Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++

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Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ is a must-buy book for any serious Excel developer.Excel is the industry standard for financial modelling, providing a number of ways for users to extend the functionality of their own add-ins, including VBA and C/C++. This is the only complete how-to guide and reference book for the creation of high performance add-ins for Excel in C and C++ for users in the finance industry. Steve Dalton explains how to apply Excel add-ins to financial applications with many examples given throughout the book. It also covers the relative strengths and weaknesses of developing add-ins for Excel in VBA versus C/C++, and provides comprehensive code, workbooks and example projects on the accompanying CD-ROM. The impact of Excel 2007s multi-threaded workbook calculations and large grids on add-in development are fully explored. Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ features:

*Extensive example codes in VBA, C and C++, explaining all the ways in which a developer can achieve their objectives.
*Example projects that demonstrate, from start to finish, the potential of Excel when powerful add-ins can be easily developed.
*Develops the readers understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of developing add-ins for Excel in VBA versus C/C++.
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This book is intended to provide the reader with a guide to the issues involved with creating powerful and reliable add-ins for Excel. With years of use, many people build up the experience and understanding needed to create custom functions for Excel in C and C++. However, given the very limited books and resources available, this can be a largely trial-and-error process. The motivation in writing this book is to create something I wish I had had through the years: a coherent explanation of the relevant technology, what steps to follow, what pitfalls to avoid, and a good reference guide. With these things at your side, writing C/C++ DLL and XLL resources can be almost as easy as writing them in Visual Basic, but yields the enormous performance benefit of compiled C/C++ and the Excel C API. In setting goals for this book, I was particularly inspired by two excellent books that I have grown to admire more and more over the years, as they have repeatedly proven their worth; The C Programming Language (Kernighan and Ritchie) and Numerical Recipes in C (Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery), albeit that the style of C-coding of the latter can be somewhat dense. If this book achieves a fraction of the usefulness of either of these then you will, I hope, be happy to own it and I will be happy to have written it. This book is intended for anyone with at least solid C and/or C++ foundation skills, a good working knowledge of Excel, a little experience with VBA (though not necessary) and the need to make Excel do things it doesn’t really want to do, or do them faster, more cleanly, more flexibly. A reasonable grasp of basic software development concepts and techniques is assumed. (Section 1.1 Typographical and code conventions used in this book, on page 1, provides more detail of the coding style of the examples