
string CStringHelper::Unicode2UTF8(const wstring& strUnicode)
	int length = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, strUnicode.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	if (length <= 0) return "";

	char* pText = new char[length + 1];
	memset((void*)pText, 0, sizeof(char) * (length + 1));
	::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, strUnicode.c_str(), -1, pText, length, NULL, NULL);

	string strText(pText);
	delete[] pText;
	return strText;

wstring CStringHelper::UTF82Unicode(const string& strUTF8)
	// multi char to wide char
	int length = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strUTF8.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);
	if (length <= 0) return L"";

	wchar_t* pwText = new wchar_t[length + 1];
	memset((void*)pwText, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * (length + 1));
	::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strUTF8.c_str(), -1, pwText, length);

	wstring strText(pwText);
	delete[] pwText;
	return strText;

string CStringHelper::GBKToUTF8(const string& strGBK)  
    int length = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strGBK.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);
	if (length <= 0) return "";

    wchar_t* pText1 = new wchar_t[length];
    ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strGBK.c_str(), -1, pText1, length);
    length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pText1, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (length <= 0)
		delete [] pText1;
		return "";

	char* pText2 = new char[length];
    ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pText1, -1, pText2, length, NULL, NULL);

    string strText(pText2);
    delete[] pText1;
    delete[] pText2;
    return strText;

string CStringHelper::UTF8ToGBK(const string& strUTF8)  
    int length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strUTF8.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);
	if (length <= 0) return "";

    unsigned short* pwText = new unsigned short[length + 1];  
    memset(pwText, 0, length * 2 + 2);  
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)strUTF8.c_str(), -1, (LPWSTR)pwText, length);  

    length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)pwText, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	if (length <= 0) 
		delete [] pwText;
		return "";

    char* pText = new char[length + 1];  
    memset(pText, 0, length + 1);  
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0, (LPWSTR)pwText, -1, pText, length, NULL, NULL); 

    string strText(pText);
    return strText;

string CStringHelper::Unicode2ACSII(const wstring& strUnicode)
    if (strUnicode.empty()) return "";

    int length = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strUnicode.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	if (length <= 0) return "";

    char* pText = new char[length + 1];
    ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strUnicode.c_str(), -1, pText, length, NULL, NULL);
	string strText(pText);
    delete[] pText;
    return strText;

wstring CStringHelper::ASCII2Unicode(const string& strASCII)
    int length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strASCII.c_str(), -1,	NULL, 0);
	if (length <= 0) return L"";

	wchar_t* pText = new wchar_t[length + 1];
	memset((void*)pText, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * (length + 1));
    ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strASCII.c_str(), -1, pText, length);

	wstring strText(pText);
	delete[] pText;
	return strText;

int CStringHelper::SplitString(const string& strSrc, const string& strSplit, vector<string>& vecResult, bool bRemoveEmpty/* = false*/)
        int pos = strSrc.find(strSplit, 0);
        if (pos == -1)
            // 如果strSrc没有分隔符,直接返回该字符串
			if (strSrc.empty())
				if (!bRemoveEmpty)

            return vecResult.size();

        int startPos = 0;
        int splitN = pos;
        string lineText;

        while (pos > -1)
            lineText = strSrc.substr(startPos, splitN);
            startPos = pos + strSplit.length();
            pos = strSrc.find(strSplit, startPos);
            splitN = pos - startPos;
			if (lineText.empty())
				if (!bRemoveEmpty)

        splitN = strSrc.length() - startPos;
        if (splitN > 0)                                       //添加分割线最后一个字符
            lineText = strSrc.substr(startPos, splitN);
			if (lineText.empty())
				if (!bRemoveEmpty)
    catch(exception e)
        return 0;

    return vecResult.size();

int CStringHelper::SplitString(const wstring& strSrc, const wstring& strSplit, vector<wstring>& vecResult, bool bRemoveEmpty/* = false*/)
        int pos = strSrc.find(strSplit, 0);
        if (pos == -1)
            // 如果strSrc没有分隔符,直接返回该字符串
			if (strSrc.empty())
				if (!bRemoveEmpty)

            return 0;

        int startPos = 0;
        int splitN = pos;
        wstring lineText;

        while (pos > -1)
            lineText = strSrc.substr(startPos, splitN);
            startPos = pos + strSplit.length();
            pos = strSrc.find(strSplit, startPos);
            splitN = pos - startPos;
			if (lineText.empty())
				if (!bRemoveEmpty)

        splitN = strSrc.length() - startPos;
        if (splitN > 0)                                       //添加分割线最后一个字符
            lineText = strSrc.substr(startPos, splitN);
			if (lineText.empty())
				if (!bRemoveEmpty)
    catch(exception e)
        return 0;

    return vecResult.size();

int CStringHelper::sSplit(char* str, const char* delim, char* vec[], size_t vecLen, int dontSaveEmptyFields, int ignoreLeading)
    unsigned char isDelim[256];
    unsigned char charType;
    int vecCount = 0;

    if (!str)

