

adb shell input中:
Usage: input [<source>] <command> [<arg>...]

The sources are:

The commands and default sources are:
      text <string> (Default: touchscreen)
      keyevent [--longpress] <key code number or name> ... (Default: keyboard)
      tap <x> <y> (Default: touchscreen)
      swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen)
      press (Default: trackball)
      roll <dx> <dy> (Default: trackball)
      tmode <tmode>


void press (string name, integer type)
void type (string message)


public boolean pressKeyCode (int keyCode)

intACTION_DOWNgetAction() value: the key has been pressed down.
intACTION_MULTIPLEgetAction() value: multiple duplicate key events have occurred in a row, or a complex string is being delivered.
intACTION_UPgetAction() value: the key has been released.
intFLAG_CANCELEDWhen associated with up key events, this indicates that the key press has been canceled.
intFLAG_CANCELED_LONG_PRESSSet when a key event has FLAG_CANCELED set because a long press action was executed while it was down.
intFLAG_EDITOR_ACTIONThis mask is used for compatibility, to identify enter keys that are coming from an IME whose enter key has been auto-labelled "next" or "done".
intFLAG_FALLBACKSet when a key event has been synthesized to implement default behavior for an event that the application did not handle.
intFLAG_FROM_SYSTEMThis mask is set if an event was known to come from a trusted part of the system.
intFLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODEThis mask is set if we don't want the key event to cause us to leave touch mode.
intFLAG_LONG_PRESSThis flag is set for the first key repeat that occurs after the long press timeout.
intFLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARDThis mask is set if the key event was generated by a software keyboard.
intFLAG_TRACKINGSet for ACTION_UP when this event's key code is still being tracked from its initial down.
intFLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEYThis key event was generated by a virtual (on-screen) hard key area.
intFLAG_WOKE_HEREThis constant was deprecated in API level 20. This flag will never be set by the system since the system consumes all wake keys itself.
intKEYCODE_0Key code constant: '0' key.
intKEYCODE_1Key code constant: '1' key.
intKEYCODE_11Key code constant: '11' key.
intKEYCODE_12Key code constant: '12' key.
intKEYCODE_2Key code constant: '2' key.
intKEYCODE_3Key code constant: '3' key.
intKEYCODE_3D_MODEKey code constant: 3D Mode key.
intKEYCODE_4Key code constant: '4' key.
intKEYCODE_5Key code constant: '5' key.
intKEYCODE_6Key code constant: '6' key.
intKEYCODE_7Key code constant: '7' key.
intKEYCODE_8Key code constant: '8' key.
intKEYCODE_9Key code constant: '9' key.
intKEYCODE_AKey code constant: 'A' key.
intKEYCODE_ALT_LEFTKey code constant: Left Alt modifier key.
intKEYCODE_ALT_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Alt modifier key.
intKEYCODE_APOSTROPHEKey code constant: ''' (apostrophe) key.
intKEYCODE_APP_SWITCHKey code constant: App switch key.
intKEYCODE_ASSISTKey code constant: Assist key.
intKEYCODE_ATKey code constant: '@' key.
intKEYCODE_AVR_INPUTKey code constant: A/V Receiver input key.
intKEYCODE_AVR_POWERKey code constant: A/V Receiver power key.
intKEYCODE_BKey code constant: 'B' key.
intKEYCODE_BACKKey code constant: Back key.
intKEYCODE_BACKSLASHKey code constant: '\' key.
intKEYCODE_BOOKMARKKey code constant: Bookmark key.
intKEYCODE_BREAKKey code constant: Break / Pause key.
intKEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_DOWNKey code constant: Brightness Down key.
intKEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_UPKey code constant: Brightness Up key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_1Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #1.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_10Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #10.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_11Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #11.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_12Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #12.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_13Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #13.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_14Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #14.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_15Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #15.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_16Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #16.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_2Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #2.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_3Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #3.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_4Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #4.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_5Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #5.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_6Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #6.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_7Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #7.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_8Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #8.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_9Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #9.