Michael J. Quinn, 《Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP》程序代码

本文中是Michael J. Quinn在书《Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP》(中文《MPI与OpenMP并行程序设计:C语言版》,陈文光、武永卫等译)中所使用的MyMPI.h和MyMPI.c文件. 有小部分细节上的调整,并经过测试可用.


/* MyMPI.h
 * Header file for a library of matrix/vector
 * input/output/redistribution functions.
 * Programed by Michael J. Quinn
 * Last modification: 4 September 2002
 * "Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP"
 * Typed and modified by xiu_dim, 17 Nov. 2015

/******************** MACROS *********************/
#define DATA_MSG        0
#define PROMPT_MSG      1
#define RESPONSE_MSG    2

#define OPEN_FILE_ERROR -1
#define MALLOC_ERROR    -2
#define TYPE_ERROR      -3

#define PTR_SIZE        (sizeof(void *))
#define MIN(a,b)        ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define CEILING(i,j)    (((i)+(j)-1)/(j))

#define BLOCK_LOW(id,p,n)   ((id)*(n)/(p))
#define BLOCK_HIGH(id,p,n)  (BLOCK_LOW((id)+1,p,n)-1)
#define BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n)  \
#define BLOCK_OWNER(j,p,n)  (((p)*((j)+1)-1)/(n))

/************ MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ************/
int get_size(MPI_Datatype);
void* my_malloc(int, int);
void terminate(int, char*);

/********** DATA DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS **********/
void create_mixed_xfer_arrays(int, int, int, 
        int**, int**);
void create_uniform_xfer_arrays(int, int, int, 
        int**, int**);
void replicate_block_vector(void*, int, void*, 
        MPI_Datatype, MPI_Comm);

/**************** INPUT FUNCTIONS ****************/
void read_row_striped_matrix(char*, void***, void**, 
        MPI_Datatype, int*, int*, MPI_Comm);
void read_col_striped_matrix(char*, void***, void**, 
        MPI_Datatype, int*, int*, MPI_Comm);
void read_checkerboard_matrix(char*, void***, void**, 
        MPI_Datatype, int*, int*, MPI_Comm);
void read_block_vector(char*, void**, MPI_Datatype, 
        int*, MPI_Comm);
void read_replicated_vector(char*, void**, MPI_Datatype, 
        int*, MPI_Comm);

/**************** OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ***************/
void print_submatrix(void**, MPI_Datatype, int, int);
void print_subvector(void*, MPI_Datatype, int);
void print_row_striped_matrix(void**, MPI_Datatype, 
        int, int, MPI_Comm);
void print_col_striped_matrix(void**, MPI_Datatype, 
        int, int, MPI_Comm);
void print_checkerboard_matrix(void**, MPI_Datatype,    
        int, int, MPI_Comm);
void print_block_vector(void*, MPI_Datatype, int, MPI_Comm);
void print_replicated_vector(void*, MPI_Datatype, int, MPI_Comm);


/* MyMPI.c -- A library of matrix/vector
 * input/output/redistribution functions.
 * Programed by Michael J. Quinn
 * Last modification: 4 September 2002
 * "Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP"
 * Typed and modified by xiu_dim, 17 Nov. 2015
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "MyMPI.h"

/************ MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ************/
 * Given MPI_DataType 't', function 'get_size' returns the
 * size of a single datum that data type.
int get_size(MPI_Datatype t)
    if (t == MPI_BYTE) return sizeof(char);
    if (t == MPI_DOUBLE) return sizeof(double);
    if (t == MPI_FLOAT) return sizeof(float);
    if (t == MPI_INT) return sizeof(int);
    printf("Error: Unrecognized argument to 'get_size'\n");

 * Function 'my_malloc' is called when a process wants
 * to allocate some space from the heap. If the memory
 * allocation fails, the process prints an error message
 * and then aborts execution of the program.
void *my_malloc(
    int id,    /* IN - Process rank */
    int bytes) /* IN - Bytes to allocate */
    void *buffer;
    if ((buffer = malloc((size_t)bytes)) == NULL) {
        printf("Error:Malloc failed for process %d\n", id);
    return buffer;