    /* Build is_delim array */
    memset(isDelim, '\0', sizeof(isDelim));

    if (!delim)
        delim = " \t";  /* default field separators */

    while (*delim)
        isDelim[(unsigned)(unsigned char)*delim++] = 1;   /* separator  */

    isDelim[(unsigned)(unsigned char)'\0'] = 2;   /* terminator */
    isDelim[(unsigned)(unsigned char)'\n'] = 2;   /* terminator */

    /* Parse string */
    if (ignoreLeading)
        /* skip leading separators */
        while (isDelim[(unsigned)(unsigned char)*str] == 1)

    /* first pointer is the beginning of string */
    /* Check if we want to save this field */
    if ((!dontSaveEmptyFields)
        || (isDelim[(unsigned)(unsigned char)*str] == 0))
        * We want empty fields, or the first character in this
        * field is not a delimiter or the end of string.
        * So save it.
        if (vecCount >= vecLen)
            return(-1); /* overflow */
        vec[vecCount++] = (char *) str;

    while ((charType = isDelim[(unsigned)(unsigned char)*str]) != 2)
        if (charType == 1)
            /* the char is a separator */

            /* null terminate the substring */
            *str++ = '\0';

            /* Check if we want to save this field */
            if ((!dontSaveEmptyFields) || (isDelim[(unsigned)(unsigned char)*str] == 0))
                * We want empty fields, or the first character in this
                * field is not a delimiter or the end of string.
                * So save it.
                if (vecCount >= vecLen)
                    return(-1); /* overflow */
                vec[vecCount++] = (char *) str;
    *str = '\0';     /* null terminate the substring */

        int i;
        printf("dump %d strings\n", vecCount);
        for (i = 0; i < vecCount; i++)
            printf("%d '%s'\n", i, vec[i]);
#endif /* def SSPLIT_VERBOSE */


int CStringHelper::sSplitOnce(const string &str, const string &delim, vector<string> &vecResult)
	if (str.empty() || delim.empty())
		return 0;

	if (str.size() && str.find(delim.c_str()))
		string strFirst = str.substr(0, str.find_first_of(delim));
		string strLast = str.substr(str.find_first_of(delim) + 1, str.length() - str.find_first_of(delim) - 1);
	return vecResult.size();

static unsigned int UTF8Decode(char* s, unsigned int* pi)
	unsigned int c;
	int i = *pi;
	/* one digit utf-8 */
	if ((s[i] & 128) == 0) 
		c = (unsigned int)s[i];
		i += 1;
	else if ((s[i] & 224) == 192) 
		/* 110xxxxx & 111xxxxx == 110xxxxx */
		c = (((unsigned int)s[i] & 31) << 6) + 
			((unsigned int)s[i+1] & 63);
		i += 2;
	else if ((s[i] & 240)== 224 )
		/* 1110xxxx & 1111xxxx == 1110xxxx */
		c = (((unsigned int)s[i] & 15) << 12 ) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+1] & 63) << 6 ) +
			((unsigned int)s[i+2] & 63);
		i += 3;
	else if ((s[i] & 248) == 240 )
		/* 11110xxx & 11111xxx == 11110xxx */
		c = (((unsigned int)s[i] & 7) << 18) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+1] & 63) << 12) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+2] & 63) << 6) +
			((unsigned int)s[i+3] & 63);
		i+= 4;
	else if ((s[i] & 252) == 248 )
		/* 111110xx & 111111xx == 111110xx */
		c = (((unsigned int)s[i] & 3) << 24) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+1] & 63) << 18) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+2] & 63) << 12) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+3] & 63) << 6) +
			((unsigned int)s[i+4] & 63);
		i += 5;
	else if ((s[i] & 254) == 252 )
		/* 1111110x & 1111111x == 1111110x */
		c = (((unsigned int)s[i] & 1) << 30) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+1] & 63) << 24) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+2] & 63) << 18) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+3] & 63) << 12) +
			(((unsigned int)s[i+4] & 63) << 6) +
			((unsigned int)s[i+5] & 63);
		i += 6;
		c = '?';