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_AKey code constant: A Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_BKey code constant: B Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_CKey code constant: C Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_L1Key code constant: L1 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_L2Key code constant: L2 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_MODEKey code constant: Mode Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_R1Key code constant: R1 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_R2Key code constant: R2 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECTKey code constant: Select Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_STARTKey code constant: Start Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBLKey code constant: Left Thumb Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBRKey code constant: Right Thumb Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_XKey code constant: X Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_YKey code constant: Y Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_ZKey code constant: Z Button key.
intKEYCODE_CKey code constant: 'C' key.
intKEYCODE_CALCULATORKey code constant: Calculator special function key.
intKEYCODE_CALENDARKey code constant: Calendar special function key.
intKEYCODE_CALLKey code constant: Call key.
intKEYCODE_CAMERAKey code constant: Camera key.
intKEYCODE_CAPS_LOCKKey code constant: Caps Lock key.
intKEYCODE_CAPTIONSKey code constant: Toggle captions key.
intKEYCODE_CHANNEL_DOWNKey code constant: Channel down key.
intKEYCODE_CHANNEL_UPKey code constant: Channel up key.
intKEYCODE_CLEARKey code constant: Clear key.
intKEYCODE_COMMAKey code constant: ',' key.
intKEYCODE_CONTACTSKey code constant: Contacts special function key.
intKEYCODE_CTRL_LEFTKey code constant: Left Control modifier key.
intKEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Control modifier key.
intKEYCODE_DKey code constant: 'D' key.
intKEYCODE_DELKey code constant: Backspace key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTERKey code constant: Directional Pad Center key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWNKey code constant: Directional Pad Down key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFTKey code constant: Directional Pad Left key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHTKey code constant: Directional Pad Right key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_UPKey code constant: Directional Pad Up key.
intKEYCODE_DVRKey code constant: DVR key.
intKEYCODE_EKey code constant: 'E' key.
intKEYCODE_EISUKey code constant: Japanese alphanumeric key.
intKEYCODE_ENDCALLKey code constant: End Call key.
intKEYCODE_ENTERKey code constant: Enter key.
intKEYCODE_ENVELOPEKey code constant: Envelope special function key.
intKEYCODE_EQUALSKey code constant: '=' key.
intKEYCODE_ESCAPEKey code constant: Escape key.
intKEYCODE_EXPLORERKey code constant: Explorer special function key.
intKEYCODE_FKey code constant: 'F' key.
intKEYCODE_F1Key code constant: F1 key.
intKEYCODE_F10Key code constant: F10 key.
intKEYCODE_F11Key code constant: F11 key.
intKEYCODE_F12Key code constant: F12 key.
intKEYCODE_F2Key code constant: F2 key.
intKEYCODE_F3Key code constant: F3 key.
intKEYCODE_F4Key code constant: F4 key.
intKEYCODE_F5Key code constant: F5 key.
intKEYCODE_F6Key code constant: F6 key.
intKEYCODE_F7Key code constant: F7 key.
intKEYCODE_F8Key code constant: F8 key.
intKEYCODE_F9Key code constant: F9 key.
intKEYCODE_FOCUSKey code constant: Camera Focus key.
intKEYCODE_FORWARDKey code constant: Forward key.
intKEYCODE_FORWARD_DELKey code constant: Forward Delete key.
intKEYCODE_FUNCTIONKey code constant: Function modifier key.
intKEYCODE_GKey code constant: 'G' key.
intKEYCODE_GRAVEKey code constant: '`' (backtick) key.
intKEYCODE_GUIDEKey code constant: Guide key.
intKEYCODE_HKey code constant: 'H' key.
intKEYCODE_HEADSETHOOKKey code constant: Headset Hook key.
intKEYCODE_HELPKey code constant: Help key.
intKEYCODE_HENKANKey code constant: Japanese conversion key.
intKEYCODE_HOMEKey code constant: Home key.
intKEYCODE_IKey code constant: 'I' key.
intKEYCODE_INFOKey code constant: Info key.
intKEYCODE_INSERTKey code constant: Insert key.
intKEYCODE_JKey code constant: 'J' key.
intKEYCODE_KKey code constant: 'K' key.
intKEYCODE_KANAKey code constant: Japanese kana key.
intKEYCODE_KATAKANA_HIRAGANAKey code constant: Japanese katakana / hiragana key.
intKEYCODE_LKey code constant: 'L' key.
intKEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCHKey code constant: Language Switch key.
intKEYCODE_LAST_CHANNELKey code constant: Last Channel key.
intKEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKETKey code constant: '[' key.
intKEYCODE_MKey code constant: 'M' key.
intKEYCODE_MANNER_MODEKey code constant: Manner Mode key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_AUDIO_TRACKKey code constant: Audio Track key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_CLOSEKey code constant: Close media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_EJECTKey code constant: Eject media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARDKey code constant: Fast Forward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXTKey code constant: Play Next media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSEKey code constant: Pause media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAYKey code constant: Play media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSEKey code constant: Play/Pause media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUSKey code constant: Play Previous media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORDKey code constant: Record media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_REWINDKey code constant: Rewind media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_SKIP_BACKWARDKey code constant: Skip backward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_SKIP_FORWARDKey code constant: Skip forward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_STEP_BACKWARDKey code constant: Step backward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_STEP_FORWARDKey code constant: Step forward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_STOPKey code constant: Stop media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_TOP_MENUKey code constant: Media Top Menu key.
