


参考书:应用预测建模 Applied Predictive Modeling (2013) by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson,林荟等译





> head(ChemicalManufacturingProcess)
  Yield BiologicalMaterial01 BiologicalMaterial02 BiologicalMaterial03 BiologicalMaterial04
1 38.00                 6.25                49.58                56.97                12.74
2 42.44                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
3 42.03                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
4 41.42                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
5 42.49                 7.47                63.33                72.25                14.02
6 43.57                 6.12                58.36                65.31                15.17
  BiologicalMaterial05 BiologicalMaterial06 BiologicalMaterial07 BiologicalMaterial08
1                19.51                43.73                  100                16.66
2                19.36                53.14                  100                19.04
3                19.36                53.14                  100                19.04
4                19.36                53.14                  100                19.04
5                17.91                54.66                  100                18.22
6                21.79                51.23                  100                18.30
  BiologicalMaterial09 BiologicalMaterial10 BiologicalMaterial11 BiologicalMaterial12
1                11.44                 3.46               138.09                18.83
2                12.55                 3.46               153.67                21.05
3                12.55                 3.46               153.67                21.05
4                12.55                 3.46               153.67                21.05
5                12.80                 3.05               147.61                21.05
6                12.13                 3.78               151.88                20.76
  ManufacturingProcess01 ManufacturingProcess02 ManufacturingProcess03 ManufacturingProcess04
1                     NA                     NA                     NA                     NA
2                    0.0                      0                     NA                    917
3                    0.0                      0                     NA                    912
4                    0.0                      0                     NA                    911
5                   10.7                      0                     NA                    918
6                   12.0                      0                     NA                    924
  ManufacturingProcess05 ManufacturingProcess06 ManufacturingProcess07 ManufacturingProcess08
1                     NA                     NA                     NA                     NA
2                 1032.2                  210.0                    177                    178
3                 1003.6                  207.1                    178                    178
4                 1014.6                  213.3                    177                    177
5                 1027.5                  205.7                    178                    178
6                 1016.8                  208.9                    178                    178
  ManufacturingProcess09 ManufacturingProcess10 ManufacturingProcess11 ManufacturingProcess12
1                  43.00                     NA                     NA                     NA
2                  46.57                     NA                     NA                      0
3                  45.07                     NA                     NA                      0
4                  44.92                     NA                     NA                      0
5                  44.96                     NA                     NA                      0
6                  45.32                     NA                     NA                      0
  ManufacturingProcess13 ManufacturingProcess14 ManufacturingProcess15 ManufacturingProcess16
1                   35.5                   4898                   6108                   4682
2                   34.0                   4869                   6095                   4617
3                   34.8                   4878                   6087                   4617
4                   34.8                   4897                   6102                   4635
5                   34.6                   4992                   6233                   4733
6                   34.0                   4985                   6222                   4786
  ManufacturingProcess17 ManufacturingProcess18 ManufacturingProcess19 ManufacturingProcess20
1                   35.5                   4865                   6049                   4665
2                   34.0                   4867                   6097                   4621
3                   34.8                   4877                   6078                   4621
4                   34.8                   4872                   6073                   4611
5                   33.9                   4886                   6102                   4659
6                   33.4                   4862                   6115                   4696
  ManufacturingProcess21 ManufacturingProcess22 ManufacturingProcess23 ManufacturingProcess24
1                    0.0                     NA                     NA                     NA
2                    0.0                      3                      0                      3
3                    0.0                      4                      1                      4
4                    0.0                      5                      2                      5
5                   -0.7                      8                      4                     18
6                   -0.6                      9                      1                      1
  ManufacturingProcess25 ManufacturingProcess26 ManufacturingProcess27 ManufacturingProcess28
1                   4873                   6074                   4685                   10.7
2                   4869                   6107                   4630                   11.2
3                   4897                   6116                   4637                   11.1
4                   4892                   6111                   4630                   11.1
5                   4930                   6151                   4684                   11.3
6                   4871                   6128                   4687                   11.4
  ManufacturingProcess29 ManufacturingProcess30 ManufacturingProcess31 ManufacturingProcess32
1                   21.0                    9.9                   69.1                    156
2                   21.4                    9.9                   68.7                    169
3                   21.3                    9.4                   69.3                    173
4                   21.3                    9.4                   69.3                    171
5                   21.6                    9.0                   69.4                    171
6                   21.7                   10.1                   68.2                    173
  ManufacturingProcess33 ManufacturingProcess34 ManufacturingProcess35 ManufacturingProcess36
1                     66                    2.4                    486                  0.019
2                     66                    2.6                    508                  0.019
3                     66                    2.6                    509                  0.018
4                     68                    2.5                    496                  0.018
5                     70                    2.5                    468                  0.017
6                     70                    2.5                    490                  0.018
  ManufacturingProcess37 ManufacturingProcess38 ManufacturingProcess39 ManufacturingProcess40
1                    0.5                      3                    7.2                     NA
2                    2.0                      2                    7.2                    0.1
3                    0.7                      2                    7.2                    0.0
4                    1.2                      2                    7.2                    0.0
5                    0.2                      2                    7.3                    0.0
6                    0.4                      2                    7.2                    0.0
  ManufacturingProcess41 ManufacturingProcess42 ManufacturingProcess43 ManufacturingProcess44
1                     NA                   11.6                    3.0                    1.8
2                   0.15                   11.1                    0.9                    1.9
3                   0.00                   12.0                    1.0                    1.8
4                   0.00                   10.6                    1.1                    1.8
5                   0.00                   11.0                    1.1                    1.7
6                   0.00                   11.5                    2.2                    1.8
1                    2.4
2                    2.2
3                    2.3
4                    2.1
5                    2.1
6                    2.0