 * Function 'terminate' is called when the program should
 * not continue execution, due to an error conditon that
 * all of the processes are aware of. Process 0 prints the
 * error message passed as an argument to the function.
 * All processes must invoke this function together!
void terminate(
    int id,              /* IN - Process rank */
    char *error_message) /* IN - Message to print */
    if (!id) {
        printf("Error: %s\n", error_message);

/********** DATA DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS **********/
 * This function creates the count and displacement arrays
 * needed by scatter and gather functions, when the number
 * of elements send/received to/from other processes varies.
void create_mixed_xfer_arrays(
    int id,      /* IN - Process rank */
    int p,       /* IN - Number of processes */
    int n,       /* IN - Total number of elements */
    int **count, /* OUT - Array of counts */
    int **disp)  /* OUT - Array of displacements */
    int i;
    *count = my_malloc(id, p*sizeof(int));
    *disp = my_malloc(id, p*sizeof(int));
    (*count)[0] = BLOCK_SIZE(0,p,n);
    (*disp)[0] = 0;
    for (i=1; i<p; ++i) {
        (*disp)[i] = (*disp)[i-1] + (*count)[i-1];
        (*count)[i] = BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,n);

 * This function creates the count and displacement arrays
 * needed in an all-to-all exchange, when a process gets 
 * the same number of elements from every other process.
void create_uniform_xfer_arrays(
    int id,      /* IN - Process rank */
    int p,       /* IN - Number of processes */
    int n,       /* IN - Total number of elements */
    int **count, /* OUT - Array of counts */
    int **disp)  /* OUT - Array of displacements */
    int i;
    *count = my_malloc(id, p*sizeof(int));
    *disp = my_malloc(id, p*sizeof(int));
    (*count)[0] = BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n);
    (*disp)[0] = 0;
    for (i=1; i<p; ++i) {
        (*disp)[i] = (*disp)[i-1] + (*count)[i-1];
        (*count)[i] = BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n);

 * This function is used to transform a vector from a 
 * block distribution to a replicated distribution within  
 * a communicator.
void replicate_block_vector(
    void *ablock,       /* IN - Block-distributed vector */
    int n,              /* IN - Number of elements in vector */
    void *arep,         /* OUT - Replicated vector */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Vector element type */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;     /* Number of processes */
    int id;    /* Process rank */
    int *cnt;  /* Number of elements contributed by each process */
    int *disp; /* Displacement in concatenated array */
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    create_mixed_xfer_arrays(id, p, n, &cnt, &disp);
    MPI_Allgatherv(ablock, cnt[id], dtype, arep, 
            cnt, disp, dtype, comm);

/**************** INPUT FUNCTIONS ****************/
 * In the matrix file, the first two elemnts are 
 * integers whose values are the dimensions of the 
 * matrix ('m' rows and 'n' columns). What follows 
 * are 'm'*'n' values representing the matrix elements 
 * stored in row-major order.