intKEYCODE_MENUKey code constant: Menu key.
intKEYCODE_META_LEFTKey code constant: Left Meta modifier key.
intKEYCODE_META_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Meta modifier key.
intKEYCODE_MINUSKey code constant: '-'.
intKEYCODE_MOVE_ENDKey code constant: End Movement key.
intKEYCODE_MOVE_HOMEKey code constant: Home Movement key.
intKEYCODE_MUHENKANKey code constant: Japanese non-conversion key.
intKEYCODE_MUSICKey code constant: Music special function key.
intKEYCODE_MUTEKey code constant: Mute key.
intKEYCODE_NKey code constant: 'N' key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_INKey code constant: Navigate in key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_NEXTKey code constant: Navigate to next key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_OUTKey code constant: Navigate out key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUSKey code constant: Navigate to previous key.
intKEYCODE_NOTIFICATIONKey code constant: Notification key.
intKEYCODE_NUMKey code constant: Number modifier key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_0Key code constant: Numeric keypad '0' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_1Key code constant: Numeric keypad '1' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_2Key code constant: Numeric keypad '2' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_3Key code constant: Numeric keypad '3' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_4Key code constant: Numeric keypad '4' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_5Key code constant: Numeric keypad '5' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_6Key code constant: Numeric keypad '6' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_7Key code constant: Numeric keypad '7' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_8Key code constant: Numeric keypad '8' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_9Key code constant: Numeric keypad '9' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_ADDKey code constant: Numeric keypad '+' key (for addition).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_COMMAKey code constant: Numeric keypad ',' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_DIVIDEKey code constant: Numeric keypad '/' key (for division).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_DOTKey code constant: Numeric keypad '.' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_ENTERKey code constant: Numeric keypad Enter key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_EQUALSKey code constant: Numeric keypad '=' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PARENKey code constant: Numeric keypad '(' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLYKey code constant: Numeric keypad '*' key (for multiplication).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_RIGHT_PARENKey code constant: Numeric keypad ')' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_SUBTRACTKey code constant: Numeric keypad '-' key (for subtraction).
intKEYCODE_NUM_LOCKKey code constant: Num Lock key.
intKEYCODE_OKey code constant: 'O' key.
intKEYCODE_PKey code constant: 'P' key.
intKEYCODE_PAGE_DOWNKey code constant: Page Down key.
intKEYCODE_PAGE_UPKey code constant: Page Up key.
intKEYCODE_PAIRINGKey code constant: Pairing key.
intKEYCODE_PERIODKey code constant: '.' key.
intKEYCODE_PICTSYMBOLSKey code constant: Picture Symbols modifier key.
intKEYCODE_PLUSKey code constant: '+' key.
intKEYCODE_POUNDKey code constant: '#' key.
intKEYCODE_POWERKey code constant: Power key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_BLUEKey code constant: Blue "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_GREENKey code constant: Green "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_REDKey code constant: Red "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_YELLOWKey code constant: Yellow "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_QKey code constant: 'Q' key.
intKEYCODE_RKey code constant: 'R' key.
intKEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKETKey code constant: ']' key.
intKEYCODE_ROKey code constant: Japanese Ro key.
intKEYCODE_SKey code constant: 'S' key.
intKEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCKKey code constant: Scroll Lock key.
intKEYCODE_SEARCHKey code constant: Search key.
intKEYCODE_SEMICOLONKey code constant: ';' key.
intKEYCODE_SETTINGSKey code constant: Settings key.
intKEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFTKey code constant: Left Shift modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Shift modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SLASHKey code constant: '/' key.
intKEYCODE_SLEEPKey code constant: Sleep key.
intKEYCODE_SOFT_LEFTKey code constant: Soft Left key.
intKEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHTKey code constant: Soft Right key.
