1:创建表空间和 临时表空间
create temporary tablespace db_tmp
tempfile 'd:\oracle\db_tmp.dbf'
size 50m
autoextend on
next 50m maxsize unlimited;
create tablespace db_ts
datafile 'd:\oracle\db_ts.dbf'
size 50m
autoextend on
next 50m maxsize unlimited;
create user db_user
identified by db_password
default tablespace db_ts
temporary tablespace db_tmp;
grant connect to db_user;
grant resource to db_user;
grant debug connect session to db_user;
grant IMP_FULL_DATABASE to db_user;
grant EXP_FULL_DATABASE to db_user;
grant unlimited tablespace to db_user
--3:用创建的用户登录 并进行 建表操作即可