says, “You are small, but you are still good to eat.” **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - sheep [ʃiːp]:羊 - meet [miːt]:遇见 - wolf [wʊlf]:狼 - want [wɒnt]:想要 - eat [iːt]:吃 - please [pliːz]:请 - don't [dəʊnt]:不(do not 的缩写) - am [əm]:是 - too [tuː]:太 - small [smɔːl]:小的 - but [bʌt]:但是 - still [stɪl]:仍然 - good [ɡʊd]:好的。 **中文译文**:一只羊遇见一只狼。狼想要吃羊。羊说:“请不要吃我。我太小了。”狼说:“你是小,但是你仍然很好吃。”


(The Lion and the Mouse Again)** **短文**: The lion is big. The mouse is small. The mouse helps the lion again. The lion is happy. They are friends. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - lion [ˈlaɪən]:狮子 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - mouse [maʊs]:老鼠 - small [smɔːl]:小的 - help [help]:帮助 - again [əˈɡen]:再次 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - are [ɑː(r)]:是 - friends [frendz]:朋友。 **中文译文**:狮子很大。老鼠很小。老鼠再次帮助狮子。狮子很开心。他们是朋友。


(The Horse and the Donkey)** **短文**: A horse and a donkey work together. The horse works hard. The donkey is lazy. One day, the donkey is tired. The horse helps the donkey. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - horse [hɔːs]:马 - donkey [ˈdɒŋki]:驴 - work [wɜːk]:工作 - together [təˈɡeðə(r)]:一起 - hard [hɑːd]:努力地 - lazy [ˈleɪzi]:懒惰的 - one day [wʌn deɪ]:有一天 - tired [ˈtaɪəd]:累的 - help [help]:帮助。 **中文译文**:一匹马和一头驴一起工作。马努力工作。驴很懒惰。有一天,驴累了。马帮助驴。


(The Dog and the Shadow)** **短文**: A dog sees his shadow. He thinks it is another dog. He wants to fight. But when he barks, his shadow goes away.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - dog [dɒɡ]:狗 - see [siː]:看见 - shadow [ˈʃædəʊ]:影子 - think [θɪŋk]:认为 - it [ɪt]:它 - is [ɪz]:是 - another [əˈnʌðə(r)]:另一个 - want [wɒnt]:想要 - fight [faɪt]:打架 - but [bʌt]:但是 - when [wen]:当……的时候 - bark [bɑːk]:叫 - go away [ɡəʊ əˈweɪ]:走开。



(The Rooster and the Gem)** **短文**: A rooster finds a gem. He does not know what it is. He says, “This is not good to eat. I don't need it.”

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - rooster [ˈruːstə(r)]:公鸡 - find [faɪnd]:找到 - gem [dʒem]:宝石 - not [nɒt]:不 - know [nəʊ]:知道 - what [wɒt]:什么 - is [ɪz]:是 - say [seɪ]:说 - this [ðɪs]:这 - good [ɡʊd]:好的 - eat [iːt]:吃 - don't [dəʊnt]:不(do not 的缩写) - need [niːd]:需要。



(The Bear and the Two Travelers)**

**短文**: Two travelers are in the forest. They see a bear. One traveler climbs a tree. The other traveler lies down and pretends to be dead. The bear goes away.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - two [tuː]:二 - traveler [ˈtrævələ(r)]:旅行者 - are [ɑː(r)]:是 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - forest [ˈfɒrɪst]:森林 - see [siː]:看见 - bear [beə(r)]:熊 - one [wʌn]:一 - climb [klaɪm]:爬 - tree [triː]:树 - other [ˈʌðə(r)]:另一个 - lie down [laɪ daʊn]:躺下 - pretend [prɪˈtend]:假装 - be [biː]:是 - dead [ded]:死的 - go away [ɡəʊ əˈweɪ]:走开。



