Pareto-Efficient Hybridization for Multi-Objective Recommender Systems



Performing accurate suggestions is an objective of paramount importance for effective recommender systems. Other important and increasingly evident objectives are novelty and diversity, which are achieved by recommender systems that are able to suggest diversified items not easily discovered by the users. Different recommendation algorithms have particular strengths and weaknesses when it comes to each of these objectives, motivating the construction of hybrid approaches. However, most of these approaches only focus on optimizing accuracy, with no regard for novelty and diversity. The problem of combining recommendation algorithms grows significantly harder when multiple objectives are considered simultaneously. For instance, devising multi-objective recommender systems that suggest items that are simultaneously accurate, novel and diversified may lead to a conflicting-objective problem, where the attempt to improve an objective further may result in worsening other competing objectives. In this paper we propose a hybrid recommendation approach that combines existing algorithms which differ in their level of accuracy, novelty and diversity. We employ an evolutionary search for hybrids following the Strength Pareto approach, which isolates hybrids that are not dominated by others (i.e., the so called Pareto frontier). Experimental results on two recommendation scenarios show that: (i) we can combine recommendation algorithms in order to improve an objective without significantly hurting other objectives, and (ii) we allow for adjusting the compromise between accuracy, diversity and novelty, so that the recommendation emphasis can be adjusted dynamically according to the needs of different users.



Recommender systems are increasingly emerging as enabling mechanisms devoted to overcoming problems that are inherent to information overload, providing intelligent information access and delivery, and thus potentially improving browsing and consumption experience. Historically, the typical goal of a recommender system is to maximize accuracy as much as possible in predicting and matching user information needs, often by considering individual delivered items in isolation [12]. More recently, however, it has become a consensus that the success of a recommender system depends on other dimensions of information utility, notably the diversity and novelty of the suggestions performed by the system [9, 19, 25, 33]. More specifically, even being accurate, obvious and monotonous recommendations are generally of little use, since they do not expose users to unprecedent experiences.


Increasing novelty and diversity by completely giving up on accuracy is straight forward and meaningless, since the system will not meet the users needs anymore. In fact, there is an apparent trade-off between these dimensions, which becomes evident by inspecting the performance of existing top-N recommendation algorithms. An easy conclusion is that different algorithms may perform distinctly depending on the dimension of interest (i.e., the best performer in terms of accuracy is not the best one in terms of novelty and diversity), and thus it is hard to point to a best performer if all the dimensions are considered simultaneously. A conclusion which is harder to reach is whether these algorithms are indeed complementary, so that the strengths of an algorithm may compensate the weaknesses of others. The potential synergy between different recommendation algorithms is of great importance to multi-objective recommender systems, since they must achieve a proper level of each dimension (i.e., objective).


In this paper we hypothesize that it is possible to properly aggregate different recommendation algorithms, so that the resulting hybrids balances the level of accuracy, diversity and novelty in its suggestions. In this case, each potential hybrid is given as a weighted combination of well-established recommendation algorithms (e.g., simple algorithms as well as representative of the state-of-the-art). Our proposed hybridization approach consists in finding appropriate weights for the constituent algorithms. By considering each dimension (i.e., accuracy, novelty and diversity) as a separate objective, we reduce the hybridization task to a multi-objective optimization problem, in which we search for the optimal combination of weights that maximizes accuracy, diversity and novelty.


Since the considered objectives are potentially conflicting, we employ an evolutionary search for optimal hybrids. Evolutionary algorithms denote a class of optimization methods that are characterized by a set of candidate solutions (aka individuals) called a population, which is maintained during the entire optimization process. The population of individuals evolves towards better (and potentially optimal) solutions by employing genetic operators, such as reproduction, mutation and crossover. In our context, each individual represents a possible combination of weights (i.e., a possible hybrid). Optimal hybrids lie in the so-called Pareto frontier [37], and are optimal in the sense that no hybrid in the frontier can be improved upon without hurting at least one of its objectives. Therefore, the evolutionary algorithm evolves the population towards producing hybrids that are located closer to the Pareto frontier, and then a linear search returns the most dominant hybrid [37], which is likely to balance accuracy, novelty and diversity. Alternatively, hybrids in the Pareto frontier can be selected according to a certain need, allowing the recommender system to adjust the compromise between accuracy, novelty and diversity, so that the recommendation emphasis can be adapted dynamically according to the needs of each user (i.e., new users may benefit more from more accurate suggestions, whereas older users may require more novel and diversified suggestions).


We conducted a systematic evaluation involving different recommendation scenarios, with explicit user feedback (i.e., movies from the MovieLens dataset), as well as implicit user feedback (i.e., artists from the LastFM dataset). The experiments showed that it is possible to (i) combine different algorithms in order to produce better recommendations and (ii) control the desired balance between accuracy, novelty and diversity. In order to evaluate the baseline algorithms and our hybrids, we used the methodology for top-N evaluation proposed in [12] and measured novelty and diversity using the framework proposed in [33].




In this section we review the main concepts about evolutionary algorithms and multi-objective optimization. Finally, we discuss related work on hybrid and multi-objective recommender systems.


2.1 Evolutionary Algorithms 进化算法

Evolutionary algorithms are meta-heuristic optimization techniques that follow processes such as inheritance and evolution as key components in the design and implementation of computer-based problem solving systems [15, 20]. In evolutionary algorithms, a solution to a problem is represented as an individual in a population pool. The individuals may be represented as different data structures, such as vectors, threes, or stacks [26]. If the individual is represented as a vector, for example, each position in the vector is called a gene.
Typically, evolutionary algorithms employ a training and a validation set, as described in Algorithm 1. Initially, the population starts with individuals created randomly (line 6). The evolutionary process is composed of a sequence of solution generations. The process evolves generation by generation through genetic operations (lines 7-12). The goal of this process is to obtain better solutions after some generations. A fitness function is used to assign a fitness value to each individual (line 9), which represents its performance on the training set or in a cross validation set. To produce a new generation, genetic operators are applied to individuals with the aim of creating more diverse and better individuals (line 12). Typical operators include reproduction, mutation, and crossover.



2.2 Multi-Objective Optimization 多目标优化

Since we are interested in maximizing three different objectives for the sake of recommender systems (i.e. accuracy, novelty, and diversity), we use a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. In multi-objective optimization problems there is a set of solutions that are superior to the remainder when all the objectives are considered together. In general, traditional approaches to multi-objective optimization problems are very limited because they become too expensive as the size of the problem grows [8]. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are a suitable option to overcome such an issue. Typically, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are classified as Pareto or non-Pareto [37]. In the non-Pareto optimization case, the objectives are combined into a single evaluation value that is used as fitness value (i.e., average of the objectives). In Pareto algorithms, on the other hand, a vector of objective values is used (i.e., the individual is given as an objective vector). The evaluation of Pareto approaches follows the Pareto dominance concept. An individual dominates another if it performs better in at least one of the objectives c

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