NAcol <- which(colSums(is.na(Predictors))>0)
na.va <- names(Predictors)[NAcol] 
sort(colSums(sapply(Predictors[NAcol],is.na)),decreasing = TRUE)


> #根据缺失值个数将有缺失值的变量进行降序排列,显示变量名与缺失值个数
> sort(colSums(sapply(Predictors[NAcol],is.na)),decreasing = TRUE)
ManufacturingProcess03 ManufacturingProcess11 ManufacturingProcess10 ManufacturingProcess25 
                    15                     10                      9                      5 
ManufacturingProcess26 ManufacturingProcess27 ManufacturingProcess28 ManufacturingProcess29 
                     5                      5                      5                      5 
ManufacturingProcess30 ManufacturingProcess31 ManufacturingProcess33 ManufacturingProcess34 
                     5                      5                      5                      5 
ManufacturingProcess35 ManufacturingProcess36 ManufacturingProcess02 ManufacturingProcess06 
                     5                      5                      3                      2 
ManufacturingProcess01 ManufacturingProcess04 ManufacturingProcess05 ManufacturingProcess07 
                     1                      1                      1                      1 
ManufacturingProcess08 ManufacturingProcess12 ManufacturingProcess14 ManufacturingProcess22 
                     1                      1                      1                      1 
ManufacturingProcess23 ManufacturingProcess24 ManufacturingProcess40 ManufacturingProcess41 
                     1                      1                      1                      1 


trans<-preProcess(Predictors, method=c("bagImpute"), na.remove=FALSE )
> head(Predictors.trans[,1:5])
  BiologicalMaterial01 BiologicalMaterial02 BiologicalMaterial03 BiologicalMaterial04
1                 6.25                49.58                56.97                12.74
2                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
3                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
4                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
5                 7.47                63.33                72.25                14.02
6                 6.12                58.36                65.31                15.17
1                19.51
2                19.36
3                19.36
4                19.36
5                17.91
6                21.79
> head(Predictors.trans[,1:5])
  BiologicalMaterial01 BiologicalMaterial02 BiologicalMaterial03 BiologicalMaterial04
1                 6.25                49.58                56.97                12.74
2                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
3                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
4                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
5                 7.47                63.33                72.25                14.02
6                 6.12                58.36                65.31                15.17
1                19.51
2                19.36
3                19.36
4                19.36
5                17.91
6                21.79





summary(apply(Predictors.trans,2,skewness) )

boxcox = function(x){
  trans = BoxCoxTrans(x)
  x_bc = predict( trans, x )
Predictors.trans2<-apply( Predictors.trans, 2, boxcox )
for (i in 1:length(Predictors.trans))
  trans.boxcox[[i]]<-  BoxCoxTrans(Predictors.trans[,i])

summary(apply(Predictors.trans,2,skewness) )
summary(apply(Predictors.trans2,2,skewness) )

> #偏度减小
> summary(apply(Predictors.trans,2,skewness) )
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
-12.85958  -1.68180   0.07581  -1.61722   0.37836   9.05487 
> summary(apply(Predictors.trans2,2,skewness) )
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
-12.85958  -1.68180  -0.01018  -1.77944   0.19132   9.05487 
> head(Predictors.trans[,1:5])
  BiologicalMaterial01 BiologicalMaterial02 BiologicalMaterial03 BiologicalMaterial04
1                 6.25                49.58                56.97                12.74
2                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
3                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
4                 8.01                60.97                67.48                14.65
5                 7.47                63.33                72.25                14.02
6                 6.12                58.36                65.31                15.17
1                19.51
2                19.36
3                19.36
4                19.36
5                17.91
6                21.79
> head(Predictors.trans2[,1:5])
  BiologicalMaterial01 BiologicalMaterial02 BiologicalMaterial03 BiologicalMaterial04
1             2.442874             1.335635                56.97            0.6143436
2             2.889218             1.348159                67.48            0.6164780
3             2.889218             1.348159                67.48            0.6164780
4             2.889218             1.348159                67.48            0.6164780
5             2.760280             1.350269                72.25            0.6158571
6             2.406565             1.345659                65.31            0.6169406
1             2.970927
2             2.963209
3             2.963209
4             2.963209
5             2.885359
6             3.081451