	*pi = i;

	return c;

 ** URL加密原理:遍历URL字符串,对每个字符,按照以下规则进行加密。
 ** 1.如果当前字符是数字,不加密;
 ** 2.如果当前字符是空格,则用"+"代替;
 ** 3.如果是字符,按照下面的规则加密:将1个字符加密成3个字符。
 **   a.第1个字符为:"%",表示加密标志;
 **   b.第2个字符为一个16进制的字符:hex[ch / 16],取倍数;
 **   c.第3个字符为一个16进制的字符:hex[ch % 16],取余数;
string CStringHelper::UrlEncode(const string& strSrc)
	static char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
	string dst;

	const size_t srcLen = strSrc.size();
	for (size_t i = 0; i < srcLen; i++)
		unsigned char ch = strSrc[i];
		if (isalnum(ch))				// Don't encode number or character.
			dst += ch;
			if (' ' == ch)				// ' ' encode to '+'.
				dst += '+';
			else						// Encode others from one character to three.
				dst += '%';				// Set the encode flag.
				dst += hex[ch / 16];	// Multiple	 - 倍数
				dst += hex[ch % 16];	// Remainder - 余数

	return dst;

 ** URL解密原理:
 ** 1.如果当前字符为数字,不需要解密;
 ** 2.如果当前字符为"+",则用空格" "代替;
 ** 3.如果当前字符为"%",而且后两个字符均为16进制数字,则需要按照下面的规则解密:
 **   a.将后两个16进制字符转换成10进制数字(c1-48:字符转换成数字);
 **   b.这两个数字分别代表倍数和余数,然后转换为原来的数字:c1*16+c3;
string CStringHelper::UrlDecode(const string& strSrc)
	string strDst;
	size_t srclen = strSrc.size();
	for (size_t i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
		if (strSrc[i] == '%')	// Find the encode flag.
            // isxdigit:是否为16进制数字
			if(isxdigit(strSrc[i + 1]) && isxdigit(strSrc[i + 2])) // Hexadecimal number.
                // 16进制转换为10进制
				char c1 = strSrc[++i];
				char c2 = strSrc[++i];
				// 0 ANSI Code: 48;
				// The counts from 58 to 65: 7;
				// The counts from 65 to 97: 32;
				c1 = c1 - 48 - ((c1 >= 'A') ? 7 : 0) - ((c1 >= 'a') ? 32 : 0);
				c2 = c2 - 48 - ((c2 >= 'A') ? 7 : 0) - ((c2 >= 'a') ? 32 : 0);
				strDst += (unsigned char)(c1 * 16 + c2);			// Multiple * 16 + Remainder.
			if (strSrc[i] == '+')
				strDst += ' ';
				strDst += strSrc[i];

	string strDstUrl;
	unsigned int len = strDst.size();
	for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < len;)
		unsigned int nvalue = UTF8Decode((char*)strDst.c_str(), &pos);
		strDstUrl += (unsigned char)nvalue;

	return strDstUrl;

wstring CStringHelper::UrlDecodeEx(const string &strSrc)
    string strDst;
    wstring strDstUrl;

    size_t srclen = strSrc.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
        if (strSrc[i] == '%')
            if(isxdigit(strSrc[i + 1]) && isxdigit(strSrc[i + 2]))
                char c1 = strSrc[++i];
                char c2 = strSrc[++i];
                c1 = c1 - 48 - ((c1 >= 'A') ? 7 : 0) - ((c1 >= 'a') ? 32 : 0);
                c2 = c2 - 48 - ((c2 >= 'A') ? 7 : 0) - ((c2 >= 'a') ? 32 : 0);
                strDst += (unsigned char)(c1 * 16 + c2);
            if (strSrc[i] == '+')
                strDst += ' ';
                strDst += strSrc[i];

    unsigned int len = strDst.size();
    for(unsigned int pos = 0; pos < len;)
        unsigned int nvalue = UTF8Decode((char *)strDst.c_str(), &pos);
        strDstUrl += (unsigned wchar_t)nvalue;

    return strDstUrl;

