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原创 20221230 study1

So just to forever context, uh, as I highlighted, uh. I was a terrified. This is a technical launch.Golden life. Frighten. Yes, possible this second. Of that, of course. So to give everyone a better context on this, right.I feel like the sales

2022-12-30 11:13:55 510 1

原创 【无标题】20221130 studynote1

Yeah.I take you for drugging. I see that people are still gathering. So just just let me wait one more minute.Okay, since this three minutes past the time. So welcome everyone. Thank you for joining. Good morning, good afternoon, good afternoon

2022-11-30 17:23:49 359

原创 API cop

Mm. Hi, David. I came. Hey, I go my David. Hi. She's.Region well. You need to do.Pinang.Sims. English is on some of the rehabilitation details doing. He'll join.Let's start first actor.I also have. I want to guess. Yeah, sorry, I was on on o

2022-11-09 17:04:30 247

原创 API cop

I will have to have. Oh. Yeah. To talk today, um. Uh, can let min Hui to have a quick show for that.Too far. Oh, you mean the big expertise, yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay. So the EPA express came into discussion for six weeks if we are working group as well be

2022-11-09 15:10:46 347

原创 20221031

Hey, good morning. Oh, uh, thank you for attending this sign up, uh, UA T standard for data disposition. Just give another 1, uh, 2 minutes for the rest to join.I'll check. Ah Jack. I'll come back to you. Competitively. Uh, we are, uh. Hi, okay. Hi, Jes

2022-10-31 11:22:06 1040

原创 2022102701

Hi morning. Uh, let's wait for I think for a while I think she's away was something ya. Okay. Maybe I can share my screen first for the UN T activity.Okay. You all can you see my screen, right. Ya. Okay, so for idea, Ali and Elva, right, so before we

2022-10-31 09:25:13 227

原创 20221011study02

Okay. So, uh, i'm not able to request. Uh. Bryan said another call. Uh, maybe we get started first. Uh, however, thank you for joining this week ah P W G for data disposition.So right now we are having, uh. With our u OD U A T is ongoing. Uh, has we alr

2022-10-21 15:15:02 102

原创 20221011study01

Okay. Uh, good morning. Thank you all for attending, uh, today's. Uh, database position. You already sat down.So we will proceed. Uh, so I had it alone. Oh, Jesse to. What is true that status makeup. Okay, hi morning on.Okay, so based on our U A T li

2022-10-21 15:14:03 214

原创 20221013study2

Started again in one minute, we've already got over 1000 and ten days. Okay, see everyone. Yeah. Okay.Okay, let's begin. 5 4 3 2 1.Okay. Hi. Uh, hi everyone and and welcome, uh. My name is Pullman cousin for those that, uh, that don't know me. I, uh,

2022-10-13 16:24:27 405

原创 20221012study1

Okay, hi everyone. Okay, so we'll kick start the U A T standard for data disposition. So today's 12 of October, I will just share the U A D listing uh issue list that I found in the M S team. So you it's the same list that you can view from the file on the

2022-10-12 15:15:52 240

原创 20221010study02

Hello, good morning. Okay, let's give another two minutes for the rest of John. Thank you.Okay, I think since most of us are here, ah, we can kick start. Hi, thank you. Everyone for joining, uh. Today's, uh, data disposition daily. You at least send.

2022-10-10 16:11:07 226

原创 20221010study1

The current listing for those Pending a U A T issue k. So. Oh, for this one. Um, H have you start checking on the agent data.Um, no, not yet ya ya ya ya, this one, although it. Okay. So, uh, maybe you can cover for the, uh, production product first beca

2022-10-10 16:07:41 376

原创 20221006study01

Hey, good morning, everyone. Uh, let's give another two minutes for the rest to try. Thank you.Yeah.Okay. Hi, good morning. Uh, thank you, everyone, for joining today's uvd standard for. Data disposition.Uh, I hand it over to you, Jesse. Uh, for t

2022-10-06 10:21:03 233

原创 20220930study6

This is a significant cost to the bank. So publishing an api to our maybe our poetry is not to take the box exercise and it's really important because it helps uh with API discovery and in improving an increasing reuse of the apis that we have in the bank.

2022-09-30 15:22:12 100

原创 20220930study6

Yeah.Okay, okay. Should you call it.Hello, hello. Hello. Hi. Okay. Ya like maybe Bryan, whether he is trying.Okay. Uh, never mind. Let's proceed first since that this morning we have a.u.a.d. stand up. I think we are quite, uh, pretty cat

2022-09-30 11:48:25 163

原创 20220930study5

Uh, animation of the event, right. Thank you. Hi everyone. Okay, let's wait for okay, uh, a product is.Oh, maybe axel. Oh. Ignore.Uh, animation of the email you are asking for me. Okay, thank you. Welcome. Hi everyone. Okay, let's wait for okay

2022-09-30 11:12:02 168

原创 30220930study3

Okay, hi, good morning, everyone. Uh. I think we have most of the users and. Ah team here. Um. Okay. So can we, uh, so good morning, ah.The gift voucher, the U A T set. Database position today. Uh, so can I hand it over to you just need to provide th

2022-09-30 10:26:18 129

原创 20220930study2

Hey, hello, Margie.Yeah.Hi, mogus. Good afternoon, good afternoon.Hi, Kevin and cash.One of the most important. Johnson, yeah, yeah. It might not be difficult to hold on. Yeah, we will just wait for a couple of minutes.That's.