skewness(Predictors.trans2[,c("BiologicalMaterial03")]) # 0.02851075

#1)虽然偏度大,但是数据的唯一值小于3个(默认的numUnique = 3)
skewness(Predictors.trans2[,c("BiologicalMaterial07")])# 7.398664



trainingRows<-createDataPartition(Yield,p=.8,list=FALSE) #返回索引矩阵



indx <- createMultiFolds(train.Yield, k = 10, times = 5)
ctrl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv",repeats=5,index = indx)


pls.model <- train(x = train.Predictors, y = train.Yield,
                   method = "kernelpls",#Dayal和MacGregor的第一种核函数算法kernelpls
                   # tuneGrid = expand.grid(ncomp = 1:10),#通过grid设定成分数,这里不用
                   tuneLength=40, #40个成分数
                   trControl = ctrl,
                   preProc = c("center", "scale"))

testResults <- data.frame(obs = test.Yield,
                          pls = predict(pls.model,test.Predictors))#存储测试集预测数据


> pls.model
Partial Least Squares 

144 samples
 57 predictor

Pre-processing: centered (57), scaled (57) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
Summary of sample sizes: 129, 130, 131, 129, 129, 129, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  ncomp  RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
   1     1.476990  0.4065863  1.159411
   2     2.081159  0.4493633  1.277200
   3     1.721405  0.4886891  1.153332
   4     1.630823  0.5042695  1.147206
   5     1.843340  0.4824557  1.229122
   6     1.950280  0.4759969  1.267067
   7     2.136332  0.4633424  1.323315
   8     2.262960  0.4553036  1.363631
   9     2.511104  0.4423085  1.438149
  10     2.672648  0.4353155  1.490455
  11     2.898909  0.4240499  1.571533
  12     3.137282  0.4118001  1.657344
  13     3.210455  0.4060440  1.684312
  14     3.199930  0.3960440  1.681212
  15     3.219084  0.3980042  1.689407
  16     3.217109  0.3999200  1.691913
  17     3.268484  0.3950983  1.705622
  18     3.292657  0.3967421  1.699362
  19     3.303488  0.4029003  1.685211
  20     3.360074  0.4050533  1.695239
  21     3.424481  0.4033245  1.717505
  22     3.446761  0.4017849  1.729036
  23     3.467865  0.3987998  1.738381
  24     3.554200  0.3919026  1.763032
  25     3.681167  0.3821253  1.805953
  26     3.776590  0.3766263  1.841712
  27     3.890946  0.3731292  1.877997
  28     3.975647  0.3694684  1.908209
  29     4.041655  0.3681282  1.934885
  30     4.023776  0.3651582  1.932209
  31     3.993455  0.3663747  1.921392
  32     3.981448  0.3670410  1.916589
  33     3.992171  0.3702859  1.922430
  34     4.057324  0.3764081  1.942431
  35     4.155892  0.3777213  1.965801
  36     4.190437  0.3766064  1.977268
  37     4.176134  0.3800273  1.972193
  38     4.197296  0.3845478  1.975958
  39     4.321553  0.3836802  2.008199
  40     4.264780  0.3898474  1.991462

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final value used for the model was ncomp = 1.

多元线性回归 (无调优参数)

lm.model <- train(x = train.Predictors, y = train.Yield,
                  method = "lm",
                  trControl = ctrl,
                  preProc = c("center", "scale"))




> lm.model
Linear Regression 

144 samples
 57 predictor

Pre-processing: centered (57), scaled (57) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
Summary of sample sizes: 129, 130, 131, 129, 129, 129, ... 
Resampling results:

  RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
  4.477628  0.3575784  2.099445

Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE


#可以用pca对预测变量进行预处理,然后再使用稳健回归 preProc = c("pca")
rlm.model <- train(x = train.Predictors, y = train.Yield,
                   method = "rlm",
                   trControl = ctrl,
                   preProc = c("center", "scale"))


 最优参数:intercept = TRUE and psi = psi.huber

> rlm.model
Robust Linear Model 

144 samples
 57 predictor

Pre-processing: centered (57), scaled (57) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
Summary of sample sizes: 129, 130, 131, 129, 129, 129, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  intercept  psi           RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
  FALSE      psi.huber     40.741181  0.3575856  40.416526
  FALSE      psi.hampel    40.741181  0.3575856  40.416526
  FALSE      psi.bisquare  40.738137  0.3576577  40.414645
   TRUE      psi.huber      4.892939  0.3354144   2.224460
   TRUE      psi.hampel     4.991625  0.3398510   2.256174
   TRUE      psi.bisquare   6.253662  0.2660194   2.706803

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were intercept = TRUE and psi = psi.huber.