(The Wolf and the Lamb Again)**

**短文**: The wolf meets the lamb again. The wolf still wants to eat the lamb. But the lamb is clever. It runs away.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - wolf [wʊlf]:狼 - meet [miːt]:遇见 - lamb [læm]:小羊 - again [əˈɡen]:再次 - still [stɪl]:仍然 - want [wɒnt]:想要 - eat [iːt]:吃 - but [bʌt]:但是 - clever [ˈklevə(r)]:聪明的 - run away [rʌn əˈweɪ]:跑开。



(The Fox and the Crow Again)** **短文**: The fox sees the crow again. The fox wants the crow's cheese. The fox says nice words. But the crow is not fooled this time.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - fox [fɒks]:狐狸 - see [siː]:看见 - crow [krəʊ]:乌鸦 - again [əˈɡen]:再次 - want [wɒnt]:想要 - crow's [krəʊz]:乌鸦的 - cheese [tʃiːz]:奶酪 - say [seɪ]:说 - nice [naɪs]:好的 - words [wɜːdz]:话 - but [bʌt]:但是 - not [nɒt]:不 - fooled [fuːld]:被愚弄的 - this time [ðɪs taɪm]:这次。



(My Teddy Bear)** **短文**: I have a teddy bear. It is very soft and cute. Its fur is brown. It has two big black eyes. It wears a red bow tie. I sleep with it every night. When I am sad, it makes me happy. I take it everywhere I go. We play games together. I hug it tightly. It is my best friend.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - teddy bear [ˈtedi beə(r)]:玩具熊 - soft [sɒft]:柔软的 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的 - fur [fɜː(r)]:毛 - brown [braʊn]:棕色的 - eye [aɪ]:眼睛 - black [blæk]:黑色的 - wear [weə(r)]:戴着 - bow tie [bəʊ taɪ]:领结 - sleep [sliːp]:睡觉 - sad [sæd]:伤心的 - make [meɪk]:使 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - take [teɪk]:带着 - everywhere [ˈevriweə(r)]:到处 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - game [ɡeɪm]:游戏 - together [təˈɡeðə(r)]:一起 - hug [hʌɡ]:拥抱 - tightly [ˈtaɪtli]:紧紧地 - best [best]:最好的 - friend [frend]:朋友。


95**话题二:去动物园(Go to the Zoo)**

**短文**: I go to the zoo. There are many animals there. I see monkeys swinging on the trees. Tigers are very strong. Elephants have long trunks. Giraffes are very tall. Pandas are cute and lazy. Lions are fierce. Zebras have black and white stripes. Peacocks are beautiful. I take pictures of the animals. I learn a lot about them. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - zoo [zuː]:动物园 - many [ˈmeni]:许多 - animal [ˈænɪməl]:动物 - there [ðeə(r)]:那里 - see [siː]:看见 - monkey [ˈmʌŋki]:猴子 - swing [swɪŋ]:摇摆 - on [ɒn]:在……上 - tree [triː]:树 - tiger [ˈtaɪɡə(r)]:老虎 - strong [strɒŋ]:强壮的 - elephant [ˈelɪfənt]:大象 - long [lɒŋ]:长的 - trunk [trʌŋk]:象鼻 - giraffe [dʒəˈræf]:长颈鹿 - tall [tɔːl]:高的 - panda [ˈpændə]:熊猫 - cute [kjuːt]:可爱的 - lazy [ˈleɪzi]:懒惰的 - lion [ˈlaɪən]:狮子 - fierce [fɪəs]:凶猛的 - zebra [ˈzebrə]:斑马 - stripe [straɪp]:条纹 - peacock [ˈpiːkɒk]:孔雀 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - take [teɪk]:拍 - picture [ˈpɪktʃə(r)]:照片 - learn [lɜːn]:学习 - a lot [ə lɒt]:很多 - about [əˈbaʊt]:关于。 **中文译文**:我去动物园。那里有很多动物。我看到猴子在树上荡秋千。老虎非常强壮。大象有长长的鼻子。长颈鹿非常高。熊猫又可爱又懒惰。狮子很凶猛。斑马有黑白条纹。孔雀很漂亮。我给动物们拍照。我学到了很多关于它们的知识。