intKEYCODE_SPACEKey code constant: Space key.
intKEYCODE_STARKey code constant: '*' key.
intKEYCODE_STB_INPUTKey code constant: Set-top-box input key.
intKEYCODE_STB_POWERKey code constant: Set-top-box power key.
intKEYCODE_SWITCH_CHARSETKey code constant: Switch Charset modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SYMKey code constant: Symbol modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SYSRQKey code constant: System Request / Print Screen key.
intKEYCODE_TKey code constant: 'T' key.
intKEYCODE_TABKey code constant: Tab key.
intKEYCODE_TVKey code constant: TV key.
intKEYCODE_TV_ANTENNA_CABLEKey code constant: Antenna/Cable key.
intKEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTIONKey code constant: Audio description key.
intKEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION_MIX_DOWNKey code constant: Audio description mixing volume down key.
intKEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION_MIX_UPKey code constant: Audio description mixing volume up key.
intKEYCODE_TV_CONTENTS_MENUKey code constant: Contents menu key.
intKEYCODE_TV_DATA_SERVICEKey code constant: TV data service key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUTKey code constant: TV input key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPONENT_1Key code constant: Component #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPONENT_2Key code constant: Component #2 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPOSITE_1Key code constant: Composite #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPOSITE_2Key code constant: Composite #2 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_1Key code constant: HDMI #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_2Key code constant: HDMI #2 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_3Key code constant: HDMI #3 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_4Key code constant: HDMI #4 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_VGA_1Key code constant: VGA #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_MEDIA_CONTEXT_MENUKey code constant: Media context menu key.
intKEYCODE_TV_NETWORKKey code constant: Toggle Network key.
intKEYCODE_TV_NUMBER_ENTRYKey code constant: Number entry key.
intKEYCODE_TV_POWERKey code constant: TV power key.
intKEYCODE_TV_RADIO_SERVICEKey code constant: Radio key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITEKey code constant: Satellite key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_BSKey code constant: BS key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_CSKey code constant: CS key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_SERVICEKey code constant: BS/CS key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TELETEXTKey code constant: Teletext key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TERRESTRIAL_ANALOGKey code constant: Analog Terrestrial key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TERRESTRIAL_DIGITALKey code constant: Digital Terrestrial key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TIMER_PROGRAMMINGKey code constant: Timer programming key.
intKEYCODE_TV_ZOOM_MODEKey code constant: Zoom mode key.
intKEYCODE_UKey code constant: 'U' key.
intKEYCODE_UNKNOWNKey code constant: Unknown key code.
intKEYCODE_VKey code constant: 'V' key.
intKEYCODE_VOICE_ASSISTKey code constant: Voice Assist key.
intKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWNKey code constant: Volume Down key.
intKEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTEKey code constant: Volume Mute key.
intKEYCODE_VOLUME_UPKey code constant: Volume Up key.
intKEYCODE_WKey code constant: 'W' key.
intKEYCODE_WAKEUPKey code constant: Wakeup key.
intKEYCODE_WINDOWKey code constant: Window key.
intKEYCODE_XKey code constant: 'X' key.
intKEYCODE_YKey code constant: 'Y' key.
intKEYCODE_YENKey code constant: Japanese Yen key.
intKEYCODE_ZKey code constant: 'Z' key.
intKEYCODE_ZENKAKU_HANKAKUKey code constant: Japanese full-width / half-width key.
intKEYCODE_ZOOM_INKey code constant: Zoom in key.
intKEYCODE_ZOOM_OUTKey code constant: Zoom out key.
intMAX_KEYCODEThis constant was deprecated in API level 3. There are now more than MAX_KEYCODE keycodes. Use getMaxKeyCode() instead.

This mask is used to check whether the left ALT meta key is pressed.

intMETA_ALT_MASKThis mask is a combination of META_ALT_ON, META_ALT_LEFT_ON and META_ALT_RIGHT_ON.

This mask is used to check whether one of the ALT meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right the ALT meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the CAPS LOCK meta key is on.


This mask is used to check whether the left CTRL meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether one of the CTRL meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right CTRL meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the FUNCTION meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the left META meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether one of the META meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right META meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the NUM LOCK meta key is on.


This mask is used to check whether the SCROLL LOCK meta key is on.


This mask is used to check whether the left SHIFT meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether one of the SHIFT meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right SHIFT meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the SYM meta key is pressed.


  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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