#弹性网模型同时具有岭回归罚参数和lasso 罚参数
enetGrid <- expand.grid(lambda = seq(0, 1, length = 10), 
                        fraction = seq(0, 1, length = 20))
enet.model<- train(x = train.Predictors, y = train.Yield,
                   method = "enet", #弹性网 elastic net
                   tuneGrid = enetGrid,
                   trControl = ctrl,
                   preProc = c("center", "scale"))

最优参数 fraction = 0.3157895 and lambda = 0.1111111.

> enet.model

144 samples
 57 predictor

Pre-processing: centered (57), scaled (57) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
Summary of sample sizes: 129, 130, 131, 129, 129, 129, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  lambda     fraction    RMSE      Rsquared   MAE      
  0.0000000  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.0000000  0.05263158  1.137314  0.6195010  0.9080630
  0.0000000  0.10526316  1.201264  0.5906999  0.9417703
  0.0000000  0.15789474  1.977967  0.4609016  1.2368802
  0.0000000  0.21052632  2.429146  0.4323302  1.3829538
  0.0000000  0.26315789  2.647033  0.4223792  1.4581762
  0.0000000  0.31578947  2.787488  0.4175743  1.5151082
  0.0000000  0.36842105  2.883314  0.4103987  1.5506618
  0.0000000  0.42105263  2.789688  0.4231831  1.5239585
  0.0000000  0.47368421  2.751187  0.4208489  1.5169774
  0.0000000  0.52631579  2.907013  0.4097454  1.5701907
  0.0000000  0.57894737  3.001104  0.4113893  1.6000812
  0.0000000  0.63157895  3.096753  0.4081374  1.6340639
  0.0000000  0.68421053  3.265198  0.4022320  1.6831637
  0.0000000  0.73684211  3.461160  0.3970032  1.7438772
  0.0000000  0.78947368  3.640831  0.3881002  1.8073188
  0.0000000  0.84210526  3.776349  0.3857004  1.8578005
  0.0000000  0.89473684  3.970737  0.3790861  1.9290039
  0.0000000  0.94736842  4.212998  0.3662999  2.0140739
  0.0000000  1.00000000  4.477628  0.3575784  2.0994452
  0.1111111  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.1111111  0.05263158  1.569523  0.4811618  1.2722767
  0.1111111  0.10526316  1.416838  0.5701030  1.1445218
  0.1111111  0.15789474  1.289815  0.6004227  1.0468167
  0.1111111  0.21052632  1.205665  0.6089252  0.9782767
  0.1111111  0.26315789  1.159554  0.6118270  0.9356370
  0.1111111  0.31578947  1.137137  0.6154347  0.9077345
  0.1111111  0.36842105  1.159531  0.6029658  0.9222230
  0.1111111  0.42105263  1.196985  0.5883347  0.9417218
  0.1111111  0.47368421  1.246828  0.5809674  0.9624214
  0.1111111  0.52631579  1.328806  0.5630178  0.9978619
  0.1111111  0.57894737  1.432425  0.5434760  1.0433153
  0.1111111  0.63157895  1.580462  0.5235473  1.1023351
  0.1111111  0.68421053  1.732672  0.5105250  1.1554499
  0.1111111  0.73684211  1.842935  0.5023709  1.1947970
  0.1111111  0.78947368  1.900477  0.4959536  1.2189988
  0.1111111  0.84210526  1.949361  0.4905344  1.2389754
  0.1111111  0.89473684  1.996214  0.4856145  1.2571256
  0.1111111  0.94736842  2.030594  0.4825339  1.2706286
  0.1111111  1.00000000  2.061919  0.4802416  1.2819687
  0.2222222  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.2222222  0.05263158  1.582699  0.4739626  1.2842008
  0.2222222  0.10526316  1.445378  0.5558647  1.1680481
  0.2222222  0.15789474  1.319676  0.5962787  1.0705540
  0.2222222  0.21052632  1.234360  0.6023935  1.0029017
  0.2222222  0.26315789  1.185592  0.5985457  0.9643072
  0.2222222  0.31578947  1.157142  0.6040956  0.9311194
  0.2222222  0.36842105  1.147840  0.6053733  0.9183014
  0.2222222  0.42105263  1.172490  0.5968102  0.9295206
  0.2222222  0.47368421  1.216252  0.5819822  0.9529644
  0.2222222  0.52631579  1.280461  0.5705332  0.9822868
  0.2222222  0.57894737  1.335024  0.5588436  1.0078476
  0.2222222  0.63157895  1.412176  0.5459754  1.0449413
  0.2222222  0.68421053  1.510595  0.5332021  1.0871973
  0.2222222  0.73684211  1.626394  0.5217768  1.1301981
  0.2222222  0.78947368  1.742335  0.5124071  1.1723639
  0.2222222  0.84210526  1.832459  0.5052867  1.2072798
  0.2222222  0.89473684  1.876415  0.5004111  1.2264522