96**话题三:我的爷爷(My Grandpa)

** **短文**: My grandpa is very kind. He has white hair. He always smiles. He tells me stories about his childhood. We play chess together. He teaches me how to fish. He takes me for walks in the park. He buys me candies. He hugs me when I am sad. He is always there for me. I love my grandpa very much. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - grandpa [ˈɡrænpɑː]:爷爷 - kind [kaɪnd]:善良的 - have [hæv]:有 - white [waɪt]:白色的 - hair [heə(r)]:头发 - always [ˈɔːlweɪz]:总是 - smile [smaɪl]:微笑 - tell [tel]:告诉 - story [ˈstɔːri]:故事 - about [əˈbaʊt]:关于 - childhood [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd]:童年 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - chess [tʃes]:国际象棋 - teach [tiːtʃ]:教 - how [haʊ]:怎样 - fish [fɪʃ]:钓鱼 - take [teɪk]:带 - walk [wɔːk]:散步 - park [pɑːk]:公园 - buy [baɪ]:买 - candy [ˈkændi]:糖果 - hug [hʌɡ]:拥抱 - when [wen]:当……的时候 - sad [sæd]:伤心的 - always [ˈɔːlweɪz]:总是 - there [ðeə(r)]:在那里 - for [fɔː(r)]:为了 - me [miː]:我 - love [lʌv]:爱 - very much [ˈveri mʌtʃ]:非常。 **中文译文**:我的爷爷非常善良。他有白色的头发。他总是微笑。他给我讲关于他童年的故事。我们一起下国际象棋。他教我怎么钓鱼。他带我去公园散步。他给我买糖果。当我伤心的时候他拥抱我。他总是在我身边。我非常爱我的爷爷。

97**话题四:美丽的秋天(Beautiful Autumn)

** **短文**: Autumn is here. The leaves turn yellow, red and orange. The sky is blue and clear. The wind is cool. We can go on picnics. We can fly kites. There are apples and pumpkins everywhere. The farmers are busy harvesting. I love wearing a sweater in autumn. It is a beautiful season. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - autumn [ˈɔːtəm]:秋天 - here [hɪə(r)]:这里 - leaves [liːvz]:树叶 - turn [tɜːn]:变成 - yellow [ˈjeləʊ]:黄色的 - red [red]:红色的 - orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ]:橙色的 - sky [skaɪ]:天空 - blue [bluː]:蓝色的 - clear [klɪə(r)]:晴朗的 - wind [wɪnd]:风 - cool [kuːl]:凉爽的 - can [kæn]:能 - go on [ɡəʊ ɒn]:进行 - picnic [ˈpɪknɪk]:野餐 - fly [flaɪ]:放(风筝等) - kites [kaɪts]:风筝 - there are [ðeə(r) ɑː(r)]:有 - apples [ˈæplz]:苹果 - pumpkins [ˈpʌmpkɪnz]:南瓜 - everywhere [ˈevriweə(r)]:到处 - farmers [ˈfɑːməz]:农民 - busy [ˈbɪzi]:忙碌的 - harvesting [ˈhɑːvɪstɪŋ]:收割 - love [lʌv]:爱 - wearing [ˈweərɪŋ]:穿 - sweater [ˈswetə(r)]:毛衣 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - season [ˈsiːzn]:季节。 **中文译文**:秋天来了。树叶变成黄色、红色和橙色。天空是蓝色的且晴朗。风很凉爽。我们可以去野餐。我们可以放风筝。到处都是苹果和南瓜。农民们正忙着收割。我喜欢在秋天穿毛衣。这是一个美丽的季节。

98**话题五:我的小书包(My Little Schoolbag)