 * Process p-1 opens a file and inputs a two-dimensional
 * matrix, reading and distributing blocks of rows to the
 * other MPI processes.
void read_row_striped_matrix(
    char *s,            /* IN - File name */
    void ***subs,       /* OUT - Submatrix row indices */
    void **storage,     /* OUT - Submatrix stored here */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */
    int *m,             /* OUT - Number of rows in matrix */
    int *n,             /* OUT - Number of cols in matrix */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;             /* Number of processes */
    int id;            /* Process rank */
    int datum_size;    /* Size of matrix element */
    int local_rows;    /* Number of rows in this process */
    FILE *infileptr;   /* Input file poiter */
    void **lptr;       /* Pointer into 'subs' */
    void *rptr;        /* Pointer into 'storage' */
    MPI_Status status; /* Result of receive */
    int x;             /* Result of read */
    int i;
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    /* Process p-1 opens the file 's' */
    if (id == p-1) {
        infileptr = fopen(s, "r");
        if (infileptr == NULL) *m = 0;
        else {
            x = fread(m, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
            x = fread(n, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
    /* Process p-1 broadcasts 'm' in communicator 'comm' */
    MPI_Bcast(m, 1, MPI_INT, p-1, comm);
    if (!(*m)) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, OPEN_FILE_ERROR);
    /* Process p-1 broadcasts 'n' in communicator 'comm' */
    MPI_Bcast(n, 1, MPI_INT, p-1, comm);
    /* Number of rows in this process */
    local_rows = BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,*m);
    /* Allocate array for submatrix in this process */
    *storage = (void *)my_malloc(id, 
    /* Allocate array for row indices in this pointers */
    *subs = (void **)my_malloc(id, local_rows*PTR_SIZE);
    /* Connet 'subs' with 'storage' */
    lptr = (void *)&(*subs[0]);
    rptr = (void *)*storage;
    for (i=0; i<local_rows; ++i) {
        *(lptr++) = (void *)rptr;
        rptr += (*n) * datum_size;
    if (id == (p-1)) {
        for (i=0; i<p-1; ++i) {
            /* Process p-1 reads datum from 'infileptr'
                and sends it together with tag 'DATA_MSG'
                to process i in communicator 'comm' */
            x = fread(*storage, datum_size, 
                    BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,*m)*(*n), infileptr);
            MPI_Send(*storage, BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,*m)*(*n), 
                    dtype, i, DATA_MSG, comm);
        /* Process p-1 reads datum from 'infileptr' */
        x = fread(*storage, datum_size, 
                    BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,*m)*(*n), infileptr);
    } else
        /* This process receives datum from process p-1 */
        MPI_Recv(*storage, local_rows*(*n), dtype, p-1, 
                    DATA_MSG, comm, &status);

 * Process p-1 opens a file and inputs a two-dimensional
 * matrix, reading and distributing blocks of columns to 
 * the other MPI processes.
void read_col_striped_matrix(
    char *s,            /* IN - File name */
    void ***subs,       /* OUT - 2-D array */
    void **storage,     /* OUT - Array elements */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */
    int *m,             /* OUT - Number of rows in matrix */
    int *n,             /* OUT - Number of cols in matrix */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;             /* Number of processes */
    int id;            /* Process rank */
    int datum_size;    /* Size of matrix element */
    int local_cols;    /* Number of cols in this process */
    FILE *infileptr;   /* Input file poiter */
    void *buffer;      /* File buffer */
    void **lptr;       /* Pointer into 'subs' */
    void *rptr;        /* Pointer into 'storage' */
    int *send_count;   /* Each process's count */
    int *send_disp;    /* Each process's displacement */
    int i,j;
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    /* Process p-1 opens the file 's' */
    if (id == (p-1)) {
        infileptr = fopen(s, "r");
        if (infileptr == NULL) *m = 0;
        else {
            fread(m, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
            fread(n, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
    /* Process p-1 broadcasts 'm' in communicator 'comm' */
    MPI_Bcast(m, 1, MPI_INT, p-1, comm);
    if (!(*m)) MPI_Abort(comm, OPEN_FILE_ERROR);
    /* Process p-1 broadcasts 'n' in communicator 'comm' */
    MPI_Bcast(n, 1, MPI_INT, p-1, comm);
    /* Number of cols in this process */
    local_cols = BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,*n);
    /* Dynamically allocate two-dimensional matrix 'subs' */
    /* Allocate array for submatrix in this process */
    *storage = my_malloc(id, (*m)*local_cols*datum_size);
    /* Allocate array for row indices in this pointers */
    *subs = (void **)my_malloc(id, (*m)*PTR_SIZE);
    lptr = (void *)*subs;
    rptr = (void *)*storage;
    for (i=0; i<(*m); ++i) {
        *(lptr++) = (void *)rptr;
        rptr += local_cols * datum_size;
    if (id == (p-1))
        buffer = my_malloc(id, (*n)*datum_size);
    create_mixed_xfer_arrays(id, p, *n, &send_count, &send_disp);
    for (i=0; i<(*m); ++i) {
        if (id == (p-1))
            fread(buffer, datum_size, *n, infileptr);
        MPI_Scatterv(buffer, send_count, send_disp, dtype, 
            local_cols, dtype, p-1, comm);
    if (id == (p-1)) free(buffer);

