Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE)


SSE — An Overview

SSE is a newer SIMD extension to the Intel Pentium III and AMD AthlonXP microprocessors. Unlike MMX and 3DNow! extensions, which occupy the same register space as the normal FPU registers, SSE adds a separate register space to the microprocessor. Because of this, SSE can only be used on operating systems that support it. Fortunately, most recent operating systems have support built in. All versions of Windows since Windows98 support SSE, as do Linux kernels since 2.2.

SSE was introduced in 1999, and was also known as "Katmai New Instructions" (or KNI) after the Pentium III's core codename.

SSE adds 8 new 128-bit registers, divided into 4 32-bit (single precision) floating point values. These registers are called XMM0 - XMM7. An additional control register, MXCSR, is also available to control and check the status of SSE instructions.

SSE gives us access to 70 new instructions that operate on these 128bit registers, MMX registers, and sometimes even regular 32bit registers.


The MXCSR register is a 32-bit register containing flags for control and status information regarding SSE instructions. As of SSE3, only bits 0-15 have been defined.

PnemonicBit LocationDescription
FZbit 15Flush To Zero
R+bit 14Round Positive
R-bit 13Round Negative
RZbits 13 and 14Round To Zero
RNbits 13 and 14 are 0Round To Nearest
PMbit 12Precision Mask
UMbit 11Underflow Mask
OMbit 10Overflow Mask
ZMbit 9Divide By Zero Mask
DMbit 8Denormal Mask
IMbit 7Invalid Operation Mask
DAZbit 6Denormals Are Zero
PEbit 5Precision Flag
UEbit 4Underflow Flag
OEbit 3Overflow Flag
ZEbit 2Divide By Zero Flag
DEbit 1Denormal Flag
IEbit 0Invalid Operation Flag

FZ mode causes all underflowing operations to simply go to zero. This saves some processing time, but loses precision.

The R+, R-, RN, and RZ rounding modes determine how the lowest bit is generated. Normally, RN is used.

PM, UM, MM, ZM, DM, and IM are masks that tell the processor to ignore the exceptions that happen, if they do. This keeps the program from having to deal with problems, but might cause invalid results.

DAZ tells the CPU to force all Denormals to zero. A Denormal is a number that is so small that FPU can't renormalize it due to limited exponent ranges. They're just like normal numbers, but they take considerably longer to process. Note that not all processors support DAZ.

PE, UE, ME, ZE, DE, and IE are the exception flags that are set if they happen, and aren't unmasked. Programs can check these to see if something interesting happened. These bits are "sticky", which means that once they're set, they stay set forever until the program clears them. This means that the indicated exception could have happened several operations ago, but nobody bothered to clear it.

DAZ wasn't available in the first version of SSE. Since setting a reserved bit in MXCSR causes a general protection fault, we need to be able to check the availability of this feature without causing problems. To do this, one needs to set up a 512-byte area of memory to save the SSE state to, using fxsave, and then one needs to inspect bytes 28 through 31 for the MXCSR_MASK value. If bit 6 is set, DAZ is supported, otherwise, it isn't.

SSE — OpCode List

(still under construction) (lowest = bits 0-31, not smallest of set.)(byte, word, 8bit, 16bit, need to regularize...)