  0.2222222  0.94736842  1.903996  0.4963218  1.2392167
  0.2222222  1.00000000  1.929789  0.4926550  1.2503069
  0.3333333  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.3333333  0.05263158  1.586386  0.4708847  1.2875822
  0.3333333  0.10526316  1.452081  0.5512157  1.1736360
  0.3333333  0.15789474  1.328902  0.5913763  1.0781400
  0.3333333  0.21052632  1.247915  0.5930494  1.0154428
  0.3333333  0.26315789  1.198227  0.5903310  0.9756537
  0.3333333  0.31578947  1.168400  0.5952703  0.9449571
  0.3333333  0.36842105  1.156623  0.5992980  0.9261069
  0.3333333  0.42105263  1.164238  0.6000730  0.9250761
  0.3333333  0.47368421  1.213014  0.5856079  0.9505405
  0.3333333  0.52631579  1.282325  0.5692635  0.9860519
  0.3333333  0.57894737  1.327711  0.5607814  1.0108058
  0.3333333  0.63157895  1.383353  0.5514807  1.0393276
  0.3333333  0.68421053  1.458208  0.5428085  1.0742131
  0.3333333  0.73684211  1.553698  0.5322740  1.1146072
  0.3333333  0.78947368  1.660374  0.5212841  1.1565411
  0.3333333  0.84210526  1.757325  0.5129770  1.1938817
  0.3333333  0.89473684  1.835645  0.5071735  1.2235668
  0.3333333  0.94736842  1.888216  0.5029577  1.2438691
  0.3333333  1.00000000  1.913020  0.5002990  1.2544885
  0.4444444  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.4444444  0.05263158  1.587131  0.4689106  1.2882833
  0.4444444  0.10526316  1.453055  0.5481805  1.1742613
  0.4444444  0.15789474  1.332308  0.5855582  1.0814117
  0.4444444  0.21052632  1.255529  0.5838330  1.0224983
  0.4444444  0.26315789  1.203512  0.5852176  0.9797646
  0.4444444  0.31578947  1.173833  0.5898226  0.9504253
  0.4444444  0.36842105  1.165086  0.5937041  0.9336316
  0.4444444  0.42105263  1.170915  0.5962111  0.9304951
  0.4444444  0.47368421  1.208156  0.5887600  0.9506425
  0.4444444  0.52631579  1.286901  0.5709330  0.9911093
  0.4444444  0.57894737  1.337078  0.5617701  1.0221866
  0.4444444  0.63157895  1.393842  0.5526263  1.0527241
  0.4444444  0.68421053  1.455623  0.5470166  1.0846393
  0.4444444  0.73684211  1.543548  0.5377431  1.1221049
  0.4444444  0.78947368  1.637762  0.5284316  1.1614069
  0.4444444  0.84210526  1.731552  0.5202815  1.1979213
  0.4444444  0.89473684  1.813850  0.5136989  1.2286483
  0.4444444  0.94736842  1.884535  0.5086537  1.2562324
  0.4444444  1.00000000  1.943077  0.5045050  1.2793636
  0.5555556  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.5555556  0.05263158  1.586531  0.4672084  1.2879585
  0.5555556  0.10526316  1.452053  0.5445135  1.1732624
  0.5555556  0.15789474  1.333879  0.5782891  1.0834082
  0.5555556  0.21052632  1.258416  0.5769443  1.0254727
  0.5555556  0.26315789  1.205719  0.5811876  0.9806279
  0.5555556  0.31578947  1.177785  0.5856236  0.9530035
  0.5555556  0.36842105  1.172103  0.5895514  0.9388161
  0.5555556  0.42105263  1.180745  0.5920771  0.9366191
  0.5555556  0.47368421  1.213233  0.5891035  0.9550200
  0.5555556  0.52631579  1.287258  0.5743233  0.9958625
  0.5555556  0.57894737  1.354102  0.5628870  1.0350657
  0.5555556  0.63157895  1.418334  0.5526315  1.0716292
  0.5555556  0.68421053  1.479213  0.5473784  1.1046641
  0.5555556  0.73684211  1.560439  0.5396893  1.1414543
  0.5555556  0.78947368  1.650510  0.5314932  1.1791929
  0.5555556  0.84210526  1.750111  0.5227778  1.2187775
  0.5555556  0.89473684  1.847066  0.5149045  1.2559155
  0.5555556  0.94736842  1.928713  0.5088652  1.2880741
  0.5555556  1.00000000  1.999244  0.5040547  1.3159064
  0.6666667  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.6666667  0.05263158  1.584958  0.4664071  1.2868267
  0.6666667  0.10526316  1.449876  0.5411684  1.1713837
  0.6666667  0.15789474  1.333715  0.5716620  1.0839127
  0.6666667  0.21052632  1.258738  0.5719035  1.0261469
  0.6666667  0.26315789  1.206485  0.5778601  0.9801056
  0.6666667  0.31578947  1.180528  0.5825003  0.9541922
  0.6666667  0.36842105  1.178628  0.5862847  0.9436771
  0.6666667  0.42105263  1.192490  0.5880606  0.9441044
