


Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is a standard and notation that describes rules and structures for representing, encoding, transmitting, and decoding data in telecommunications and computer networking


该标准可分为:抽象语法( 数据类型的ASN.1描述)、传送语法(网络中对等实体之间通信时,对用户信息的描述规则)。

The standard ASN.1 encoding rules include:

Example encoded in DER
Below is the data structure shown above encoded in DER format (all numbers are in hexadecimal):

 30 — type tag indicating SEQUENCE
 13 — length in octets of value that follows
 02 — type tag indicating INTEGER
 01 — length in octets of value that follows
 05 — value (5)
 16 — type tag indicating [[IA5String]] 
      (IA5 means the full 7-bit ISO 646 set, including variants, 
       but is generally US-ASCII)
 0e — length in octets of value that follows
 41 6e 79 62 6f 64 79 20 74 68 65 72 65 3f — value ("Anybody there?")

(Note: DER uses a pattern of [[type-length-value]] triplets, and uses well known byte constants for encoding type tags)

The result is the string of 21 octets (8-bit bytes):

<pre>30 13 02 01 05 16 0e 41 6e 79 62 6f 64 79 20 74 68 65 72 65 3f</pre>

The scope of ASN.1 and DER ends here. It is possible to transmit the encoded message to the recipient by any means ([[Transmission Control Protocol]] (TCP) or any other protocol). The party should be able to decode the octets from the DER.

Example encoded in XER
Alternatively, it is possible to encode the same ASN.1 data structure with [[XML Encoding Rules]] (XER) to achieve greater human readability "over the wire". It would then appear as the following 108 octets, (space count includes the spaces used for indentation):

    <question>Anybody there?</question>

Example encoded in PER (unaligned)
Alternatively, if [[Packed Encoding Rules]] are employed, the following 122 bits (16 octets amount to 128 bits, but here only 122 bits carry information and the last 6 bits are merely padding) will be produced:

<pre>01 05 0e 83 bb ce 2d f9 3c a0 e9 a3 2f 2c af c0</pre>

In this format, type tags for the required elements are not encoded, so it cannot be parsed without knowing the expected schemas used to encode. Additionally, the bytes for the value of the IA5String are packed using 7-bit units instead of 8-bit units, because the encoder knows that encoding an IA5String byte value requires only 7 bits. However the length bytes are still encoded here, even for the first integer tag 01 (but a PER packer could also omit it if it knows that the allowed value range fits on 8 bits, and it could even compact the single value byte 05 with less than 8 bits, if it knows that allowed values can only fit in a smaller range).

Note also that the last 6 bits in the encoded PER are padded with null bits in the 6 least significant bits of the last byte c0 : these extra bits may not be transmitted or used for encoding something else if this sequence is inserted as a part of a longer unaligned PER sequence.

This means that unaligned PER data is essentially an ordered stream of bits, and not an ordered stream of bytes like with aligned PER, and that it will be a bit more complex to decode by software on usual processors because it will require additional contextual bit-shifting and masking and not direct byte addressing (but the same remark would be true with modern processors and memory/storage units whose minimum addressable unit is larger than 1 octet). However modern processors and signal processors include hardware support for fast internal decoding of bit streams with automatic handling of computing units that are crossing the boundaries of addressable storage units (this is needed for efficient processing in data codecs for compression/decompression or with some encryption/decryption algorithms).

If alignment on octet boundaries was required, an aligned PER encoder would produce:

<pre>01 05 0e 41 6e 79 62 6f 64 79 20 74 68 65 72 65 3f</pre>

(in this case, each octet is padded individually with null bits on their unused most significant bits).





[BIT STRING]-[0位或多位]-[03]
[OCTET STRING]-[0字节或多字节]-[04]
[OBJECT IDENTIFIER]-[相应于一个对象的独特标识数字]-[06]
[OBJECT DESCRIPTOR]-[一个对象的简称]-[07]
[SEQUENCE和SEQUENCE OF]-[有序数列,SEQUENCE里面的每个数值都可以是不同类型的,而SEQUENCE OF里是0个或多个类型相同的数据]-[10]
[SET和SET OF]-[无序数列,SET里面的每个数值都可以是不同类型的,而SET OF里是0个或多个类型相同的数据]-[11]
[PrintableString]-[A-Z、a-z、0-9、空格以及符号 ()+,-./:=?]-[13]


