【无标题】20221130 studynote1



I take you for drugging. I see that people are still gathering. So just just let me wait one more minute. 


Okay, since this three minutes past the time. So welcome everyone. Thank you for joining. Good morning, good afternoon, good afternoon and good evening. 


Um my name is papa biologic and I'm I have a privilege to be a product owner, uh, in CI CD team working on the on the ranking. 


What I would like to do today is to get familiarize yourself with the with our team and encourage you to. 


Worked closely with our team in case of any feature requests that are already possibly in implemented in the jaintia environment. 


Uh, so at the beginning, let me let me start with the degree. Quick, uh, team presentation, everything what I am sharing right now on the screen, uh. During today's call. I will send in a meeting now, so don't worry about making AAA an else with the. 


With the proper links to the to the site. Uh, and yeah. Let's go ahead and get started. So our team is ah cicd writers. 


Consist of, uh. Jack with our team lead and subject matter expert or master expert Jack is a major container person on the team. So. 


You know be be careful with asking anything since Jack is. Zone is busy. Uh, pava guru is a democracy engineer located in Ireland, uh, Shivam engineer. 


Aggie is devil's engineer located in Ukraine is our straw master. Okay, that's instructive in your kid. 


Uh, good afternoon. Both are working from from India as a devops engineer and myself Assad as a traffic Donald. 


I will send this, uh, link. To this page, you just give you a. Contacts contact for for our team. And just give you the possibility to to collaborate closely with the with US. 


The second page. What I would like to share with you today is a general CI CD landing page. And the specific. 


Uh. Ah subpage, what do you want to be able to to reach out and you probably. Will be used on the. And maybe not daily, but let's say from from time to time is the giant is and users support, uh, instructions and and details. 


I won't be able to, you know. Work through all of those details right now. However, daddy will be new meeting notes after, uh, after the the call they think about it. I would like to focus, uh, today is our. 


Kind of a new stakeholder engagement page. In entire enablement services, stroke. Uh which allows our customer stakeholders, uh, cooperate with US, uh. And to let US know what is necessary, what is needed in any specific area. 


Uh, you can just. Simply. Click this this link. And opened the form. Sincere request what is needed from your point of view. 


Um this is something pretty much easy and I will just go through all of those fields just. Formularize how to abrogate the field. 


Once you need anything. Uh, in in drinking area, uh, please provide the the summary, uh, just, uh, recognize yourself. Who are you. 


Uh. Then specify what. Jeanne, are you representing. And what actually we are requesting for in our case, it will be always Jenkins. 


Then please specify the problem. Uh, you know, uh, please stay clear. What's the problem you are facing and why, uh. 


This this is needed to be implemented. Another field is about your, uh, journey as a user. Uh, so please explain what you are experiencing as a. 


As a as a user. You can see the example here. One of the possible, you know, uh. Statements as an engineer, I would like to have. 


And this and that automatically, for example. In place so that I can. What was less on manual business also around task. This is only an example, please you know adjust to to to to your case. 


Um another field is a business justification, uh, dish. Will be important from the you know prioritizing and budgeting perspective. Please be as much specific as possible in this area. 


And the next one is exercise criteria. Uh, what does it mean. You know, just to define. When you. You consider that the work is Istanbul. 


Um. Capital fields on the on the. Bottle of. I just said this is not. The strict generated drainage description just. 


Try to you know provide your your point of view. And aspirational completer and competition 8, uh. It's you know, we are not committing to anything right now. Uh, I'm just asking you to. 


Give US. As much as as much as it begins as as possible. Right now I'm going to switch to another. And another page which will show you how these these requests will look like after the, uh the submission. 


So this will be simply the Jura ticket, uh, with all of those description that. Uh, uh. Or where provided. 


This is something would I. Just request by myself. But as much as our. What is the problem in this case is is that the current drinking infrastructure might already, uh, limits and we need to work on on you. 


I wrote an architecture of this this total show and actually. As a matter of fact, right now we are considering. 


I know something called the junk is a modern platform and before the next P.i.. Uh, this should this specific project. 


Will be or not on our our board depends on the. Shovel shelter. Gay planning. Results will be in Zaria. 


Every every every ticket, um. Requested by Europe or will you be. Uh, reviewed on a weekly basis, but but by our team. 


To get familiarize ourselves with this case and think we cooperate with you, if any. Any further details are required just on the. 


On the on the Jr ticket. And based on that. Information that we gather through those tickets. We will be able to smooth it you know gather your requirements. 


Feature request your needs. Propel, prioritize it and improve our drinking environment as our customers would like to to do so. 


Uh, and. Yeah, this is pretty much it what I would like to sell. Right now. Is. And the truth. Jack is we we ask Jack, would they like to add anything. 


On the top of this. Hey, Paul, I think I think we covered most of the topics and like what what our users should know and and as a as a required. Uh, um, uh, concerns or or any questions or any energy commands if they have the fusion, so that can be. 


All done using the feature because but yes, that is this forum is open for any curious or anything that that you that you want to ask or or or. 


Arrest. Kindly do we will be there to address those queries. Okay, so thank you, Jack. This is pretty much it from my perspective. If you have any questions right now. 


We have. 18 minutes to to to use to just talk about that. Uh. Yeah, please go ahead if you have any any questions. Um hi, thanks for this guys. It's nice to meet you to see the the people behind. Um some things I want to grow for all of US. 


Um one question I have actually is around 80 groups. Um so I'm a part of um on the WP D um part of the account UK some value stream um that originally came out of, um. 


