Tomcat: the Definitive Guide

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Jakarta Tomcat is not only a commonly used open source servlet engine, it's become the de factor standard by which other servlet engines are measured. Powerful and flexible, it can be used as a standalone web server or in conjunction with another server, like Apache or IIS, to run servlets or JSPs. But mastery of Tomcat is not easy: because it's as complex as it is complete. This guide answers vexing questions that users, administrators, and developers alike have been asking. This concise guide provides much needed information to help harness Tomcat's power and wealth of features. "Tomcat: The Definitive Guide" offers something for everyone who uses Tomcat. System and network administrators will find detailed instructions on installation, configuration, and maintenance. For users, it supplies insightful information on how to deploy Tomcat. And seasoned enterprise Java developers will have a complete reference to setting up, running, and using this powerful software. The book begins with an introduction to the Tomcat server and includes an overview of the three types of server configurations: stand-alone, in-process, and out-of-process. The authors show how directories are laid out, cover the initial setup, and describe how to set the environment variables and modify the configuration files, concluding with common errors, problems, and solutions. In subsequent chapters, they cover: the server.xml configuration file Java Security manager Authentication schemes and Tomcat users The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Tomcat JDBC Realms Installing servletsand Java Server Pages Integrating Tomcat with Apache, IIS, and other servers Advanced Tomcat configuration and more. "Tomcat: The Definitive Guide" covers all major platforms, including Windows, Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X, contains details on Tomcat configuration files, and has a quick-start guide to get developers up and running with Java servlets and JavaServer Pages. If you've struggled with this powerful yet demanding technology in the past, this book should provide the answers you need.
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PDF版 Tomcat: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition By: Jason Brittain; Ian F. Darwin Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Pub. Date: October 23, 2007 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-596-10106-0 Print ISBN-10: 0-596-10106-6 Pages in Print Edition: 496 Overview: It takes a book as versatile as its subject to cover Apache Tomcat, the popular open source Servlet and JSP container and high performance web server. Tomcat: The Definitive Guide is a valuable reference for administrators and webmasters, a useful guide for programmers who want to use Tomcat as their web application server during development or in production, and an excellent introduction for anyone interested in Tomcat. Updated for the latest version of Tomcat, this new edition offers a complete guide to installing, configuring, maintaining and securing this servlet container. In fact, with such a wealth of new information, this is essentially a new book rather than a simple revision. You will find details for using Tomcat on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD, along with specifics on Tomcat configuration files, and step-by-step advice for deploying and running web applications. This book offers complete information for: * Installation and startup procedures * * Configuring Tomcat-including realms, roles, users, servlet sessions, and JNDI resources including JDBC DataSources * * Deploying web applications-individual servlets and JSP pages, and web application archive files * * Tuning Tomcat to measure and improve performance * * Integrating Tomcat with Apache Web Server * * Securing Tomcat to keep online thugs at bay * * Tomcat configuration files-server.xml and web.xml, and more * * Debugging and Troubleshooting-diagnosing problems with Tomcat or a web application * * Compiling your own Tomcat, rather than using the pre-built release * * Running two or more Tomcat servlet containers in parallel * This book also offers an overview of the Tomcat open source project's community resources, including docs, mailing lists, and more. Community interest fueled a strong demand for a Tomcat guide from O'Reilly. The result clearly exceeds expectations.


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