given.) The example add-in project included on the CD ROM is intended to demonstrate some of the most important or difficult concepts described in the book, as well as the possibilities that are opened up when you can really play with Excel. These reflect my professional background in the financial markets, although if you are not of that world, you should still find that the techniques described are very widely applicable. There is an enormous amount of material that could have been included in a book on this subject that has either been pared down to the briefest of coverage or omitted completely. I fully accept that there will be those who, perhaps rightly, feel that certain things should have been covered in a book that boasts such a title, and I can only apologise. Any future editions will, I hope, provide an opportunity to rectify the most heinous and unpopular of these shortcomings.
总序 前言 第1章 用Excel 2007进行财务管理 1.1 Excel在会计和财务管理中的应用 1 1.1.1 Excel的功能特点 2 1.1.2 Excel在会计和财务管理中的应用 4 1.2 Excel 2007的安装和启动 6 1.2.1 系统配置 7 1.2.2 安装Excel 2007 7 1.2.3 启动Excel 2007 9 1.3 Excel 2007的操作界面 10 1.3.1 Office按钮 11 1.3.2 快速访问工具栏 11 1.3.3 功能选项卡区 13 1.3.4 数据编辑栏 13 1.3.5 工作表编辑区 14 1.3.6 工作表标签栏 14 1.3.7 状态栏 14 1.4 工作簿、工作表和单元格 15 1.4.1 工作簿 15 1.4.2 工作表 21 1.4.3 单元格 22 1.5 退出Excel 2007 27 第2章 创建标准的财务表格 2.1 数据输入 28 2.1.1 手工录入单元格数据 28 2.1.2 快速填充单元格数据 29 2.2 数据编辑 37 2.2.1 数据的复制和剪切 37 2.2.2 数据的查找和替换 39 2.2.3 撤销与恢复数据 42 2.3 数据的有效性 45 2.3.1 限制录入条件 45 2.3.2 圈释无效数据 48 2.4 数据的保护 49 2.4.1 保护工作簿 50 2.4.2 保护工作表 51 2.4.3 保护单元格 53 第3章 格式化财务表格 3.1 设置单元格格式 58 3.1.1 设置单元格字体格式 58 3.1.2 设置单元格数字格式 60 3.2 使用单元格样式 63 3.2.1 套用单元格样式 63 3.2.2 新建单元格样式 64 3.3 套用表格格式 67 3.3.1 使用自带的样式美化表格 68 3.3.2 新建表格样式 72 3.4 设置条件格式 75 3.4.1 突出显示单元格规则 76 3.4.2 项目选取规则 77 3.4.3 数据条 78 3.4.4 色阶 79 3.4.5 图标集 80 第4章 形象化财务数据 4.1 使用插图形象化财务数据 83 4.1.1 插入图像 83 4.1.2 使用形状 87 4.2 认识图表 93 4.2.1 图表的组成 93 4.2.2 图表的类型 94 4.3 用图表形象化财务数据 96 4.3.1 制作财务图表的流程 96 4.3.2 创建图表 97 4.3.3 编辑图表 102 第5章 财务数据汇总与分析 5.1 数据的排序 111 5.1.1 快速排序 112 5.1.2 自定义排序 113 5.2 数据的筛选 119 5.2.1 快速筛选 119 5.2.2 高级筛选 126 5.2.3 清除筛选 127 5.3 分类汇总 128 5.3.1 创建分类汇总 128 5.3.2 清除分类汇总 130 5.4 数据透视表 131 5.4.1 认识数据透视表 132 5.4.2 创建数据透视表 133 5.4.3 分析数据透视表 137 5.4.4 数据透视表的字段设置 139 5.4.5 数据透视表的布局 143 第6章 公式与函数 6.1 认识公式 149 6.2 使用公式 151 6.2.1 创建公式 151 6.2.2 编辑公式 153 6.2.3 公式中的常见错误 154 6.3 单元格的引用 156 6.3.1 相对引用和绝对引用 156 6.3.2 输入单元格引用 159 6.3.3 跨工作表单元格引用 160 6.3.4 跨工作簿单元格引用 162 6.4 认识函数 164 6.5 使用函数 165 6.6 常用函数的应用 166 6.7 财务管理常用函数的应用 183 6.7.1 折旧计算函数 183 6.7.2 货币时间价值的计算函数 191 6.7.3 投资决策中有关指标的计算 193 6.8 练习与提高 195 第7章 财务表格的打印设置 7.1 页面布局设置 197 7.1.1 打印方式设置 197 7.1.2 页边距设置 199 7.1.3 页眉页脚设置 200 7.1.4 分页设置 202 7.2 打印预览 205 7.3 打印表格 206 7.3.1 打印属性设置 206 7.3.2 打印区域设置 207 7.3.3 快速打印 208 7.4 练习与提高 209 第8章 Excel的高级应用 8.1 控件 215 8.2 宏 225 8.3 练习与提高 228 第9章 制作日常财务管理表格 9.1 差旅费报销单 231 9.1.1 目标分析 231 9.1.2 制作准备 232 9.1.3 操作步骤 232 9.2 员工月考勤表 246 9.2.1 目标分析 246 9.2.2 制作准备 247 9.2.3 操作步骤 248 9.3 工资表 261 9.3.1 目标分析 261 9.3.2 制作准备 261 9.3.3 操作步骤 262 9.4 本量利分析 271 9.4.1 目标分析 271 9.4.2 制作准备 271 9.4.3 操作步骤 272 第10章 企业日常会计核算 10.1 会计科目表 282 10.1.1 创建会计科目表 282 10.1.2 编辑会计科目表 287 10.2 会计凭证 290 10.2.1 制作记账凭证 290 10.2.2 记账凭证清单 293 10.3 会计账簿 297 10.3.1 日记账 298 10.3.2 分类账 303 10.3.3 科目汇总表 306 10.3.4 试算平衡表 308 10.4 会计报表 313 10.4.1 资产负债表 313 10.4.2 利润表 315 10.4.3 现金流量表 316 参考文献




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