2022-09-30 10:25:17 548

原创 20220930study1

Okay. Hi on, uh, good morning. I think those, uh, most of us who are working today is still here to search.Okay. Uh, okay, thank you for joining today's. Uh, U A T set up, um. I had it open to you, Jesse. To provide the status or to follow any item. Tha

2022-09-30 10:24:29 322

原创 20220926study3

Uh, hi, everyone. Good afternoon. Uh, let's give another minute or two for the rest.Since most of the people. Was okay, as I mentioned with you. Uh, so we will keep stuff. Visa data disposition Peter pigeon.So, uh, okay. Uh, so I will make an update.

2022-09-26 17:28:01 120

原创 English study note12

Hello morning. Um, we have an ikea here and also David Harley Jackson. Okay. Hi, hello. Hello. Hi, i'll transfer. How about, um, is there anyone else from your team to join us for this walkthrough.Uh, Sarah, you are way of oxygen, John. Uh, our membe

2022-09-20 15:30:02 115

原创 English study note11

Hi everyone. Hello. Hello. Okay, how do I check, hey, hello. Let's give another minute or two photographs.Okay. Ah, I think most of the. Team. Here. This. So. Policy servicing from retail. Oh, Jonathan. That we have wholesale team here. Alright, okay

2022-09-18 19:50:56 165

原创 enlish

what's your opinion, thanks. what's your opinion. well, I think or my opinion is. okay, so there we have some very simple phrases for asking for and giving opinions. And they are absolutely fine, but it can be a little bit boring if we always use the same

2022-01-16 16:03:17 134

原创 english study

hours of everybody. It's very important that we find a solution to this problem as soon as possible.it's also very important to explain the situation to our customers. and Paul, please inform Mr. Satan immediately. That's very important.So there are ..

2021-12-31 17:22:02 247

原创 study english

in this child lesson, I want to do two pins. 1st of all, I want to say thank you to everybody for watching my channel in 2020, and secondly, i'd like to share some useful vocabulary and phrases for talking about poem.Yeah. welcome back to English from p.

2021-12-18 15:14:06 283

原创 english study

Listening Is More Important than Talking ①Nowadays an old saying, “Listening is more important than talking”,comes into vogue. ② The saying tells us the true essence of communication with others in the society, which means paying attention to othe...

2021-12-18 09:56:35 534

原创 git 提交修改备注

1.git commit --amend2.更改备注完后,Alt+X退出编辑模式3.ctrl+S保存退出

2021-01-22 14:55:12 720

原创 本地实现异步调用的方式

本地方法实现异步的方式:1.使用线程池 new ThreadPoolExecutor( 5, 10, // 默认情况下指的是非核心线程的空闲时间 // 如果allowCoreThreadTimeOut=true:核心线程/非核心线程允许的空闲时间 10L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(100), Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), new T

2021-01-17 20:49:26 347

转载 2021-01-17

CompletableFuture基本用法异步计算 所谓异步调用其实就是实现一个可无需等待被调用函数的返回值而让操作继续运行的方法。在 Java 语言中,简单的讲就是另启一个线程来完成调用中的部分计算,使调用继续运行或返回,而不需要等待计算结果。但调用者仍需要取线程的计算结果。 JDK5新增了Future接口,用于描述一个异步计算的结果。虽然 Future 以及相关使用方法提供了异步执行任务的能力,但是对于结果的获取却是很不方便,只能通过阻塞或者轮询的方式得到任务的结果。阻塞的方式显然和

2021-01-17 11:56:36 82 1

原创 Mysql知识汇总

Mysql知识汇总一、框架介绍1.MySQL是什么MySQL是一种关系型数据库,支持5000万条记录的数据仓库2.linux环境下安装命令:rpm –ivh mysql3.查询字符集show variables like ‘%char%’4.Mysql存储引擎:常用的事innodb和myisam5.数据库的三范式一范式就是属性不可分割,二范式就是要有主键,其他字段都依赖于主键,三范式就是要消除传递依赖,消除冗余,就是各种信息只在一个地方存储,不出现在多张表中.

2020-11-03 16:33:57 117 1

原创 juc总结

juc总结1.线程/进程的基础wait/sleep的区别:wait会释放锁资源,sleep不会释放锁资源,需要notify唤醒2.lock:对比synchronized理解:synchronize能实现的lock都可以实现,lock比synchronize更加灵活,synchronize不需要手动去解锁, 实现类:可重入锁 reentrantlock lock lock= new reentrantlock(); 核心api:trylock();lock();unlock(); ...

2020-11-02 21:52:21 327

原创 框架总结


2020-11-01 21:45:37 68

原创 系统优化工具

系统性能优化:系统优化工具汇总:1.skywalking 分布式系统全链路监测工具,可以很好的查看系统更请求耗时,链路信息-javaagent:/path/to/skywalking-agent/skywalking-agent.jar2.springboot Spring Boot Actuator就是一款可以帮助你监控系统数据的框架,其可以监控很多很多的系统数据,它有对应用系统的自省和监控的集成功能,可以查看应用配置的详细信息,如:显示应用程序员的Health健康信息显示Info应用信息

2020-11-01 21:24:43 280

原创 jvm知识总结


2020-11-01 21:23:59 137

原创 redis总结

redis1.简介: (1)数据类型:字符串(动态字符串sds),列表list(双端链表,两边为null,无环,持有向上和向下的指针),map,hash,zset 默认端口6379,用到的数据结构有:动态字符串,双向链表,压缩列表,字典,整数集合,跳跃表 (2)性能高主要是:单线程+io多路复用,实现原理:利用select ,epoll建立一种机制,可以监视描述符(fd--socket),一旦一个描述符就绪就会执行操作 (3)缓存淘汰策略,maxmem...

2020-10-29 14:57:55 67



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