** **短文**: I have a little schoolbag. It is blue and green. There are many books in it. There are pencils and erasers too. I carry it to school every day. I put my homework in it. I take out my books when I need them. I like my schoolbag. It is very useful. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - have [hæv]:有 - little [ˈlɪtl]:小的 - schoolbag [ˈskuːlˌbæg]:书包 - blue [bluː]:蓝色的 - green [ɡriːn]:绿色的 - there are [ðeə(r) ɑː(r)]:有 - many [ˈmeni]:许多 - books [bʊks]:书 - pencils [ˈpenslz]:铅笔 - erasers [ɪˈreɪzəz]:橡皮 - carry [ˈkæri]:携带 - to [tuː]:去 - school [skuːl]:学校 - every [ˈevri]:每一个 - day [deɪ]:天 - put [pʊt]:放 - homework [ˈhəʊmwɜːk]:家庭作业 - take out [teɪk aʊt]:拿出 - when [wen]:当……的时候 - need [niːd]:需要 - like [laɪk]:喜欢 - very [ˈveri]:非常 - useful [ˈjuːsfl]:有用的。 **中文译文**:我有一个小书包。它是蓝绿色的。里面有很多书。也有铅笔和橡皮。我每天带着它去学校。我把我的家庭作业放进去。当我需要的时候我拿出我的书。我喜欢我的书包。它非常有用。

99**话题六:快乐的生日(Happy Birthday)

** **短文**: Today is my birthday. I am very happy. I have a big cake. There are candles on it. My friends come to my party. They bring me presents. We sing and dance. We play games. We eat the cake. It is a wonderful day. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - today [təˈdeɪ]:今天 - is [ɪz]:是 - my [maɪ]:我的 - birthday [ˈbɜːθdeɪ]:生日 - very [ˈveri]:非常 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - have [hæv]:有 - big [bɪɡ]:大的 - cake [keɪk]:蛋糕 - there are [ðeə(r) ɑː(r)]:有 - candles [ˈkændlz]:蜡烛 - on [ɒn]:在……上 - friends [frendz]:朋友 - come [kʌm]:来 - to [tuː]:去 - party [ˈpɑːti]:派对 - bring [brɪŋ]:带来 - presents [ˈpreznts]:礼物 - we [wiː]:我们 - sing [sɪŋ]:唱歌 - dance [dɑːns]:跳舞 - play [pleɪ]:玩 - games [ɡeɪmz]:游戏 - eat [iːt]:吃 - wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl]:美妙的 - day [deɪ]:天。 **中文译文**:今天是我的生日。我非常开心。我有一个大蛋糕。上面有蜡烛。我的朋友们来参加我的派对。他们给我带来礼物。我们唱歌跳舞。我们玩游戏。我们吃蛋糕。这是美好的一天。

100**话题七:我爱唱歌(I Love Singing)

** **短文**: I love singing. I sing every day. I sing in the shower. I sing in the car. I sing with my friends. I sing beautiful songs. I make people happy with my singing. I want to be a singer when I grow up. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - love [lʌv]:爱 - singing [ˈsɪŋɪŋ]:唱歌 - sing [sɪŋ]:唱 - every [ˈevri]:每一个 - day [deɪ]:天 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - shower [ˈʃaʊə(r)]:淋浴 - car [kɑː(r)]:汽车 - with [wɪð]:和 - friends [frendz]:朋友 - beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]:美丽的 - songs [sɒŋz]:歌曲 - make [meɪk]:使 - people [ˈpiːpl]:人们 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - want [wɒnt]:想要 - be [biː]:是 - singer [ˈsɪŋə(r)]:歌手 - when [wen]:当……的时候 - grow up [ɡrəʊ ʌp]:长大。 **中文译文**:我爱唱歌。我每天都唱歌。我在淋浴的时候唱歌。我在车里唱歌。我和我的朋友们一起唱歌。我唱美丽的歌。我的歌声让人们开心。我长大后想成为一名歌手。

101**话题八:我的小花园(My Little Garden)