  0.6666667  0.47368421  1.224793  0.5874243  0.9625853
  0.6666667  0.52631579  1.295060  0.5753557  1.0063528
  0.6666667  0.57894737  1.370252  0.5637588  1.0488886
  0.6666667  0.63157895  1.446135  0.5523346  1.0922606
  0.6666667  0.68421053  1.513782  0.5456938  1.1302661
  0.6666667  0.73684211  1.598973  0.5378909  1.1714708
  0.6666667  0.78947368  1.698041  0.5297115  1.2135679
  0.6666667  0.84210526  1.801671  0.5210069  1.2555559
  0.6666667  0.89473684  1.905494  0.5126450  1.2957071
  0.6666667  0.94736842  1.994592  0.5060740  1.3307047
  0.6666667  1.00000000  2.069366  0.5011485  1.3602098
  0.7777778  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.7777778  0.05263158  1.582633  0.4667323  1.2850102
  0.7777778  0.10526316  1.447461  0.5375241  1.1693484
  0.7777778  0.15789474  1.332385  0.5659956  1.0835350
  0.7777778  0.21052632  1.257670  0.5683465  1.0251626
  0.7777778  0.26315789  1.206720  0.5749648  0.9792782
  0.7777778  0.31578947  1.183032  0.5799951  0.9553337
  0.7777778  0.36842105  1.186004  0.5833493  0.9480028
  0.7777778  0.42105263  1.205879  0.5844341  0.9527527
  0.7777778  0.47368421  1.241034  0.5844970  0.9737760
  0.7777778  0.52631579  1.309416  0.5751552  1.0206340
  0.7777778  0.57894737  1.387861  0.5644215  1.0672702
  0.7777778  0.63157895  1.473547  0.5522845  1.1155053
  0.7777778  0.68421053  1.561405  0.5423200  1.1641709
  0.7777778  0.73684211  1.655748  0.5340078  1.2105331
  0.7777778  0.78947368  1.757136  0.5262852  1.2541173
  0.7777778  0.84210526  1.866682  0.5174869  1.2986273
  0.7777778  0.89473684  1.972825  0.5094815  1.3401758
  0.7777778  0.94736842  2.067288  0.5029539  1.3770679
  0.7777778  1.00000000  2.145792  0.4980351  1.4079876
  0.8888889  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  0.8888889  0.05263158  1.579908  0.4676201  1.2827855
  0.8888889  0.10526316  1.444725  0.5339888  1.1669361
  0.8888889  0.15789474  1.330248  0.5611672  1.0825854
  0.8888889  0.21052632  1.256084  0.5652489  1.0233329
  0.8888889  0.26315789  1.206677  0.5724267  0.9783037
  0.8888889  0.31578947  1.185758  0.5777748  0.9564875
  0.8888889  0.36842105  1.193536  0.5808347  0.9516982
  0.8888889  0.42105263  1.220419  0.5810332  0.9628614
  0.8888889  0.47368421  1.260288  0.5810382  0.9883485
  0.8888889  0.52631579  1.328078  0.5740733  1.0378387
  0.8888889  0.57894737  1.408201  0.5644060  1.0893592
  0.8888889  0.63157895  1.504790  0.5520081  1.1427235
  0.8888889  0.68421053  1.611741  0.5393310  1.1992535
  0.8888889  0.73684211  1.716812  0.5300661  1.2516697
  0.8888889  0.78947368  1.822557  0.5225311  1.2977908
  0.8888889  0.84210526  1.934361  0.5139993  1.3436852
  0.8888889  0.89473684  2.043430  0.5064717  1.3865103
  0.8888889  0.94736842  2.142513  0.5002002  1.4251330
  0.8888889  1.00000000  2.225024  0.4954006  1.4580002
  1.0000000  0.00000000  1.771408        NaN  1.4514918
  1.0000000  0.05263158  1.577125  0.4682588  1.2804563
  1.0000000  0.10526316  1.441717  0.5306579  1.1643440
  1.0000000  0.15789474  1.327700  0.5569656  1.0811085
  1.0000000  0.21052632  1.254219  0.5624930  1.0209944
  1.0000000  0.26315789  1.206661  0.5701069  0.9775131
  1.0000000  0.31578947  1.188900  0.5756304  0.9578117
  1.0000000  0.36842105  1.201539  0.5785225  0.9554112
  1.0000000  0.42105263  1.235590  0.5780937  0.9736209
  1.0000000  0.47368421  1.281713  0.5775492  1.0056641
  1.0000000  0.52631579  1.350101  0.5725023  1.0579131
  1.0000000  0.57894737  1.432783  0.5638335  1.1140402
  1.0000000  0.63157895  1.536828  0.5518440  1.1709872
  1.0000000  0.68421053  1.658394  0.5371996  1.2332905
  1.0000000  0.73684211  1.776760  0.5267168  1.2927635
  1.0000000  0.78947368  1.888808  0.5190630  1.3426238
  1.0000000  0.84210526  2.002729  0.5110275  1.3893781
  1.0000000  0.89473684  2.115060  0.5039072  1.4332097
  1.0000000  0.94736842  2.218818  0.4979082  1.4733968
  1.0000000  1.00000000  2.305433  0.4932381  1.5080460