低Tag数字形式只有一个字节,包含三部分,从低位为1开始编号,8和7位是Tag类型,共有四种,分别是universal(00)、application(0 1)、context-specific(1 0)和private(11);第6位是0,表明编码类型是基本类型,第5-1位是Tag值。






typedef struct asn1_ctx_st {
    unsigned char *p;           /* work char pointer */
    int eos;                    /* end of sequence read for indefinite
                                 * encoding */
    int error;                  /* error code to use when returning an error */
    int inf;                    /* constructed if 0x20, indefinite is 0x21 */
    int tag;                    /* tag from last 'get object' */
    int xclass;                 /* class from last 'get object' */
    long slen;                  /* length of last 'get object' */
    unsigned char *max;         /* largest value of p allowed */
    unsigned char *q;           /* temporary variable */
    unsigned char **pp;         /* variable */
    int line;                   /* used in error processing */

  • 参数p是工作字符指针,其最大长度由参数max指定;
  • eos是indefinite编码模式的结束标识标志;
  • error是错误代码;
  • inf值为0x20代表constructd模式,为0x21代表indefinite模式;
  • tag是最后取得的对象的tag值;
  • xclass是最后取得的对象的类型;
  • slen是最后取得的对象的长度;
  • line变量在出错处理的时候使用。



struct asn1_object_st {
    const char *sn, *ln;
    int nid;
    int length;
    const unsigned char *data;  /* data remains const after init */
    int flags;                  /* Should we free this one */

typedef struct asn1_object_st ASN1_OBJECT;

  • nid是openssl内部定义的每个数字对象的独特标识码;
  • sn是对象的简称;
  • ln是对象的长名或小写名;
  • data是相应对象的数据,
  • length是该data字段的长度,
  • flags是一个释放标志。


/* This is the base type that holds just about everything :-) */
struct asn1_string_st {
    int length;
    int type;
    unsigned char *data;
     * The value of the following field depends on the type being held.  It
     * is mostly being used for BIT_STRING so if the input data has a
     * non-zero 'unused bits' value, it will be handled correctly
    long flags;

typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_INTEGER;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_ENUMERATED;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_BIT_STRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_OCTET_STRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_T61STRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_IA5STRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_GENERALSTRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_BMPSTRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_UTCTIME;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_TIME;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_VISIBLESTRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_UTF8STRING;
typedef struct asn1_string_st ASN1_STRING;
  • type参数指明对象的类型;
  • data参数是对象的数据,
  • length指定了其长度;
  • flags值跟type有关,一般来说,在BIT_STRING对象中使用。


typedef struct asn1_type_st {
    int type;
    union {
        char *ptr;
        ASN1_BOOLEAN boolean;
        ASN1_STRING *asn1_string;
        ASN1_OBJECT *object;
        ASN1_INTEGER *integer;
        ASN1_ENUMERATED *enumerated;
        ASN1_BIT_STRING *bit_string;
        ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octet_string;
        ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING *printablestring;
        ASN1_T61STRING *t61string;
        ASN1_IA5STRING *ia5string;
        ASN1_GENERALSTRING *generalstring;
        ASN1_BMPSTRING *bmpstring;
        ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING *universalstring;
        ASN1_UTCTIME *utctime;
        ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *generalizedtime;
        ASN1_VISIBLESTRING *visiblestring;
        ASN1_UTF8STRING *utf8string;
         * set and sequence are left complete and still contain the set or
         * sequence bytes
        ASN1_STRING *set;
        ASN1_STRING *sequence;
        ASN1_VALUE *asn1_value;
    } value;


 * This is the ASN1 template structure that defines a wrapper round the
 * actual type. It determines the actual position of the field in the value
 * structure, various flags such as OPTIONAL and the field name.

struct ASN1_TEMPLATE_st {
    unsigned long flags;        /* Various flags */
    long tag;                   /* tag, not used if no tagging */
    unsigned long offset;       /* Offset of this field in structure */
    const char *field_name;     /* Field name */
# endif
    ASN1_ITEM_EXP *item;        /* Relevant ASN1_ITEM or ASN1_ADB */

typedef struct ASN1_TEMPLATE_st ASN1_TEMPLATE;


/* This is just an opaque pointer */
typedef struct ASN1_VALUE_st ASN1_VALUE;


/* This is the actual ASN1 item itself */

struct ASN1_ITEM_st {
    char itype;                 /* The item type, primitive, SEQUENCE, CHOICE
                                 * or extern */
    long utype;                 /* underlying type */
    const ASN1_TEMPLATE *templates; /* If SEQUENCE or CHOICE this contains
                                     * the contents */
    long tcount;                /* Number of templates if SEQUENCE or CHOICE */
    const void *funcs;          /* functions that handle this type */
    long size;                  /* Structure size (usually) */
    const char *sname;          /* Structure name */
# endif

typedef struct ASN1_ITEM_st ASN1_ITEM;

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