addps - Adds 4 single-precision (32bit) floating-point values to 4 other single-precision floating-point values.
addss - Adds the lowest single-precision values, top 3 remain unchanged.
subps - Subtracts 4 single-precision floating-point values from 4 other single-precision floating-point values.
subss - Subtracts the lowest single-precision values, top 3 remain unchanged.
mulps - Multiplies 4 single-precision floating-point values with 4 other single-precision values.
mulss - Multiplies the lowest single-precision values, top 3 remain unchanged.
divps - Divides 4 single-precision floating-point values by 4 other single-precision floating-point values.
divss - Divides the lowest single-precision values, top 3 remain unchanged.
rcpps - Reciprocates (1/x) 4 single-precision floating-point values.
rcpss - Reciprocates the lowest single-precision values, top 3 remain unchanged.
sqrtps - Square root of 4 single-precision values.
sqrtss - Square root of lowest value, top 3 remain unchanged.
rsqrtps - Reciprocal square root of 4 single-precision floating-point values.
rsqrtss - Reciprocal square root of lowest single-precision value, top 3 remain unchanged.
maxps - Returns maximum of 2 values in each of 4 single-precision values.
maxss - Returns maximum of 2 values in the lowest single-precision value. Top 3 remain unchanged.
minps - Returns minimum of 2 values in each of 4 single-precision values.
minss - Returns minimum of 2 values in the lowest single-precision value, top 3 remain unchanged.
pavgb - Returns average of 2 values in each of 8 bytes.
pavgw - Returns average of 2 values in each of 4 words.
psadbw - Returns sum of absolute differences of 8 8bit values. Result in bottom 16 bits.
pextrw - Extracts 1 of 4 words.
pinsrw - Inserts 1 of 4 words.
pmaxsw - Returns maximum of 2 values in each of 4 signed word values.
pmaxub - Returns maximum of 2 values in each of 8 unsigned byte values.
pminsw - Returns minimum of 2 values in each of 4 signed word values.
pminub - Returns minimum of 2 values in each of 8 unsigned byte values.
pmovmskb - builds mask byte from top bit of 8 byte values.
pmulhuw - Multiplies 4 unsigned word values and stores the high 16bit result.
pshufw - Shuffles 4 word values. Complex.

andnps - Logically ANDs 4 single-precision values with the logical inverse (NOT) of 4 other single-precision values.
andps - Logically ANDs 4 single-precision values with 4 other single-precision values.
orps - Logically ORs 4 single-precision values with 4 other single-precision values.
xorps - Logically XORs 4 single-precision values with 4 other single-precision values.

cmpxxps - Compares 4 single-precision values.
cmpxxss - Compares lowest 2 single-precision values.
comiss - Compares lowest 2 single-recision values and stores result in EFLAGS.
ucomiss - Compares lowest 2 single-precision values and stores result in EFLAGS. ( QNaNs don't throw exceptions with ucomiss, unlike comiss.)
Compare Codes (the xx parts above):
eq - Equal to.
lt - Less than.
le - Less than or equal to.
ne - Not equal.
nlt - Not less than.
nle - Not less than or equal to.
ord - Ordered.
unord - Unordered.

cvtpi2ps - Converts 2 32bit integers to 32bit floating-point values. Top 2 values remain unchanged.
cvtps2pi - Converts 2 32bit floating-point values to 32bit integers.
cvtsi2ss - Converts 1 32bit integer to 32bit floating-point value. Top 3 values remain unchanged.
cvtss2si - Converts 1 32bit floating-point value to 32bit integer.
cvttps2pi - Converts 2 32bit floating-point values to 32bit integers using truncation.
cvttss2si - Converts 1 32bit floating-point value to 32bit integer using truncation.

fxrstor - Restores FP and SSE State.
fxsave - Stores FP and SSE State.
ldmxcsr - Loads the mxcsr register.
stmxcsr - Stores the mxcsr register.

movaps - Moves a 128bit value.
movhlps - Moves high half to a low half.
movlhps - Moves low half to upper halves.?
movhps - Moves 64bit value into top half of an xmm register.
movlps - Moves 64bit value into bottom half of an xmm register.
movmskps - Moves top bits of single-precision values into bottom 4 bits of a 32bit register.
movss - Moves the bottom single-precision value, top 3 remain unchanged.
movups - Moves a 128bit value. Address can be unaligned.
maskmovq - Moves a 64bit value according to a mask.
movntps - Moves a 128bit value directly to memory, skipping the cache. (NT stands for "Non Temporal".)
movntq - Moves a 64bit value directly to memory, skipping the cache.

shufps - Shuffles 4 single-precision values. Complex.
unpckhps - Unpacks single-precision values from high halves.
unpcklps - Unpacks single-precision values from low halves.

Cache Control:
prefetchT0 - Fetches a cache-line of data into all levels of cache.
prefetchT1 - Fetches a cache-line of data into all but the highest levels of cache.
prefetchT2 - Fetches a cache-line of data into all but the two highest levels of cache.
prefetchNTA - Fetches data into only the highest level of cache, not the lower levels.
sfence - Guarantees that all memory writes issued before the sfence instruction are completed before any writes after the sfence instruction.




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