 * This function allocate blocks of the matrix to
 * the MPI processes.
 * The number of processes MUST be a square number.
void read_checkerboard_matrix(
    char *s,            /* IN - File name */
    void ***subs,       /* OUT - 2-D array */
    void **storage,     /* OUT - Array elements */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */
    int *m,             /* OUT - Number of rows in matrix */
    int *n,             /* OUT - Number of cols in matrix */
    MPI_Comm grid_comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;              /* Number of processes */
    int grid_id;        /* Process rank in grid */
    int datum_size;     /* Size of matrix element */
    int coords[2];      /* Coords of process receiving next row of matrix */
    int grid_coords[2]; /* Coords of this process */
    int grid_period[2]; /* Wraparound */
    int grid_size[2];   /* Dimemsions of process grid */
    int local_rows;     /* Number of matrix rows in this process */
    int local_cols;     /* Number of matrix cols in this process */
    FILE *infileptr;    /* Input file poiter */
    void *buffer;       /* File buffer */
    void **lptr;        /* Pointer into 'subs' */
    void *rptr;         /* Pointer into 'storage' */
    void *laddr;        /* Used when process 0 gets row */
    void *raddr;        /* Address of first element to send */
    int dest_id;        /* Rank of receiving process */
    MPI_Status status;  /* Result of receive */
    int i,j,k;
    MPI_Comm_size(grid_comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(grid_comm, &grid_id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    /* Process 0 opens file, get numbers of rows and cols, 
       and broadcasts this information to the other processes */
    if (grid_id == 0) {
        infileptr = fopen(s, "r");
        if (infileptr == NULL) *m = 0;
        else {
            fread(m, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
            fread(n, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
    MPI_Bcast(m, 1, MPI_INT, 0, grid_comm);
    if (!(*m)) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, OPEN_FILE_ERROR);
    MPI_Bcast(n, 1, MPI_INT, 0, grid_comm);
    /* Each process determines the size of the submatrix
       it is responsible for. */
    MPI_Cart_get(grid_comm, 2, grid_size, 
        grid_period, grid_coords);
    local_rows = BLOCK_SIZE(grid_coords[0],grid_size[0],*m);
    local_cols = BLOCK_SIZE(grid_coords[1],grid_size[1],*n);
    /* Dynamicaly allocate two-dimensional matrix 'subs' */
    *storage = my_malloc(grid_id, 
    *subs = (void **)my_malloc(grid_id, local_rows*PTR_SIZE);
    lptr = (void *)*subs;
    rptr = (void *)*storage;
    for (i=0; i<local_rows; ++i) {
        *(lptr++) = (void *)rptr;
        rptr += local_cols * datum_size;
    /* Grid process 0 reads in the matrix one row at a time 
       and distributes each row among the MPI processes */
    if (grid_id == 0)
        buffer = my_malloc(grid_id, (*n)*datum_size);
    /* For each row of processes in the process grid */
    for (i=0; i<grid_size[0]; ++i) {
        coords[0] = i;
        /* For each matrix row controlled by this process row */
        for (j=0; j<BLOCK_SIZE(i,grid_size[0],*m); ++j) {
            /* Read in a row of the matrix */
            if (grid_id == 0) {
                fread(buffer, datum_size, *n, infileptr);
            /* Distribute it among processes in the grid row */
            for (k=0; k<grid_size[1]; ++k) {
                coords[1] = k;
                /* Find address of first element to send */
                raddr = buffer + 
                    BLOCK_LOW(k,grid_size[1],*n) * datum_size;
                /* Determine the grid ID of the process
                   getting the subrow */
                MPI_Cart_rank(grid_comm, coords, &dest_id);
                if (grid_id == 0) {
                /* Process 0 is responsible for sending */
                    if (dest_id == 0) {
                    /* It is sending(copying) to itself */
                        laddr = (*subs)[j];
                        memcpy(laddr, raddr, 
                    } else {
                    /* It is sending to another process */
                            dtype, dest_id, 0, grid_comm);
                } else if (grid_id == dest_id) {
                /* Process 'dest_id' is responsible for receiving */
                    MPI_Recv((*subs)[j], local_cols, dtype, 
                        0, 0, grid_comm, &status);
    if (grid_id == 0) free(buffer);