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were fraction = 0.3157895 and lambda = 0.1111111.


resamp <- resamples( list(lm=lm.model,rlm=rlm.model,pls=pls.model,enet=enet.model) )
dotplot( resamp, metric="RMSE" )

> summary(resamp) 

summary.resamples(object = resamp)

Models: lm, rlm, pls, enet 
Number of resamples: 50 

          Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
lm   0.6607011 1.0051993 1.3579719 2.0994452 2.0714864 11.214245    0
rlm  0.6847512 1.0559838 1.3709089 2.2244596 2.4281025  8.581744    0
pls  0.6938768 1.0405545 1.1263476 1.1594108 1.2788073  1.751240    0
enet 0.5054388 0.8031609 0.9130662 0.9077345 0.9978196  1.452202    0

          Min.   1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
lm   0.8161917 1.3401882 1.623232 4.477628 3.810345 40.527543    0
rlm  0.8559126 1.3783897 1.762224 4.892939 4.049045 29.072243    0
pls  0.8480551 1.2313692 1.402683 1.476990 1.622498  2.567279    0
enet 0.6314113 0.9937715 1.148241 1.137137 1.261225  1.705158    0

             Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
lm   1.741799e-05 0.1117673 0.4098811 0.3575784 0.5367250 0.7717324    0
rlm  9.170329e-05 0.1208714 0.3832505 0.3354144 0.5393142 0.7368865    0
pls  1.146817e-01 0.2801540 0.4181062 0.4065863 0.5277755 0.7643387    0
enet 2.670573e-01 0.5087171 0.6200745 0.6154347 0.7196441 0.9092751    0

> dotplot( resamp, metric="RMSE" )
> summary(diff(resamp))

summary.diff.resamples(object = diff(resamp))

p-value adjustment: bonferroni 
Upper diagonal: estimates of the difference
Lower diagonal: p-value for H0: difference = 0

     lm        rlm       pls       enet   
lm             -0.1250    0.9400    1.1917
rlm  1.0000000            1.0650    1.3167
pls  0.0205577 0.0014010            0.2517
enet 0.0027009 0.0001186 3.862e-12        

     lm       rlm      pls       enet   
lm            -0.4153   3.0006    3.3405
rlm  1.000000           3.4159    3.7558
pls  0.046525 0.004073            0.3399
enet 0.024330 0.001918 4.322e-08        

     lm        rlm       pls       enet    
lm              0.02216  -0.04901  -0.25786
rlm  0.60417             -0.07117  -0.28002
pls  0.46701   0.06187             -0.20885
enet 8.115e-10 9.614e-11 3.879e-12 








