
This is a significant cost to the bank. So publishing an api to our maybe our poetry is not to take the box exercise and it's really important because it helps uh with API discovery and in improving an increasing reuse of the apis that we have in the bank. 

And hopefully you're aware that all middle software expires in July 2023. So this is away from new soft technology and we need to find replacement for out of exchange need to find a technology to replace our use of cloud of exchange as our api repository. 

There's also various issues that we've had with exchange and the 1 I want to point out at this stage is the fact that he has been reporting that they've found it very difficult. 

Even if we've got this single place where all of our regulars exist. So exchange at this point in time. There's over 8000 apis in it. 

And the teams have been struggling to find a PRS in exchange, so the user interface is not very good. So even though we've provided feedback over the years to real soft to try and improve it, they have improved it a bit team still struggle. 

Find apis in the exchange. So. Uh, what are we gonna do with guards to replacing our use of exchanges or if you are. 

So we now has an external api developer portal which has been in production live for over a year. So before that different lines of business had the road external api developer portal. So here we're talking about external api. Which is consumed by other organizations, uh. Outside but so not HSBC, but organization 622 H S B C and we had a lot of Portland. We now have this single external api developer global safety go in your browser to develop the dot HSBC that will take you to external legal. I develop poor forms a picture at the top, right. 

And teams blind to people that are converging on this is our single portal for external apis. So to cut a long story, short decision was made that we would create an internal egg diet of a portal using the same technology as the external api developer portal and this would become our FPI repository. So we would replace cloud of exchange as our 80 dollars positive. 

And basically, essentially. We've taken a fork of the code base. Um the external api developer portal. So he's based on the internal portal and you can add to the political code. This is really important. 

Because it allows us to move features between the Hawkins and in fact, we've already done this. Um so we've already moved some feature a feature from the external portal to gain total portal. So that's notifications and. 

So it's been very valuable. In fact, that we're using the same technology and the same code base. So the port internal portal will be a separate instance of the porting compared to the external. 

It is basically a saas product, so that's software as a service which is being built by a company called digital api craft. So they build it for us, but Hsbc provided the requirements for the portal. So where is exchange the extra cloud of exchange. We will stop the. 

Programs. I just I mean, just to add to exchange, whereas with our internal developer portal, HSBC defines the requirements that we have a hotline of business working group which has members from different lives of business. So W P B, wholesale enterprise technology IT ID open banking application architecture. So it's a collaborative effort. We come up with the requirements we can give them to deck. 

Uh, then build. And dark work in a national manners that be working on the internal acting are developed in their house for roughly nine months. 

And they have two week sprints and at the end of each sprinkling through a demo of the portal or the features that have added internal. 

Um to the working group and then we provide a favorite feedback to that and then they make the necessary changes to the portal. So we've got this feedback loop, which is improving the parking. 

The main goal. Tool is to make API discovery as easy as possible and drive up api reuse. As I said. Api reduced increasing A Q R E is the important goal. 

The bottle itself is a key part of the 7.3 workstream of maza and mazza is part of vision. So before I do a deadline of of the quarter. 

There's a few important points I want to bring up. So that's one of the issues we've got. We've cloud of exchange is we've got a lot of bad data related to apis in exchange for various reasons and we want to try and stop this with the parking. So when I say bad data. 

An example is ah a lot of apis have invalid who are missing. Data associated. When opportunity collects the pool. 

Uh, sorry or the repository cabinet. Give your specification craft to travel for os. The message is to follow. 

To search for help search for npr net. The repository also is used for governor's reasons. You need a technical documentation. 

So we've got a lot of them. Uh, data, uh. In exchange and we want to stop this, uh, having bad data without our appearance in the fourth. I'll talk more. 

And when I talk about my greeting. Supporting. The porcelain self supports oh yes, but it does not support rebel, so rebels and a new soft technology. 

We're moving away from your software videos supported um and oas is our strategic. Api specification is going forward to introduce oes files instead of grammar files. 

But we do as part of the migration and the updated acrylic published requirements will support, uh. Converting apple sauce to OES mart smartphone, more outbacks interface. 

And they're not really too different trouble to highlight between the portal and exchange. Is that with exchange and the version of an api that was taken from the if I met state of files, this was a mistake. He. 

Ah 5 or so years ago when we first started using exchange, we defined a message field in the economic file contractor should have started using that who is really should use the version of the rapid files. So we've been creating kind of cheaper than information which we get out to see. 

Indeed. So sick. So a lot of the versions. In a ramble file, due blocks are lots of stuff with the version of the metadata follow this course is our split problem. So we're trying to fix that. 

The program so going forward, the version of an api is taken for me. Oh yes. Okay. So next, i'm going to do a demo of the portal. 

Um so. Speaking at the dash and portal yet there's just a few things in it to help check the instructions. The production version of the pool is okay. I'll get to them on the preproduction version of the popular itself. 

And the main page, the portal looks like this. So this is the api pository page of the portal and it looks pretty similar to what you've seen in exchange or what you've seen in the external electronic. Okay. So what I mentioned is that for the internal portal, we're trying to follow the same UI design is the external. 