** **短文**: I have a little garden. It is full of flowers. There are roses, daisies and sunflowers. I water the flowers every day. I pick the flowers and put them in a vase. I watch the butterflies fly around. I see bees collecting nectar. I love my little garden. It makes me happy. **重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - have [hæv]:有 - little [ˈlɪtl]:小的 - garden [ˈɡɑːdn]:花园 - full [fʊl]:充满的 - flowers [ˈflaʊəz]:花 - roses [ˈrəʊzɪz]:玫瑰 - daisies [ˈdeɪziz]:雏菊 - sunflowers [ˈsʌnflaʊəz]:向日葵 - water [ˈwɔːtə(r)]:浇水 - pick [pɪk]:摘 - and [ænd]:和 - put [pʊt]:放 - in [ɪn]:在……里 - vase [veɪz]:花瓶 - watch [wɒtʃ]:看 - butterflies [ˈbʌtəflaɪz]:蝴蝶 - fly [flaɪ]:飞 - around [əˈraʊnd]:周围 - see [siː]:看见 - bees [biːz]:蜜蜂 - collecting [kəˈlektɪŋ]:收集 - nectar [ˈnektə(r)]:花蜜 - love [lʌv]:爱 - make [meɪk]:使 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的。 **中文译文**:我有一个小花园。它满是花。有玫瑰、雏菊和向日葵。我每天给花浇水。我摘花并把它们放在花瓶里。我看蝴蝶在周围飞舞。我看到蜜蜂在收集花蜜。我爱我的小花园。它让我开心。

102 **话题九:帮助妈妈(Help Mom)

** **短文**: I help my mom. I clean the table. I wash the dishes. I sweep the floor. I fold the clothes. I take out the trash. Mom is very happy. She hugs me and says thank you. I feel good when I help her.

**重点单词及音标、中文释义**: - help [help]:帮助 - mom [mɒm]:妈妈 - clean [kliːn]:打扫 - table [ˈteɪbl]:桌子 - wash [wɒʃ]:洗 - dishes [ˈdɪʃɪz]:盘子 - sweep [swiːp]:打扫 - floor [flɔː(r)]:地板 - fold [fəʊld]:折叠 - clothes [kləʊðz]:衣服 - take out [teɪk aʊt]:拿出 - trash [træʃ]:垃圾 - very [ˈveri]:非常 - happy [ˈhæpi]:开心的 - hug [hʌɡ]:拥抱 - and [ænd]:和 - say [seɪ]:说 - thank you [ˈθæŋk juː]:谢谢你 - feel [fiːl]:感觉 - good [ɡʊd]:好的 - when [wen]:当……的时候 - her [hɜː(r)]:她。


103 宠物可以多一些

104 童谣(待整理)

以下是这些英语童谣的歌词: 1. **《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》**: - Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Then the traveller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye, Till the sun is in the sky. As your bright and tiny spark, Lights the traveller in the dark. Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. 2. **《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》**: - Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O And on this farm he had some chicks, E - I - E - I - O With a chick - chick here and a chick - chick there Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick - chick Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O - Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O And on this farm he had some ducks, E - I - E - I - O With a quack - quack here and a quack - quack there Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack - quack Chick - chick here and a chick - chick there Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick - chick Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O - Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O And on this farm he had a turkey, E - I - E - I - O With a gobble - gobble here and a gobble - gobble there Here a gobble, there a gobble, everywhere a gobble - gobble Quack - quack here and a quack - quack there Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack - quack Chick - chick here and a chick - chick there Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick - chick Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O - Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O And on this farm he had a pig, E - I - E - I - O With an oink - oink here and an oink - oink there Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink - oink Gobble - gobble here and a gobble - gobble there Here a gobble, there a gobble, everywhere a gobble - gobble Quack - quack here and a quack - quack there Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack - quack Chick - chick here and a chick - chick there Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick - chick Old MacDonald had a farm, E - I - E - I - O 3. **《Rain Rain Go Away》**: - Rain, rain go away Come again another day. Rain, rain go away Little Johnny wants to play. 或者 - Rain rain go away, Come again another day. Little Johnny wants to play; Rain, rain, go to Spain, Never show your face again! 4. **《Bingo》**: - There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name - o. B - I - N - G - O B - I - N - G - O B - I - N - G - O And Bingo was his name - o. 5. **《Row Row Row Your Boat》**: - Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.






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