wstring CStringHelper::GetSubString(const wstring& strSrc, const wstring& strPattern)
    wstring strSub;
        if (strSrc.empty())
            return L"";

        const int pos = strSrc.find(strPattern);
        if (wstring::npos == pos)
            return strSrc;

        strSub = strSrc.substr(0, pos);
    catch(exception e)
        return L"";

    return strSub;

bool CStringHelper::LTrim(wstring& wstr,wchar_t sp)
		wchar_t* tmp_head = new wchar_t[wstr.length() + 1];
		memcpy(tmp_head,wstr.c_str(),wstr.length() * sizeof(wchar_t));
		tmp_head[wstr.length()] = '\0';

		wchar_t *p, *q, *r;

		p = tmp_head + wstr.length();

		* find end of leading whitespace
	   q = r = tmp_head;
	   while (*q && (*q == sp))

		* if there was any, move the rest forwards
	   if (q != tmp_head)
		  while (q <= p )
			 *r++ = *q++;
	   wstr = tmp_head;

	   delete tmp_head;

   return true;

bool CStringHelper::RTrim(wstring& wstr,wchar_t sp)
		wchar_t* tmp_head = new wchar_t[wstr.length() + 1];
		memcpy(tmp_head,wstr.c_str(),wstr.length() * sizeof(wchar_t));
		tmp_head[wstr.length()] = '\0';
		* strip trailing whitespace
	   wchar_t* p = tmp_head + wstr.length();
	   while (p > tmp_head && *(p-1) == sp)
	   *p = '\0';

	   wstr = tmp_head;

	   delete tmp_head;

	return true;

bool CStringHelper::Trim(wstring& wstr,wchar_t sp)
		wchar_t* tmp_head = new wchar_t[wstr.length() + 1];
		memcpy(tmp_head,wstr.c_str(),wstr.length() * sizeof(wchar_t));
		tmp_head[wstr.length()] = '\0';

		wchar_t *p, *q, *r;

		* strip trailing whitespace
	   p = tmp_head + wstr.length();
	   while (p > tmp_head && *(p-1) == sp)
	   *p = '\0';

		* find end of leading whitespace
	   q = r = tmp_head;
	   while (*q && (*q == sp))

		* if there was any, move the rest forwards
	   if (q != tmp_head)
		  while (q <= p)
			 *r++ = *q++;

	   wstr = tmp_head;

	   delete tmp_head;

   return true;

#define CONVERT_BUF_SIZE    20
string CStringHelper::Int2Str(int val)
    char szStr[CONVERT_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
	_itoa(val, szStr, 10);

	return string(szStr);

wstring CStringHelper::Int2WStr(int val)
    return ASCII2Unicode(Int2Str(val));

string CStringHelper::Long2Str(long val)
	char szStr[CONVERT_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
	_ltoa(val, szStr, 10);

	return string(szStr);

wstring CStringHelper::Long2WStr(long val)
    return ASCII2Unicode(Long2Str(val));

void CStringHelper::Replace(wstring &strInput, const wstring &strSrc, const wstring &strDst)
    if (strInput.empty())

	wstring::size_type pos = 0;
	wstring::size_type srclen = strSrc.size();         
	wstring::size_type dstlen = strDst.size();       
	while((pos = strInput.find(strSrc, pos)) != wstring::npos)
		strInput.replace(pos, srclen, strDst);                 
		pos += dstlen;         

bool CStringHelper::BeginWith(wstring strSrc, const wstring str)
    if (strSrc.empty())
        return false;

	wstring::size_type pos = wstring::npos;

	if((pos = strSrc.find(str)) == 0)
		return true;       

	return false;

bool CStringHelper::EndWith(wstring strSrc, const wstring str)
    if (strSrc.empty())
        return false;

	wstring::size_type pos = strSrc.rfind(str);

	if( pos == (strSrc.length() - str.length()))
		return true;       

	return false;