Ah the economy develop important and only when necessary do we make changes or tweet. So here's the mates page. Each tile here represents an api. 

And in the portal, um i'll talk more about this in a second. You can search for a keyword, search Japanese response and when you search here, you'll search here. You searching across. 

Api technical names. The eclipse contents. The eclipse specification files and areas files the mobile technical implementation and metadata. 

We've got a little help, uh, my client here and she can click on which creates this pop up. Uh, which helps explain how you can use keyword search to find apis. So we've got different logical operators you can use with keywords. So we've got kind of tasty what you'd expect. We've got war. 

And also not to not do something exchanged. It has so it was quite useful, but if you're searching for an api. 

And you want to exclude certain terms when you're searching to make the eye, you can use the not operator. 

Um. Yes, I said. When you publish an api to to our repository, you need to include metadata. So we've got a metadata standard and as part of that. We've got some approved metadata fields and there's some, uh, key metadata fields that people want to use a lot of the time and searching for A P I S. So we surface those as what we call filters on the left hand side. So you can see here we've got the layer of like experience api process a.p.o. system API. So if I wanted to only see system, maybe I suppose like you just click on this tick box. 

And the portal doesn't actually search for only system, maybe your eyes and under the covers is just searching for A P I S that have system API in the metadata field. We've also got a global business or global functions, the GB gfs of incidents here and strop down if you're only interested in apis that are owned by enterprise technology, you can select this and ultimately the portal will only search for API statutory metadata fields of T. 

I will also got plastic. The surface line country code and also say, for instance, the space. So all of this, when you click on or select an appropriate value here of the filter will search and the portal will search based on the metadata values. 

A useful feature is, for instance, if you're always. Bottle and Europe you're running instead in, for instance, that certain filter selectives. They already stood in api's own light price technology. You can select the filters that you want. You can then click on save the full filter and that means whenever you come back to the safety of our repository page in the portlock, those filters will automatically be selected so you don't have to keep selecting. 

If you want to unselect those filters. You can just click for your role and if if you want to set your default. 

Active, uh, no filter selected. You can then just click on save default filter. The 14 we've got some sort to say news sort by on three different types of information related to an api. You've got the date time that an api was published to the portal. We've also got the name of the api and also the average user rating. I'll talk more about average user rating in a minute. You can also control the sort direction using these errors. 

On the right hand side, you've got information about the number of apis that match your particular search. I haven't done a search yet, so it's just showing a number of very pretty honest. 

Be important. So this pre-prod environment seems either a 7117 apis here. And we're showing the first 24 war hospital. 

So we support pagination. So if you scroll down to the bottom, we've got the pagination default or what you'd expect the pagination controls. So this is box down the pagination controls. 

And also I should say where possible with the ui, we're following the create dot HSBC guidelines for the design of the ui. 

Um if you want to download information about the results that have been turned by your research, your search. The information about the apis that has been returned, you can click on this download results button and equal return CSP file with key information about uh the A P I S that have been returned by your search. So let me now talk about api tiles if I if I zoom in a bit. 

Um so a lot of the top of each api to oil. We've got some icons which will displace the key information about an api. So currently you can see there are two iphones here. 1 is telling me that this is an O E S 3 API and also telling me that this is a process API. So we include information about whether it's a Michael, whether it's process api system api or an experienced api will also be including additional iphones in the future. So for instance, around cage. So I hope you're aware of cage. 

This is an inner source tool which we use. Um compliance with an api to our group API standards and the lines of business specific or extensions to those api standards. It will have an online code appear which will indicate whether an API is cage compliant or not and there are other items almost add, for instance. Uh in the future because we're moving to buy and whether an api is buying compliant or not. 

So we've got the api like title here to pop. This is taken from the OS file info dot title section. We've also got the technical name of the api and also the version information. So an api uh can. 

One of the more versions. So here this api just is a single version 1 0 0 in the portal that if there are multiple versions, you'd be able to see here what those versions are in the blank section below the version of re- support, including a brief description about the api. So this is taken from the OS file, the info description field. This is apiece. Don't have that populated, but that's a useful way of providing. So the information very quickly to someone who's using the port of fragile discovery to provide which will infer as to whether this API might be of interest to them or not. So we strongly recommend peak team going forward at a brief description to the info on description field of their OES file uh and may provide information as simply as possible about the kind of the purpose of the api and that information will be displayed here as well. 

There's a other information that we will we can display about an api, but but the current api is aren't displaying. 

But I want to now talk about. Uh, what's at the bottom here of the api tile, the rate, this api and the average user ratings. 

So. We basically want to create or improve the feedback loop between the owner of an api and the consumers of an api so we won't make. 

For a consumer of an api to provide feedback to the owner of an API about the quality of that api so consumers that everyone in the portal. 

And go to the portal. And great. A late PI and actually one thing I haven't said is that um so for the portal export single sign off. 

And adfs. So. Yeah you log to maximum log in to the portal when you go to the dns and everyone all members of staff had read access to the port and by four. 

We do not need to raise acid. 





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