 * Process p-1 opens a file containing a vector, reads 
 * its contents, and distributes the elements by block
 * among the processes in a communicator.
void read_block_vector(
    char *s,            /* IN - File name */
    void **v,           /* OUT - Subvector */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Vector element type */
    int *n,             /* OUT - Vector length */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;             /* Number of processes */
    int id;            /* Process rank */
    int datum_size;    /* Size of vector element */
    int local_els;     /* Number of elements in this process */
    FILE *infileptr;   /* Input file poiter */
    MPI_Status status; /* Result of receive */
    int x;             /* Result of read */
    int i;
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    /* Process p-1 opens file, determines number of vector
       elements, and broadcasts this value to the other 
       processes */
    if (id == (p-1)) {
        infileptr = fopen(s, "r");
        if (infileptr == NULL) *n = 0;
        else fread(n, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
    MPI_Bcast(n, 1, MPI_INT, p-1, comm);
    if (!(*n)) {
        if (!id) {
            printf("Input file '%s' cannot be opened\n", s);
    /* Block mapping of vetor elements to processes */
    local_els = BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,*n);
     *v = my_malloc(id, local_els*datum_size);
     if (id == (p-1)) {
         for (i=0; i<p-1; ++i) {
             x = fread(*v, datum_size, BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,*n), 
             MPI_Send(*v, BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,*n), dtype, i, 
                    DATA_MSG, comm);
         x = fread(*v, datum_size, BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,*n), 
     } else {
         MPI_Recv(*v, BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,*n), dtype, p-1, 
                DATA_MSG, comm, &status); 

 * Process p-1 opens a file containing a vector, reads its 
 * contents, and replicates the vector among all processes
 * in a communicator.
void read_replicated_vector(
    char *s,            /* IN - File name */
    void **v,           /* OUT - Subvector */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Vector element type */
    int *n,             /* OUT - Vector length */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;             /* Number of processes */
    int id;            /* Process rank */
    int datum_size;    /* Size of vector element */
    FILE *infileptr;   /* Input file poiter */
    int i;
    /* Process p-1 opens file, determines number of vector
       elements, and broadcasts this value to the other 
       processes */
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    if (id == (p-1)) {
        infileptr = fopen(s, "r");
        if (infileptr == NULL) *n = 0;
        else fread(n, sizeof(int), 1, infileptr);
    MPI_Bcast(n, 1, MPI_INT, p-1, comm);
    if (!(*n)) terminate(id, "Cannot open vector file!");
    *v = my_malloc(id, (*n)*datum_size);
    if (id == (p-1)) {
        fread(*v, datum_size, *n, infileptr);
    MPI_Bcast(*v, *n, dtype, p-1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

/**************** OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ***************/
 * Print elements of a doubly subscripted array.
void print_submatrix(
    void **a,           /* IN - Doubly subscripted array */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Type of element */
    int rows,           /* IN - Number of rows */
    int cols)           /* IN - Number of columns */
    int i,j;
    for (i=0; i<rows; ++i) {
        for (j=0; j<cols; ++j) {
            if (dtype == MPI_DOUBLE)
                printf("%6.3f",((double **)a)[i][j]);
            else {
                if (dtype == MPI_FLOAT)
                    printf("%6.3f",((float **)a)[i][j]);
                    printf("%6d",((int **)a)[i][j]);

 * Print elements of a singly subscripted array.
void print_subvector(
    void *a,            /* IN - Singly subscripted array */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Type of elements */
    int n)              /* IN - Size of array */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        if (dtype == MPI_DOUBLE)
            printf("%6.3f ",((double *)a)[i]);
        else {
            if (dtype == MPI_FLOAT)
                printf("%6.3f ",((float *)a)[i]);
            else if (dtype == MPI_INT)
                printf("%6d ",((int *)a)[i]);