wstring CStringHelper::StringCreateEscapes(const wstring& strSrc)
	wstring result;
	wstring::const_iterator b = strSrc.begin();
	wstring::const_iterator e = strSrc.end();
	while (b != e)
		if (*b == 0x20 || *b == 0x21 || (*b >= 0x23 && *b <= 0x2E) ||
			(*b >= 0x30 && *b <= 0x5B) || (*b >= 0x5D && *b <= 0xFF))
			result += *b;
		else if (*b == L'\b') result += L'\\', result += L'b';
		else if (*b == L'\f') result += L'\\', result += L'f';
		else if (*b == L'\n') result += L'\\', result += L'n';
		else if (*b == L'\r') result += L'\\', result += L'r';
		else if (*b == L'/') result += L'\\', result += L'/';
		else if (*b == L'"')  result += L'\\', result += L'"';
		else if (*b == L'\\') result += L'\\', result += L'\\';
			const wchar_t *hexdigits = L"0123456789ABCDEF";
			typedef make_unsigned<wchar_t>::type UCh;
			unsigned long u = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned long>(
			int d1 = u / 4096; u -= d1 * 4096;
			int d2 = u / 256; u -= d2 * 256;
			int d3 = u / 16; u -= d3 * 16;
			int d4 = u;
			result += L'\\'; result += L'u';
			result += hexdigits[d1]; result += hexdigits[d2];
			result += hexdigits[d3]; result += hexdigits[d4];
	return result;

string CStringHelper::StringCreateEscapes(const string& strSrc)
	string result;
	string::const_iterator b = strSrc.begin();
	string::const_iterator e = strSrc.end();
	while (b != e)
		if (*b == 0x20 || *b == 0x21 || (*b >= 0x23 && *b <= 0x2E) ||
			(*b >= 0x30 && *b <= 0x5B) || (*b >= 0x5D && *b <= 0xFF))
			result += *b;
		else if (*b == '\b') result += '\\', result += 'b';
		else if (*b == '\f') result += '\\', result += 'f';
		else if (*b == '\n') result += '\\', result += 'n';
		else if (*b == '\r') result += '\\', result += 'r';
		else if (*b == '/') result += '\\', result += '/';
		else if (*b == '"')  result += '\\', result += '"';
		else if (*b == '\\') result += '\\', result += '\\';
			const char *hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
			typedef make_unsigned<char>::type UCh;
			unsigned long u = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned long>(
			int d1 = u / 4096; u -= d1 * 4096;
			int d2 = u / 256; u -= d2 * 256;
			int d3 = u / 16; u -= d3 * 16;
			int d4 = u;
			result += '\\'; result += 'u';
			result += hexdigits[d1]; result += hexdigits[d2];
			result += hexdigits[d3]; result += hexdigits[d4];
	return result;

wstring CStringHelper::Lower2Capital(const wstring& lower)
	return _wcsupr(const_cast<wchar_t*>(lower.c_str()));

wstring CStringHelper::Capital2Lower(const wstring& capital)
	return _wcslwr(const_cast<wchar_t*>(capital.c_str()));

wstring CStringHelper::GenerateRandStr(const int len/* = 32*/)
    wstring strRet(L"", len);

    static bool bTmp = true;
    if (bTmp)
        // 种子只需设置一次
        bTmp = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        strRet.at(i) = rand() % 26 + 'a';

    return strRet;

// 生成随机字符串的源数据
wchar_t srcStrArr[] = L"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

wstring CStringHelper::GenerateRandStrEx(const int len/* = 32*/)
    wstring strRet(L"", len);

    static bool bTmp = true;
    if (bTmp)
        // 种子只需设置一次
        bTmp = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        strRet.at(i) = srcStrArr[rand() % 36]; // 36 = 10 + 26

    return strRet;

string CStringHelper::DecryptString(const string& strSrc, const string& strKey /* = L"" */)
	string strS = strSrc;
	string strK = strKey;

	string strValue = CRyptLib::Decode(strS, strK);

	return strValue;

string CStringHelper::EncryptString(const string& strSrc, const string& strKey /* = L"" */)
	string strS = strSrc;
	string strK = strKey;

	string strValue = CRyptLib::Encode(strS, strK);

	return strValue;

wstring CStringHelper::DecryptString(const wstring& strSrc, const wstring& strKey /* = L"" */)
	string strS = Unicode2ACSII(strSrc);
	string strK = Unicode2ACSII(strKey);

	string strValue = CRyptLib::Decode(strS, strK);

	wstring strResult = ASCII2Unicode(strValue);

	return strResult;

wstring CStringHelper::EncryptString(const wstring& strSrc, const wstring& strKey /* = L"" */)
	string strS = Unicode2ACSII(strSrc);
	string strK = Unicode2ACSII(strKey);

	string strValue = CRyptLib::Encode(strS, strK);

	wstring strResult = ASCII2Unicode(strValue);

	return strResult;





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