> #训练集上的RMSE
> summary(resamp$values$`enet~RMSE`) 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.6314  0.9938  1.1482  1.1371  1.2612  1.7052 
> #测试集上的RMSE
> RMSE(testResults$enet,testResults$obs)
[1] 1.309685


#为了了解哪些预测变量用于建模,用enet函数预测模型,然后在predict 方法中指定type =” coefficients"
lassoModel <- enet(x = as.matrix(train.Predictors), y = train.Yield,
                   lambda = 0.1111111,normalize = TRUE)

enetCoef <- predict(lassoModel, newx = as.matrix(solTestXtrans),
                    s= 0.3157895 , mode = "fraction",
                    type = "coefficients")
esort(enetCoef$coefficients[enetCoef$coefficients!=0],decreasing = TRUE)


> sort(enetCoef$coefficients[enetCoef$coefficients!=0],decreasing = TRUE)
ManufacturingProcess06 ManufacturingProcess32   BiologicalMaterial06 ManufacturingProcess11 
          2.307495e+05           3.664539e+03           3.270911e+00           2.609645e-01 
ManufacturingProcess39 ManufacturingProcess42 ManufacturingProcess34   BiologicalMaterial03 
          4.030470e-02           2.183782e-02           1.920971e-02           1.393844e-02 
ManufacturingProcess09 ManufacturingProcess37 ManufacturingProcess36 ManufacturingProcess17 
          4.606955e-03          -3.565983e-02          -5.896368e+00          -5.467550e+03 



首先,预测变量系数的正负 表明生产率是与预测变量是正相关还是负相关。



p_range <- range( Predictors.trans$ManufacturingProcess32 ) 
variation <- seq( from=p_range[1], to=p_range[2], length.out=100 )
#计算原每个预测变量的均值 57维向量
mean_predictor_values <- apply( Predictors.trans, 2, mean )


#repmat(a,m,n) creates a large matrix consisting of an m-by-n tiling of copies of a.
#复制矩阵 将57维向量(每个预测变量的均值)转变为100*57的矩阵
newdata <- repmat( as.double(mean_predictor_values), length(variation), 1 )
newdata <- data.frame( newdata )
colnames( newdata ) <- colnames( Predictors.trans )
newdata$ManufacturingProcess32 <- variation

for (i in 1:length(Predictors.trans))
  trans.boxcox[[i]]<-  BoxCoxTrans(Predictors.trans[,i])

for (i in 1:length(Predictors.trans))

xs <- variation
y_hat <- predict( enet.model, newdata=as.matrix(newdata.trans))

plot( xs, y_hat, xlab='variation in ManufacturingProcess32', ylab='predicted yield' )
> p_range
[1] 143 173
> variation
  [1] 143.0000 143.3030 143.6061 143.9091 144.2121 144.5152 144.8182 145.1212 145.4242 145.7273
 [11] 146.0303 146.3333 146.6364 146.9394 147.2424 147.5455 147.8485 148.1515 148.4545 148.7576
 [21] 149.0606 149.3636 149.6667 149.9697 150.2727 150.5758 150.8788 151.1818 151.4848 151.7879
 [31] 152.0909 152.3939 152.6970 153.0000 153.3030 153.6061 153.9091 154.2121 154.5152 154.8182
 [41] 155.1212 155.4242 155.7273 156.0303 156.3333 156.6364 156.9394 157.2424 157.5455 157.8485
 [51] 158.1515 158.4545 158.7576 159.0606 159.3636 159.6667 159.9697 160.2727 160.5758 160.8788
 [61] 161.1818 161.4848 161.7879 162.0909 162.3939 162.6970 163.0000 163.3030 163.6061 163.9091
 [71] 164.2121 164.5152 164.8182 165.1212 165.4242 165.7273 166.0303 166.3333 166.6364 166.9394
 [81] 167.2424 167.5455 167.8485 168.1515 168.4545 168.7576 169.0606 169.3636 169.6667 169.9697
 [91] 170.2727 170.5758 170.8788 171.1818 171.4848 171.7879 172.0909 172.3939 172.6970 173.0000

> head(newdata[1:5,1:5])
  BiologicalMaterial01 BiologicalMaterial02 BiologicalMaterial03 BiologicalMaterial04
1              6.41142             55.68875               67.705             12.34926
2              6.41142             55.68875               67.705             12.34926
3              6.41142             55.68875               67.705             12.34926
4              6.41142             55.68875               67.705             12.34926
5              6.41142             55.68875               67.705             12.34926
1             18.59864
2             18.59864
3             18.59864
4             18.59864
5             18.59864
> head(newdata[1:5,c('ManufacturingProcess32')])
[1] 143.0000 143.3030 143.6061 143.9091 144.2121








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