 * Process 0 prints a matrix that is distributed in row-
 * striped fashion among the processes in a communicator.
void print_row_striped_matrix(
    void **a,           /* IN - 2D array */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */
    int m,              /* IN - Number of matrix rows */
    int n,              /* IN - Number of matrix columns */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;              /* Number of processes */
    int id;             /* Process rank */
    int datum_size;     /* Size of matrix element */
    int local_rows;     /* Rows in this process */
    int max_block_size; /* Most matrix rows held by any process */
    void *bstorage;     /* Elements received from another process */
    void **b;           /* 2D array indexing into 'bstorage' */
    MPI_Status status;  /* Result of receive */
    int prompt;         /* Dummy variable */
    int i;
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);    
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    local_rows = BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n);
    if (!id) {
        print_submatrix(a, dtype, local_rows, n);
        if (p >1) {
            max_block_size = BLOCK_SIZE(p-1,p,m);
            bstorage = (void *)my_malloc(id, 
            b = (void **)my_malloc(id, 
            b[0] = bstorage;
            for (i=1; i<max_block_size; ++i) {
                b[i] = b[i-1] + n * datum_size;
            for (i=1; i<p; ++i) {
                /* Send a prompt message to process i 
                    in the default communicator */
                MPI_Send(&prompt, 1, MPI_INT, i, 
                            PROMPT_MSG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                /* Receive datum with tag 'RESPONSE_MSG' from  
                    process i in the default communicator */
                MPI_Recv(bstorage, BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,m)*n, dtype,
                    i, RESPONSE_MSG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
                print_submatrix(b, dtype, BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,m), n);
    } else {
        /* Receive a prompt message from process 0 
            in the default communicator */
        MPI_Recv(&prompt, 1, MPI_INT, 0, PROMPT_MSG, 
        /* Send datum with tag 'RESPONSE_MSG' to process 0
            in the default communicator */
        MPI_Send(*a, local_rows*n, dtype, 0, RESPONSE_MSG, 

 * Process 0 prints a matrix that has a 
 * columnwise-block-striped data decompsition 
 * among the processes in a communicator.
void print_col_striped_matrix(
    void **a,           /* IN - 2D array */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */
    int m,              /* IN - Number of matrix rows */
    int n,              /* IN - Number of matrix columns */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;              /* Number of processes */
    int id;             /* Process rank */
    int datum_size;     /* Size of matrix element */
    void *buffer;       /* Buffer to hold one row */
    int *rec_count;     /* Number of elements received per process */
    int *rec_disp;      /* Offset of each process's block */
    MPI_Status status;  /* Result of receive */
    int i,j;
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    create_mixed_xfer_arrays(id, p, n, &rec_count, &rec_disp);
    if (!id) buffer = my_malloc(id, n*datum_size);
    for (i=0; i<m; ++i) {
        MPI_Gatherv(a[i], BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n), dtype, buffer,
            rec_count, rec_disp, dtype, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if (!id) {
            print_subvector(buffer, dtype, n);
    if (!id) {