Originations. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the structure there, but. My question really is that originations used to be multiple teams. We had one Jenkins instance um for all of those teams and that that was horrendous. Um and nobody would ever want to go back to having it effectively tends to the hundreds of 10 buildings in the same thinkings. And so. 


Uh, but one thing that has happened since we will start all start with migrating S HP is that all these teams no longer have access to see each others' jobs. 


Because. Effectively aged so value streamers now got assigned to a new groups and we're all delivering some of the projects. In fact, some of our projects have been split across some things that we know. 


Ah well, we'll have work done in the past. We can't see those, Jenkins. Is there a policy or is there a way to me effectively Jenkins fight with public um within the organization or to have a super group. 


Of 80 group for a cluster of. Things. Um essentially quite annoying because every time you say somebody are. Uh, we we've done this on our pipeline that can't see it. So then you have to add the blast and. 


Et cetera, et cetera. Um so ah head branches. So so. But this particular requirement comes if there is any alpha policies applied to your mascara if it is the same mastery we are talking about the particular instance you are talking about. We need to see how it is defined and learned which users are not having access, uh, probably, uh. If you go to the residence at year three with with some information around that. Then we can we can have a look at it. It's it's not just some users like so basically we can add users to our pipelines. 


It's it's more that um so for example, if I have a conversation with the team in Canada and then I have ah another conversation with a different team in Hong Kong and I say, oh, we have done this or, um. Or what not, they they won't be able to see our white lights and it's not realistic for me to just add everybody who I have a pipeline with 2 I need group was in previously. But we were all on just the same originations, uh, um. 


Jenkins and everyone could just see everyone's pipelines. Yeah. So if I could have a look at your master, I can see that you don't have any specific outbound policies implemented there. Okay. So there are specific groups which are defined and. 


The users are part of those books and I should be able to access the JavaScript. Okay, cool. Thanks. So let's see if you already have it. Just go ahead. Sorry, so sorry. So, uh, this one is an agent if you if you. 


If you have if you have sensory shows where you, uh. Where the users are not able to access. So if you can give US give US an example with with the dusty and it will have a will have a. 


Thanks. No problem. So Francis, if you have you know any doubt in in regards to you know contacting US, just reach out to me and and we organize a call if needed. 


You know to to address this case. Just start with the rest of the SD, uh, uh, uh, yeah, okay, thank you. 


Thank you. 


Yes. Okay. Uh, any other topics to to ask to to cooperate now. 


Oh, I did the photo go ahead. Yeah. Uh, sorry, I joined late, so, uh. I might have, uh, lose the last the context of this call. So, is this something like, uh, whenever we are facing any issues with a gem in so if we want any, uh, features to be added or. You know, any parameters to be added to our junk in so they are only going to have to raise that. 


Is it that that's exactly what this call is about? Uh, don't don't worry about, you know. The the the content I will send all of those links in the in the meeting notes so we will get the the the proper place to request anything. Uh, you will get a a link to to. 


Uh, meet the the the our team page of so what you actually you will you will get everything of of of of the email, uh, yeah, that's. 


But to mention. Sure, thank you. I have a question on the gdk. Maybe it's already implemented, but can we choose the version of the job I use to build artificial from different bike. And so it's like rather by planting, uh responsible for this. 


Um um um sorry, this is going to be a no. So basically, uh, is it Jenkins team. Uh, manages these sessions available and like details, which it is by boost is particular pipeline in some service. 


Yeah, so this is all mentioned by US. So if you have any any sort, any soft curves which are needed for your pipeline to execute and there will be any dependencies for your pipeline, you can you can definitely raise it to US. Um and if it is an open source software that is also. 


And we can we can implement it with Arnold. With the record-breaking. So this is something there in process. If if if any particular getaway version that they are looking for and then we took there on the build agents, researchers papers will need to implement that. 


Okay, so in my case, I think it's not only that this version is to be present on the no, but also I I have. 


A way to choose between discussions because I mean. So tempest. Yeah, sorry, this is correct. So yeah so this one challenge of choosing the right to the case will also should be available, but I can restick it as less of my panels artificially through this the channel and describe our city, but maybe you already have it and I guess you already have it yeah multiplied. 


Available. Let's just the question I think is how to choose 1. So so that does mostly goes on how the pipeline is different. 


Okay. So if if you are using any any any supported any manners by parents for the first three hours, so then you need to you need to check with the first 15. 


To get that configured across and if it is something that you are using a custom pipeline and probably will improve the time you also. So the binaries are not available on the north. We do have specific conference, whether this were it gives US. 


And information like what what binaries are available and the required version of. Uh, is that the unit to choose the correct path. 


Okay, thanks. Number. 


Okay, thank you, Mr. Um. Yeah. 


Do we have anything, anything else. Um, apparently did did you got a chance to, uh, to to, um, and to share our team's channel where the users can raise their. 


Yeah, she's Griffith if anyone is not added that they can they can they can I I resend this in the in the meeting notes, you you mean the slacks on the right, another team channel, we're not we're not using slack. 


July. Okay. And would you be able to help me to figure out what I would do right now if I wanted to do that, I learned she said it okay, I resend it. 


Okay, so. Ya in that case. Please do expect the the the details are rescinded after the. PM session, just click the gathering together. 


And once again. Thank you for joining today. Looking forward to. Cooperate with you if you have anything, you don't hesitate. 


To to ask just this up to me or to anyone from from our team. So thank you again for joining and. Talk to you soon have a great day. 


Thanks, everyone. Thanks for being at this club. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Thank you. 





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