 * This function prints a matrix distributed checkerboard
 * fashion among the processes in a communicator.
void print_checkerboard_matrix(
    void **a,           /* IN - 2D array */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */
    int m,              /* IN - Number of matrix rows */
    int n,              /* IN - Number of matrix columns */
    MPI_Comm grid_comm) /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;              /* Number of processes */
    int grid_id;        /* Process rank in grid */
    int datum_size;     /* Size of matrix element */
    int coords[2];      /* Grid coords of process sending elements */
    int grid_coords[2]; /* Coords of this process */
    int grid_period[2]; /* Wraparound */
    int grid_size[2];   /* Dimemsions of process grid */
    int local_cols;     /* Number of matrix cols in this process */
    int els;            /* Element received */
    int src;            /* ID of process with subrow */
    void *buffer;       /* Buffer to hold one matrix row */
    void *laddr;        /* Address to put subrow */
    MPI_Status status;  /* Result of receive */
    int i,j,k;
    MPI_Comm_size(grid_comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(grid_comm, &grid_id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    MPI_Cart_get(grid_comm, 2, grid_size, 
        grid_period, grid_coords);
    local_cols = BLOCK_SIZE(grid_coords[1],grid_size[1],n);
    if (!grid_id) 
        buffer = my_malloc(grid_id, n*datum_size);
    /* For each row of the process grid */
    for (i=0; i<grid_size[0]; ++i) {
        coords[0] = i;
        /* For each matrix row controlled by the process row*/
        for (j=0; j<BLOCK_SIZE(i,grid_size[0],m); ++j) {
            /* Collect the matrix row on grid process 0 and 
               print it */
            if (!grid_id) {
                for (k=0; k<grid_size[1]; ++k) {
                    coords[1] = k;
                    MPI_Cart_rank(grid_comm, coords, &src);
                    els = BLOCK_SIZE(k,grid_size[1],n);
                    laddr = buffer + 
                        BLOCK_LOW(k,grid_size[1],n) * datum_size;
                    if (src == 0) {
                        memcpy(laddr, a[j], els*datum_size);
                    } else {
                        MPI_Recv(laddr, els, dtype, src, 0, 
                            grid_comm, &status);
                print_subvector(buffer, dtype, n);
            } else if (grid_coords[0] == i) {
                MPI_Send(a[j], local_cols, dtype, 0, 0, grid_comm);
    if (!grid_id) {

 * Process 0 prints a vector that is block distributed  
 * among the processes in a communicator.
void print_block_vector(
    void *v,            /* IN - Address of vector */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Vector element type */
    int n,              /* IN - Vector length */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int p;              /* Number of processes */
    int id;             /* Process rank */
    int datum_size;     /* Size of vector element */
    void *tmp;          /* Other process's subvector */
    MPI_Status status;  /* Result of receive */
    int prompt;         /* Dummy variable */
    int i;
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    datum_size = get_size(dtype);
    if (!id) {
        print_subvector(v, dtype, BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n));
        if (p>1) {
            tmp = my_malloc(id, 
            for (i=1; i<p; ++i) {
                MPI_Send(&prompt, 1, MPI_INT, i, 
                    PROMPT_MSG, comm);
                MPI_Recv(tmp, BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,n), dtype, i, 
                    RESPONSE_MSG, comm, &status);
                print_subvector(tmp, dtype, 
    } else {
        MPI_Recv(&prompt, 1, MPI_INT, 0, PROMPT_MSG, 
            comm, &status);
        MPI_Send(v, BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n), dtype, 0, 
            RESPONSE_MSG, comm);

 * Process 0 prints a vector that is replicated among 
 * the processes in a communicator.
void print_replicated_vector(
    void *v,            /* IN - Address of vector */
    MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Vector element type */
    int n,              /* IN - Vector length */
    MPI_Comm comm)      /* IN - Communicator */
    int id; /* Process rank */
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
    if (!id) {
        print_subvector(v, dtype, n);
The OpenMP standard allows programmers to take advantage of new shared-memory multiprocessor systems from vendors like Compaq, Sun, HP, and SGI. Aimed at the working researcher or scientific C/C++ or Fortran programmer, Parallel Programming in OpenMP both explains what this standard is and how to use it to create software that takes full advantage of parallel computing. At its heart, OpenMP is remarkably simple. By adding a handful of compiler directives (or pragmas) in Fortran or C/C++, plus a few optional library calls, programmers can "parallelize" existing software without completely rewriting it. This book starts with simple examples of how to parallelize "loops"--iterative code that in scientific software might work with very large arrays. Sample code relies primarily on Fortran (undoubtedly the language of choice for high-end numerical software) with descriptions of the equivalent calls and strategies in C/C++. Each sample is thoroughly explained, and though the style in this book is occasionally dense, it does manage to give plenty of practical advice on how to make code run in parallel efficiently. The techniques explored include how to tweak the default parallelized directives for specific situations, how to use parallel regions (beyond simple loops), and the dos and don'ts of effective synchronization (with critical sections and barriers). The book finishes up with some excellent advice for how to cooperate with the cache mechanisms of today's OpenMP-compliant systems.
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